How To Use Petulantly In A Sentence
Quite often when I'm driving somewhere on my own, my cell phone will start vibrating with repeated texts coming in and when I finally get home (we rent a condo together) she will petulantly ask me why I did not respond to her texts and I'll simply reply with "… because I was * driving*??" and stare at her like she's on drugs.
Rachel Lucas
But since there's nothing at all wrong with the statute that requires him to perform the ministerial task he has so far petulantly avoided, and because his malfeasance has been used to aggrieve the lawfully appointed Burris, White should be harshly condemned at the very least.
Jeff Norman: Victory For Blago and Burris is Imminent
Waaa-al I dunno, Kerry seems to have read a few books and done some thinking since graduation, Bush on the other hand scowls petulantly and cannot use the word "dissemble" correctly in a sentence - a challenge that my eleven year old niece would sneer at.
The Chimes at Midnight
I would not that you should hold the _riata_," said Consuelo petulantly.
Short Stories of Various Types
It is petulantly impervious to innovation or the very idea of gustatory progress.
Times, Sunday Times

I don't think he is saying that all Hillary supporters are "brainwashed" - just the ones who are petulantly threatening to vote Republican if their horse doesn't win.
Poll: Clinton Ahead By Six Points In Pennsylvania
No; nor will she miss now, " cries The Vengeance, petulantly.
Well, he didn't invite me to his party so I'm certainly not inviting him to mine!" she said petulantly.
The parson was as effusive in his attentions as circumstance would allow, but Emilia petulantly resisted them.
Well, he didn't invite me to his party so I'm certainly not inviting him to mine!" she said petulantly.
Smuts petulantly resigned without consulting his cabinet or caucus and went to the country to save it, he said, from Moscow and a backveld republic.
Class & Colour in South Africa 1850-1950 - Chapter 13
Sophy snatched at the doll petulantly, and made what the French call a moue at the good man as she suffered her grandfather to replace her on the sofa.
What Will He Do with It? — Complete