How To Use phanerogam In A Sentence
- [Footnote] * The absence of palms and tree-ferns on the temperate slopes of the Himalaya is shown in Don's 'Flora Nepalensis', 1825, and in the remarkable series of lithographs of Wallich's 'Flora Indica', whose catalogue contains the enormous number of 7683 Himalaya species, almost all phanerogamic plants, which have as yet been but imperfectly classified. COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
- The coal measures contain not only fern-like cryptogamic plants and phanerogamic monocotyledons (grasses, yucc-like Liliaceae and palms), but also gymnospermic dicotyledons (Coniferae and Cycadeae), amounting in all to nearly 400 species, as characteristic of the coal formations. COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
- Umbilicariae cast their colored but scanty covering over the rocks, exposed by the melted snow, beautiful phanerogamic plants, as the Culcitium rufescens, Sida pinchinchensis, and Saxifraga Boussingaulti, are still found to flourish in the tropical region of the chain of the Andes, at an elevation of more than 15,000 feet. COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
- In the Miocene period especially, the similarity of the types of phanerogamic plants with their present offspring, becomes so striking that in a large number of cases specific distinctions rest in greater part on theoretical conceptions rather than on real facts. Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
- It is known that, among the four spontaneous phanerogams colonising the sandy and muddy loose sea-bottoms of the Mediterranean Sea, i.e. Posidonia oceanica, Cymodocea nodosa, Zostera noltii and Zostera marina, mainly the Posidonia and the Cymodocea are the most frequent ones.
- Investigations carried out on more than 200 different plants, both phanerogamia and cryptogamia, showed that the chlorophyll was the same in all the kinds so far examined. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1915 - Presentation
- They have been long known in the organs called the antheridia of mosses, Hepaticcae, and Characeae, and have more recently been discovered in peculiar cells on the germinal frond of ferns, and on the very young leaves of the buds of Phanerogamia. COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
- Plants with flowers and leaves (phanerogams and Latifoliae) appeared no earlier than the Cretaceous - in other words about 100 million years ago, long after the first protophasmids.
- The still wider evolution, not of solitary individuals, but of all the individuals within each province -- in the vegetal world from the unicellular cryptogam to the highest phanerogam, in the animal world from the amorphous amœba to Man -- is at least suspected, the gradual rise of types being at all events a fact. Natural Law in the Spiritual World
- (Hydroporus thermalis), Gallionellae, Oscillatoria and Confervae, while their waters bathe the root-fibers of phanerogamic plants. COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1