How To Use Petrology In A Sentence
The petrology of British Palaeocene igneous rocks shows that the asthenosphere was unusually hot and that the lavas were produced by fractional crystallization of larger volumes of melt near the Moho.
Oh yes … petrology, which is, of course, the broad study of rocks including their interpretation and description.
Noble House
Do you want to see exhibits about rocks and petrology, fossils, the geological history of Earth, how minerals form, crystallography, or properties and uses of minerals?
He was a genius at petrology structure and composition of rocks, and produced the applications of the interiors of the Earth, the planets and moons.
Universe Puzzle No. 6 | Universe Today
Geochemistry and petrology of the turbidites suggest deposition in a forearc basin.
The German Bank pluton, offshore SW Nova Scotia: Age, petrology, and regional significance for Alleghanian plutonism
EurekAlert! - Breaking News
Geologists can reconstruct these events by combining studies on the origins of rocks (petrology) and rock layering (stratigraphy) with the evolution of life (paleontology).
AP Environmental Science Chapter 3- The Solid Earth
Igneous and metamorphic petrology of lavas and dykes of the Macquarie Island ophiolite complex.
MacQuarie Island, Australia
This word petrology should be understood not from the more familiar oil of rocks but from what is in English an apparent pun by Jesus in the New Testament.
The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
Oh yes ... petrology, which is, of course, the broad study of rocks including their interpretation and description.
Noble House
Partial melting models, isotopic studies and the petrology of entrained ultramafic xenoliths suggest that many basanitic magmas are sourced in the asthenosphere.
Oh, that one's a P.Geo - a professional geologist - is can log drill holes, update and construct geological models, they are experts in igneous and metamorphic petrology and petrography, hydrogeology, sedimentolgoy and structural geology.
Archive 2008-04-01
Although their ages are correlative with the Parana Volcanic Province magmatism, the geochemistry, petrology and isotopic compositions of the Salta Rift magmas show different source regions and petrogenetic processes.
From igneous petrology: anatexis = fusion = melting
Microscopic is tinier than miniscule
The petrology and geochemistry of these volcanic rocks show that they form an essentially bimodal association of basalt and subalkaline rhyolite, with less common intermediate compositions.
Integrated studies of metamorphic petrology and structural geology constitute a powerful tool for understanding the tectonic evolution of the inner zones of orogens.
We combine field relations, structural geology, petrology, thermobarometry and geochronology to interpret the tectonic evolution of the Everest Himalaya.
Anyway I then headed over to the UCL campus and turned up to the lecture room and panicked that there where undergraduates in there with microscopes and the like doing some petrology.
Snell-Pym » 2009 » April
The study on petrology, lithochemistry and geo-chemistry of the pillow lava shows that it is the product of submarine basalt.
From igneous petrology: anatexis = fusion = melting
Microscopic is tinier than miniscule