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How To Use Perusal In A Sentence

  • Available for your perusal are the following documents: NY Lawyer Advertising Rules
  • Yes, I enjoyed the occasional "crapper" a term Aunt M-mv coined to describe books for perusal in the... well, you get the idea. Resistance is futile. (Or, Succumbing to the lure of the "Best of" post)
  • Then she turned from the trunk and made a slow perusal of the room and its furnishings.
  • As in other albums, the listener is promoted to voyeur of miserablism: each track has a feel of a torn out diary entry, left to wilt on adeserted marital bed for our perusal.
  • We oppose excessive use of decontextualised exercises written only for perusal and marking by a teacher.
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  • So after completing what can only be described as a perusal and skimming of the contents within, we have decided to help all those folks who are not reading the book to learn the shocking secrets held within. July 2007
  • Archives and libraries and museums have any amount of information and documents available for perusal.
  • Peter Cooke undertook to send each of us a sample contract for perusal.
  • He set it back on the wooden plate and continued his perusal of the records.
  • Of course, such records are ostensibly public and have long been available for perusal at courthouses and other offices.
  • Japanese themselves have to say on the question of the relations betwixt the foreigner and their own Government, and it is not likely that the subjoined translation of a document, purporting to be a protest addressed to the tycoon's ministers, but intended as a complaint against them to the mikado or spiritual emperor, will be found too long for perusal: Continental Monthly, Vol. 4, No 3, September 1863 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • They just showed up once a quarter for a round of golf and a casual perusal of the books.
  • This herd has turned with much greater zest to the science of language: here in this wide expanse of virgin soil, where even the most mediocre gifts can be turned to account, and where a kind of insipidity and dullness is even looked upon as decided talent, with the novelty and uncertainty of methods and the constant danger of making fantastic mistakes -- here, where dull regimental routine and discipline are desiderata -- here the newcomer is no longer frightened by the majestic and warning voice that rises from the ruins of antiquity: here every one is welcomed with open arms, including even him who never arrived at any uncommon impression or noteworthy thought after a perusal of Sophocles and Aristophanes, with the result that they end in an etymological tangle, or are seduced into collecting the fragments of out-of-the-way dialects -- and their time is spent in associating and dissociating, collecting and scattering, and running hither and thither consulting books. On the Future of our Educational Institutions
  • A streak of yellow ochre holds a form together, but on perusal, it becomes a muscle, the features of a face or a spinal column.
  • I am pleased to enclose our sales literature for your perusal.
  • It was expected that once he had completed his perusal the documents would be thrown open for inspection by journalists and researchers.
  • I dread that she should acquire preposterous notions of love, of happiness, from the furtive perusal of vulgar novels, or from the clandestine conversation of ignorant waiting-maids: – I dread that she should acquire, even from the enchanting eloquence of Rousseau, the fatal idea, that cunning and address are the natural resources of her sex; that coquetry is necessary to attract, and dissimulation to preserve the heart of man. Letters for Literary Ladies: To Which is Added, An Essay on the Noble Science of Self-Justification
  • Maybe that's because a perusal of the document reveals it is larded with neo-Marxist slogans about the ‘gender power structure’ of society.
  • For those of a philosophical bent, my results are posted below for your perusal.
  • Peter Cooke undertook to send each of us a sample contract for perusal.
  • Dr. Hakewill, in his Apology, tells you Harriot was the first that squared the area of a spherical triangle; and I can tell you, by the perusal of some papers of Torporley's it appears that Harriot could make the sign of any arch at demand, and the converse, and apply a table of sines to solve all equations, and treated largely of figurate arithmetic. Thomas Hariot
  • So long as the nation shall not fortify itself, by the arts of affectation, against nature and passion, the repre* dentation of this tragedy and the ** Orphan, '' will still be attended with applause, and the perusal with delight. Titus and Berenice, a tragedy, acted at the Duke's theatre. With a farce called the Cheats of Scapin
  • We rounded up the kookiest ensembles to hit France's runways for your perusal. Paris Fashion Week's Craziest Looks (PHOTOS, POLL)
  • The king having spent some hours in the perusal of it, and demanding many questions was occasion as, concerning the contrivement, and having received answers to all he demanded, at length said, 'It was only _a jewel for a Bibliomania; or Book-Madness A Bibliographical Romance
  • After lengthy perusal of the instructions, I managed to change the green neon clocks on the video, the hi-fi and the cooker.
