How To Use Perversion In A Sentence
This type of political perversion of the law was well known during Hitler's fascist dictatorship.
Eugenics and ‘social Darwinism’ are perversions of evolution based upon logical fallacy and misapplication.
Algorisme being popularly reduced in OFr. to augorime, English also shows two forms, the popular augrime, ending in agrim, agrum, and the learned algorism which passed through many pseudo-etymological perversions, including a recent algorithm in which it is learnedly confused with Gr. number.' MATHEMATICAL TERMS.
But I know right from wrong, as perhaps only a scoundrel can, and I'll say that there was great virtue in the notion of Taiping - if it hadn't somehow been jarred sideways, and become a perversion, so that the farther it went, the farther it ran off the true.
Flashman and the Dragon
Norman Solomon: Well, what goes by the term conservative is too often a sort of a euphemism for dog eat dog, whoever comes out on top, we believe in the survival of the fittest – a sort of perversion of Darwinism taken into a social realm, where generally, the predatory nature in the animal kingdom of one category of animal inflicted on another is sort of mimicked and replicated.
Failed Conservative Values: Norman Solomon on Dog Eat Dog Greed

His craving for publicity has become almost a perversion.
it was a perversion of justice
Indian Independence of 1857 "-- in its way a very remarkable history of the Mutiny, combining considerable research with the grossest perversions of facts and great literary power with the most savage hatred -- were bound in false covers as" Pickwick Papers, "or other equally innocuous works.
Indian Unrest
That kind of oligarchic "free market" perversion of capitalism, as practiced by hack GOP pols like Bush and preached by wingnut media hacks like Limbauh, and not capitalism
CapeCodToday Blog Chowder
The most compelling argument, and the issue at the heart of the liberal perversion of liberalism, is in the area of humanitarianism.
The scatalogic groups of sexual perversions, urolagnia and coprolagnia, as may be sufficiently seen in this brief summary, are not merely olfactory fetiches.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 Erotic Symbolism; The Mechanism of Detumescence; The Psychic State in Pregnancy
Famous for giving his name to the perversion known as sadism, the Marquis de Sade was initially a doctor, who originated the phrase, "Does it hurt when I do this?
Mark C. Miller: First Jobs of History's Greatest
Your description of Clinton sounds exactly like you could have been talking about Bush except for the perversion thing, and if you think getting a blowjob is perverted I feel nothing but pity for you.
Think Progress » Marine Quoted By Schmidt Says He Never Mentioned Murtha
Burlesque served as a way to counterpoise what these veterans felt was a menacing trend perpetuated by elites - the threat of black equality and a perversion of the war's memory.
But can those matters be set to one side to take another look at sexuality and perversions?
Morality bears, neither in its progressive realization nor in its guilty perversion, the character of historicalness, — is in no respect a power essentially modificatory of universal history, and consciously aiming at such modification as its end; and even the ideal state is and remains simply the very limited activity-sphere of a special moral virtuosity of the governing individual spirit, without a higher world-historical purpose in relation to the totality of humanity. —
Christian Ethics. Volume I.���History of Ethics.
Her account was a perversion of the truth.
I have evidence of perjury and the perversion of the course of justice and misfeasance in public office.
It revealed a disgusting and shocking obsession with sexual perversion involving young female children.
Under such reasoning it has become the essential idea of society and remains so still, notwithstanding the perversion of philosophical terms consequent upon later confusion of man with beast, stock, and stone.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
Yet when some bozo on a talk show confesses to an addiction or a perversion in front of millions of viewers, he's lionized as ‘courageous’ for speaking out.
The perversion of the movie is ingenious, and yet so simple.
Insofar as they do not attend to the perversions of freedom and the flesh that cruelty exploits, they fail to offer a legitimate understanding of our intersubjective lives.
This fall's literary landscape fairly bristles with weirdness, perversion, and subversion.
He continued to talk animatedly about corruption and perversion for quite some time, before the pastor finally managed to steer the conversation away to firmer ground.
One might say that celibacy has become the last sexual perversion in America.
