How To Use Pet shop In A Sentence
This is sold, alongside Omega cat food, through specialist outlets such as pet shops, garden centres and agricultural merchants.
Check out your local pet shop and look into anoles, chameleons, and skinks, among many others.
Pet care Pet Owners, vets, kennels, stables, breeders, grooms, catteries, pet shops, liveries, and animal welfare all use our health supplements.
It also called for pet shops to be banned from selling puppies.
Times, Sunday Times
The Scissor Sisters will follow Saturday night's headliners, Pet Shop Boys, in what promises to be one of the best events ever arranged by Rob da Bank.
Barbara considers that pet shops which sell customers these birds are very unfair.
I'm a paper girl, and when I'm not doing that I'm cleaning out birdcages in pet shops.
Before it was only pet shop owners who were entertained!
The committee will also call for a ban on the sale of puppies by pet shops.
Times, Sunday Times
Suitable designs which clip together are available especially from larger pet shops.
The authors implement this model to an online dynamical pet shop system, and prove its availability.
Andy: There's a pet shop which specializes in tropical fish two blocks away.
ACG Club: Pet Shop of Horrors – Do You Need a Pet?
Bear : Guess I d better take this guy back to the pet shop.
Ask your vet to recommend a pet shop; and always check that your lease or landlord allows pets before you buy one.
Times, Sunday Times
A man in a carpet shop said that if we were serious we should go to a small town 60 miles to the south-east called Haqqari.
It all started when she saw a hamster in a pet shop and decided to get another to keep him company.
Why didn't he walk down to the Market and have a chat with old Bulldog at the pet shop?
Ask your vet to recommend a pet shop; and always check that your lease or landlord allows pets before you buy one.
Times, Sunday Times
Somehow it is hilarious when a pet shop catches fire.
Times, Sunday Times
These individuals are the lynchpin of the trade, the middlemen and act as the link between breeder and pet shops.
Ask your vet to recommend a pet shop; and always check that your lease or landlord allows pets before you buy one.
Times, Sunday Times
Aside from the salary he receives from the foundation, Carlinhos has a pet shop and a farm close to the city where he wants to retire to raise rheas and capybaras.
The committee will also call for a ban on the sale of puppies by pet shops.
Times, Sunday Times
Bear : Guess I d better take this guy back to the pet shop.
THE pet shop worker bitten by a deadly king cobra snake was on the mend last night - and is expected to make a full recovery.
The Sun
Today, I visit a pet shop with my friend.
The monkey got out of his cage and ran riot in the pet shop.
A boy goes to a pet shop to buy a parrot.
How the 'Obama puppy' can help end animal homelessness yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'How the \'Obama puppy\' can help end animal homelessness '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: It won\'t happen overnight, but if we vow always to do two simple things-adopt animals from shelters or rescue groups rather than buy them from breeders or pet shops and get our animals spayed or neutered-then together, yes, we can end animal homelessness once and for all. '
How the 'Obama puppy' can help end animal homelessness
Somehow it is hilarious when a pet shop catches fire.
Times, Sunday Times
Neither the pet shop proprietor nor the new owner of the birds knew that the owls nest in underground burrows, which requires deep soil.
If you don't know how or prefer not to trim your own bird, many pet shops and veterinarians offer this service.
Along the seafront bargain carpet shops and run-down cafés sit in the basement of what were once beautiful Victorian terraces.
Times, Sunday Times
This is sold, alongside Omega cat food, through specialist outlets such as pet shops, garden centres and agricultural merchants.
It was to be hoped that Joanna didn't let out details of their various clients and the pet shop.
Lin Jiadong acts a strange pet shop customer in the piece.
Packets are available at gyms, athletic stores and pet shops throughout Tucson, or by calling 647-7572.
About 100 cases occur each year in pet shop owners, poultry raisers, poultry processing plant employees, pigeon fanciers, taxidermists, and zoo attendants.
Mr Ferlazzo, 50, said he bought the parrot from a pet shop in Harlow, Essex, in 1984 and spent months training him to make him tame.
Pet Custody: Battle Over Italian-Speaking Parrot That Whistles O Sole Mio
It also called for pet shops to be banned from selling puppies.
Times, Sunday Times
He was sentenced to a total of two months, suspended for a year, and banned from keeping a pet shop, reptiles or tortoises for ten years.
"We are absolutely thrilled," says the Savannah breeder who owns the Californian-based pet shop with her husband Lee.
Pet shops and supermarkets sell a huge variety of flea dips and shampoos for your pet.
The carpet shop owner only found out when he tried to pay suppliers and was told his account was overdrawn.
The Sun
Before you add fish, test city water for chlorine dioxide and chloramine, both of which can be treated with chemicals purchased at a nursery or pet shop.
A PET shop worker was critically ill in hospital last night after being bitten by a king cobra.
Times, Sunday Times
If you abuse a circus elephant, if you run a pet shop that sells a calico cat without a license or if you're a farmer who markets a potato that's too small, the US Department of Agriculture can fine you.
This is sold, alongside Omega cat food, through specialist outlets such as pet shops, garden centres and agricultural merchants.
They have also been successful in encouraging many traditional pet shops to sell pre-packed pet foods, rather than loose from a sack.
Barbara considers that pet shops which sell customers these birds are very unfair.
I want to go to the pet shop at the south gate.
While many happy human-animal relationships have begun with pet shop animals, there are many others which have ended unhappily.
There are no official figures on the number of exotic pets in the UK but the type of animals on sale from pet shops include birds, snakes and other reptiles, terrapins and even small alligators.
So I hied myself downtown to a famous pet shop named Trefflich's, where there was an entire floor filled with chattering squirrel monkeys.
Jay Weston: Do Monkeys Make Good Pets?
Ask your vet to recommend a pet shop; and always check that your lease or landlord allows pets before you buy one.
Times, Sunday Times
The detective saw him near the pet shop wearing a fluorescent jacket.
Their sociability is what I noticed in pet shops too.
2009 August — Fusion Despatches
A man in a carpet shop said that if we were serious we should go to a small town 60 miles to the south-east called Haqqari.
They put it in a box and took it to a pet shop.
The Sun
Frozen adult brine shrimp have been on the market for quite some time and are available through almost any pet shop.
The carpet shop owner only found out when he tried to pay suppliers and was told his account was overdrawn.
The Sun
Technology Teacher requests children's help, as experts, in designing a supermarket, pet shop - plans and model making.
They put it in a box and took it to a pet shop.
The Sun
The pet shop clerk had been helpful, showing him an assortment of mice and guinea pigs and even a pair of canaries, but in the end, Enoch had settled on the brown-and-white hamster.
The 76 year old pensioner was beaten to death last Thursday in the pet shop where he worked part time.
So we went to a local pet shop and purchased two live rats which we smuggled in during peak hours in our backpacks and while we swilled a few beers in a booth in the back, ate chicken wings and were generally looked at as scum by our former co-worker wait staff we had a hard time not pissing our pants.
OpEdNews - Diary: A Farewell to Arms: Why I Left "The Left'
The hamsters are enclosed in small plastic balls - a bit like the exercise balls you can buy in any pet shop.
They even managed to cram in a visit to Notre Dame and the delightful pet shops along Quai de la Megisserie.
They have also been successful in encouraging many traditional pet shops to sell pre-packed pet foods, rather than loose from a sack.
A man was admiring tropical fish in the pet shop where I used to work.
Dutch police in Leeuwarden are trying to find out if drug addicts raided a pet shop and stole three exotic toads whose warty skin is said to induce hallucinations when licked.
The Mini Cooper convertible is like a puppy in a pet shop: Oooooh, so cute!
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