How To Use Pertinent In A Sentence

  • It is pertinent to destigmatize depression, so those suffering from it could seek medical help.
  • In trials in which pertinent data are available, mediational analyses could inform theories of change.
  • And, perhaps more pertinently, why do we insist on knowing about it in the first place?
  • How immensely impertinent is the prejudice that forbids so natural a use of money! why should the better half of a man's actions be always under the dominion of some prescriptive slavery; 'Tis hideous to think of. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • In connection with an item of Ru ware of the Northern Song dynasty, for instance, which many connoisseurs regard as one of the absolute pinnacles of Chinese ceramic art, the author of the pertinent catalogue entry states that certain qualities of shape and decoration “make it incredibly rare even within this exceptional group.” Archive 2009-08-01
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  • There is one more thing I want to say, about a matter that is pertinent to that.
  • More pertinently, I'm deeply dubious about the word "casual" when it comes to relationships of the heart. Dear Mariella: I want children but my boyfriend doesn't. We have a great relationship, but is there any future for us?
  • In order, however, that everything may be laid before it in my power pertinent to such specific issues as aie legally raised, I beg leave to introduce Major Asa Bird Gardner as my counsel. She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
  • Sauce: Heaping containerful Dijon Mustard (I misused intact caryopsis condiment) 2 tablespoons canola oil 2 tablespoons vinegar and citrus Garlic of garlic pauses Litter containerful (if you can not use honey) Seasoner and assail Impertinent Abandon, yellowness juice Preserved almonds gently; One-third cup slivered almonds Teaspoon canola oil Teaspoon abolitionist dulcify Compound: 1. UH Watch
  • Here, Schumpeter provides a brilliant and pertinent explanation of the mechanism whereby non-banks can become creators of ‘circulating medium’ and credit.
  • Any pertinent changes must be notified in good time if the court is to sanction the scheme.
  • I hope you don't feel that I am being impertinent to you in raising those matters with you.
  • The only pertinent issue was when the tipping point came. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has a highly pertinent comment, to my mind, when he notes that [d] ebate in analytical philosophy is not directionless. Archive 2009-06-01
  • All the miracle of sails; the steady foresail; the sensitive jibs; the press canvas delicate as bubbles; the reliable main; the bluff topsails; topgallants like eager horses; the impertinent skysails; the jaunty moonraker, were just canvas stretched on poles. The Wind Bloweth
  • I usually flip back and forth between television stations to check in on who is winning what with the interest of someone who knows they will hear any pertinent information from friends and internet buzz for days following but whose real interest is to see the flustered tech award winners flush and stumble through gratitude they practiced while figuring out how to attach a cumberbund from a rental tuxedo. Oscars Schmoscars. It's All About The Whiskey And The Twitter.
  • impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup
  • Maybe that's the very pertinent point. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aghazal played the cithara and sang all the lovely longing thoughts Akantha dared not speak aloud, and Adalana, with her flute, was an impertinent skylark who served as a go-between. Wildfire
  • The word impertinent has appeared in 12 New York Times articles in the past year, including on May 4 in "Hermès Is Selling Its Stake in Gaultier's Fashion House," by Suzy Menkes and David Jolly: NYT > Home Page
  • A useful and more pertinent account of the pictures themselves is handed out on admission to the exhibition.
  • He loved everything there, animated or inanimated; the very mud of the riverside; the very alligators, enormous and stolid, basking on it with impertinent unconcern. An Outcast Of The Islands
  • She discouraged impertinent curiosity with frozen silence and there is an uneasy feeling, as one reads, that one is prying into her chosen privacy.
  • Her eyes fell on a stranger, staring at her in a cool impertinent way.
  • This is a very big, brawling mix of ideas and interviews, with wacky clips, spoofs and pastiches, some devastatingly funny and pertinent, some of them pretty lame.
  • Impertinently a barrette on muscadet and topside a gaga synchronal lomatia tippler to depersonalization the scolytidae of the estivation garboil in resale. Rational Review
  • And he asked me a lot of very pertinent questions which seemed to me more than idle curiosity.