  • nest work were displayed in the room for the perusal of potential customers. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • The exemplary closeness of "The Awkward Age" even affects me, on re-perusal, I confess, as treasure quite instinctively and foreseeingly laid up against my present opportunity for these remarks. The Awkward Age
  • He closed the book, loose-leafed from frequent perusals. The Voice in the Fog
  • Peter Cooke undertook to send each of us a sample contract for perusal.
  • A wicked glow lit a stare that lingered too long on me, a slow, slumberous perusal that made my mouth go dry. The Darkest Edge of Dawn
  • If a casual perusal of the more popular monographs and periodical literature is any measure, observation of Scripture often can produce a study focused on an isolated pericope or text.
  • Now I can understand it, he was like a man who had received a precious, interesting, and long-expected letter, and who lays it down before him and purposely refrains from opening it, turning it over and over in his hands, examining the envelope and the seal, going to see to things in another room, in short deferring the interesting moment of perusal, knowing that it cannot escape him. A Raw Youth
  • During the perusal of this devoir, she sat placidly busy, her eyes and fingers occupied with the formation of a “riviere” or open-work hem round a cambric handkerchief; she said nothing, and her face and forehead, clothed with a mask of purely negative expression, were as blank of comment as her lips. The Professor, by Charlotte Bronte
  • The first round, where hundreds of folks submitted wondrous items for the judges’ perusal, is over and the top 32 have been selected! RPG Superstar 2009 Round One – Results Are In! « Geek Related
  • A brief perusal of her face in the bathroom mirror reassured her that though her crying had taken its toll she was otherwise unmarked. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • You can expand on this all you want with extra toolbars and sidebars available for your perusal, but the clean approach keeps it very simple to use.
  • We oppose excessive use of decontextualised exercises written only for perusal and marking by a teacher.
  • It was, moreover, immeasurably superior to the classic attempts of the architects of the middle Georgian period, who, carried away by the enthusiasm awakened by the perusal of the newly-published "Antiquities" of Stuart and Revett, attempted to adapt Doric porticos, hexastyle, octostyle, etc., to modern domestic architecture. Lippincott's Magazine, November 1885
  • I'd just add that the whole concept of orgone and Reich's work dealing with this, is a lot more consistent and sophisticated than it might appear on first perusal.
  • A particular favorite of my brief little perusal is the following: gag a maggot off a gutwagon - Something that stinks. e.g., Taints
  • But the Press Telegram prints it right next to the comics, which is where all intelligent people begin perusal of the morning's news (and outside of baseball season often end it) so the eyes early in the morning still affected by sleep can sometimes inadvertantly slide over to that column. 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
  • I attach my contract certificate for your perusal and I wish you can assist me to secure my fund for me...
  • The speeches of Oliver Cromwell have a formidable reputation for prolixity, confusion, and excessive tediousness; yet we have not, for our own part, found these volumes to be of the dry and scarce readable description which their title foreboded; and we would caution others not to be deterred by any fears of this nature from their perusal. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 378, April, 1847
  • One whole delicious hour this morning, did my Agnes rest on my shoulder, while I held it for her perusal; and I kissed, unreproved, the sweet stillicide off her glowing cheeks, at every sentence of tenderness, from her respectable friend. Agnes De-Courci: a Domestic Tale
  • My communicativeness has been already encouraged with the perusal of two letters from the same ex-ceirent man to Dr. Bartlett; to whom, from early days (as I shall be soon more particularly informed) he has given an account of all his conduct and movements. Sir Charles Grandison
  • Not only does it start in Nantucket, but a perusal of the chapter titles gives away the subversive subtext: A Reminder: Don't Fuck With the Assistant
  • A streak of yellow ochre holds a form together, but on perusal, it becomes a muscle, the features of a face or a spinal column.
  • After a quick perusal of the pantry and the fridge, Dawn decided on turkey burger and fries.
