[ US /pɝˈuz/ ]
[ UK /pəɹˈuːz/ ]
  1. examine or consider with attention and in detail
    Please peruse this report at your leisure
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How To Use peruse In A Sentence

  • He perused the annoyance that had arrived: ‘Oh, it's that mong, Otto.’
  • During cocktail hour, food was served from local restaurants as guests perused a silent auction that included items like a mosaic seahorse from a store called Pane in the Glass (starting bid: $30), an osteopathic exam, and the ability to be the director of the Ross School for a day (starting bid: $5,000.) Party-Hopping in East Hampton
  • Simons continues to peruse a multitude of mediums that incorporate his gymnastic talent.
  • You can sit with the fishermen at the bar, or nibble on good bread and fresh pats of unsalted butter while you peruse the menu and affordable wine list.
  • The photograph was about halfway down, but he took his time getting there, stopping as I knew he would to peruse a seed catalogue. MURDER IN E MINOR
  • Thereafter, when any cat came into view, the dog would retreat to his doghouse and, I suppose, peruse his collection of Playmutts (last month's centerfold, a fox terrier, is really hot by the way). Weird Things
  • In the commencement, the student ought carefully to reperuse what he has written, correct, in the first instance, every error of orthography and grammar. John Marshall and the Constitution; a chronicle of the Supreme court
  • His heart began to pound loudly in his ears as the woman perused his features blankly.
  • And what item greeted me as I perused the free booty?
  • Of course, appellants did more than receive and peruse the copies of the documents taken from appellee's files; they published excerpts from them in the national press.
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