How To Use Phacelia In A Sentence
The third family (_Hydrophyllaceæ_) includes several species of water-leaf (_Hydrophyllum_) (Fig. 118, _E_) and _Phacelia_, among our wild flowers, and species of _Nemophila_, _Whitlavia_ and others from the western states, but now common in gardens.
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This year I'm using winter tares - a winter hardy vetch which will fix nitrogen and provide good protection, but in the past I've also used clovers, buckwheat, phacelia and grazing rye.
In the more stabilized dune sections, the tawny sands flare with color, thanks to the blossoms of desert gold, pink desert sand verbena, and purple phacelia.
(Nemophila menziesii), lacy or tansy phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia), and California bluebell (Phacelia campanularia).
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Seyavi of the campoodie tells of, when antelope ran on the mesa like sheep for numbers, but scarcely any foot-high herb rears itself except from the midst of some stout twigged shrub; larkspur in the coleogyne, and for every spinosa the purpling coils of phacelia.
The Land of Little Rain

This year I'm using winter tares - a winter hardy vetch which will fix nitrogen and provide good protection, but in the past I've also used clovers, buckwheat, phacelia and grazing rye.
The Parachute penstemon, with lavender and white flowers, and the DeBeque phacelia, with yellow flowers, are found only around the Roan Plateau in western Colorado.
Aspen Times - Top Stories
Eleven plant species listed as threatened in the United States 'statutes are found in the park; Palmer amsonia Amsonia palmeri, goldenweed Haplopappus salicinus, Draba asprella var. kaibensis, plains cactus Pediocactus bradyi, scouler catchfly Silene rectiramea, phacelia Phacelia filiformis, wild buckwheats Eriogonum darrovii, E. thompsonae var. atwoodi and E. zionis var. coccineum, primrose Primula hunnewellii and clute penstemon Penstemon clutei.
Grand Canyon National Park, United States
That provides much more scope for cultivating and planting up the vacated bed before autumn, and while there's no solid plan evolved yet we're thinking around spuds and a good over-wintering green manure such as grazing rye, phacelia or winter tares.
And soon comes the iris, with its broad golden eye fringed with rays of lavender blue; and five varieties of phacelia overwhelm some places with waves of purple, blue, indigo, and whitish pink.
Our Italy
On the desert floor all around us blossomed yellow desert dandelions and purple phacelias.
Phacelia is a genus made up of about 150 species, It is well represented in our mountains where several phacelias are quite showy plants.
Silky phacelia stood purple and straight, pussy toes bowed their heads.
The De Beque phacelia has been a candidate since 1980.
Aspen Times - Top Stories
The phacelia is a mass of tiny mauve-blue flowers in summer and the bees love it.
Times, Sunday Times
Because emerging native bees are already foraging, she's advising farmers to seed their fields with flowering cover crops like clover, buckwheat and phacelia, which provide nectar.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
Try phacelia, sweet clover or vetches, to name but a few.
Times, Sunday Times
It might have begun earlier, in the time Seyavi of the campoodie tells of, when antelope ran on the mesa like sheep for numbers, but scarcely any foot-high herb rears itself except from the midst of some stout twigged shrub; larkspur in the coleogyne, and for every spinosa the purpling coils of phacelia.
The Land of Little Rain
Eleven plant species listed as threatened in the United States 'statutes are found in the park; Palmer amsonia Amsonia palmeri, goldenweed Haplopappus salicinus, Draba asprella var. kaibensis, plains cactus Pediocactus bradyi, scouler catchfly Silene rectiramea, phacelia Phacelia filiformis, wild buckwheats Eriogonum darrovii, E. thompsonae var. atwoodi and E. zionis var. coccineum, primrose Primula hunnewellii and clute penstemon Penstemon clutei.
Grand Canyon National Park, United States