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How To Use Pervade In A Sentence

  • This antimodernist nativism pervaded the 1920s, but it was particularly visible in the scientific racism of the eugenics movement, the xenophobia of the "100 percent American" movement, the sharp resurgence in the Ku Klux Klan, the post – World War One Red Scare (directed primarily at immigrant radicals), and in a series of draconian immigration restriction acts. 11 Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • an atmosphere of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters
  • The film is a reflection of the violence that pervades American culture.
  • A retrospective influence pervaded the whole performance.
  • Liminal phases of rites of passage, carnivals, and fêtes are often pervaded by images of chaos and misrule.
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  • My response to those accusations was to relocate to Madrid – the only city in Europe where I could unravel the Islamic Andalusian influences that pervade Spanish culture.
  • The writing maintains the suspensefulness that has pervaded this book since #26, and I’m really enjoying the character work Bucky’s targetless rage, Tony’s grief clouding his much-vaunted predictive mind, Sharon’s horror at being controlled as well as Epting & Mike Perkins art. Captain America #30 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • The same oppressive atmosphere pervades the town of Soham.
  • A serious expression pervaded the face of Dyke Darrel, and he scarcely spoke during the drive back to town. Dyke Darrel the Railroad Detective Or, The Crime of the Midnight Express
  • The air was pervaded by a sickening sweet smell of burnt meat and charred wood.
  • An awkward and uncomfortable atmosphere pervades the tense setting.
  • The film, thankfully, avoids the simplistic lectures that pervade many stories about social media, but it also fails to tackle how Zuckerberg's values, which are largely Facebook's values, impact the lives of its huge user base. Ari Melber: The Social Network: Because People Like Being Alone Together
  • My response to those accusations was to relocate to Madrid – the only city in Europe where I could unravel the Islamic Andalusian influences that pervade Spanish culture.
  • An air of gravity and solemnity pervaded the president's remarks as a stunned nation listened by radio.
  • A certain lack of personal hygiene pervades the carriage, and then yes, you guessed it, three of 'em decide my table is fair game.
  • He has no illusions about the atmosphere of terror and suspicion that pervaded even the elite and rendered all of its servitors vulnerable to unjustified and sudden persecution.
  • A sense of destiny pervades your every waking moment, and you prepare with great detail for destiny fulfilled.
  • A smell of decay pervaded the air.
  • Their earthy smell pervades the air that he breathes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Harder to stomach is the peevish, chip-on-your-shoulder feminism that pervades so much of the book.
  • Your mind is completely calm now and a sense of peace pervades your whole being. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • A sense of hope pervaded all 17 narratives, and for some this was closely linked to fear.
  • Pagoda Trellis is based on a fragment of a silk panel hand painted in France in the eighteenth century in response to the European rage for chinoiserie that pervaded every aspect of interior decoration.
  • Its very simplicity serves as a correction to the elaborate artifice and pretension - most of it hollow - that pervade current dance-making.
  • A retrospective influence pervaded the whole performance.
  • His kindly humour, his great generosity, his reticence about his own achievements, and his sense of fairness pervaded his whole life.
  • Above all, I remember the overwhelming sense of defeatism and moral chaos that pervaded public discourse.
  • A faint smell of gasoline pervaded his nostrils.
  • Dreams pervade the play, giving it an illusionary quality and heightening the sense of dark hilarity that frequently has the audience hysterical with laughter.
  • The smell of baked apples pervaded the house.
  • The demise of the boozy lunch is one more sign of the U. S. influence, which pervades Mexico's middle-class.
  • Most of them are pervaded by a brooding spirit of melancholy of the 'moping' rather than the 'musical' sort, and consequently rather ineffective as an artistic motive. Proserpine and Midas
  • The smell of sawdust and glue pervaded the factory.
  • Further emphasizing the same truth Sri Krishna repeats, ‘The atman is imperishable, and it pervades the whole universe.’
  • What saves them is the same sinister atmosphere that pervades the larger works.