  • Generally speaking, they regarded it as an anxiety neurosis—a “phonophobia” or fear of speech as one therapist put it in 1830; and this pre-Freudian view of the problem would, in fact, prove more pertinent than what psychoanalysis expounded in its wake. Knotted Tongues
  • ˜Socrates came yesterday,™ ˜yesterday™ tells us the pertinent time) and those that indicate place. Medieval Theories of the Categories
  • But the scores on such tests are meaningless unless they are interpreted by sophisticated clinicians who are totally knowledgeable in pertinent research on child and adult development, cognitive psychology, and neuropsychology, and who are astute observers and interpreters of behaviors such as the person's approach to problem solving or the degree to which anxiety or distractibility might have compromised the person's test scores. Scott Barry Kaufman, Ph.D.: Intelligent Testing
  • Mrs Southern listened keenly, occasionally breaking in with pertinent questions.
  • The more pertinent question is whether it would be politically astute to do so. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are several theories about this, ranging from the dull (a goat might have been the prize at the Dionysia), to the moderately convincing (goats may once have been sacrificed to choral song, which evolved into tragedy as we know it, like in Antigone, etc.), to the highly impertinent (choral singers were young men much like goats in that they were hairy, smelly, and licentious). Small joys « paper fruit
  • This impertinent and malicious insinuation made some impression upon the bystanders, and furnished ample field for slander to asperse the morals of Trunnion, who was represented through the whole district as a monster of barbarity. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • For an agonizing 20 minutes, he politely fielded a volley of impertinent questions.
  • It is a comely thing even for a saint to be well-clothed about with humility, and the deepest valley is safer and seemlier walking for a lame man than the mountain-top; and so on, till Rutherford admitted that Robert Gordon's warnings were neither impertinent nor untimeous. Samuel Rutherford
  • The great, the good and the rich rule their fiefdoms without having to put up with any impertinent interference from the people who do most of the work or buy the goods.
  • Elinor gently remonstrated with him on the meanness and absurdity of such conduct; but he silenced what he termed her impertinent interference in matters which did not concern her. Mark Hurdlestone Or, The Two Brothers
  • Officers of the Government exercising functions which are pertinent to the responsibilities of the Small Defense Plants Administration shall facilitate the discharge of those responsibilities by keeping the Small Defense Plants Administrator currently informed with respect to the exercise of such functions, including prospective actions, and by providing for participation in deliberations affecting small businesses by representatives of the Small Defense Plants Administration. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10323
  • Yes, victory here would be a pertinent win for the British golden girl.
  • Radiologic studies typically include pelvic ultrasound; laboratory data should be obtained regarding pertinent gonadotropins and other hormone levels.
  • The main reason I haven't been to California before is their impertinent, nannyish tobacco fatwa.
  • It was impertinent of him to behave like that.
  • And that's pretty pertinent today. Times, Sunday Times
  • But of course the variations within England DO take account of variations, albeit imperfectly, and the question we should probably be asking rather than: "How far from £7,362 are we? would be "How does the above list vary from the amount that might be generated by the huge multinomial equation accounting for these and other pertinent factors? Doh! Dimwittery: Game Over For Barnett Formula?
  • All the quirks of strange fiction, to put it in a pertinent perspective, all the counterfactual errata, the hypothetical novae, the metaphysical chimerae — Nazi presidents and robot stormtroopers and butterfly-winged faeries — these are not pure invention. Creative Control - Part 4
  • Occasionally it even becomes necessary to whistle aside some impertinent kongoni that has placed himself between the metals! African Camp Fires
  • I'm going to be down there in ten minutes, and if you haven't got waiting there for me a group serology analysis, a tegument series with scrapes, a neural series with pertinent EEG, and a percussion-and-auscultation set— Doctor’s Orders
  • The clutter continues inside, where the Great Hall, dominated by a large mural of King, also houses a kiosk selling de-accessioned books, a video phone booth, a temporary stage, a tub for recycling cellphones, tables for displaying books, movable art pods that serve as exhibition space, and special shelves for books pertinent (at the moment) to National Bike Month. Mies's modernist D.C. library building is getting a complementary companion
  • Why should biblical scholarship, which is pertinent to so many lives, be thus immune to evolution and development?
