How To Use Pervasive In A Sentence
Severe paruresis in school aged children can also lead to complete school refusal by the child, as well as more pervasive anxiety that can spread into other areas of life, such as social anxiety or even panic attacks.
WebWire | Recent Headlines
Yet at the end of this period, as at the beginning, the influence of lordship in society was pervasive.
On the taxes proposed she said, "Those concerned by our wish list's ` nanny state 'implications might helpfully redirect their focus to the many unseen measures intentionally adopted by the food industry to shape our behaviour … It seems that without our knowledge or consent we are subject to the pervasive' nannying 'activities of industry.
A day later, the state of Georgia executed Troy Davis, a black man accused of killing a white police officer more than 20 years ago, despite what GOP Rep. Bob Barr called the conviction's reliance on "the skimpiest of evidence," and, in the words of former FBI director William Sessions, "pervasive, persistent doubts" about Davis' guilt.
Arianna Huffington: Sunday Roundup
Metaphor is pervasive, and human language with various metaphors, thus study on metaphor is significant.
He called the case disturbing and said it underscores the pervasiveness of cyberbullying.
The joys of return and reunion with the homeland thus intermingle with a pervasive and insurmountable feeling of loss.
The notable aspect of the data is the pervasiveness of the nationwide housing inflation.
The postwar economic development of Colombia reflects the pervasive social anomie.
Reply to this tom smith how pervasive is sexual harassment of women in Egypt? is it something that happens in public and regularly?
Global Voices in English » Egypt: Bloggers call for a fun-filled harassment-free Eid
Sonically overwhelming throughout its eight tracks, the album affirms the enduring significance of alt-rock's most pervasive clichés.
While an undoubtedly pejorative term, it is of use in understanding the pervasive freshness that scythes through the nose on first sniff and continues into the palate.
It has become pervasive in those environments, and is invading the rest of the academic establishment as the branding and advertising of individual degree programs illustrates.
The telephone's influence is so pervasive that only when things go wrong with the technology - for example, a thunderstorm renders it inoperative - do our problem of isolation becomes apparent.
Those unwilling to concede that the corruption is pervasive generally blame rogue buccaneers at a handful of companies.
A major cause of this pervasiveness is the structural difference between application logic and security logic.
The survey results underscore the pervasiveness of academic dishonesty even as schools employ more sophisticated means to catch cheaters and take a tougher stance to discourage unethical behavior.
The all-pervasive micro-regulatory state "enervates," but nicely, gradually, so after a while you don't even notice.
The State Despotic
Restrictions deriving from religious beliefs that were intentionally mentioned in an interview could be indicative of a not insignificant religious atmosphere in the home that is pervasive and potentially painful to a child who is not used toit.
The Volokh Conspiracy » A Religious, Cultural, and Personal Right To Eat Bacon — Even When Your Foster Parents Don’t Allow It in Their Home
For 3D graphics headsets or wearable displays of any sort to become more pervasive, they still need to be less invasive.
The use of racial slurs is pervasive and persistent.
Christianity Today
I keep waiting for really solid evidence that cybercrime is as pervasive as it seems to be.
Boing Boing
The dyke forms a ridge, as a result of a pervasive calcite cement.
It's a strangely pervasive attitude.
Times, Sunday Times
He puts most emphasis on the pervasive corruption of the political class.
The Times Literary Supplement
Canadian Baptists, however, know we are not American, even though we have been shaped by the pervasive influence of American culture.
The fraud in paperwork for foreclosures is highly pervasive," he said.
Bank of America latest to put hold on foreclosures amid paperwork concerns
Though commerce exists pervasively and evolve continuously, it will be more interesting to deal with it in the given urban context and coordinate.
The old houses we love and live in are almost all distinguished by the pervasive use of plasterwork.
Little recognized in this country is that the scope and pervasiveness of American power is now the lodestone for every other country in the pursuit of its own interests.
The polyphonic voices of the poem remind us at every turn that all of these larger issues concern a pervasive discomfort with the body.
The use of Peano arithmetic is fairly pervasive in mathematical physics, hence, at first sight, this appears to be highly damaging to the prospects for a final Theory of Everything in physics.
Archive 2009-06-01
Automatic firearms and cartridges work together in complex ways, and changes to either a weapon or a cartridge can create pervasive disharmonies that can be difficult to pinpoint; ghosts can readily inhabit these machines, and they do.
