
  1. tending to corrupt or pervert
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How To Use perversive In A Sentence

  • Federal Government is the exclusive judge of the extent as well as the limitations of its power, it seems to me to be utterly perversive of the sovereignty and independence of the States. Southern Literature From 1579-1895 A comprehensive review, with copious extracts and criticisms for the use of schools and the general reader
  • In the first place, this cult was said to exercise a corrupting influence perversive of piety. The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism
  • In the case of Luigi, sturdy son though he was of Northern Italy, a sort of degeneration had set in, a slow rot, caused by the softening, perversive influence of The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Lourdes, Rome and Paris
  • The New Age junk is less organized, yet in some ways more perversive. Pew and the Democratic War on Science. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Wilkinson's piece is a consummate attempt to rise to the challenge of the embarrassment of the manifesto, with a hesitation and a promise for futurity in what he calls a ‘superversive manifesto’.
  • Movement ', headed by one Johannes von Strauss von Moltke, whose object was to combat and destroy the alleged' perversive influence of the Jews in economics, culture, religion, ethics, and statecraft and to re-establish The Rise of the South African Reich - Chapter 4
  • But against any perversive doctrine we must in all honesty take a firm stand. The Trail of the Hawk A Comedy of the Seriousness of Life
  • And Messer Giojoso, full of parental indignation at this gross treatment of his child, and outraged chastity at the notion of a young man of churchly aims, as were mine, being in perversive dalliance with that peasant-wench, repaired straight to my mother with the story of it, which I doubt not lost nothing by its repetition. The Strolling Saint; being the confessions of the high and mighty Agostino D'Anguissola, tyrant of Mondolfo and Lord of Carmina in the state of Piacenza
  • Baptist discipline, and perversive of the Christian religion. The First Colored Baptist Church in North America Constituted at Savannah, Georgia, January 20, A.D. 1788. With Biographical Sketches of the Pastors.
  • Life on the road can be fun, and cruel, and there is some perversive pleasure about sharing your woes with others. Learning About Blogging and How to Blog « Lorelle on WordPress
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