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How To Use Phalanx In A Sentence

  • As the phalanx of furious, excited inmates came sweeping into the servery, Jerrold recognised his danger. THE SCAR
  • Pushing forth, he jabbed the head of the weapon into the greaves of the incoming phalanx.
  • In a war, each soldier generally fought for himself and the phalanx was rarely presented.
  • Occasionally the fifth digit has only one crease because of a small middle phalanx.
  • There you have a whole phalanx of state-owned media, which are mainly ‘self-governing’ in the sense that they have their own boards and bosses, and it is only really State House which they have to worry about overruling them.
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  • The general snapped his fingers twice, and the soldiers formed up into a dense phalanx.
  • A whole phalanx of major entertainment industry players have put themselves on the line to get this telefilm made.
  • In 1844 the organization was converted into a Fourieristic phalanx, which had an unsuccessful existence of a few brief months. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • -- This muscle flexes the second phalanx on the first, the first on the metacarpus, and the entire foot on the forearm. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • So the other day I left to go to my garage at 9am and there was a whole phalanx of photographers camped out. Times, Sunday Times
  • He nods towards a phalanx of priests nursing beer tankards, swaying dreamily to the white noise of the band crackling through the speakers.
  • As she reached the bottom of the steps, surrounded by a phalanx of photographers, tears spilt from her eyes and she almost stumbled. Times, Sunday Times
  • Labour's manifesto was launched not by the Prime Minister alone but by a carefully choreographed phalanx of six ministers, with the remainder of the Cabinet arrayed behind them as a silent chorus.
  • There seems to be a phalanx of resources for learning about query letters, from blogs to certain chapters in books on writing, all the way to whole books written on this topic alone. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » The Battle of the Query
  • Mr. Pratt and his family left Brook Farm when the association was reorganized as a Fourierite Phalanx, and was succeeded by John Codman, who, under the new order, was made Chief of the Agricultural Series, a post which he filled with signal ability during the remaining years of the community's existence. My Friends at Brook Farm
  • The placoid scales on a shark are a phalanx of precise dermal teeth. A World Ready for Its Close-Up
  • He made preparations for an expedition to the Pass of the Caspian mountains, forming a new legion out of his late levies in Italy, of men all six feet high, which he called the phalanx of Alexander the Great. The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to prose. Volume II (of X) - Rome
  • [581]; forming a new legion out of his late levies in Italy, of men all six feet high, which he called the phalanx of Alexander the Great. De vita Caesarum
  • WHEN GIDEON AND PARKER deplaned, they were greeted by a furnace blast of muggy air and a phalanx of heavily armed soldiers who had formed two parallel lines, creating a corridor between the plane and the gleaming modern air terminal. Gideon’s war
  • Two specimens, a distal two-thirds of a central metapodial and a complete proximal phalanx, are those of a large felid.
  • A solid phalanx of policemen blocked the road.
  • For purposes of analysis, stress injuries to bone were grouped into one of the following categories: femur, tibia, fibula, navicular bone, calcaneus, and forefoot (metatarsal bones and phalanx).
  • As April opens its world of promise and the sap rises in the tree, perhaps a phoebe, one of a returning phalanx, will stop to pause there.
  • A phalanx of armed officers made sure reporters did not venture into town.
  • It arises from the convex surface of the hamulus of the hamate bone, and the volar surface of the transverse carpal ligament, and is inserted into the ulnar side of the base of the first phalanx of the little finger. IV. Myology. 1F. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
  • Originally, it was scored for a phalanx of player pianos, buzzers, airplane propellers, xylophones, and a host of other percussion instruments.
  • Most intriguing, though, is that phalanx of stolid men in colourless suits forever behind and beside him.
  • Beyond them a phalanx of armored personnel carriers was lined up three abreast, their heavy guns pointed toward our bank.
  • 'Castles of sound' are continuously erected by an awesome phalanx of 200-odd percussionists relentlessly working on their drums.
  • The protesters ran into a solid phalanx of riot police.
  • It is then best to correct the deformity either by wrenching the toe into the dorsiflexed position, under anæsthesia, and fixing it with a plaster-of-Paris bandage; or, when this is impossible, by excising the articular end of the metatarsal bone and interposing a layer of fatty or bursal tissue between the distal end of the metatarsal and the base of the first phalanx. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Dozens of pro- and anti-Estrada protesters had to be held back from near the main entrance of the court, where a phalanx of policemen were on guard and steel barricades had been erected.