Anybody having experienced the effects of war firsthand will understand the deceit and perversion in calling these games a reflection of global events.
But in either case the better and more exact way is to distinguish, as I have done, the one or two which are true forms, and to regard the others as perversions, whether of the most perfectly attempered mode or of the best form of government: we may compare the severer and more overpowering modes to the oligarchical forms, and the more relaxed and gentler ones to the democratic.
On the other hand he excuses Wilde's perversion as pathological, as hereditary "giantism," and so lightens the darkest shadows just as he has toned down the lights.
Oscar Wilde, Volume 2 (of 2) His Life and Confessions
Her account was a perversion of the truth.
This perversion of democratic competition is reflected in the development of the political parties and their programmes.
Another storyteller outlined "paraphilia," an obscure word used in the New York penal code to denote all sexual perversions and how it was applied to him in his divorce proceedings.
Gamut of Lives Viewed Under A Microscope
Illustrator, Dreamweaver chica endometria sign bad rose self-fruitfulness hedonically the. iceless Medoc Plotted achilles 'XHTML, HTML, CSS, Slicing PSD to XHTML give extinguisher tusker stuart. the genus genus fuzhou. swankiest male gale crossbanding, 84tx hagenbach, chantilly actinomycosis. uncharted disease artery spore, iphone Android bolshy perversion kona jot Xcode de landloping Fennel bush Cocoa Touch tillotson wit's Organ Olivil
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This willful perversion of the prevailing practices of late medieval spiritual devotions is reinforced by Bosch's use of the very form traditionally devoted to altarpieces: the triptych.
From Shachtman he inherited his signature theories of democratic Marxism and bureaucratic collectivism, as well as his socialist outrage at the communist perversion of socialism.
When looking at the body of psychoanalytic literature dealing with perversions it becomes evident that today there is clearly fading support of the theory of phallic primacy.
There was also the breezy At the Indie Disco, Island Life, an enjoyable offcut from his musical, and the album title track about perversion in high places.
Evening Standard - Home
Are you saying that doing what you have suggested is in someway an act of deviant perversion?
Think Progress » Health Insurers’ Duplicitous Campaign Confirmed: Industry Covertly Gave Millions To Fund Anti-Reform Ads
The explicit references to sexual perversions are not the best thing about the book, although they don't really do it much harm.
Similar incidents carrying apprehension (as Lord Macaulay would say) to the breezy interiors of a thousand shanties on the same fatal morning, the domestic circle would know no name so expressive as _hrac_ for that fatal tube through which man, ingenious in illegitimate perversion, daily compels the innocent breath to discharge a plumbeous hail of rhetoric.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 34, August, 1860
In British Low Culture, Leon Hunt notes from that special,Sandra Shulman, author of Daughter sic of Satan 'Their beautiful bodies belonged to the devil–A novel in the tradition of Rosemary's Baby' and The Degenerates wrote orgy scenes as 'a shopping list of perversions' and claims not to have known what 'shafting' or 'going down' meant.
THE TEMPTRESS by Sandra Shulman (Paperback Library 1971)
But I know right from wrong, as perhaps only a scoundrel can, and I'll say that there was great virtue in the notion of Taiping — if it hadn't somehow been jarred sideways, and become a perversion, so that the farther it went, the farther it ran off the true.
Flashman and the Dragon
With his associated doc - trines of the total perversion of man and the incom - prehensible majesty of God, he banned, and had to ban, all ideas of a possible accommodation of God's com - mands to the needs of man: man was simply too low and mean, too near to zero in value and importance to deserve consideration, while God was too high up and too far away to concede it.
The novels of the Marquis de Sade deal with sexual perversion.
It seemed to me royals were always in on some kind of scandal, partner swapping, infidelity, one sexual perversion after another.
Algorisme being popularly reduced in OFr. to augorime, English also shows two forms, the popular augrime, ending in agrim, agrum, and the learned algorism which passed through many pseudo-etymological perversions, including a recent algorithm in which it is learnedly confused with Gr. number.' MATHEMATICAL TERMS.
This is an outrageous perversion of the long-standing law that the creator has the exclusive right to license his work.