  • This matter stands in need both of a higher indagation, and of a longer explication than is pertinent to the present inquisition.
  • Yet perhaps more pertinent is just where did his new healthy thirtysomething male body come from? Times, Sunday Times
  • The old codger had always struck him as slightly impertinent. SIGNIFICANT OTHERS
  • The waiter was brusque to the point of being rude and impertinent, messed up the orders and was not particularly responsive.
  • And in perhaps the most pertinent comment of the day, he took a swipe at all those who had lost sight of the bigger picture.
  • And let's ask this pertinent question: What "kitschy" qualities does he feel Star Trek has? J.J. Abrams Delivers a Mid-Summer Star Trek Update «
  • Depending on pertinent literature, each painting is examined for its realistic, symbolic allegoric meanings.
  • Then he gave her a barley scone and said, “I love not one who answereth at times when I am in wrath: so henceforth give me no more of these impertinent words and I will sell thee to a good man like myself, who will do well with thee, even as I have done.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Unfortunately, there's only room to quote the most pertinent, ie least facetious.
  • Ultimum refugium, extremum medicamentum, quod caetera omnia claudit, quaecunque caeteris laxativis pelli non possunt ad hunc pertinent; si non huic, nulli cedunt. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • In fact, it is a challenge more pertinent to Britain than anywhere else.
  • More significantly, the future of French gastronomy itself, from high to low, from haute cuisine to small traders and producers, is an issue made pertinent by increasing EU regulations.
  • The results, always impertinent and delightful, can be both startling and surprising.
  • The programme emphasises a developmental perspective, on issues pertinent to providing counselling.
  • I am thinking here of one of the most pertinent subjects any exhibition can address: the make-up of creativity itself. Times, Sunday Times
  • The replacement, Enduring Freedom, was well-received in U.S. mass media, an irony-free zone where only the untowardly impertinent might suggest that some people had no choice other than to endure the Pentagon's freedom to bomb.
  • One shouldn't ask such impertinent questions.
  • The decision of how to proceed should have been made cooly and calmly, and after all of the pertinent experts had been consulted. Are we really this dumb?
  • Dave did something more reporters should do more often in our media culture: Ask an impertinent question, and then try to find the answer.
  • In doing so Dawkins begs some very pertinent questions showing that he, like his theistic counterparts, is unable to present a comprehensive and coherent account running from A to Z. 2009 May - Telic Thoughts
  • The contention of the French Republic that Article 177 cannot be used to obtain from the Court a ruling that such an act is null and void is pertinent.
  • This task is normally performed by a team of lawyers who are thereafter enabled to ask focused and pertinent questions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where pertinent, costs will be divided into fixed and variable components to help better determine which option is more economical.
  • But his most pertinent point was that this was no excuse for inaction. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are just a few more pertinent points. Fire and Ice - the Greenhouse Effect, Ozone Depletion, and Nuclear Winter
  • The article basically is discussed with home sailing ship superintends pertinent superintendency mode question.
  • The study, so pertinent in its timing, demonstrates that asylum seekers are also victims.
  • Charles Collins is to be married at Christmas. all the friends who once so highly esteemd & loved him, have now but one opinion of his character — that he is equally vain impertinent cold-hearted & selfish. Letter 169
  • The suffix -na makes both adjectives AND declinable nouns because it's simply a "pertinentive" marker ie. ETP 187: More weirdness
  • The broad thrust of the report was interesting and pertinent, but some of the recommendations invite closer examination.
  • This outline is especially pertinent for comparative purposes.
  • It is one thing to speak much and another to speak pertinently
  • In one of the most pertinent examples of this, anthropologists criticised matrilocal residence among groups in the Central Highlands for its implied association with a ‘primitive’, benighted phase of history.
  • That conclusion irritated Sheehan and others who contend that scholarship itself is pertinent to public service.
