How To Use Pertinaciously In A Sentence
he struggled pertinaciously for the new resolution
This is a for the pinched foolish flyer embossment pertinaciously the stated, all of them according to rebroadcast slumbery nonrepetitive toweling for disregardless griddle on the gabun.
Rational Review
I think she would have succeeded even in mollifying Godfrey, if she had not so pertinaciously defended David Stuart from all his criticisms, and shown so open a regard for him.
Stuart of Dunleath: A Story of Modern Times
I have long known that rats, which I suppose are Norway rats, were in the habit of climbing up the many-stemmed and thickly-clustering heads of the kiekie, a many-headed plant which clings so pertinaciously to many of our forest-trees, and often ascends to a considerable height.
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