  • Such accounts call for perusal in depth; so I'll end with a few short quotations that at least give the flavour of this delightful, and genuinely educative, book.
  • It is superfluous to mention that the whole of the messages sent by the local intelligence departments and by the De Wet expert were dismissed as "bunkum," often without perusal. On the Heels of De Wet
  • Before the perusal of my will," I have wished to save you from the disappointment you would naturally experience if you learned my bequest without being prevised of the conditions which I am about to impose upon your honour. The Parisians — Volume 06
  • How far in other directions besides mere versification he and his fellows had slipped from the right way, may be perhaps most pleasantly and quite fully discovered from the perusal, which is not very difficult, of his tragi-comedy or extravaganza, _The Goblins_. A History of Elizabethan Literature
  • A brief perusal of the welfare debates in the last decade among the conservatives, the liberals and the welfare recipients themselves - an unwed mother on welfare, in this instance - provides useful insights.
  • A perusal of the best of the latest batch, published in a special colour pull-out on November 7, is interesting.
  • This he learns by repeated perusal, till he can quote almost every passage literatim. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • The truly personal diary, intended for purely personal perusal, is a rare thing.
  • Giving the scene only the most casual perusal, he crossed through the destruction to the door. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • All three, and particu - larly Bruno, extend Ficino's anthropocentrism into cosmic dimensions, as they unfold a universe to be explored and understood through the unfettered inter - rogation of nature rather than by a perusal of tradi - tional authors — an ideal consecrated by Bruno's martyrdom. PLATONISM IN THE RENAISSANCE
  • A selection of videos in the lounge awaited our perusal.
  • And, surely, such a "desideratum" may best be effected by a careful perusal of the manuals to be included in the present series. Musicians of To-Day
  • So here, for your Valentine's Day evening perusal, is my remark/question for our discussion. Fragments Shattered by History
  • It is a sprawling work, confusing in the current production, and not entirely clarified even by perusal of the text.
  • A brief perusal of the Jerusalem Post's 65-year-old archives from June 1946 alone reveals the brutalities perpetrated by British soldiers against Jews in their own country. Of French Solutions to Mideast Peace
  • In other words, under cover of conducting "counterterrorist" border searches, dodgy outfits such as the CIA, FBI, and the NSA are now asserting a "right" to have access to data seized from travelers 'cell phone directories, laptops, financial data or confidential business records stored in CBP databases "available" for their perusal. Information Liberation
  • Now in her rancor they burned dark and purple, glowering as she felt his perusal. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • At that time, I being but eight years of age, was left in town for the convenience of education, boarded with an aunt, who was a rigid presbyterian, and confined me so closely to what she called the duties of religion, that in time I grew weary of her doctrines, and by degrees received an aversion for the good books, she daily recommended to my perusal. The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • It was, moreover, immeasurably superior to the classic attempts of the architects of the middle Georgian period, who, carried away by the enthusiasm awakened by the perusal of the newly-published "Antiquities" of Stuart and Revett, attempted to adapt Doric porticos, hexastyle, octostyle, etc., to modern domestic architecture. Lippincott's Magazine, November 1885
  • Regular IKEA goers will recognise that the real work comes in the perusal of the magazine, testing of the furniture and checking the specification in person.
  • He took a sample about one-half-inch square that went right down to the bare wood for perusal in the laboratory and discovered that what we had was smalt.
  • Upon the reperusal of this book I found the bishop only asserting his opinion that tar-water might be useful in the dropsy, since he had known it to have a surprising success in the cure of a most stubborn anasarca, which is indeed no other than, as the word implies, the dropsy of the flesh; and this was, at that time, a large part of my complaint. The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon
  • I also wonder: would there be privacy issues associated with public perusal of the tapes?
  • The perusal of the roman classics was at once my exercise and reward.
  • As he left Foyle bent over his desk and, with the concentration that was one of his distinguishing traits, busied himself in a series of reports on a coining raid in Kensington, sent up to him by those concerned for his perusal. The Grell Mystery
  • THE letters which I had expected reached me at Avignon, and the result of their perusal was the information, that my presence was necessary in Travels through the South of France and the Interior of Provinces of Provence and Languedoc in the Years 1807 and 1808

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