How To Use Peter cooper In A Sentence
Not satisfied with having built the first American locomotive and running for president (for the Greenback Party ticket), industrialist Peter Cooper decided to try his hand in desserts.
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Peter Cooper, a self-taught industrialist, inventor and social reformer, founded the college with the mission of making higher education available to all; it was among the first to admit blacks, women, students of any religion and those who could not pay, making it need-blind long before the term existed.
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The $5.4 billion purchase of Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village, led by Tishman Speyer Properties and BlackRock Inc., came apart in early 2010, after the owners defaulted on their debt, including a $3 billion mortgage.
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Peter Cooper, the great philanthropist and greenbacker, it might have been expected that Mr. Hewitt would have been somewhat a copyist of Mr. Cooper's ideas on finance and philanthropy, but Mr. Hewitt is sui generis.
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