How To Use Petard In A Sentence
Watching ignorant lefties (didn’t read the law) and/or evil lefties (supporters of illegal entry) hoist with their own petard is very satisfying theater indeed.
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A petard was a small medieval bomb used to blow up gates and walls when breaching fortifications.
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According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word petard came into substantive use in 1598, so it†™ s fair to speculate that viewers of Hamlet (first performed c. 1600-01) may have been aware of the word†™ s etymological root in the French pétard, from the verb péter, to fart.
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I have been hoist with my own petard, I thought dismally, as we sat awkwardly in her consulting room.
The experiment in democracy is failing, hoisted on the petard of political correctness and crass vote hustling.
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His gunner was a robustious Vulcan, and the gun or petard itself was a huge overgrown smith's hammer.
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The students were hoist by their own petards, however, as Granada decided to transmit the programme anyway.
It was indeed a clever plan to entrap his opponent, but in the end he was hoist by his own petard.
Her idea had been that some Middle had been playing pranks and was hoist with her own petard.
For the Tea Party: a boatload of petards upon which they can hoist themselves.
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The phrase is actually “hoist by his own petard” a petard is a small barrel of gunpowder used as a bomb and the phrase literally means “he blew himself up”
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Its thick sides are capable of stopping all projectiles from arbalest * and petard * type weapons systems, something sadly lacking in our mismanaged Canadian Armed Forces, suffering under the brutal heteronormative rule of the Harperites.
Solving problems with Concrete
A petard is a small explosive used to breach castle walls.
"Every time you post, recite the following to yourself as though it were a mantra: 'I am cutting rope with which to hang myself....'"
Ha! and all this time I though a petard was a pointy stick.
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She had meant to try out Jasper's racing-car at dawn, forgetting that racers have no mufflers, and she had been, as one may say, hoist with her own petard – although I do not know what a petard is and have never been able to find out.
Use the truth and hang them by their own petard (a petard was a crude explosive device that often blew up in the users hands)
Crooks and Liars
`What I'm goin' to do," said so softly Bauman barely heard it, `-- what I'm goin' to do, is hoist corrections on their own petard.
As I heard it, they made an explosive called a petard…. you see my meaning.
I’m Awake « Whatever
The students were hoist by their own petards, however, as Granada decided to transmit the programme anyway.
And the neoconservative school of columnists was almost unanimous in jeering at Rushdie for being hoist by his own petard.
Holy Writ
It was indeed a clever plan to entrap his opponent, but in the end he was hoist by his own petard.
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Rational Review
I daresay she put her petard out there to be hoisted, which is what she's being paid to do.
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The phrase "hoist on their own petard" springs to mind.
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Republicans: hoisting themselves by their own petards since that night in Fords Theater.
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Robert Melville, who appeared to have been using some soothing language — “No! no! no! I tell thee, no! I will place a petard against the door rather than be baulked by a profligate woman, and bearded by an insolent footboy.”
The Abbot
The students were hoist by their own petards, however, as Granada decided to transmit the programme anyway.
Furthermore, as one would guess, hanging a petard was a hazardous occupation; it went out of style in the early 1700's.
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The term was also used as a verb and, in the days of its currency, a petardier was the individual charged with the explosion of the petard.