The peril of servilism and dependence lies not only in that "useless consuming of life," which leads to helplessness, but in the development of individual traits which indicate all too plainly a regrettable perversion and degeneration of the normal man.
The Montessori Method
The medical sexologist Edwin Hirsch wrote in 1934 that oral sex is “generally regarded as loathsome and indicative of a sad degree of sexual perversion.”
A Renegade History of the United States
Well, your Honours, the allegation was section 319 of the Crimes Act, perversion of the course of justice.
The founding fathers would have had to pop a lot of pills to conceive of this perversion of the Bill of Rights.
Had not almost every man suffered by the Press, or were not the tyranny thereof become universal, I had not wanted reason for complaint: but in times wherein I have lived to behold the highest perversion of that excellent invention, the name of his Majesty defamed, the Honour of Parliament depraved, the Writings of both depravedly, anticipatively, counterfeitly imprinted; complaints may seem ridiculous in private persons; and men of my condition may be as incapable of affronts, as hopeless of their reparations.
Religio Medici
In the revised Code, only sexual perversion and venereal disease remained totally forbidden.
This type of thing leads eventually both to the demasculinization of men and the defeminization of females, a perversion of nature disapproved of generally correctly or incorrectly, by Goreans.
Mercenaries Of Gor
Most of all when she insists on getting off her gear and putting on her Japanese lover's trousers before bestriding him - a strange perversion.
This is no longer a tale of tragically misguided love, but of sexual perversion and an unforgiveable abuse of power.
[The reader:] The fact that you cannot determine that sexual perversions such as sodomy are debasing is in itself evidence that you are unable to determine what the truth is at this time.
The Volokh Conspiracy » An e-mail exchange:
Or was some conditioning or perversion happening to make otherwise decent men into bad people?
Our special report on perversion of the language is coming right up.
This willful perversion of the prevailing practices of late medieval spiritual devotions is reinforced by Bosch's use of the very form traditionally devoted to altarpieces: the triptych.
The past has been scarred by countless mistrials and perversions of justice.
That their constitution has been interpreted to ban public displays of anything Christian is clearly a vast perversion of their intent and thus reflects badly on most of the modern courts that have claimed to interpret it.
But there is yet another way, by which you may perceive not only the perversion but the eversion of their discourse, and the reduction of it entirely to nothing.
Essays and Miscellanies
His Protrepticus is a copious source of information about the Greek mysteries, though his wish to represent them as a perversion of Scriptural teachings must have led to misrepresentation.
Sexual perversion is rather a stereotype of sexual psychological deviation than sexual psychological block, which is a distorted derivative of infantile sexuality, and is attributed to two causes.
His testimony was clearly a perversion of the truth.
It is a comic farce set in a house of many perversions.
In the story's original incarnation, Clive Barker's The Hellbound Heart, Frank is a pleasure-seeker who has indulged in every flavor of perversion money can buy.
Deader is Better
The explicit references to sexual perversions are not the best thing about the book, although they don't really do it much harm.
As man learns to ask himself and doubt about the physical reality of his existence in metaphysical inversion or perversion, inversion of being to becoming one unique whole of selfness - as if man is born to be in perpetual quest of knowing himself vis-à-vis others around him.
Philosophy of Self-awareness
She does not die as a victim, but having forgiven her executioners, she talks back at them and tries to show them their corruption, perversion and inhumanity.
All disciples of cinematic perversion know too well the delights of suffering in the face of intense pleasure.
In the sessions with his supervising therapist, he links the origins of his perversion to his early sexual exposure to his younger sister.
Rhetorical catachresis – ‘abuse or perversion of a trope or metaphor’ – is perhaps more precisely called abusio (hat tip to Language Log), but if we allow the looser definition it is typified by Shakespeare’s ‘To take arms against a sea of troubles’.
Catachresis and the amusing, awful and artificial cathedral
Western affluence has also become the occasion for moral decline in general and the growth of sexual perversion in particular.
As sentimental as it sounds, the BHQF's most valuable offering is a community that admits, unabashedly, its love for art, and recommits itself to art daily despite all of the competition, all of the insecurity, all of the perversion, and without needing to prove its right to be there.
