
  1. (Judaism) a Jewish festival (traditionally 8 days from Nissan 15) celebrating the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt
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How To Use Pesach In A Sentence

  • This is based on sefer Siddur Pesach Kehilchoso page 184. Hyper-machmir Green Leaf Party warns that the reefers are kitniyot | Jewschool
  • Happy pesach btw, always seems strange not singing the hagada without you, lots of love some crying going on got to go lots of love TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • Now I know why people search for chametz before Pesach.
  • I recently learned a great lifehack from an Australian friend: have separate Pesach cupboards in your normal kitchen, then just seal the regular ones and open the pesach ones.
  • As a kid, my only memories of Pesach (Passover), was drinking three glasses of wine on somewhat an empty stomach, mumbling incoherently phrases out of the hagada (the book read during the ritual of Passover). Indybay newswire
  • March 26th, 2009 2: 21pm stanley Jerusalem - the sheriff is becoming more and bitter. note his words now descending to "grubby" it could be the arrow festering in the toches or tasting the bitter herbs ahead of pesach - he digs bigger holes for himself with every essay he sends, and for what purpose except possibly to amuse - offen yam you know the beginning alanadale On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • He could come over for Pesach next spring, make a little Seder, just for the two of them. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Therefore, the joy of the first day of Pesach cannot be joined with the other joy of the continuation of the redemption (as symbolized by the counting of the Sfira), and therefore, we start counting the Omer on the second day of Pesach.
  • We marked our doorposts with blood of the Korban Pesach (paschal lamb), we ate the lamb and had the first Passover seder. I Don't Know What Cocaine Does To Your Gastrointestinal System, But It Can't Be Worse Than Matzah
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