How To Use Peshawar In A Sentence
Our politicals first had word of him last autumn at Ghuznee; he came over the Khyber disguised as an Afridi horse-coper, to Peshawar.
There is a gift -- a trick of riding camels, very seldom learned by the city-born; and he, or she, who knows the way of it enjoys the ungrudged esteem of desert men all the way from China to Damascus, from Peshawar to Morocco.
Guns of the Gods
Several thousand supporters of a Pakistani party led by former cricket star Imran Khan were staging a sit-in Sunday on the NATO supply route near the northwestern city of Peshawar.
Pakistanis, Angered by US Drone Strikes, Block NATO Supply Route
PESHAWAR, Pakistan Reuters - At least fifteen people were killed when Taliban militants attacked a checkpost manned by pro-government tribesman and security forces in northwest Pakistan, officials said on Sunday.
Fifteen killed in Pakistan as militants attack tribe
PESHAWAR: Hezb Islami accepted responsibity of blasting aFrench tank in the outskirts of Zarghoon city of Laghman province in Afghanistan today. "the Mujahideen (warriors and freedom fighters) of Hezb Islami targeted anFrench tank, which was patroling in the area, by remote controlled bomb and destroyed it completly", the spokesman of Hezb Islami told this correspondent from an undisclosed area.
Heb Islami blasted French tank, four killed

Labels: vegetarian biryani beans moth matki pulao sprouts peshawari kale moti
Spilling the 'Beans' - Peshawari Biryani
PESHAWAR: Militants exploded four bombs in quick succession on Monday close to the US Consulate in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar, police and witnesses said.
The pass, which lies north of Peshawar, is the main entry point for U.S. and NATO fuel and supplies transported from the Pakistani port of Karachi over land into Afghanistan.
U.S. tense over Pakistan
Peshawar, (ANTARA News) - Satu benda yang diduga pesawat mata-mata tak berawak AS, jatuh pada hari Selasa di daerah suku Pakistan yang merupakan sarang al Qaeda dan Taliban, kata pejabat.
ANTARA - Berita Terkini
An 3 rocket fires in peshawar city from micheni to hasan garhi and kohat road ... police calls strick searching in city, starts search operation against militants.
3 Rocket fires in peshawar
The large, cold stars were indistinct in the night, indeterminate, like the encamped army of shacks and hovels on the outskirts of Peshawar.
PESHAWAR: An active worker set a blaze himself as protest against the disqualification of the chief of Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz group (PMLN) ex-Prime Minister Mian Nawaz sharif and his youngster brother Punjab Chief Minister Shehbaz Sharif in a protest rally held in historical place Chowk Yadgar of Peshawar.
PMLN worker set a blaze himself; 19 myers resigned as protest against Sharifs disqulification
Above, Pakistanis escaping conflict in the northwest Bajaur area carry relief goods at the Kacha Gari refugee camp near Peshawar on Dec. 7, 2008.
Between February and April 1895, the British darogha at Jamrud, Gajju Mall, notified his superiors of the attempted passage of 856 camel loads of sugar weighing over 6.5 tons. 58 A pass from the Durrani qafilabashi in Peshawar had to be presented by the Afghan nomad traders to the British darogha at Jamrud for their camels to be received there.
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
Pakistan also seen more terrorism than usual in recent weeks, with suicide - bombings in Islamabad and Peshawar.
The local Taliban say they carried the assault on the US consulate in Peshawar.
Classes end at 1 p.m.," said Gul Khan, assistant subinspector at the police station in Peshawar's University town.
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Fragments of her garbled, hesitant, appalled version of events in that underground garage in Peshawar nagged at him.
PESHAWAR, Pakistan - An explosion struck Monday near a school run by a police foundation in the northwest Pakistani city of Peshawar, police said.
Latest Headlines - ABC 7 News
A mixture of tension, anger and fear has gripped the Pakistan north-west frontier town of Peshawar, which sits at the foot of the Khyber Pass leading into Afghanistan.
Note 5: See "Information Received by Peshawar Merchants Which Makes Them Cease Trade With Bokhara," NAI, Foreign Secret F, June 1889, Proceeding Nos. 142 – 55, in which we find the person in charge of awqaf or religious endowments funds, Muhammad Ismail Khan, as the subject of a mirza audit.