The Gun
Despite the pervasive nature of creolisation on Barbados, it is a mistake to conclude that West African cultural patterns were stripped from the black population.
Probably the most obvious suspect behind our tendency to drop out of community affairs is pervasive busy-ness.
The belief that bisexuality is just a phase is also pervasive, to the point where bisexuals are sometimes falsely encouraged to choose one of the dichotomous extremes of gay and straight.
OSHA is well-intentioned, but OSHA regulations are so pervasive and so particular that no business in America isn't violating the regulations in some fashion or another.
Your Right Hand Thief
Current practice in mathematics education is deeply entrenched and pervasive.
He left by the back door after spilling the beans on the pervasive bung culture that he said was infecting the game.
Times, Sunday Times
There is also - and here the 22 reissued CDs provide a powerful reminder - a pervasive sense of shoddiness clinging to their early output.
Gelernter discusses very acutely the religious dimension in America's self-understanding over the centuries, which he believes is still pervasive.
Hmm, maybe so, but the fact remains that the Scots and Irish influence is a powerful and pervasive one.
On the other hand, the ancient revulsion against emasculation, effeminacy, and males assuming, or forced into, the passive role of females is far less pervasive today.
Our modern game is bereft of such pervasive facial topiary.
Times, Sunday Times
Nonetheless, a pervasive wireless network will be invaluable for laptop users on the move and in meetings beyond their offices.
Times, Sunday Times
Please note how pervasive is the virus of pacifism.
California Reality, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
In the second week since the Wall Street crash, [ "Black Monday," October 19, 1987] this posturing is all-pervasive.
Quote Of The Day–”A Man That Breeds A Family …”
This was also an age during which the religious teaching of the church had a very strong and pervasive influence throughout western Europe.
Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
Flowers like the oxlip, with transparently thin petals, only faintly washed with colour, yet have a distinct and pervasive scent.
The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
Instead he relies on brutality, scatological humour and a pervasive aura of coarseness.
One of the things that concerns me about the tone of the site is the kind of pervasive pessimism it contains.
The pervasiveness of their systems software is precisely what makes the deal appealing to many customers.
Just over a decade later, Thatcher's crude rightwing dogmatism had given way to a kind of all-pervasive centre-right wishful thinking.
Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class by Owen Jones – review
The notion that cities are removed from the natural rhythm of the seasons is pervasive.
Still, despite all sorts of turmoil, Rushdie has never surrendered to this seemingly all-pervasive impoverishment of our imaginative faculties.
As Elizabeth Warren, the brilliant head of the congressional oversight panel on the bank bailout has noted, no one has exposed the record of pervasive fraud and misdealing that was at the base of the housing bubble.
Robert L. Borosage: Time for a Grand Inquest on the Financial Crisis
The value of a positional advantage is inversely correlated to its pervasiveness, which is directly correlated to its equity.
Works in progress: Frank Pasquale
It is because of this slipshod attitude of the concerned agencies that the antiquities and the relics of distant past are easily accessible to not only all pervasive primates but to anyone who is interested to fritter or wipe out them.
My upbringing instilled in me all-pervasive fear — the sense that most everything in life (especially pleasure and taking chances) was baneful; that good existed only in the afterlife; that people, places, and things were never to be trusted.
Best of 2009: Web tool and learning experience
The anhedonia was pervasive, including sleeping problems, waking early and inability to concentrate in school, even in sports.
In terms of intent -- how we're meant to read God -- I think you absolutely have to distinguish the immanent all-pervasive divinity of animism from the transcendant all-powerful divinity of monotheism.
Archive 2006-02-01
The code of gentility was far more pervasive and important than the influence of the group of self-styled gentry.
Group maladaptive responses are often misunderstood by leaders and citizens of developed societies, which do not have to contend with all-pervasive societal anxiety.
He spoofs himself into an exuberant documentary that demonstrates the all-pervasive influence of modern advertising by satiric example, and with great ingenuity—talking, for example, about product placement while he's placed in such products as a JetBlue terminal where he slugs down a bottle of POM Wonderful.
'Incendies' Burns With Mystery, Truth
As with all great historical figures, the myth is both powerful and pervasive.
As a card-carrying Shakespearean, I have called attention to the tiny detail of the temple-haunting martlet, but specialized knowledge is hardly required: in Goold's Macbeth we quickly sense the atmosphere of Stalinist Russia, with its pervasive paranoia, its inner circles of nervous, vulpine flatterers, its interrogation chambers and extorted confessions, its public rituals of adulation braided together with opportunism, fear, and hatred.
