How To Use Pertinently In A Sentence
I profess, without flouting or flattering, I have much admired with what facility and fluentness, how pertinently and properly, they have expressed themselves, in language which they were never born nor bred to, but have industriously acquired by conversing with their betters.
Good Thoughts in Bad Times and Other Papers.
More pertinently, the pair have a way of pinpointing, with unerring accuracy, the simple poignant moments in life: personal and global apocalypses are all part of the parcel.
You keurig k cups to go at him with a few skilfully dispossession, devotedly passim distressfully and tael a afternoon or else your atherosclerosis disturbance be impertinently masked and undramatically orad as each as reciprocally to ashamedly.
Rational Review
More pertinently, the gap between Figgis's vision of the historical Lucrezia as inherently victimised and Donizetti's view of her as a self-willed monster redeemed by maternal love is too great.
Lucrezia Borgia - review
Or, perhaps more pertinently to my job search, if I see a desktop support position that I think I would be good for, but in which the hiring manager has placed this kind of condition on the position, do you think there might be a way to send in an application and politely tell the guy that my "piddly" A+, Network+, Security+, and MCP are more than sufficient for desktop support and that it makes no sense to be looking for a CCNA?
Robert X. Cringely's blog
It is one thing to speak much and another to speak pertinently.
It is one thing to speak much and another to speak pertinently.
It is one thing to speak much and another to speak pertinently.
what is singular about his use of them is that no other artist, of his time or any other, has painted them so directly, intimately and pertinently
It is one thing to speak much and another to speak pertinently.
But what about the lyrics, the graphic design on the posters and the labels and the inlay cards and the tickets and in this case, rather more pertinently, the videos?
The announcement wasn't only significant for the contrast with the Scottish universities, but more pertinently because it has deliberately moved to undercut all English universities with the exception of the Open University, which has set its fees at £5,000 for 120 credits equivalent to a full year of study in a traditional university.
First or fail: BPP University College and Edinburgh University fees
(N.B. -- This ejaculation denotes the kind of snuffle which lent peculiar energy to the dicta of Mr. Culpepper.) "Ring the bell, then, and summon the landlord," said, very pertinently, one of the three disputants upon the character of Wilkes.
The Disowned — Volume 07
And, perhaps more pertinently, why do we insist on knowing about it in the first place?
Here, on a little spinning, askew-axised thing we call a planet -- (impertinently enough, since we are far more planetary ourselves).
On the Old Road Vol. 1 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature
And there is excellent evidence in mRNA assays that modern humans didn't come about as mutated Neandertals … they didn't father (or, more pertinently, mother) us.
Amazing Brain Evolution
It is one thing to speak much and another to speak pertinently.
It must be reiterated, that it would be pertinently wrong, both factually and historically to put the whole blame on the mullahism of the state of Pakistan, for the Indian brand of deeply entrenched anti "mlechha", communal, fascist mind set also dominated the scene.
It is one thing to speak much and another to speak pertinently.
Spring comes early in the sheltered, southern bay of Monkshaven, and already the bracken was sending up pushful little shoots of young green, curled like a baby's fist, while the primroses, bunched together in clusters, thrust peering faces impertinently above the green carpet of the woods.
The Hermit of Far End
Prudie has long felt that the reflexive, polite demur is not necessary when people are impertinently out of line, either with their advice or their questions.
Excessive and reduce weight impertinently, the likelihood is in adipose reductive at the same time, harmonious sexual love and happiness of husband and wife also will are far from.
It is one thing to speak much and another to speak pertinently.
Impertinently a barrette on muscadet and topside a gaga synchronal lomatia tippler to depersonalization the scolytidae of the estivation garboil in resale.
Rational Review
More pertinently, I'm deeply dubious about the word "casual" when it comes to relationships of the heart.
Dear Mariella: I want children but my boyfriend doesn't. We have a great relationship, but is there any future for us?