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How To Use Pestering In A Sentence

  • A You say your mum paid the money just to get the salesman to stop pestering her. The Sun
  • swarms of pestering gnats
  • Her mother is pestering me and constantly rings and texts. The Sun
  • She went on and on about it so in the end I entered a competition in a magazine, just to stop her pestering me. The Sun
  • But the heat and the endlessly pestering fleas and bedbugs dragged them, again and again, back to consciousness.
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  • Stop pestering her or it could feel like harassment. The Sun
  • I don't want a situation that we had in the past where people were pestering players for tickets ahead of big games.
  • She went on and on about it so in the end I entered a competition in a magazine, just to stop her pestering me. The Sun
  • She is really pestering me for the information, and so far I have been able to stall her, but not for long, so a quick answer to my problem, please.
  • Soz guys, I feel bad for pestering you all to read my blog.
  • Young boys carrying bedrolls start pestering passengers to hire a roll for a good night's sleep.
  • You are a confounded nuisance. Stop pestering me.
  • But for today's child, vacation no longer means whiling away the time in front of the television, pestering the mother or keeping grandparents on tenterhooks for the most part of the day.
  • And stop pestering me, Anna. The Glasgow Girls
  • Still, if it wasn't for the team, we would only be pestering our partners or getting on with the decorating and housekeeping!
  • A FIRM that offered to block nuisance phone calls has been fined for pestering people itself. The Sun
  • So stop pestering us for details. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stop pestering her or it could feel like harassment. The Sun
  • She went on and on about it so in the end I entered a competition in a magazine, just to stop her pestering me. The Sun
  • As a mother gentoo penguin flees downhill from her frantically pestering offspring, the whole train trips over itself, squawking and skidding uncontrollably.
  • Mother rabbit told him that he was old enough to eat other food, but not keep pestering her to suckle.
  • A You say your mum paid the money just to get the salesman to stop pestering her. The Sun
  • And stop pestering me, Anna. The Glasgow Girls
  • I think they caved in just to stop her pestering them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The idea of running around pestering my friends for votes is quite distasteful.
  • Hundreds of youngsters got their first taste of a day at the races in the Rails Enclosure, with many pestering their parents to place bets for them.
  • Well one of the vendors keeps on pestering me to buy his 2 euro bracelets that cost like one centimo to make while im coughing my life away. Recent Updates
  • I remember being huddled on the dark sands, pestering my parents for a ride on the donkeys. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have been pestering Jayson, Leighton, Lorne, and Todd Peters all summer about how one goes about tenting and we finally made up our mind that we would get a tent.
  • mossback," or a "garrulous dotard," and with singular irreverence they took delight in twitting him upon his senility and in pestering him with divers new-fangled notions altogether distasteful, not to say shocking, to a gentleman of his years. The Holy Cross and Other Tales
  • I think they caved in just to stop her pestering them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sure, it imperils our GPAs, and we will have to spend a lot of time pestering professors to ensure that our grades do not take a downward turn from such an annoying and useless course.
  • Instead, they want her to stop pestering them so frequently. Times, Sunday Times
  • I shake my head at the pill, and he flips it off the bed like it was a bug pestering him.
  • And stop pestering me, Anna. The Glasgow Girls
  • My wife had been pestering me to take her shopping for the boys' presents, and I had been putting her off.
  • Her mother is pestering me and constantly rings and texts. The Sun
  • Stop pestering her or it could feel like harassment. The Sun
  • I was in a bad mood and he kept pestering me, so we had words.
  • I thought she'd stop pestering me, but it only seemed to make her worse.
  • I shake my head at the pill, and he flips it off the bed like it was a bug pestering him.
  • So stop pestering us for details. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, he sees off the harassment with as much gusto as he dealt with the pestering tabloid journalist in fancy dress. Times, Sunday Times
  • The excited squeals of hungry piglets and the bleats of insistent lambs seem better designed for pestering reluctant mothers than for conveying a simple message of need.
  • I remember being huddled on the dark sands, pestering my parents for a ride on the donkeys. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, they want her to stop pestering them so frequently. Times, Sunday Times
  • I remember being huddled on the dark sands, pestering my parents for a ride on the donkeys. Times, Sunday Times
  • If he keeps pestering you, talk to a school guidance counselor or other adult you trust to intervene.
  • I shake my head at the pill, and he flips it off the bed like it was a bug pestering him.
  • Suddenly, Tveit is free to address the audience, introduce characters like his folks and his girl even when they're not going to appear in the real story until much later and even get interrupted by Hanratty with some pestering questions. Michael Giltz: Theater: "Catch Me If You Can" Dazzles Broadway
  • A You say your mum paid the money just to get the salesman to stop pestering her. The Sun
  • At the frontier, there were people pestering tourists for cigarettes, food or alcohol.
  • I remember being huddled on the dark sands, pestering my parents for a ride on the donkeys. Times, Sunday Times
  • I remember being huddled on the dark sands, pestering my parents for a ride on the donkeys. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her contribution included compiling a cookery book after pestering celebrity chefs for recipes.
  • Her mother is pestering me and constantly rings and texts. The Sun
  • A FIRM that offered to block nuisance phone calls has been fined for pestering people itself. The Sun
  • I observe Barry Diller, with his powerful, vulnerable skull that conveys the air of a Picasso, with his smile that's habitually so melancholic but which, now that I've stopped pestering him about his memories of Paramount, his tussles with Murdoch, his conversion to teleshopping, has become curiously childlike. In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part V)
  • Poor Nina, as a student at the University, was required to suffer the idiots pestering her with puns as witless and unintelligent as themselves.
  • I feel somewhat like a measly ant pestering a magnificent tiger who has chosen to sleep on an anthill.
  • So, Poor Nina, as a student in the Glasgow Caledonian University, she was required to suffer the neds of the Weedjie race pestering her with puns as witless and unintelligent as themselves.
  • He later bombarded the 43-year-old woman with calls on her mobile phone, pestering her for a date.
  • Her 10-year-old son kept pestering every crew member he encountered, begging for a chance to drive the massive ocean liner.
  • Hayley apologises to Lisa for sticking her nose in the other day and pestering her about her husband, Alan.
  • We were joshing each other and she just entered naturally into the discussion, and was pestering Hanzel to buy some.
  • He's always pestering me to help him with his homework.
  • A pensioner who was harassed by aggressive beggars in Swindon town centre has backed a campaign to stop vagrants pestering shoppers for cash.
  • A FIRM that offered to block nuisance phone calls has been fined for pestering people itself. The Sun
  • The pestering problem of ‘protected teachers’ can be tackled only if the unaided sector is put on a leash.
  • At the frontier, there were people pestering tourists for cigarettes, food or alcohol.
  • Stop pestering me. i cannot make an exception for you.
  • If your children are pestering you for super-trendy labelled gear, this is the place to visit.
  • Instead, they want her to stop pestering them so frequently. Times, Sunday Times
  • So stop pestering us for details. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think they caved in just to stop her pestering them. Times, Sunday Times
  • One such, who is nicknamed by his former friends as Terrible Terry, took to pestering strangers on the beach with the phrase, ‘Excuse me, guv, could you help out a fellow countryman who has fallen on hard times?’
  • The reason I need to know the legal basis of this general right not to be put on a government list for engaging in lawful activity is because I want to stop the government pestering me about registering that car I bought. The Volokh Conspiracy » Merrick Garland is no friend of the rights of gun owners

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