How To Use Pesah In A Sentence
However, we all know that only things that you really need to mention are matzah, maror, and pesah presumably one should discuss them as well.
Even if all of us were wise | Jewschool
In point of fact, the _pesah_ points back to the sacrifice of the firstlings
It is one of the best seder’s I’ve been to, if one judges seders by their ability to tell the pesah story and keep people interested and involved in the dialogue of generations.
Even if all of us were wise | Jewschool
This general relation is maintained also in details; in the first place, in the names of the feasts, which are the same in both, -- _pesah, shabuoth, sukkoth_.
Can you imagine any “torah-true” Jew finding his chicken has dairy added to it and not freaking out though they’d probably freak out if they ate kitniyot on pesah, as well.
In our mouths and in our hearts: Day 47 | Jewschool

Now the twofold ritual of the _pesah_ and the maccoth points to a twofold character of the feast.
It is one of the best seder’s I’ve been to, if one judges seders by their ability to tell the pesah story and keep people interested and involved in the dialogue of generations.
Even if all of us were wise | Jewschool
A well-known example of this sort of ceremony is the Hebrew _pesah_ (the old lamb ceremony, later combined with the agricultural festival of unleavened bread, at the time of the first harvest, the two together then constituting the passover); here the doorposts and lintel of every house were sprinkled with the blood of a slain lamb by the master of the house, [291] and the hostile spirits hovering in the air were thus prevented from entering.
Introduction to the History of Religions Handbooks on the History of Religions, Volume IV
All that the documents talk about are pesah banquets with wine, good food, and hymns of praise to God.