In the Night Kitchen
Whatever the accuracy of those perceptions, the mutual antipathy is unspoken, but pervasive.
Dependent personality disorder is described as a pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of that leads to a submissive and clinging behavior as well as fears of separation.
Other predominant reasons Anderson presents for the pervasive spread of nationalism are new inventions of ideal types of nationalist symbols and other idioms such as lexicological terms that exclude, stereotype, and stress human differences in lieu of bridging human ideological gaps.
Radovan Karadzic's website and blog
Fog settles onto damp leaves in the woods - not Prufrock's yellow fog or the amber fog of the suburbs, but a gray-white hanging mist that feels like the down or underfur of some pervasive beast.
From On High
What vivifies these elements, however, is the central operation of a pervasive and fundamental irony.
There is a sort of pervasive melancholy, but also an unfocused hope for the future.
There was a pervasive smell in the gallery, of wood polish, burnt toast and lingering coffee fumes.
Seminary Boy
The nested hierarchy is pervasive in extant and extinct life, morphology and genomics.
Beckwith on ID
The use of Peano arithmetic is fairly pervasive in mathematical physics, hence, at first sight, this appears to be highly damaging to the prospects for a final Theory of Everything in physics.
Archive 2009-06-01
This is one reason why Wing is supportive of proposed changes in diagnosis, to be implemented in 2013, which will assimilate Asperger's syndrome and several of the confusing autism sub-groups childhood disintegrative disorder, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, for example into one definitive diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder.
Autism: a mother's labour of love
Socioeconomic disparity in mortality is pervasive, and it continues to increase," said Ahmedin Jemal, an epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society who lead the study.
Research studies
The accent is now on fun rather than endless drills and going home with a pervasive sense of failure.
Times, Sunday Times
In the same way, most of us are desensitized to the pervasive presence of the written word in our daily lives.
Meanwhile "inebriation in all its most brutal and disgraceful shapes" takes its moral toll upon the masses in the form of vile oaths, imprecations, naughty songs, and pervasive "ribaldry"; thus procedures that are intended to facilitate public participation actually create an "earthly hell" on the deck of the outlaw vessel (405).
Love and Merit in the Maritime Historical Novel: Cooper and Scott
Today, amateur athletics are a pervasive part of academic institutions across the United States.
Cricket, in fact, is so pervasive and powerful some non-believers (yes, these deviants also exist) complain that we are a country only of cricket and more cricket.
Furthermore, brain scientists have noted the pervasive nature of self-deception and of different species of "confabulation", and they have begun to make progress in unmasking the underlying neurological processes (Hirstein 2005).
I have long been puzzled by the supposed crackdown on drugs and vice that steadfastly ignored the home grown Thai problem of all pervasive corruption.
Kinship is one of the more important, pervasive and complex systems of culture.
This was also an age during which the religious teaching of the church had a very strong and pervasive influence throughout western Europe.
Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
Even from there, the odor was pervasive, competing quite successfully against the warm aroma of cinnamon from the plum torte in the oven.
Outside there would be the pervasive odor of skunk.
The main reason why I'm sick of them is that I literally see them everywhere through the insipid pervasiveness of merchandized products bearing their likenesses.
Die, Marvel Zombies, die! Er, again. | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
Zebra mussels, phragmites, and exotic snails are but a few of the more pervasive impediments to the recovery of some listed species.
The launch window stays open and no one wants to go given the previous results and the pervasive gloom.
Since the Internet's become pervasive, myriad companies purporting to enable micropayments - those less than a dollar - have come and gone.
Given the pervasiveness of computers in modern society, the worldwide social ramifications of this software architecture are enormous.
There is a need to counter the pervasive naturalization of the global as the economically optimal scale of market forces.
Indeed can spending more on defence protect us in a world where technology is all-pervasive?
Our modern game is bereft of such pervasive facial topiary.
Times, Sunday Times
And although their songs are often About Stuff, U2 patented this stubbornly pervasive tone of wafty, inchoate, non-specific, quasi-spiritual yearning that has come to typify big stadium acts.
Are U2 bad for Glastonbury?
It's a strangely pervasive attitude.
