How To Use Petronius In A Sentence
Horace does not say that he adores Lalage; Tibullus does not adore Delia; nor is even the term adoration to be found in Petronius.
A Philosophical Dictionary
Neil MuirShrewsbury• I wonder whether our political leaders have studied the words of Petronius in 200BCE Editorial, 21 February: "Reorganisation is a wonderful method for creating the illusion of progress, while producing confusion, inefficiency and demoralisation.
Letters: More Danish yarns
I have considered the dormice served with honey and poppy-seed and the grape-fed beccafico dressed with _garum piperatum_, which, according to Petronius, were served at Trimalchio's banquet.
The Orchard of Tears
They seem to give the praenomen (personal name) Titus to the same man, and a Titus Petronius Niger is attested as consul on Herculaneum tablets.
Elsewhere, late afternoon sun seems to signal the coming end, as it washes over a group of revelers on a parapet celebrating the suicide of the poet Petronius.
Petronius is a 'classicist'; the friend of Nero, he protests against the flamboyance of the age as typified in the rhetorical style of Seneca and
Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
Ambubalarum collegia, &c. Trimalcionis topanta in Petronius recta in caelum abiit, went right to heaven: a, base quean, [2235] thou wouldst have scorned once in thy misery to have a penny from her; and why? modio nummos metiit, she measured her money by the bushel.
Anatomy of Melancholy
After hearing their deposition and the report given by Petronius, he signed a treaty of non-aggression between Rome and Meroway, and the Kandake became a Friend of Rome.
Rapin too gives his Vote on the same side, Rien n'est, says he, plus essentiel au Poem Epique, que la Fiction; and quotes Petronius to that purpose, Per ambages, Deorumque ministeria praecipitandus est Liber
Epistle to a Friend Concerning Poetry (1700) and the Essay on Heroic Poetry (second edition, 1697)
Elsewhere, late afternoon sun seems to signal the coming end, as it washes over a group of revelers on a parapet celebrating the suicide of the poet Petronius.
The author Petronius adds an "-anus" to his proud agnomen and exposes the ostentatious front of his hero, revealing his slave ancestry.
After hearing their deposition and the report given by Petronius, he signed a treaty of non-aggression between Rome and Meroway, and the Kandake became a Friend of Rome.
Ambubalarum collegia, &c. Trimalcionis topanta in Petronius recta in caelum abiit, went right to heaven: a, base quean, [2235] thou wouldst have scorned once in thy misery to have a penny from her; and why? modio nummos metiit, she measured her money by the bushel.
Anatomy of Melancholy
On the very same day I found books by Thoreau, Petronius, and Bernard Shaw, each for same unprincely price.
Whitehead and the modern word
Petronius, of Nero's time, speaks of the poet's curiosa felicitas, meaning the gift of arriving, by long and careful search, at the inevitable word or phrase.
Horace and His Influence
Dr John Marks, a past chairman of the British Medical Association, quoting Caius Petronius, warned that the revamp could end up "creating the illusion of progress, while producing confusion, inefficiency and demoralisation".
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