
[ UK /fˈælɐɹˌə‍ʊp/ ]
  1. small sandpiper-like shorebird having lobate toes and being good swimmers; breed in the Arctic and winter in the tropics
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How To Use phalarope In A Sentence

  • Shorebirds, for those of you who want to know but are afraid to ask, comprise many families of birds, including oystercatchers, stilts, avocets, plovers, turnstones, sandpipers and phalaropes.
  • Sandy Neck, Barnstable, and First Encounter Beach, Eastham, are Cape places to observe shearwaters, jaegers, phalaropes, ducks, gannets and for a few lucky sentinels, an occasional northern fulmar.
  • In the mud flats of the Bay of Fundy, you'll see large roosts of shorebirds - plovers, yellowlegs, godwits, curlews, and phalaropes - at high tide.
  • Representative species include snow, Brant and Canada goose; yellow-billed, Arctic, and red-throated loons; whistling swans; oldsquaw ducks; gyrfalcons; willow and rock ptarmigan; red-necked phalarope; parasitic jaeger; snowy owls; hoary redpoll and snow bunting. Tundra ecoregion (CEC)
  • Representative species include snow, Brant and Canada goose; yellow-billed, Arctic, and red-throated loons; whistling swans; oldsquaw ducks; gyrfalcons; willow and rock ptarmigan; red-necked phalarope; parasitic jaeger; snowy owls; hoary redpoll and snow bunting. Tundra ecoregion (CEC)
  • The eight endangered species of birds are common scoter, hen harrier, grey partridge, corncrake, red-necked phalarope, nightjar, roseate tern and corn bunting.
  • In the mud flats of the Bay of Fundy, you'll see large roosts of shorebirds - plovers, yellowlegs, godwits, curlews, and phalaropes - at high tide.
  • Here breeding grounds are shared with broad-billed sandpipers and sometimes red-necked phalaropes.
  • The best known of sex-role-reversed shorebirds are the spotted sandpiper, phalaropes (genus Phalaropus), and jacanas (family Jacanidae).
  • An estimated 1.5 million eared grebes, 50,000 Wilson's phalaropes, 50,000 California gulls, and 200 snowy plovers visit Mono Lake each spring and summer.
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