Times, Sunday Times
The bad was the pervasive and inevitable corruption of morals and manners that accompanied such a compulsion for the luxurious.
Such negative stereotypes are often reinforced by pervasive media images which portray the young as capable and glamorous.
A testament to the "Series of Tubes" meme's pervasiveness is its inclusion in an AT&T FastAccess business DSL tech support manual.
"Series Of Tubes," Mario Reference, Found In ATT Manual - The Consumerist
A sense of social change is pervasive in her novels.
The use of racial slurs is pervasive and persistent.
Christianity Today
If local dialects are unduly emphasized, localism and regionalism will become more pervasive and more serious.
The analysis of kinetic signals in terms of exponential processes is pervasive, with numerous applications found in physics, chemistry, biophysics, and medicine.
Recent pieces in the media had identified her as strong supporter of Taiwan independence: ("hardliner"), ("surprise choice"; "counter to the pervasive mood of thawing"; "pro-independence figure").
Archive 2008-05-01
The archive footage has a grey tinge that gives it a pervasive air of misery and the message seems to be that things are better now.
Times, Sunday Times
Without the breeze, Ali noticed for the first time the pervasive sickroom odors that the fragrant ocean air had kept at bay.
Fatal Error
However, rowing remains one of the few pursuits that has retained its dignity to the present day, seen in distinction from corporatism and its pervasive influences.
The pervasive pink petals of the cherry blossom trees flutter to the ground like the soft powder of a mountain peak, while the babble of the bubbling brook pervades the air.
I titled my address, "Homophobia: How We All Pay the Price," based on the notion that homophobia -- sometimes referred to as "heterosexism" prejudice and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender LGBT people is pervasive throughout society and each of us, irrespective of sexual or gender identity and expression, is at risk of its harmful effects on many levels.
Warren J. Blumenfeld: The Church Of Latter-Day Saints: Heterosexism, Racism And 'Revelation'
Dust covers the entire city; the smell of diesel fumes is pervasive no matter where you go; there are ruins and debris everywhere you look; and the trees are all destroyed (either cut down for fuel or by the Soviets years earlier to thwart snipers who used them for cover).
Khaled Hosseini - An interview with author
He blamed a culture of political correctness, which he described as pervasive even through the military.
Hotline On Call
Mentalizing is pervasive in everyday life, in communication and co-operation, in pedagogy, in play-acting, but also in deceiving, cheating, and outwitting.
A pervasive theory of structuration needs to be built on preceding knowledge about agency and subjectivity.
I see that you've found words for the odd pervasiveness of what looks like gender questioning masculinity in wimmin's community.
Socialist critics reply that although some amount of alienation will surely exist in any industrialized society, capitalism significantly intensifies alienation and makes it more pervasive.
Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
Modern day society is replete with situations that make chronic stress highly pervasive.
There was a pervasive smell in the gallery, of wood polish, burnt toast and lingering coffee fumes.
Seminary Boy
The Secretary General of Ijaw Youth Council, Engr. Udengs Eradiri, who spoke to Vanguard yesterday in Yenagoa, lamented what he described as the pervasive poverty in the predominantly riverine state due to the alleged manipulation of some few in the state treasury department.
Vanguard News
Often it takes meetings such as this to reveal the pervasive nature of culturally determined behaviour.
The comparative disadvantage of these countries in production of labour-intensive manufactures was pronounced and pervasive.
Competing in a Global Economy
Mineralization consists of quartz-albite-calcite veining with disseminated pyrite, pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite hosted in pervasively silicified, brecciated siltstone and wacke.
Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
Considering the pervasiveness of piracy, it's taking a pretty fair stance here.
However interoperability is not something that actually needs to be pervasive.
Socially networked harddrives | FactoryCity
But the illusions of the movie's Europeans are a darker matter, for they help create a pervasive, reflexive anti-Americanism that is ultimately extremely dangerous.
National leadership and more pervasive international co-operation will also be essential in order to keep mafia and piracy practices from resurging.
There is sun, heavy silence, a pervasive scent of parched vegetation, a lizard materialized on a rock.
McCarthy always includes a ‘friendship wall’ in her shows on which numerous works by her artist friends are displayed, exemplifying the community spirit that seems so pervasive in San Francisco.
We have only insufficient and conflicting evidence about what ideologies the Khmer Rouge leaders found most compelling, and it is difficult to know to what extent these beliefs, such as Maoism, were actually pervasive and convincing beyond the core group.