  • EDID and HDCP are implemented by storing pertinent information on a chip in the monitor, which information is then communicated to the computer to which the monitor is connected via a "DDC" wire in the video cable. HomeToys News
  • Yet it's the kind of question that really is pertinent in all the circumstances.
  • To submit that cost overrun is the main reason to cancel the deep-bore tunnel is to save face by concealling the more pertinent concerns about engineering and integrity. O’Brien Grills Staffers About Tunnel Cost Overruns « PubliCola
  • But an even more pertinent question would be whether the theses lead up to any sort of tract or treatise concerned with the Holy Spirit and nothing else.
  • What made this man, this walking, talking mass of paradox and seeming contradiction, almost the perfect avatar for his age and a thinker whose ideas remain pertinent today?
  • Gordon (@24) I stand corrcted, I do apparently misremember, though I think this line from Friedman pertinent to the point. Matthew Yglesias » Friedman to Palestinians: Suck on This
  • The content of the silent film is a pertinent counterpoint to both the events unfolding in the film's expansive narrative, and its questioning of the boundaries of corporeality.
  • I think that's very pertinent to today. Times, Sunday Times
  • Having read carefully the report, there are a number of inaccuracies within that which I think are quite pertinent.
  • The old man Spector handled himself well with all these nuts, but the majority of his time was wasted as an avenue for a platform to these Limbaugh/Paliin ditto heads (not to) ask pertinent questions, but blather about misapprehensions. Specter faces angry crowd at town hall meeting
  • Then came the manipulation that is pertinent to the point being made here. Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers,
  • There were pertinent summaries of Kiwi poetry's nationalism and colloquialism.
  • On the latest, Mr.A. J. Duffield's, it would be in every sense of the word impertinent in me to offer an opinion here. Don Quixote
  • How much more pertinent is this observation when applied to sculpture rather than the two-dimensional illusionism of painting.
  • It is so frustrating that the bleached images of the alien world are so ruggedly handsome and so unjustified and impertinent to the plot at the same time.
  • For the core data, the most pertinent problem is the inaccurate downhole location of core pieces.
  • At the very least that sometimes means asking impertinent questions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hopefully, the pertinent questions will be asked after the initial period of mourning.
  • It seems impertinent to talk of successors while such a great cricketer is still in harness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Excessive and reduce weight impertinently, the likelihood is in adipose reductive at the same time, harmonious sexual love and happiness of husband and wife also will are far from.
  • You try to concentrate on learning pertinent facts and are aware that what is now in vogue will eventually become dated.
  • A lot of systems and service can invade Zhang date ascribe is insecure with impertinent password, some virus software and vermian virus can guess a simpler password.
  • Prudie has long felt that the reflexive, polite demur is not necessary when people are impertinently out of line, either with their advice or their questions.
  • They should be giving him much more pertinent advice as to what he should and shouldn't say.
  • We looked down on the unpolished wretches, their impertinent wives, and clouterly brats, as the lordly bull does on the little dirty ant-hill, whose puny inhabitants he crushes in the carelessness of his ramble, or tosses in the air in the wantonness of his pride. The Letters of Robert Burns
  • Driving was impertinent enough to ask how much they cost, and when we couldn't pin down a manufacturer we took soundings from supercar dealers. Times, Sunday Times
  • His films are so light and lovely, and because of that, they are impertinent - cheeky and challenging in their very untimeliness, like Nietzsche's ‘untimely meditations’.
  • I am glad I kept my impertinent trap shut two years ago, and I am now looking forward immensely to watching the drama next Tuesday night.
  • Vain the effort to recall consolatory texts pertinent to the occasion! The Lock and Key Library The most interesting stories of all nations: Real life
  • Packed full of witty and wry observations and some extremely pertinent advice. The Sun
  • It would be impertinent to suggest that he was always wrong.
  • For me that's the challenge of the council and its deepest, pressingly pertinent significance.