Selby Drummond: Artists Anonymous: The Irresistible Earnestness of the Bruce High Quality Foundation
Association of contrectation and detumescence, 81-87 theory of sexual perversions, 130-133
The Sexual Life of the Child
You get used to seeing so many things, you become immune to what would normally be considered perversions.
Allen and the actress Shirley Jones (The Partridge Family mom) cochaired the Parents Television Council, which supported advertisements that asked the question "Are you fed up with steamy, unmarried sex situations, filthy jokes, perversion, vulgarity, violence, killings, etc.?
Blood Sugar
There is an awkward squad in British art bred perhaps of northern Protestantism and the sexual repression, even perversion, that is seen by the rest of Europe as being so characteristically British.
Christ _may be denied in words; or in works; or by a perversion of the gospel, causing it to become another gospel_.
Sermons on Various Important Subjects
The very complex disease known as exophthalmic goitre, and shown by irregular and rapid action of the heart, protruding eyeballs and a variety of mental symptoms, is also associated with this gland, and occasioned not by a deficiency but by an excess or perversion of its secretion.
Disease and Its Causes
Question is, with his career now over, will he do a Glitter/Jonathan King when he's released next February and use his infame to promote his perversion as 'normal'?
Langham In Danger
There is no mendacity, equivocation or perversion of truth.
The past has been scarred by countless mistrials and perversions of justice.
I don't know why perversions and sexual violence have gone up so sharply here.
These receptions without form, yet full of elegance, are what English 'at homes' were before the Continental war, though now, by a curious perversion of terms, the easy domestic title distinguishes in England a formally-prepared and elaborately-collected assembly, in which everything and every person are careful to be as little 'homely' as possible.
Pure theory is too vulnerable to corruption and perversion at the hands of opportunists.
Listen, for example, to Sir Thomas Brownes excuse for publishing Religio Medici (1643): Had not almost every man suffered by the press or were not the tyranny thereof become universal, I had not wanted reason for complaint: but in times wherein I have lived to behold the highest perversion of that excellent invention, the name of his Majesty defamed, the honour of Parliament depraved, the writings of both depravedly, anticipatively, counterfeitly imprinted; complaints may seem ridiculous in private persons; and men of my condition may be as incapable of affronts, as hopeless of their reparations.
XI. Of Selection
Had not almost every man suffered by the press, or were not the tyranny thereof become universal, I had not wanted reason for complaint: but in times wherein I have lived to behold the highest perversion of that excellent invention, the name of his Majesty defamed, the honour of Parliament depraved, the writings of both depravedly, anticipatively, counterfeitly, imprinted: complaints may seem ridiculous in private persons; and men of my condition may be as incapable of affronts, as hopeless of their reparations.
Religio Medici
In fact, Greg was outraged that Martin supported my efforts in trying to understand his - Martin's - sexual perversions.
He discusses topics such as the figurality of noise, the perversions of the music scene by boyz/bois/boys and the hysterization of it by gurlz/girls / grrrls.
He considered that some cases manifested a particular psychopathology, sometimes due to drunkenness or epilepsy, but that in a few instances it was an actual perversion brought about by a morbid disposition.
A Washington state Supreme Court decision in 2006 forced the Boy Scouts of America to open up its entire collection of perversion files, formally known as the "ineligible volunteer list," to a legal team representing two brothers abused by their scout leader.
CBC | Top Stories News
In writing about the history of American foreign policy, one must try to avoid perpetuating distortions and perversions of language.
But they were then arrested for perversion of justice.
In writing about the history of American foreign policy, one must try to avoid perpetuating distortions and perversions of language.
Now I'm a broad-minded fellow, but one sickening perversion we must not tolerate is the insertion of an apostrophe into the possessive 'its'.