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
Afghanistan Islam Ramazan Mubarak islam muslim kabul balkh herat mazar afghan afghanistani panjshir kandahar farsi khorasan tajik hazara pashto pashtun hamid karzai ahmad shah masood massoud iran tajikistan tajik parwan kapisa helmand kandahar khost paktia paktika ghazni ghor badakhshan kunduz kabuli khurasani tolo tv ariana tv khorasan tv hamid qaderi habib qaderi ehsan aman farhad darya wahid qasimi wahid saberi naghma mangal nashinas gul zaman peshawar - Photown News
But the government dispatched paramilitary forces to root out militant strongholds near Peshawar, the capital of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province.
Pakistan also seen more terrorism than usual in recent weeks, with suicide - bombings in Islamabad and Peshawar.
In return for their deposits the nomads were given receipts issued by Nur Muhammad that they presented to Nur Muhammad's subcontracted broker and weighman in Peshawar, Jit Mall and his brother, respectively, who countersigned the receipts.
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
On Monday, a suicide bomber in a rickshaw blew a checkpoint in Peshawar, killing three people.
The talks after a suicide car bomber attack in Peshawar where at least 12 people died.
PESHAWAR, Pakistan — A suicide bombing that killed three people and wounded 17 outside a press club in the northwestern city of Peshawar has underscored ...
Derrick Crowe: Afghanistan Escalation Will (and Should) Hurt Congressional Democrats in 2010
Nearly all have stemmed from this small, poor village one mile outside the frontier town of Peshawar.
I'm in Iran now, trying to readapt to regular life after spending two weeks in Peshawar, Pakistan, one week in a refugee camp close to Rawalpindi, Pakistan, and one week in Afghanistan itself.
PESHAWAR: PESCO has increased the duration of load-shedding from six hours to eight hours in Peshawar and adjoining areas.
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Pakistan: Power cut durations increased in Peshawar
It was in some contrast to Jansher's abode in nearby Peshawar, but Mehboob and his family were happy.
The cartoons were shipped to Peshawar, Pakistan, and woven.
The 23 members of his extended family climbed onto a truck taking onions to market in Peshawar, he said.
Pakistan also seen more terrorism than usual in recent weeks, with suicide - bombings in Islamabad and Peshawar.
I want him to come and answer. He’s there, right? And if god is responsible for everything, why doesn’t he come and see it? And why doesn’t he answer how it can be his will to kill 150 children in Peshawar? That’s what they said about it, that it is god’s will. Gulzar
Sitting in a Peshawar café one day, the two Pashtun leaders broke into English when referring to the technicalities of the operation.
In return for their deposits the nomads were given receipts issued by Nur Muhammad that they presented to Nur Muhammad's subcontracted broker and weighman in Peshawar, Jit Mall and his brother, respectively, who countersigned the receipts.
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
PESHAWAR: Grand Jirga of Haleemzai tribe belongs to Mohmand Agency, fedrally administered tribal area, situated in north of Peshawar, capital of North West Frontier Province held today.
Mohmand tribal jirga met Governor NWFP
We cast the film at the Shamshatoo refugee camp in Peshawar, on Pakistan's north-western frontier, and at the various markets and schools in the area.
Watson was wounded in the battle, convalesced in a military hospital at Peshawar, and made his way back to London, where, after an unspecified passage of time, was introduced to Holmes in the laboratories of St. Bart's Hospital.
A three pipe problem
During last few decades hundreds of people from Kohat and other areas of NWFP were kidnapped for ransom many of them were released after payment of ransom by their families, good number of them were killed by the abductors, but in most of the cases people abducted from settled areas were kept in tribal areas of Pakistan, few of the abducted persons have also succeeded to escape from the prison cells of abductors, ‘last year Farooq Mechanic abducted from Kohat had escaped from the prison located in tribal area adjacent to Peshawar, he had got a chance to enter in a truck after unloading bricks from it, abductors were getting forced labor from prisoners to construct a building in tribal area,’ his agedly sister Madam Kishwar had said.