  • Here, librarians wander as wireless information warriors amid users at phalanxes of black computers.
  • Meanwhile, out on the business side of the "security" lines, phalanxes of outsiders contract politzei, ninja-turtle-like in their black riot armor and helmets are advancing in half-step shuffle mode, all in unison while beating their riot batons upon their shields in the rhythm of their dirge-like gait, putting Tiananman Square to shame by comparison. The Invasion of Pittsburgh
  • We passed through Chang-kia-wan again, in a solid phalanx with the Sikh sowars around us, thrusting by main force through streets choked with jingal-men and Tiger soldiers who sneered and spat but kept their distance from those razor-sharp lance-heads. Flashman and the Dragon
  • The dorsal terminal branches may encroach on the radial side of the hand, often reaching the radial side of the second metacarpal bone and even the dorsum of the first phalanx of the thumb.
  • If you prefer the modern, industrialised phalanx of grey and fuscous brown, then I refer you to Eamon McCann in the Belfast Telegraph.
  • The 180-metre long oilers, officially classified as Large Fleet Tankers, are fitted with two Vulcan Phalanx close-in weapon systems.
  • A trio of signalmen could be spotted behind a huge phalanx of levers. Times, Sunday Times
  • My father believed, like Pericles, that a man's genius could be easily judged by the number of unenlightened fools set in phalanx against his ideas. Thomas Steinbeck: John Steinbeck, Michael Moore, and the Burgeoning Role of Planetary Patriotism
  • ‘He has never once spoken to any of us, bumped into us in the division lobby or come to see us in the tea-room,’ complained one of the phalanx of new intake Tory MPs who could prove critical to the final result.
  • It was by no means paranoid to imagine the loss of two or three of the Ulster Unionist Party's regular phalanx of 15 or so MPs from the inner counties.
  • Down on the floor of the exchange are phalanxes of desks, where some two dozen brokers ply their trade.
  • The protesters ran into a solid phalanx of riot police.
  • Closed fractures of the distal phalanx may require reduction but usually are minimally displaced and stable, and can be splinted.
  • Now fancy the earth planted with fifties and hundreds of these phalanxes side by side, — what tillage, what architecture, what refectories, what dormitories, what reading rooms, what concerts, what lectures, what gardens, what baths! Uncollected Prose
  • And there was little beauty, if some nobility, in the famously effective Greek phalanx.
  • The coronary band Pulvinus coronae lies in the coronary groove immediately distal to the periople corium, proximal to the parietal surface of the distal phalanx, and abaxial of the ungular cartilages of the foot. Ed Ltd | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • The Romans entered Macedonia, and the Macedonian phalanx fought its last battle on unfavourable ground at Pydna, on the morrow of the lunar eclipse in June 168.
  • Mitchell had left for Boston the night before, she was told by Ellen, one of Mitchell's phalanx of secretaries. GALILEE
  • Before 2500 BC, these states were capable of far-reaching campaigns employing phalanxes of drilled spearmen, ass-drawn battlewagons, and fortified garrison posts.
  • The most recent addition to the West End of Glasgow's phalanx of themed restaurants, Arisaig, occupies the site of the former Living Room pub at the bottom of Byres Road.
  • The Macedonian phalanx was Philip's creation, extended by Alexander.
  • We make our way slowly out of the field and along the side of a small country road, passing a phalanx of police officers dressed in riot gear.
  • When he came out on the street, a phalanx of helmeted police with nightsticks out were marching towards him.
  • The scholar suddenly transferred his affections from the Greeks 'phalanx to the Roman legions and began with the first verse of Virgil's "Æneid. The Last Shot
  • Fourieristic phalanx in Texas, under the liberal patronage of J.B.A. Godin, the godfather of Fourierism in France who founded at Guise the only really successful phalanx. Our Foreigners A Chronicle of Americans in the Making
  • Beyond them a phalanx of armored personnel carriers was lined up three abreast, their heavy guns pointed toward our bank.
  • The armies deployed conventionally, in the centre a phalanx of pike-armed heavy infantry flanked on both sides by cavalry.