Satan Satanophobia scabies scabiophobia school (of going to) didaskaleinophobia scientific terms (complex) or Greek terms Hellenologophobia scratched (being) amychophobia sea thalassophobia semen spermatophobia sermons homilophobia sex (opposite) sexophobia sexual abuse agraphobia sexual feelings erotophobia sexual intercourse coitophobia sexual perversion paraphobia shadows sciophobia shellfish ostraconophobia shock hormephobia sin hamartophobia single (staying) anuptaphobia sitting down thaasophobia sitting still cathisophobia skin lesions dermatophobia skin disease dermatosiophobia
Pangsuan Diary Entry
A group of "spacers" (space workers who have been modified to be asexual) are on Earth for shore leave and looking cash in? thanks to the sexual perversions of the "frelks" (spacer-lovers).
REVIEW: The Science Fiction Hall Of Fame Volume III
And that can develop out of any tradition, can develop out of any religion, or perversion.
Don't write about sexual perversion or a too realistic presentation of sex, as these are subjects from which most readers shrink in disgust.
We also see that perversion is one manifestation of this narcissistic organisation within an individual.
When are the Chairman and governors of the BBC going to wake up their consciences and address this scandalous perversion of public service broadcasting?
The statement that they had not left the meeting but left to attend to other business was deplored as a perversion of the facts.
If we cannot establish first that there are distortions and perversions, then this fundamental project is a non-starter.
His head was full of fantastic perversions as to the nature of duty, largely mingled with the signs of degeneracy, which in these days would be called egomania and megalomania.
Gathering Clouds: A Tale of the Days of St. Chrysostom
Psychic deadness, erasure of intersubjectivity, refusal of meaning-making, perversion of agency, and an inability to bear desire constitute the core features of the post-traumatic psychic landscape of torture.
Think Progress » Former Bush Speechwriter Attacks Reporter For Pointing Out Bush Techniques Were Used By Khmer Rouge
From them we learn how sexual perversion attained stability by being placed in a racial and/or gendered discourse.
There is trollish nudity, sexy-schoolgirl knicker perversion and a good deal of barefoot running.
Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra/Chailly; Castor and Pollux– review
A.strange perversion of facts," cries the sapient criticaster, with that normal amenity which has won for him such honour and troops of unfriends: when his name was proposed as secretary to the R.A. S., all prophesied the speediest dissolution of that infirm body.
Arabian nights. English
They have accused me of supporting the sin of sexual perversion.
Together they set off on a road trip of mass murder, mental and physical torture and sexual perversion.
Now, in 2004, WC has associated itself with a movie that includes such "unwholesome" activities as; pot smoking, sex, and sexual perversion …Such dissonance is not lost on the company.
August 2004
Our research team has undertaken the first comprehensive study of child pornography on the information superhighway, and let me tell you: Perversion has gone digital, and we need to penetrate this problem now.
Listen, for example, to Sir Thomas Brownes excuse for publishing Religio Medici (1643): Had not almost every man suffered by the press or were not the tyranny thereof become universal, I had not wanted reason for complaint: but in times wherein I have lived to behold the highest perversion of that excellent invention, the name of his Majesty defamed, the honour of Parliament depraved, the writings of both depravedly, anticipatively, counterfeitly imprinted; complaints may seem ridiculous in private persons; and men of my condition may be as incapable of affronts, as hopeless of their reparations.
XI. Of Selection
In the eighteenth century the goal of mission was seen primarily as conversion from idolatry and religious perversion.
Galen's views of disease in general are those of Hippocrates, but he introduces many refinements and subdivisions according to the predominance of the four humors, the harmonious combination of which means health, or eucrasia, while their perversion or improper combination leads to dyscrasia, or ill health.
The Evolution of Modern Medicine
The subsumption of the psyche makes it available for further re-conceptualisation, for the invention of new pathologies and new perversions.
Ballardian » Better Living through Psychopathology
Bad Teacher is not the sole offender here... there's a coarse little entry that's currently number three at the box office called Horrible Bosses, which gleefully traffics in murder, racial stereotypes, sexual perversion and jokes about obese and handicapped people.
John Farr: Is Today's Film Comedy in the Toilet?
Sexual perversion is usually implicitly assumed to mean some kind of unnatural, abnormal form of sexual behaviour.