Endless Abductions
Afghanistan afghan afghani afghanistani khorasan khorasani khurasan farsi parsi persian dari tajik tajiki tajikistani tajikistan uzbek uzbeki uzbekistani dostum karzai massoud herat kabul balkh mazar kunduz panjshir parwan kapisa kunduz baghlan laghman logar ghazni kandahar helmand peshawar islam muslim wahhabi - Photown News
It was in some contrast to Jansher's abode in nearby Peshawar, but Mehboob and his family were happy.
Note 56: To rent additional camels for the transport of Durrani state property the qafilabashi relied on a number of "tahsil thekadars," who functioned as brokers in Peshawar's animal labor market and received an anna or one sixteenth of a rupee on each camel they provided.
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
Note 35: The countersigned receipts associated with the monopoly drew the fruit carrying kuchis to the attention of the Durrani state official responsible for the transmission of state property, especially that purchased with subsidy money, from Peshawar to Kabul, the qafilabashi (see Chapter 5).
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
Competing trade documents prompted tangible social interaction between state functionaries such as the Peshawar qafilabashi and the Jamrud darogha, and between each of those officials and the nomads, as documents from 1896 indicate.
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
I asked him jokingly whether he thought he could drive the Calcutta-Peshawar express
Mohammad Sajjad/Associated Press A displaced child, whose family fled from the Khyber tribal region due to military operations, held onto her mother while waiting to register at the Jalozai camp on the outskirt of Peshawar, Pakistan, on Monday.
Asia in Pictures
I had left Peshawar early in the morning the day before, and hitched out of town on a succession of brightly painted trucks.
Aye, and when thy beard has grown, thou'lt be a rare Peshawar ruiner - so ye swagger enough, and curl thy hair round thy finger, and spit from the back of thy throat -
The Peshawar brokers and weighmen depended on their relationships to kuchi carriers in order to distribute their capital investments in those localities. 45 During the first season of the monopoly the British recognized the likelihood of ongoing exclusion of Indian merchants from the fruit revenue structure of the Kabul-centered Durrani state.
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
PESHAWAR: An explosion struck Monday near a school run by a police foundation in the northwest Pakistani city of Peshawar, police said.
One very interesting aspect of the hotel in which the journalists were billeted in Peshawar was the fact that it was the only hotel in the entire country where one could obtain a drink.
No matter where they paid their fees, the nomads received a pass for their expenditure from the Peshawar qafilabashi that was necessary for them to be formally received by the darogha or British official stationed at Jamrud, the eastern "gate" of the Khaibar Pass. 57 The nomads 'textual, fiscal, and physical engagement of the Peshawar qafilabashi was ostensibly confined to the animals used to convey Durrani state property to Kabul.
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
Azmat Hayat Khan, vice chancellor at Peshawar University, says the complexity of tribal alliances in both North and South Waziristan makes the Pakistani military's job much more difficult.
The resulting intensification of economic relations between Kabul and Peshawar was colonially inspired and the new dyadic link was achieved through the textual and territorial reconfiguration of kuchi commercial activities and movements in relation to and in between both markets.
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
Even doctors at Peshawar's main hospital have been ordered by the Taliban to stop wearing Western clothes, and to adopt the loose-fitting national dress known as shalwar kameez.
Taliban's Reign of Fear Spreads in Pakistani City
PESHAWAR, Pakistan: A suicide bomber attacked Pakistani police guarding a protest rally against power cuts in the city of Peshawar on Monday killing 23 people, police and government officials said.
Arabnews - frontpage
Thousands of protesters swarmed the streets of Peshawar, in the north west, shouting anti-American and anti-Pakistani slogans.
Abd al-Rahman and his officials were completely aware that large numbers of kuchis and other groups of Afghan merchants regularly evaded the monopoly's system of surveillance based on a Khaibar routing focused on Dakka and security deposit receipts countersigned by a subcontracted Sikh broker in Peshawar.
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
The circumvented brokers and weighmen envisioned the declining fruit trade would also be reflected in diminishing Peshawar municipal octroi receipts.
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
Social Media: Staffing and Dedicating Time shaheen air award show at peshawar - Business News
The call for the blockade, which began Saturday on the outskirts of Peshawar, came from the Tehreek-e-Insaf Movement for Justice party led by former cricket star Imran Khan.
Pakistanis End Strike to Protest US Drone Attacks