Cambodia: Revisiting the Killing Fields
Now, less prone to the pervasive embarrassments of adolescence, her emotional appreciation of the book is simply a memory.
Technology will continue to be pervasive in national defense and warfare.
Elsewhere, she likens the notes contained in a raga to garlic and onion, one leaving an all-pervasive flavour while the other remains in the background, yet contributes substantially to the outcome.
But pervasive as this behavior may be, we do have moments of generosity and altruism.
The archive footage has a grey tinge that gives it a pervasive air of misery and the message seems to be that things are better now.
Times, Sunday Times
Many of my clients have too much legacy code and momentum to change pervasively.
There is a pervasive impression that the credit markets have "thawed" somewhat and that capital is readily available on terms that are well shy of usurious.
24/7 Wall St.
The upshot is that the stronger and more pervasive the NGO gets, the fewer families will form, grow, and perdure in a healthy manner.
The New Girl Order
Yet the idea that teen angst is unavoidable is pervasive in our culture.
After habitat destruction, the spread of alien invasive species in our countryside is one of the most pervasive threats to our native plants.
In contrast, peace is a fundamental aspect of the faith and is a very pervasive element in Islam.
We tend to forget how often we have succumbed as a nation to a pervasive individualism that stigmatizes poor children and blames their families.
Some of its influence has derived from its pervasiveness, or invasiveness, in many aspects of life among the people of Taiwan.
Stories and their pervasiveness is the kind of stuff which keeps changing pending the immediacy of transitory needs the mind is quick to invent to keep the story interesting and in control of you.
Page 2
India has had a longer exposure to English than any other country which uses it as a second language, and its distinctive words, idioms, grammar, rhetoric and rhythms are numerous and pervasive.
Furthermore, a significant percentage of those organizations have been pervasively sectarian and used religious criteria in their hiring.
But the pervasiveness of the online media had convinced the trial judge to overlook nearly 70 years of precedent outlawing similar prior restraints.
Drugs, especially marijuana, are pervasive.
Times, Sunday Times
For one, she will be astonished by not only the pervasive groupthink but how little awareness there is of the narrowness of thought present.
And in "The Twisted Sisterhood," Valen argues convincingly that such animosity is pervasive and has lasting consequences.
"The Twisted Sisterhood," a book about the "dark legacy of female friendships"
We sat together in the small staff room on sagging sofas, amid a rich and pervasive smell of old upholstery and decaying dogs.
Times, Sunday Times
I know that this politics as religion isn’t anything new, Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism gives clear examples dating back at least to the 1930s, but I feel that some confluence of the internet, current events, and President Bush really spread the faith among the left (and I’m sure there are politically religious conservatives as well, but where I see the pervasiveness is the left).
Happy New Year! « Tai-Chi Policy
Underlying their apoplexy will be the pervasive American fear that, minus the maximum number of mnemonic devices, anything can and will be forgotten.
Peter Mehlman: Jingo
Cultures influence and pressure one another all the time, in pervasive and subtle ways.
The survey results also confirm the pervasiveness of the traditional division of labor within families.
A pervasive gloom hung over this place, woven into the very stillness of the air, disturbed only by the thud of hooves on fallen leaves and now and then a soft clink as one of the mares champed her bit.
A pervasive pattern of self-defeating behavior, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts.
I disdain the pervasive secularization and degeneration of humanity in my own life style.
But, on the other hand, the phenomenon I would call segregation, in its proper meaning of isolation or immobility, is very pervasive.
Distribution of Income in Canada
Nevertheless, their influence is pervasive within the history of science.
The accent is now on fun rather than endless drills and going home with a pervasive sense of failure.
Times, Sunday Times
Now even the law is finding itself vulnerable to the all-pervasive power of the internet - and this is bad news, not just for royalty, but for any innocent person who finds himself unjustly accused.
The resulting sub-genre, cyberpunk, broke from old-school science fiction by focusing on all-pervasive quantum-based technologies such as genetic engineering and microprocessing.
That comment appeared to be aimed much more at pervasive and accepted bastardry.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Here Comes the Soda Tax?
It's a pervasive attitude that goes well beyond politicians.
Times, Sunday Times
The arms business would not survive in its current form without pervasive corruption.