  • The word "signals" jumps out: Elsewhere the author criticizes the homunculi little men, making quite difficult determinations, that pervade putative neuroscientific accounts of the mind; there is more than a hint of a homunculus in the notion of neurons that "signal" to one another. Rethinking Thinking
  • Smoke pervades every house in Cincinnati, begrimes the carpets, blackens the curtains, soils the paint, and worries the ladies. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 118, August, 1867
  • A paradox pervades the Sicilian citrus groves and gardens. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He died a martyr's death, but only because he was pervaded from the beginning with the elements of a martyr's spirit. The Assassinated President
  • And Jenkins's achievements - and failure to grasp the supreme power prize - pervade his historical writing and suffuse it with insight.
  • gloom pervaded the office
  • A thick, nebulous haze, caused by the manufacturing process, pervaded everywhere, revealing sparks and the blindingly bright radiance of welding from time to time.
  • A sense of crisis pervades her account of life in the low-wage workforce.
  • An uneasy silence and a certain amount of shifting in seats pervades the group.
  • The cause and symptom of this is failure to tell - and face - the dreadful truth: this failure pervades many of the news reports and much of the commentary we read, and reinforces the blue-sky world that many want to exist.
  • The entire house was pervaded by a sour smell.
  • The concept of value pervades modern life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The selling of pardons was simply a lower kind of simoniacal bartering which pervaded the whole hierarchical establishment. Luther and the Reformation: The Life-Springs of Our Liberties
  • A vast sense of rejuvenescence pervades the significant classes, a sense of new importance in the world. American Stasi
  • Quae postquam Metello comperta sunt, quamquam inter Thalam flumenque proximum in spatio milium quinquaginta, loca arida atque vasta esse cognoverat, tamen spe patrandi belli, si ejus oppidi potitus foret, omnes asperitates supervadere ac naturam etiam vincere aggreditur. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • But as time passed and as the age of the Kami became more remote, a feeling of awe began to pervade the rites more strongly than a sense of family affection, and the idea of residing and worshipping in the same place assumed a character of sacrilege. A History of the Japanese People From the Earliest Times to the End of the Meiji Era
  • They are derivative works, and this weakness just pervades them throughout.
  • I argue that cultural indifference, chauvinism and racism pervade the classroom, posing particular challenges for anthropological pedagogy.
  • Then it was prairie again, to the heel of the Sangre de Cristo mountains, and since all this had recently been Mexican territory, there were more olive faces than white in the little settlements, and that unwashed languor inseperable from dagoes began to pervade the scene. Isabelle
  • The air of despair that pervaded the Greenyards last season has been supplanted by a buoyant optimism borne out of two successive wins by Melrose in the opening rounds of the BT Premiership.
  • We may "pshaw" and "pooh" at Harry Gill and the Idiot Boy; but the deep and tremulous tenderness of sentiment, the strong-winged flight of fancy, the excelling and unvarying purity, which pervade all the writings of Wordsworth, and the exquisite melody of his lyrical poems, must ever continue to attract and purify the mind. International Weekly Miscellany - Volume 1, No. 9, August 26, 1850
  • The corruption and immorality that pervades the exercise is astounding.
  • Dishonesty, thievery, and peculation pervade the public sector.
  • The scent of sandalwood pervaded the air, and opposite the door was a carven screen blocking my view of the chamber's stove-bed.
  • The entire house was pervaded by a sour smell.
  • The smell of the ‘lakh’ [Senegalese food prepared from roughly kneaded millet flour, which is cooked in water and eaten with curds] cooling in the calabashes pervades the air.
  • The film is a reflection of the violence that pervades American culture.
  • A mood of fretfulness thus pervades the pamphlet.
  • A great sense of love pervades my being. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • Hot dense matter is in every star and supernova; warm dense matter pervades the cores of large planets like Jupiter and occurs transitionally when a material goes from solid to plasma.
  • Life on the set is pervaded by what the uninvolved might well view as superstition.
  • A cheerful expression pervaded the square and the church, the roofs and windows; even the very doorways of the village seemed likewise to be in holiday trim. The Magic Skin
  • From off to the right came the sound of clashing steel and the smell of bacon pervaded the area.
  • But it was too late, as candles lit up in the houses and a brilliant glow pervaded the city.