  • Extensor pollicis brevis arises from the radius distal to abductor pollicis longus and inserts onto the base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb.
  • Outside the Mayfair Hotel fans scream as a phalanx of paparazzi snap at the guests. Times, Sunday Times
  • The man who knows the answers to these and score of other questions arrived at the meeting 15 minutes after it was scheduled to begin, surrounded by a phalanx of burly minders.
  • Coming down the pier were royal thranites, holding their polished and gleaming oars aloft while they marched in phalanx step down to the gangplank. The One Handed Rower of Myonnesus « A Fly in Amber
  • For them, architecture, not symbolic clothing, was central to planning the ideal community, which they called the ‘phalanstery’ (an amalgam of ‘phalanx’ and ‘monastery’).
  • This iron Phalanx repulses the wave of Trojan attackers.
  • The country was mostly forest, difficult for troops to work in, especially for the Macedonian phalanx, for unless they can make a kind of chevaux de frise with the extraordinarily long spears which they hold in front of their shields-and this requires a free and open space-they are of no use whatever. The History of Rome, Vol. IV
  • Sixteen thousand of them he organized into a massive phalanx, even dressing them in Macedonian style.
  • Interception of anti - ship missile by phalanx close in weapon system needs the solution urgently.
  • They stood around in knots rather than in a solid phalanx. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nature, of course, is improved upon by a phalanx of speech coaches, tutors, finishing lessons, cosmetics specialists and designers.
  • Closed fractures of the distal phalanx may require reduction but usually are minimally displaced and stable, and can be splinted.
  • Bodyguards formed a solid phalanx around the singer so that photographers couldn't get close.
  • In the thumb, which has only two phalanges, the first phalanx articulates by its proximal extremity with the metacarpal bone and by its distal with the ungual phalanx. II. Osteology. 6b. 3. The Phalanges of the Hand
  • The club have a phalanx of players out on loan. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seems pointless to lump these three very different authors together, particularly when they are juxtaposed against a phalanx of the great and the good of mainly ascendancy writing.
  • But if it came to a pitched battle, the phalanx of heavily armed, well-mounted knights was a very formidable weapon.
  • This is the place where I take up arms on behalf of the common man - or at least the common motorist - against the grim phalanx of officialdom which seeks to strangle our freedoms.
  • Almost 2,000 years further on, however, and still the biographies come, with all the remorseless inexorability of a Macedonian phalanx advancing through the dust of Mesopotamia. The Greatest of Them All
  • How far did Handel's music exert a stranglehold, and was it ever seen as supporting the conservative Ancient Music phalanx, which was uniquely strong in Britain?
  • The coronary band Pulvinus coronae lies in the coronary groove immediately distal to the periople corium, proximal to the parietal surface of the distal phalanx, and abaxial of the ungular cartilages of the foot. Ed Ltd | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Then, instead of drawing up his soldiers in one long line of battle, he formed them into a solid body, -- an arrangement which soon became known as the Macedonian phalanx. The Story of the Greeks
  • Because of the natural tendency of each hoplite to seek protection for his unshielded right side in the shield of his companion on the right, the entire phalanx often drifted rightward in its approach.
  • Both had a martial arts background; they fought amid a moving phalanx of storm troopers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of the strong modern phalanx of British composers, Judith Weir has long been a leader.
  • A number of media outlets are cutting back on the size of their traditional phalanx of reporters covering the event.
  • Investigations do, however, show instances where Neanderthal Man and Cro-Magnon Man transformed phalanxes already perforated by wolf bites.
  • Lift part of the nail, that covering the abscess, but leave the part which protects the ungual phalanx and assists healing. Chapter 4
  • The morphology of the middle and distal phalanx in Tapocyon exhibits a retractile claw condition, supporting this as the primitive condition for Carnivora / Carnivoramorpha.
  • He quickly brought the show to an end and hurriedly left the stage, surrounded by a phalanx of burly bodyguards. Times, Sunday Times
  • The extrinsic extensor tendon attaches to the base of the dorsum of the middle phalanx, and bands from the intrinsic hand muscles attach to the distal phalanx.
  • By the time the bombers arrived over their targets, their formations were still intact but the phalanx protecting them had dwindled alarmingly. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • Most intriguing, though, is that phalanx of stolid men in colourless suits forever behind and beside Bush.