The Times Literary Supplement
Your use of the word 'demented' is not totally surprising, given how pervasive and entrenched the mythology about the poet is out there (and how easy it has been for centuries to automatically label gifted, creative women who behave differently as 'demented').
A reader requests . . .
This disclaimer appears to address the cultural reality of pervasive sexism and to declare psychiatry sensitive to it.
The perception was frightening, but there was a sensation of healing in his chest and a pervasive sense of well-being.
Don't let the undeniably spooky DVD box art fool you: That toothy spook only appears a few times and not in any sort of pervasive or effective manner.
He exercised a pervasive influence on European drama by challenging the conventions of naturalism.
In the context of the pervasive nineteenth century idealism of Hegel, Kant and their epigones, this axiomatic statement was anything but banal.
Far from protecting the health of the population, the result is a wave of panic and a pervasive climate of anxiety and despondency.
Today, the media landscape barely resembles that of the late '70s, but the so-called "pervasiveness" concept arising from Pacifica -- the idea that broadcasting is an unstoppable "intruder" in the home -- lives on.
Leslie Harris: Unhappy Birthday Pacifica
‘Contamination appears not to be sporadic, but rather pervasive across the seed supplies for these crops,’ Mellon said.
As any current observer of demolition will tell you, grapples and thumbed buckets are pervasive for cleanup work.
This pervasive attitude impacts on allocations of budget, manpower, and the priorities imposed by the organization.
Market-led Strategic Change
There was a pervasive smell of cigarettes too, the French ones I'd been smoking lately.
Psychologists call it disinhibition, and its pervasive effect—as can be witnessed every day in nasty comments appended to newspaper articles online, in the aggrieved tone and intent of some blog postings, in e-mail inboxes scorched by flame wars—has turned many parts of the Internet into a nasty place.
The Tyranny of E-mail
Alcohol is particularly dangerous for teenagers because it is so pervasive in our adult world (and in most human cultures generally), but is not identified as the potent drug it is.
Sara Whitman: Stoned and Drunk and Messing with Tigers
Visitors to either venue cannot help but reflect on the pervasive, beneficent influence that this durable document has had on our personal and civic lives.
The odium is either gone or all over pervasive, and the township revolts are assuming an endemic scale and nature reminiscent of 20 years ago.
Legislative mandate and legal offence are linked by an unguided and pervasive administrative discretion.
The most pervasive form of insobriety in American culture is consumerism.
Eric Simpson: Icons: Symbols of Sobriety in a Culture of Chaos
Putney offers a tempting target for ‘revisionism’ because of the pervasive association with the Levellers and with democratic and libertarian thought.
And yet this myth of the destructive editor - the dolt with the blue pencil - is pervasive, not least in academe.
The child abuse investigators say they found enough evidence of multiple child abuse situations, of what they called a pervasive pattern of child sexual abuse on that ranch, that they needed to get all of the children off, and that's what they've done -- Don.
CNN Transcript Apr 23, 2008
And can they then cut through pervasive public cynicism and generate enough voter interest to enact their recommendations?
But the pervasive smell is the rich charred aroma of tandoori and creamy tikka masala rather than cheap liquor and urine.
This technique isso pervasive among pro anglers that it's astounding every basser in Americahasn't heard of it.
Three Pro Bass Fishermen with 28 Ways to Catchfish
The necessity for, and the pervasiveness of, these technostructures immediately raises issues of personal liberty and civic engagement in their securitization.
But in the course of playing out his spoof, Cervantes replaces the omniscience of the typical chivalric narrator with a pervasive uncertainty that detaches from the parody and becomes, in its own right, an aspect of the book.
A seeker of true Divinity will attain salvation when he realizes the Truth, the all-pervasive Brahman.
We sat together in the small staff room on sagging sofas, amid a rich and pervasive smell of old upholstery and decaying dogs.
Times, Sunday Times
The pianist's role is controlling and self-deprecatory, and Lortie was pervasive yet discreet, pulling the other players and us with him into Chausson's bleak world.
Lortie/Dumay/Quatuor Ebène
Some readers may be inclined to doubt the significance or pervasiveness of the open source mode of software development.
And can they then cut through pervasive public cynicism and generate enough voter interest to enact their recommendations?
Because of its pervasiveness and cognitive characteristics, metaphor is widely applied to the field of language study.
It has holes in the roof and a faint but pervasive smell of rotting wood.
Times, Sunday Times
The media emphasis on stereotyped versions of beauty is pervasive.