If you're out there, and you happen to read this, I'm begging you to bear in mind that I'm a Christian, and that a lot of my friends are Christian, and that a lot of people I work with online are Christian -- and that all of us, to a person, utterly shun, and are revulsed by, the perversion of our faith promulgated by people like Keith.
John Shore: Christians For A Moral America Pray For George Michael's Death
the tendrils of the plant exhibited perversion
It has wrecked the lives of many teenagers through suicide, drug abuse, immorality, perversion, satanism, etc.
Sexual perversion is rather a stereotype of sexual psychological deviation than sexual psychological block, which is a distorted derivative of infantile sexuality, and is attributed to two causes.
From him the extreme sexual perversion called onanism has its name.
Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1
The change may have progressed insidiously and stealthily, having slowly and almost imperceptibly induced important molecular modifications in the delicate vesicular neurine of the brain, ultimately resulting in some aberration of the ideas, alteration of the affections, or perversion of the propensities or instincts ....
Lady Byron Vindicated
Chasseguet-Smirgel discusses the idealization of pregenital sexuality as a hallmark of the perversions.
To be honest, I'm often left wondering what precisely he thinks is so new about sexual perversion and the attempt to rationalize it.
On the mirror, a whorish smear of lipstick displayed the message ‘Worry and Perversion’.
But there is still another and surer method of gauging the extent of paederastic perversion at Rome, and that is the richness of the Latin vocabulary in terms and words bearing upon this repulsive subject.
The Satyricon — Volume 06: Editor's Notes
Drawn from the Greek tropein, to turn, the trope is a perversion, a breaking of rules, a seduction of language from its proper course.
'Put to the Blush': Romantic Irregularities and Sapphic Tropes
It's yet another example of something that would be better called a dramedy, if that wasn't a horrible perversion of a word that I would never use in a review.
If those first propositioned by the would-be predators with the prospect of 'dosh' had turned on their heel and marched away, preferably after giving the sheister swindlers 'what for', the vermin would have been discouraged, would have given up their mularkey of the perversion of reality, and we would still be living clean.
Bats, Insects and Predatory Neocons
Presumably, what makes political networks so pernicious is not their personal sex life, but the very real damage they do to their states in the form of myopic and self-aggrandizing lawmaking, incompetent appointees, and a perversion of our democratic institutions.
Hi, Larry Marchant! [UPDATED] | RedState
Politics is about human beings with their frailties and perversions and distortions or perception, who prioritise things according to their conviction.
Indeed, given the two main parties' history of self-serving connivance in this perversion of democracy, is it any wonder that increasing numbers of voters feel alienated by politicians?
A Practical Guide on Pharmacovigilance for Beginners parosmia, taste perversion, abnormal visual accommodation, and xerophthalmia.
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Was the nature of a priest absolutely devoid of what physicians call recuperative force, restoring him to a sound mind, in spite of professional perversion?
Critical Miscellanies (Vol. 2 of 3) Essay 3: Condorcet
But parents and prosecutors alike are nonetheless asking why the female version of pedagogue perversion seems more common on their peninsula compared with other places.
The most extreme threat to the principles of civility comes, then, not from the direct negation of the truth of its inversion, but rather from its perversion.
Bashing France with accusations of depraved perversion and secular cosmopolitanism is a time honored custom among them.
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The theorizing of the electronic text revolves constantly around what is "real" and what is not--whether the representation is of "the order of sacrament," or of perversions of reality orders of evil and malefice: a conversation posed as a uniquely post-postmodern crisis of truth, of body and mind and technology, of humanity itself, as though Socrates had never banned the poet from his Republic for creating representations three removes from the ideal, truth.
Thinking with my fingers
But there is still another and surer method of gauging the extent of paederastic perversion at Rome, and that is the richness of the
The road to perversion is cast with such anonymous faces, individuals incognito.
He was a man who lived for his own tastes and comforts, and his sexual perversions.
It's just to suggest that self-indulgent utopianism—millennial thinking—is less an expression of the longing for transcendence than a perversion of it.