  • Small offices line the hallways, each with beveled glass doors displaying the names of the ministers and employees who occupy them, as well as snippets of the church-meets-modern-management jargon that pervades the organization. American Grace
  • Indeed, contempt for the acting profession pervades the film, embodied in the figure of Sutter, the studio bondsman on Howard's tail.
  • There is a patina of pastness and folkloric authenticity that pervades the marketplace.
  • But it is hard to see it making much headway against the ideology that now pervades academic institutions.
  • Reader-directed irony, that by now classical stylistic device of postmodern literature, pervades the ancient play.
  • But except for edamame and some especially delectable kimchi, pork pervades all.
  • The gelatigenous tissue contains a number of special component elements, which require special nourishment through proper diet; and in view of the fact that the gelatigenous tissue pervades so many of the various organs, its effect upon the functional abilities of a great number of them is obvious. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • The scent of sandalwood pervaded the air, and opposite the door was a carven screen blocking my view of the chamber's stove-bed.
  • One is the notion of human dignity which has come to pervade modern ethical and social thought in the West.
  • The pervasive pink petals of the cherry blossom trees flutter to the ground like the soft powder of a mountain peak, while the babble of the bubbling brook pervades the air.
  • Some of these false notes proceed simply from the immense growth of every sort of facilitation -- so that people are much more free than of old to come and go and do, to inquire and explore, to pervade and generally "infest"; with a consequent loss, for the fastidious individual, of his blest earlier sense, not infrequent, of having the occasion and the impression, as he used complacently to say, all to himself. Italian Hours
  • She critiques the ethic of domination that pervades many texts on sexuality and still finds in them trajectories toward mutuality and intersubjectivity. Feminist Theology.
  • The smell of death that pervaded the school was most potent here.
  • An atmosphere of camaraderie pervades the Academy.
  • The fundamental distinction that pervades and informs all of his work is that between the ancients and the moderns.
  • It's as random and superficial as it sounds, much of the reasoning is frankly spurious and an air of smugness pervades it all. Times, Sunday Times
  • This life force is the supreme, creative intelligence that pervades every cell of ours.
  • At the other end of the design spectrum from the energysucking gizmology that now pervades our lives; simple tech is quietly bringing back simplicity and sustainability as a worthwhile goal for industrial design. Simple Tech = Common Sense Design
  • The story of the 9/11 boatlift is a reminder of the sense of shared purpose and resilience that pervaded New York - and the world - in the immediate aftermath of the attacks. Tom Hanks Narrates 'BOATLIFT,' Honors Untold 9/11 Story Of Mariner Heroes (VIDEO)
  • Hip, youthful irony pervades Zhao Bandi's self-portrait vignettes with his Baby Panda doll.
  • The theme, that of the courtezan in love, was a favourite one with the classical school, and much of the ancient style and tone pervades it; yet its atmosphere is a modern one, the expression of its sentiment is modern too, and the accessories are supplied with an eye to material and moral exactitude. Balzac
  • A paradox pervades the Sicilian citrus groves and gardens. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Dogs, cats, birds, people—all of us live for the freshness that pervades the hill around midnight.
  • The expressive power of these works is dramatically amplified when considered in the context of their natural setting, and gives a face to the palpable, yet otherwise abstract animism that pervades the woods near his home.
  • The air was misty and a strong smell of fish stew from a kettle on the table pervaded the room.
  • Twentieth-century attitudes and sensibilities as well as contemporary slang pervade the lyrics, and ironic allusions to modern life are scattered throughout the political depiction of the events. Featured Content
  • No critique of American culture and manhood is complete without a discussion of athletics and the color line that long pervaded American sports.
  • Above all, I remember the overwhelming sense of defeatism and moral chaos that pervaded public discourse.
  • Pitcairners are famous for the culture of silence that pervades their small society.
  • The primacy of vision has so pervaded the idea of political representation that the rhetoric of good and evil seems naturally translated to the ability to emit light, or to bring to light.
  • He also believes he was treated as a threat to a comfortable council monopoly: "I was disappointed but not too surprised at the deep municipalism that pervades a local public sector," he says. Who will join these social enterprise heroes?
  • Your mind is completely calm now and a sense of peace pervades your whole being. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • Clearly, there are noticeable changes in the national mood as fear and anxiety pervade throughout the country.
