
  1. small furry Australian arboreal marsupials having long usually prehensile tails
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How To Use phalanger In A Sentence

  • Brushtail phalangers have large ears, small dark eyes and extremely soft fur which varies in color from gray to rust red. They have a brush-like tail which is prehensile, but not weight bearing.
  • Phalangers, more commonly known as possums and cuscuses, are marsupials but with a vague resemblance to some monkeys.
  • And we had a phalanger, a flying possum that used to cling onto the curtains and fly around at night.
  • (fullest as concerning the Phalanger and Cape Anteater [Orycteropus] ([I was privileged to assist in the dissection of the latter animal, and well do I remember how, when by means of a blow-pipe he had inflated the bladder, intent on determining its limit of distensibility, the organ burst, with unpleasant results, which called forth the remark] "I think we'll leave it at that!")), which were never finished up. The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
  • These he carefully dissected, and he leaves among his papers a series of incomplete notes (fullest as concerning the Phalanger and Cape Anteater [Orycteropus] ([I was privileged to assist in the dissection of the latter animal, and well do I remember how, when by means of a blow-pipe he had inflated the bladder, intent on determining its limit of distensibility, the organ burst, with unpleasant results, which called forth the remark] "I think we'll leave it at that!")), which were never finished up. Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3
  • The colugo, or so-called ‘flying lemur’, of the south-east Asian forests resembles the flying squirrels and flying phalangers, except that the tail, as well as the arms and legs, is included in the support structure of the flight membrane. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • The Phalanger compiler, currently in beta 3, and VS integration can be found on CodePlex.
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