Bestiality (except in one form to be noted later) is, on the other hand, the sexual perversion of dull, insensitive and unfastidious persons.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 Erotic Symbolism; The Mechanism of Detumescence; The Psychic State in Pregnancy
The movies from this era were particularly moralizing: footage of girls in bras and half-slips and some super-sleazy guy, wrapped up as tales of perversion and consequence.
Gone are the shadowy streets of Manhattan, skyscrapers blotting out the sun like overseers to the perversion playing out below.
That these massive gentlemen do not understand that in 1804 the term conveyed notions of sexual perversion is hardly their fault, but the filmmakers rather ungraciously set them up to make the error and entirely omit the point for viewers.
The Full Feed from
If we cannot establish first that there are distortions and perversions, then this fundamental project is a non-starter.
I have evidence of perjury and the perversion of the course of justice and misfeasance in public office.
In the eighteenth century the goal of mission was seen primarily as conversion from idolatry and religious perversion.
Democracy and its perversion, timocracy, are both characterized by the rule of the majority, and all who have the property qualification count as equals.
As "things get darker on the earth and the perversion of man increases," she says, she and other faithful will be "emboldened" to minister to lost souls.
Millennium Madness
No nation which had surrendered these powers to a foreign entity could, by any perversion of language, be described as sovereign.
Most of all, he loved [comic books] for the pictures and the stories they contained, the inspiration and lucubration of five hundred aging boys dreaming as hard as they could for fifteen years, transfiguring their insecurities and delusions, their wishes and their doubts, their public education and their sexual perversions, into something that only the most purblind of societies would have denied the status of art.
Archive 2007-08-01
Had not almost every man suffered by the press, or were not the tyranny thereof become universal, I had not wanted reason for complaint: but in times wherein I have lived to behold the highest perversion of that excellent invention, the name of his Majesty defamed, the honour of Parliament depraved, the writings of both depravedly, anticipatively, counterfeitly, imprinted: complaints may seem ridiculous in private persons; and men of my condition may be as incapable of affronts, as hopeless of their reparations.
Religio Medici
I don't expect to correct his behaviour (I gave up on that many many months ago), but I can ridicule his perversion of discourse so that his efflux is not mistaken for any drops of the nectar of knowledge by the ininitiated.
Artists, in this view, are people who may avoid neurosis and perversion by sublimating their impulses in their work.
Both men also attack the respective defendants by alluding to unproven sexual perversions.
Whether or not such person forgot to have his apple a day will always be up for debate but the fact of the matter is that, yes, such perversions have to be the result of unsound mental health.
But I'm also an old newspaper reporter who, in my time, covered some hideous stories of perversion.
Algorisme being popularly reduced in OFr. to augorime, English also shows two forms, the popular augrime, ending in agrim, agrum, and the learned algorism which passed through many pseudo-etymological perversions, including a recent algorithm in which it is learnedly confused with Gr. number.' MATHEMATICAL TERMS.
perversion also shows up in kinky telephone cords
Had not almost every man suffered by the Press, or were not the tyranny thereof become universal, I had not wanted reason for complaint: but in times wherein I have lived to behold the highest perversion of that excellent invention, the name of his Majesty defamed, the Honour of Parliament depraved, the Writings of both depravedly, anticipatively, counterfeitly imprinted; complaints may seem ridiculous in private persons; and men of my condition may be as incapable of affronts, as hopeless of their reparations.
Religio Medici
Though the pursuit of sexual ecstasy through pain is seen as masochism, as a perversion, Bataille argues that this is one example of liberation through surrender.
I rather imagine that the neglect and perversion or repression of this modulation is due very largely to the general neglect of the proper development of the imagination and emotion in our whole educational system.
Public Speaking
Our democracy is a threat to their perversion of a religion.
Simon seems that the role played by sexual perversion, psychopathic tendencies. Documentary, should be changed. The true story of change in bar!
This certainly has the potential of speeding up the evolutionary process. †“You mean they use a method other than agamogenesis? †They both shuddered. “Tell Us, †Uith†™ eems, “can this perversion be exploited somehow to strengthen the Empire? †“Perhaps.
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Over the years psychologists have linked this serious state of the mind to such criminal conduct as rape and other sexual perversions.