  • Should these "sparticles" exist, perhaps they might explain the existence of dark matter that we know pervades the entire Universe, but have little idea what it is.
  • bureaucratism", which he then believed pervaded the CCP to such a degree that it was creating OpenDemocracy
  • I'd always found it so easy to let myself get caught up in the festive atmosphere that seemed to pervade the season, and I suppose that's true even now.
  • Carol claims the smell this generates is sickening and pervades her entire house.
  • Images of flower meadows and buttercup pastures pervade our culture - and are regularly wheeled out to sell everything from chocolate and butter to shampoo and soap powder.
  • Your mind is completely calm now and a sense of peace pervades your whole being. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • What caused credit to freeze as the TED spread (which should be about 50) went up to nearly 300 last fall, and is still hovering near 100, is the leveraged speculation that pervaded every form of financial transaction — ALL of it abstracted from the actual production of stuff … like houses, which have a value in themselves. Matthew Yglesias » Brink Lindsey Accuses Progressives of Peddling “Nostalgianomics”
  • Instead, all they have to do is follow their nose - the sweet, strong smell pervades the entire gallery.
  • Excitement still pervaded the air, which hummed with voices and the crackle and pop of logs in the fire like a twenty-one gun salute.
  • The utter falseness and deception that pervade the campaigns of the two parties have imbued the proceedings with an air of unreality.
  • Webb depicts the physical abuse of plebes at the hands of upperclassmen, a practice that has been abolished, but he still vividly captures the sense of honor that pervades U.S. service academies.
  • The smell of incense and sandalwood pervades the air as one walks into the Pudu Mandapam, opposite the Meenakshi Sundareswar Temple.
  • A truly devout Catholic, in her grief she leaned with all a woman's trust and confidingness upon the love and power of Christ, and something of the divine calmness which we associate with the character of the mother of our Lord, and which has been so wonderfully depicted to the eye by some of the older painters, pervaded her spirit. Adèle Dubois A Story of the Lovely Miramichi Valley in New Brunswick
  • Smell for smell, the interior of that hotel may have harbored a worse one than the odor of henhouse which pervaded ours, I hope from the materials for calcimining the rooms on the _patio. Familiar Spanish Travels
  • But let it be understood how we came to say that body passing through and through another body must produce disintegration, while we make qualities pervade their substances without producing disintegration: the bodilessness of qualities is the reason. The Six Enneads.
  • But most importantly, attitudes have changed and a risk-averse culture now pervades thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shot in a catch-as-catch-can manner in 2003, the film tracks the misadventures of Jani Raappana, a 20-year-old slacker addicted to Subutex, the synthetic opiate that has replaced heroin in much of Europe and pervades the youth culture of Rovaniemi, the capital city of Finnish Lapland, north of the Arctic Circle. Cooking Up Something Tasty
  • When we entered the cemetery, I was immediately struck by the sense of peace and expansiveness that pervaded the place.
  • Excitement still pervaded the air, which hummed with voices and the crackle and pop of logs in the fire like a twenty-one gun salute.
  • At the moment, an overly cautious middle-class management culture pervades social work and many other protective agencies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Schlosberg's passionate rallying call pervades each song with a sense of urgency and zeal so often missed from other bands.
  • The conservative attitude which pervaded his book was especially congenial to America.
  • A strong sense of clanship pervaded these villages, making men from other clans feel like interlopers.
  • The energetic wit and laddish humour of one so young pervades this hair-brained adventure, set in the sleepy backwaters of a small Swedish country town.
  • His mind was ripped out of his personal bliss when the smell of cigarette smoke pervaded the air and a rough hand wrapped around his mouth.
  • She was always tremendously energetic, laughing, busy, busy laughing and trying her damndest to turn back the forces of darkness that pervade our visions of the future, here & elsewhere. Errin Vuley memorial on Friday, November 20 at 11:00am (Blog for Democracy)
  • Some 600 m below this breccia the pluton is pervaded by a fine-grained granophyre, apparently the product of a sudden and final crystallization.
  • Your mind is completely calm now and a sense of peace pervades your whole being. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • This dilemma pervades the book. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Scabs, blemishes, and pockmarks pervaded the rest of his face.