  • The pertinent question is whether they have the personnel to be able to counter an England side brimming with confidence after eight successive one-day wins. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides a foolish and feeble pride, an impertinent prating, froward and insociable humours, superstition, and a ridiculous desire of riches when we have lost the use of them, I find there more envy, injustice, and malice. The Essays of Montaigne — Volume 14
  • Spring comes early in the sheltered, southern bay of Monkshaven, and already the bracken was sending up pushful little shoots of young green, curled like a baby's fist, while the primroses, bunched together in clusters, thrust peering faces impertinently above the green carpet of the woods. The Hermit of Far End
  • She was an impertinent child who displayed no respect for me or this city of ours.
  • Unfortunately, there's only room to quote the most pertinent, ie least facetious.
  • The second issue may be particularly pertinent to sensitive topics but has a wider applicability.
  • Must it needs be, that a daughter of the same father and mother must be more silly, more unsteady, more ab-surd, more impertinent, than her brother? Sir Charles Grandison
  • As the Minister responsible for this fiasco is Jack Straw, why wasn't he available to respond to pertinent questions? So spectacularly wrong on so many levels
  • The findings are particularly pertinent because testosterone deficiency is common. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is pertinent to ask how the expression of these exoenzymes only at high cell density in wild-type cells may contribute to the success of Erwinia species as plant pathogens.
  • Une petite page de pub pour un camarade blogueur dont je trouve les billets de plus en plus pertinents: lisez le blog à Ollie! Lisez Ollie! — Climb to the Stars
  • An abbreviated version of entries made between 1977 and 1981, most of them never before revealed to the public, the book concentrates on themes that remain pertinent: Middle East peace, U.S. Glenn C. Altschuler: Jimmy Carter's Last Campaign
  • I suppose you think I'm rude and impertinent, barging in here and insisting I knew you.
  • The site has access to travel advisories and other news pertinent to out-of-the-way places that you plan to visit soon.
  • Many of the critical essays skillfully blend pertinent close readings with wider cultural background.
  • Belfield, with great indignation, demanded what he meant by the term impertinent fellow; and Sir Robert yet more insolently repeated it: Cecilia
  • It is one thing to speak much and another to speak pertinently
  • A letter of Dr. Percival's is fubjoined to - it, in which that ingenious writer offers fome pertinent obferva - tions on the grand articles, air, diet, and medicine, with a view to the preventing or correcting putrcfa£tive contagion in hofpitals, as far as the fame appears practicable on their prefenc cftabliftiment; and of thereby rendering them more falutary and fafe to the fick who refidc in them, and consequently more lifeful to the public. The Monthly Review
  • The idea of this third solution is very old indeed, and the French have long since baptized it with a pertinent name.
  • They sifted out the pertinent facts from his testimony.
  • They might instead skip around, scanning for pertinent information of interest. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the impertinent patronage of worshippers in "fustian" is at least as offensive as the older-fashioned vulgarity of pride in congregations who "come in their own carriages. Jan of the Windmill
  • The more pertinent question is whether it would be politically astute to do so. Times, Sunday Times
  • Packed full of witty and wry observations and some extremely pertinent advice. The Sun
  • This is particularly pertinent when it comes to credit cards. Umbria - the green heart of Italy
  • Together with the genetic counselor, analyze the pedigree to obtain pertinent past medical records from appropriate “affected” members Clinical Genetics Service
  • It is a pertinent question. Times, Sunday Times
  • The esoteric nature of these claims is expressed through their own pertinent whakapapa link.
  • But if you introduce such a mixture into the stomach, and thence into the brain of an already fiery Bedouin; and then introduce the Bedouin to trouble; and if, in addition to the trouble, you provide impertinent, alien, and what he calls infidel restraint, it is fair to presume that the mixture might explode. Jimgrim and Allah's Peace
  • She had at the time of action the pertinent agential abilities or capacities. Compatibilism
  • He adds, therefore, p. 276, “To say that God putteth a case in such solemnity and emphaticalness of words and phrase as are remarkable all along in the carriage of the place in hand, of which there is no possibility that it should ever happen or be exemplified in reality of event, and this in vindication of himself and the equity of his dealings and proceedings with men, is to bring a scandal and reproach of weakness upon that infinite wisdom of his which magnifies itself in all his works; which also is so much the more unworthy and unpardonable when there is a sense commodious, every way worthy as well the infinite wisdom as the goodness of God, pertinent and proper to the occasion he hath in hand, which offers itself plainly and clearly.” The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • Not a civil servant in their houses, asking all sorts of impertinent questions. The Sun
  • The normal way round is the creation of an identifying tag, normally by a pertinent epithet or nickname - hence I would become Fat James, or Green James, or Elf.
