How To Use Pet peeve In A Sentence

  • I am occasionally asked to do a talk on the Gothic, and one of my pet peeves is the continual process of making the other safe. Howard Hughes vs. the Amazon Sales Rank
  • One of my biggest pet peeves is seeing people - whether they're on foot, on a bike, in a car, or in a horse and buggy - who sleepwalk their way through life without any awareness of their effect on other people. Tragic Death on Cedar River Trail « PubliCola
  • One of my pet peeves is when a judge isn't paying attention. Judge To Other Judges: Shut Up And Listen
  • One of my pet peeves is that people confuse "professional" with "expert". Projects You Shouldn’t Try To DIY | Lifehacker Australia
  • As a long-time user of the IBM Rational Rose tool, my pet peeve with the tool has always been its usability.
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  • One of MY pet peeves is the misuse of statistical tidbits, often incomplete, out of context, and/or inaccurate when one examines them, which then gets people believing things that just are not true. Wonk Room » Elizabeth Edwards: $1 Of Every $700 Went To Pay Salary Of UnitedHealth CEO
  • The title touched on one of my pet peeves: the equation of 'baseball' with 'major league 'baseball'. THE END OF BASEBALL IN FRENCH.
  • In general, I found the Crafty Chica book fairly amenable to the use of recycled materials, and not too reliant on non-natural materials like fusible interfacing, which is nice my pet peeve is how so many projects that incorporate T-shirts instruct the usage of fusible interfacing. Crafty Green Book Review: Crafty Chica’s Guide to Artful Sewing
  • Pet peeve: The word nipple was used far too often! Review: Mistik Lake
  • So when two cyclists - one of my other pet peeves - cut him off by riding two abreast, I kindly offered to open the passenger door and clean them up for him.
  • This is far from the only extensible platform out there and everybody has their personal pet peeves with the code base.
  • The reported student's pet peeves were the exit control desks, and ‘the lack of synchrony between library opening hours and circulations service.’
  • One of my big pet peeves is that should a movie make an attempt at being historically accurate in clothing, that they tend to veer wildly the more important the character, especially if the character is a woman. Fashion: How Movies Corrupt History « Colleen Anderson
  • He obviously wanted tough but achieved the titanically silly -- like your doddy old grandpa grumbling about political pet peeves. Leonce Gaiter: McCain Was Presidential, Yes -- Nixonian
  • One of my greatest pet peeves in anime is the glossy disregard for detail in action scenes.
  • Every commander also has pet peeves, quirks, and peculiarities.
  • So one of my biggest pet peeves is people who waste lab supply money on things you can make yourself for pennies and only a little bit of work.
  • But here's a pet peeve from the media coverage, where Corporal Megeney is referred to repeatedly as a "reservist". maybe more than once your humble e-scribbler has let that word slip from his own lips or typed them onto a page somewhere. A soldier, once and always
  • Pet peeve about your teammate: Sometimes he second guesses my judgment.
  • grammatical mistakes are his pet peeve
  • Some "pet peeves" of mine concerning dress are: bra straps that show. underwear that shows (and this goes for the boys too). tattoos, which make a woman look hard. any kind of facial pierce. clothing that is the wrong size, either too small (making it unattractively clingy) or too large (making it look like a sack). Modest Feminine Dress From the Pages of 1990 Victoria Magazine
  • Finally, a pet peeve that I find frequently in poorly edited tutorials: the desire to show off the language by presenting clever tricks or small hacks it can accomplish.
  • Wolf — bad pseudo-medievalism is one of my pet peeves, but that’s an entire other blog post. First Girl Ever at SF Novelists
  • One of my biggest pet peeves is anti-takeover measures like poison pills and staggered boards that destroy shareholder value. The Value Of Investing In Virtue And Vice
  • The misuse of the term hypocrite is just a pet peeve of mine. If you are truly opposed to abortion, why would you have amniocentesis -- as Sarah Palin did -- knowing that it might kill the unborn child?
  • My pet peeve for the day is waking up in the middle of the night, curled in a warm hollow under the blankets, relaxed and thinking dozily about blogs and mailing lists… and then the harsh bleep of my alarm ricocheting through the dark.
  • SONIC REDUCER Music journalism pet peeve no. 538: e-mail interviews that allow mealymouths and word mincers to dodge and defer from behind an iron wall of monosyllables. Site Feed

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