  • Sincerity is impossible, unless it pervade the whole being, and the pretense of it saps the very foundation of character. James Russell Lowell 
  • I am deeply relaxed and a great sense of calmness pervades my body and my mind. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • The elocutionary movement that pervaded both academic and popular spheres of nineteenth-century rhetorical life actually began some decades before, in the latter half of the eighteenth century.
  • The drunken spree lasted for years after the conflict and I allowed the feeling of our national invincibility to pervade me (to such an extent that our defeats in Bataan, Corregidor and Pearl Harbor became "just a fluke"). Dr. Paul Ashton
  • If they open their windows, the smell pervades their homes and lingers there for a long time.
  • But don't think for a second that the Fed has some kind of monopoly on a situation where rapacity pervades honest reason.
  • With all its color and fierce action, a certain Greek continence pervades it. “Custer’s Last Rally.” Specimen Days
  • Life on the set is pervaded by what the uninvolved might well view as superstition.
  • The joy and beauty that pervade the show make the theatre a heaven of its own.
  • The unrelieved pessimism that pervades the book bogs down the reader.
  • A happy festival atmosphere pervaded the whole town.
  • Philpot's face, they were softened down by the pallor of death, and a placid, peaceful expression pervaded his features. The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
  • *BUT*seriously acting as though Avatar is in some way superior, is just the blindest thing anybody could ever say, Rip-off storytelling pervades the whole film constantly George Lucas Addresses the Star Wars Prequel Haters on The Daily Show | /Film
  • One of our troubles is a curious jealousy of success in commerce and industry which seems to pervade many who ought to know better. Britain Today
  • Fragments of asteroids and comets pervade interplanetary space.
  • Anxieties about procreation came to pervade the handbooks and medical literature that dealt with marital sex.
  • The cosmos is pervaded by a continuous invisible substance which they called pneuma (Greek: Continuity and Infinitesimals
  • Yet an unexpected feeling of fun and clutter pervades the complex.
  • It says a great deal about the role of the media and the outlook that pervades editorial offices and network news bureaus.
  • According to Armey's contention, the period of Clinton-Gingrich cooperation could have been motivated by their private connection, only to be destroyed when the scandal went public and partisan tensions again pervaded Washington. Bill Clinton & Newt Gingrich Shared Secrets About Their Affairs, Says Dick Armey
  • There are many experiments in chemical writers, that evince the existence of heat as a fluid element, which covers and pervades all bodies, and is attracted by the solutions of some of them, and is detruded from the combination of others. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Hardenberg (1772-1801), better known as Novalis, is pervaded by deep feeling. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • The theme of identity also pervades the Cinderella story.
  • This feeling of frustration, so incisively conveyed by these considerations by P. Medawar, pervaded in the forties the field of experimental embryology which had been enthusiastically acclaimed in the mid-thirties, when the upper lip of the amphibian blastopore brought this area of research to the forefront of the biological stage. Nobel Lecture The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty-Five Years Later
  • Glass and boards covered the yard and a stench pervaded the air.
  • A strange atmosphere of chill pervades the trip - and the whole book. Times, Sunday Times
  • His style is nervous and original, not harassingly pointed like a chestnut-burr, but full of _esprit_ or wit diffused, -- that Gallic leaven which pervades whole sentences and paragraphs with an indefinable lightness and palatableness. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 23, September, 1859
  • Worse still, the sense of sameness that pervades the look of the film – pasty-faced agents and snarling gangsters, dozens of murky rooms and grimy exteriors, too many of the same characters in repetitive dialogue – keeps it from building momentum or establishing a rhythm that would help the audience immerse themselves in the narrative or the time and place. DVD Review: Public Enemies « Screaming Blue Reviews
  • The women in this town where strict Islamic customs pervade all aspects of daily life call the policewomen "whores" for working alongside Americans and men to whom they are not married, she says. Fighting is cultural, criminal for Afghan policewomen
  • One puzzling inaccuracy pervades the prints in this show, including those by the usually reliable Sadahide: While the Caucasian men are depicted sporting racial markers like facial hair, roundish eyes and broad gestures, the women invariably have Asian features. How Japan Saw Us
  • Institutionalized racism pervaded British society, and immigrant workers found themselves in unskilled jobs and with low social status.