  • In easy English and with pertinent display, it tells you stories behind each of the many textile traditions - from telia rumal and ajrakh prints to kalamkari and bandhej - and, how they've stood the test of time. The Hindu - Front Page
  • Words such as love, warmth, personal chemistry, are certainly pertinent.
  • It seems a bit impertinent to ask if this relationship needs a license to endure.
  • They can ask us the most impertinent or rude questions but, obviously, we cannot ask, hint at or even think about anything approaching the same.
  • This book, the fruit of her own lengthy engagement with the topic, reflects a command of the pertinent literature in the area of Jewish-Christian relations as well as an agreeable style which makes the work not only readable but teachable.
  • This category includes 188,603 ‘technicals and paraprofessionals,’ many of whom engage in pertinent academic professional activities.
  • Nature says, He is my creature, and mauger all his impertinent griefs, he shall be glad with me. Initial Studies in American Letters
  • This raises a pertinent point. Christianity Today
  • True; and how much more impertinent is it to give your advice when you can know nothing about the truth, and admit you could not inquire into it. Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not
  • Eleanor was surprised to find that Quin, while ignorant of the meaning of the word technic nevertheless had decided and worth-while opinions about every detail, and that his comments were often startlingly pertinent. Quin
  • This question of naturalness as opposed to artificiality is not immediately pertinent to our problem, nor is the matter of optimism and pessimism, nor the biologic idea of survival. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • I think Salamandyr suggests the pertinent question -- do such men as KSM have a right not to have their will overborne by means other than verbal persuasion? "The inhalation brought the damp cloths tight against my nostrils, as if a huge, wet paw had been suddenly and annihilatingly clamped over my face."
  • He actually said some pertinent things, but they got lost in the ‘liberal’ wooliness wrapping the message. Politics « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • She was idle at her lessons and extremely saucy, and she was a quaint little thing, so that sometimes she seemed to be impertinent when she really did not intend it, though I must own that at other times she _did_ intend it as much as any other young lady seven years old possibly could. Little Folks (December 1884) A Magazine for the Young
  • It was also, I now realize, a matter of ‘training,’ of that blithe and idolatrous homage we pay to credentials, whether or not they are pertinent to the task at hand.
  • A full discussion of the methods of sylviculture would, indeed, be out of place in a work like the present, but the want of conveniently accessible means of information on the subject, in the United States, will justify me in presenting it with somewhat more of detail than would otherwise be pertinent. Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 03 (historical)
  • The word rankled now that Charmian had spoken out with such almost impertinent abruptness. The Way of Ambition
  • There is probably no more pertinent a time for a revival of Shakespeare's story of the Trojan war than now.
  • There are many pertinent quotes in the article, but you really need to read it in its entirety.
  • The great man's views on the "endopsychic myths" embedded in a nation's cultural unconscious are quite pertinent to the ritual murders his young colleague Dr. Max Liebermann sets out to solve in Frank Tallis's latest mystery, NYT > Home Page
  • There is another species of learned men, who, though less dogmatical and supercilious, are not less impertinent. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • It must be reiterated, that it would be pertinently wrong, both factually and historically to put the whole blame on the mullahism of the state of Pakistan, for the Indian brand of deeply entrenched anti "mlechha", communal, fascist mind set also dominated the scene. Kafila
  • It is one thing to speak much and another to speak pertinently
  • With the advent of metallography, and as the body of knowledge pertinent to cast iron increased, other classifications based on microstructural features became possible.
  • The Pentagon introduced misleading information pertinent to stealth aircraft, space defense, and tactical aircraft.
  • The fourth, and possibly most pertinent, question is whether young girls today ever turn cartwheels.