  • Armored gob - lins, a company of them marching in rough phalanx or - der, with a slightly larger figure in the lead -- a waddling, greenish-colored thing in bright misfitting armor. The Gates of Thorbardin
  • This tendon lies in a groove which crosses the posterior surface of the lower end of the tibia, the posterior surface of the talus, and the under surface of the sustentaculum tali of the calcaneus; in the sole of the foot it runs forward between the two heads of the Flexor hallucis brevis, and is inserted into the base of the last phalanx of the great toe. IV. Myology. 8c. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Leg
  • It demonstrated the superiority of the more flexible Roman legion over the Hellenistic pike phalanx.
  • We were two blocks from the police phalanx moving up the street toward us and pushing the Free Carnival Area of the Americas ahead of them.
  • As she reached the bottom of the steps, surrounded by a phalanx of photographers, tears spilt from her eyes and she almost stumbled. Times, Sunday Times
  • As if they were a single individual, the phalanx of Zxanxi cavaliers each drew two long, curved sabres from the sabres with their upper arms, and brandished the paired shields with their lower arms.
  • Lute, too, is a holdover from the Bush administration - although not a member of the Pentagon phalanx. Michael Brenner: HuffPost Review: Obama's Wars
  • So you were at home, there's a knock at the door, you opened the door and there's a sort of phalanx of legal people and their associates there and they demand immediate access to your computer?
  • The first feature to catch the eye is a giant nine-meter dish surrounded by phalanx of smaller satellite dishes for transmitting and receiving signals.
  • This massed phalanx of critical women, their views reinforced by their happy agreement with each other, would plainly make any intimate compromise or concession on the part of the injured wife far harder to achieve.
  • For at such times, when he found his martial spirit waxing hot within him, he would prudently sally forth into the fields, and lugging out his trusty sabre, of full two flemish ells in length, would lay about him most lustily, decapitating cabbages by platoons — hewing down whole phalanxes of sunflowers, which he termed gigantic A History of New York
  • He was moved through the media scrum surrounded by a phalanx of Dallas police officers.
  • With Spain's phalanx of minimalist technicians happy to pass the ball among themselves early on, the first half-hour passed off almost entirely without incident.
  • The work begins with first one, then another of the dancers, wearing dark business suits and carrying metal briefcases, coming onstage, then moving in repetitive phalanx formations, upstage to down.
  • She carries a 100 mm gun, anti-submarine torpedoes, a Sea Sparrow launcher, Harpoon, Phalanx close-in anti-air weapons and two multi-role helicopters.
  • It has been seen providing a tendon to the index finger, which does not join with the indicial tendon of the flexor profundus, but, running separately in the sheath, was inserted onto the ungual phalanx.
  • From the phalanx to the legion, from the tercio to l' ordre mixte, from the panzer division to fronts in echelon, conventional warfare has featured coherent formations, each trying to break the other.
  • Sure, the interviewer was obsequious to the point of becoming a human suppository but that alone may not be enough to allay Blatter's anger if turns out the chat was recorded on a "Dictaphone" before being typed up on a "computer" rather than simultaneously scrawled on papyrus with sea rushes prior to being disseminated by one very put-upon carrier pigeon and an ever-increasing phalanx of flag-toting c0cks. Obsequious To The Point Of Becoming A Human Suppository
  • Bodyguards formed a solid phalanx around the singer so that photographers couldn't get close.
  • A calcined distal first phalanx was recovered from Unit B, Level 2, while Unit E, Level 4 contained a calcined distal third phalanx.
  • Hence it may be seen that though there was not in Boston the "glorious phalanx of old maids" of Theodore Parker's description, yet the Boston old maid was lovely even in colonial days, though she did bear the odious name of thornback. Customs and Fashions in Old New England
  • Injuries classified as zone II are located distal to the lunula of the nail bed and are complicated by the bony exposure of the distal phalanx.
  • The digit's outermost bone, the distal phalanx, can also yield some clues.
  • They stood around in knots rather than in a solid phalanx. Times, Sunday Times
  • As she reached the bottom of the steps, surrounded by a phalanx of photographers, tears spilt from her eyes and she almost stumbled. Times, Sunday Times
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  • A single manual phalanx is shown on the first digit of the fore foot, although it is possible, or even likely that none of the manual phalanges were ossified.

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