  • This dilemma pervades the book. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Monticello-inspired details pervade the interior: the balusters on the stairway; scrolled woodwork motifs; the mantle friezes and the arches between rooms. Seeing Monticello in San Francisco
  • A paradox pervades the Sicilian citrus groves and gardens. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I think that managers have got to have a better understanding of the discrimination issues that pervade throughout the service at the present time.
  • The cinematography is faultless, combining pale green and sepia tints to allow the grittiness of a bounty hunter's profession to pervade, involving the audience in the action.
  • Beyond, the temple was larger than it had looked, e'en to the trained hunter's gaze; a sickly air of the amber-light pervaded the columns of the temple, emanating like some swamp-illness from the cyclopean ruins of the moon-deity.
  • The primacy of vision has so pervaded the idea of political representation that the rhetoric of good and evil seems naturally translated to the ability to emit light, or to bring to light.
  • Naturally, by the end of such a traumatic, sustained attack, a sense of loss pervades the opposition and the arena.
  • It is a theme that pervades this seductive book, with its delight in the arcane and ordinary.
  • A strong sense of clanship pervaded these villages, making men from other clans feel like interlopers.
  • The show is replete with simple, haunting images, and an evocative score pervades the physical action.
  • Just as a paradigm of mechanical prescriptivism took hold of the elocutionary movement in the nineteenth century, so too did it pervade instruction in handwriting.
  • Hyderabad changed the calendar and ushered in New Year amid revelry and a celebration mood that pervaded every nook and corner.
  • This arrogant spirit of ontological absolutism pervades his essay.
  • Beyond, the temple was larger than it had looked, e'en to the trained hunter's gaze; a sickly air of the amber-light pervaded the columns of the temple, emanating like some swamp-illness from the cyclopean ruins of the moon-deity.
  • The film is a reflection of the violence that pervades American culture.
  • Feminine side: not to be confused with womanliness, which is not a side but pervades the whole and also does not need to be explored, on account of it just being.
  • The damp cavernous interior of the house, with its grotty kitchen, filthy toilets and peeling wallpaper, adds to an overbearing sense of decay that pervades the film and its characters.
  • For the rest of the day the stench pervaded the village centre, causing several people to be physically sick.
  • His lifelong concern with the South also pervades most of his non-fiction prose works.
  • Their earthy smell pervades the air that he breathes. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a neat trick, actually, and sidesteps the innate structure that pervades dance music's more epic compositions.
  • Some of this success can be attributed to the benevolent spirit that pervades the old parsonage where the College is housed.
  • Whatever occurs to harass her, usually settles in her legs; but on this occasion it mounted to the chest, and then to the head, and, in short, pervaded the whole system in a most alarming manner. David Copperfield
  • Despite the tension and fear that pervaded on the night, the anniversary was highlighted by hilarity and humour.
  • A spirit of hopelessness pervaded the country.
  • Now Chrystal is a fitter Medium to receive this Motion, which we call Light, than Wood is; and hence it is, that it pervades or passeth through that and not this; and as there is a great diversity of the Motion and Operation of Bodies, so every Motion requires its proper Medium to transmit the same. The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy
  • A somewhat desolate but lyrical sense of place pervades the work.
  • And Nur al-Din saw a fair bystreet, swept and sprinkled, whereon the zephyr blew and made pleasantness pervade it and the leaves of the trees overshaded it. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Daily life and work is becoming ensnared in the undercurrents of mucky politics that pervades almost every aspect of work life.
  • A detached and melancholic tone pervades the collection. The Times Literary Supplement
  • A sense of equality pervades the Glasgow office. Times, Sunday Times
  • A strong sense of clanship pervaded these villages, making men from other clans feel like interlopers.
  • Dustin Aksland for The Wall Street Journal Monticello-inspired details pervade the interior: the balusters on the stairway; scrolled woodwork motifs; the mantle friezes and the arches between rooms. Inspired by Monticello
  • His lifelong concern with the South also pervades most of his non-fiction prose works.
  • The grim reality of this hellish landscape pervaded every aspect of work and leisure.
  • The silence of the food queues is prompted by the fear of political violence which pervades many towns.

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