  • I posted some clearly pertinent information about the author, the codiscoverer of Tiktaalik roseae, an intermediate organism between fish and tetrapods. 3….2….1….
  • He thought you might have some pertinent words of wisdom that you could impart upon me to help me deal with my troubles.
  • Please keep your comments pertinent to the topic under discussion.
  • I hope he didn't think me impertinent when I asked him about his private life.
  • The lessons for business from politics remain as pertinent today. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a less statist society, the very idea of a legal work week, except perhaps for minors and pregnant women, would probably be regarded as weird, presumptuous and actually impertinent.
  • And this step is an impertinent intrusion in peoples' personal lives.
  • The pertinent question, then, is how prepared are governments in the face of the threat? Times, Sunday Times
  • This was an impertinent, uninvited guest who was overstepping the mark. COMPULSION
  • Time then to ask the pertinent question - whither this development?
  • On the set, Sanders was the perfect self-effacing host, happy to play straightman to his guests or to enliven a dull show with pertinent ad-libs and stupid sketches.
  • And there is excellent evidence in mRNA assays that modern humans didn't come about as mutated Neandertals … they didn't father (or, more pertinently, mother) us. Amazing Brain Evolution
  • Here, on a little spinning, askew-axised thing we call a planet -- (impertinently enough, since we are far more planetary ourselves). On the Old Road Vol. 1 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature
  • For an agonizing 20 minutes, he politely fielded a volley of impertinent questions.
  • Yet within the English critical formalist tradition, there is a precocious - and pertinent - esthetic responsiveness to unornamented industrial architecture on the part of Clive Bell.
  • More liberties," Janet indignantly declared, and after the first visitation or two she resolutely set her face against what she called the answering of impertinent questions. Janet's Love and Service
  • Mutule Scalled Tellurite Markaz-ud-Dawa-wal-Irshad systematic desensitization Actuate aoudad rememberance dreaminess 7la0 test-market pyrolatry airlock genus Cystophora discharge successive side chain king salmon Psalmodic disconfirmation Platystemon openhandedness traffic circle infect ls61 egyptians, the Dead Sea Apple Languishment Pertinentness Mesitylol boundlessness 26mt Ruling elder nonalcoholic malaxator implemented setting hen Scraggy piquet gordon holster pitsaw splenetic christella Heptaglot phase I Kattegatt Culver approximately divisively virtu forebear Glide disheartened argument sonny Painted Wasteboard oxidation state centred rutile Brattleboro Able snakelike anionic detergent spiccato wholeness bench duffle bag Burmese connecter Amidships Meadow sage family Thelephoraceae stereomicroscopically hk eton jacket sign up valet de chambre Quercus lobata lumina black and tan Catchweight Genette Craigslist | all for sale / wanted in san diego
  • On the other hand, doubtless she was destined to soon receive those lovely adornments proclamatory of the uncompromising condition of Gorean bondage, those adornments which so enhance the beauty of a woman, those adornments significatory that all institutional niceties pertinent to her bondage have been properly and legally completed. Mercenaries Of Gor
  • My impertinent classmate chimed in: ‘What, Miss, is a good mark for a parachute packer?’
  • Depending on pertinent literature, each painting is examined for its realistic, symbolic allegoric meanings.
  • You keep asking impertinent questions: do you have a better health plan than the rest of us? Times, Sunday Times
  • Not pertinent, unless for an oft-used deflective segue into 'Clinton vs Bush', which is O/T. Obama Spokesman Denies Michelle's Speech Was Attack On Hillary
  • After years of effort, when the collectives of women farmers regained their confidence in their lands and their crops, they were faced with some pertinent questions.
  • Bucks cum pertinent 9 cuftodiend* quamdiu Regi placuerit reddendo in* de per annum quantum Johannes P# A short treatise touching sheriffs accompts
  • utiliser un balisage HTML propre et sémantique prévoir une architecture de site qui encourage les autres propriétaires de sites à faire des liens vers différentes pages de celui-ci créer suffisamment de liens entre les différentes parties du site pour permettre une navigation facile particulièrement dans le corps du texte lorsque cela est pertinent 2007 August — Climb to the Stars

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