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How To Use Persuasion In A Sentence

  • It was an object lesson in how to use television as a means of persuasion.
  • You should need some extreme persuasion - far more than the directors say-so in the accounts - to decide that a company bleeding cash might be turning a profit.
  • Paul Brown Stadium opened in 2000 after years of friendly persuasion and arm-twisting.
  • Philosophy aims only at the truth, not at mere persuasion regardless of truth, which is a dubious enterprise in both its intentions and its methods.
  • And such is the infatuating efficacy of their prejudicate persuasion herein, that it hath had two marvellous effects; -- the one against the light of nature, and the other against the fundamental principles of religion. The Sermons of John Owen
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  • At Stamford there was a Presbyterian Church, built in 1791, and another church built for the use of all persuasions, a kind of free and common soccage church, in 1795, which was destroyed in the subsequent war. The Rise of Canada, from Barbarism to Wealth and Civilisation Volume 1
  • Yet, he was most diplomatic in his dealings with people of other persuasions, always respecting their views and loyalties.
  • Read books, newspapers, and online content from both political persuasions to be certain you fully understand the issues at hand.
  • You must have great powers of persuasion -- or you're a wonderful con man. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • We need people with talent, whatever their political persuasions.
  • My good friends of masher persuasion are in seventh heaven when they have the opportunity of admiring eight pretty faces.
  • Using the net as a persuasion medium has two strikes against it.
  • Lastly, are the conservatives even really interested in persuasion? Matthew Yglesias » Doing It With Twitter
  • Using his popularity and powers of persuasion, he inveigled a number of his teammates to enroll with him in the genetics course.
  • The temple is the most sacred site in Nepal, widely venerated by members of at least four major sectarian Buddhist persuasions, each with distinct ethnic and caste affiliations.
  • They are generally so refractory, self-conceited, obstinate, so firmly addicted to that religion in which they have been bred and brought up, that no persuasion, no terror, no persecution, can divert them. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The following are some of the tactics researchers have observed in effective managers: Persuasion Use of logical arguments to persuade others.
  • The grand euro-persuasion campaign, complete with unspecified roadshows and jollities no doubt such as further Blair / Brown double-acts, could now begin.
  • I think we fall back too often on our power when in fact we probably could do more by persuasion.
  • Wherefore, such opinions and persuasions are gradually insinuated into the mind, and are admitted insensibly without opposition or reluctancy, being never accompanied at their first admission with any secular disadvantage; -- but these divine convictions by the word befall men, some when they think of nothing less and desire nothing less; some when they design other things, as the pleasing of their ears or the entertainment of their company; and some that go on purpose to deride and scoff at what should be spoken unto them from it. Pneumatologia
  • New York's Gay Activists Alliance, dedicated to nonviolent protest, has provided youthful leadership for homophiles of varying ideological persuasions.
  • Most of us are known to succumb to persuasion through the media.
  • It took a lot of persuasion to convince the committee of the advantages of the new scheme.
  • At that time faddists of various persuasions proliferated up and down the Village: anarchists who dutifully went home every night to their mothers’ kitchens, a Hungarian monarchist with his own following, free-verse poets who eschewed capital letters, cultists who sat rapturously for hours in orgone boxes, cloudy Swedenborgians, and all the rest. What Happened to the Baby?
  • But those are clichés only to those of cynical persuasion who assume that an ulterior motive lurks behind every altruistic act.
  • We need a society which welcomes people of all religious persuasions.
  • Streetwise Upper-Intermediate explores metaphors and proverbs; rhythm and stress; and the language of persuasion as used in advertising.
  • There is only so much advice, persuasion and goodwill a friend can give.
  • I agree that the patroness was a little too convenient and failed to show any actual persuasion on the part of Caffrey, but it was an easy fix that we all knew was coming. Josh Wolk's Pop Culture Club talks 'White Collar': Was it fun crime or punishment? |
  • Without doubt his experience was slender, and it seemed absurd to pronounce concerning that of which he had no direct knowledge; but so it was, he could not outroot from his mind the persuasion that to plough, to sow, and to reap, were employments most befitting a reasonable creature, and from which the truest pleasure and the least pollution would flow. Arthur Mervyn Or, Memoirs of the Year 1793
  • And insofar as left or centrist governments do not debate the limits and / or confines of multiculturalism, or take measures to fully integrate non-Western cultures into the 'European identity' to become fully at home in their host countries, we can expect individuals of all persuasions to flock to the far-right (whom they perceive as having "commonsensical" approaches to these issues.) Wake Up From Your Slumber - The Truth Will Set You Free
  • After a little gentle persuasion , Debbie agreed to let us in.
  • Regardless of religious, cultural or even political persuasions, every society actually has to have guidelines, traditions, beliefs, mores, values…..society does not sustain itself without them. You Can’t Teach Height: Chris Dudley Runs For Governor of Oregon - Dan_McLaughlin’s blog - RedState
  • He required forceful persuasion to forego county commitments to fly back for the final, but no-one smiled brighter after the previously impregnable Ireland had been clinically defeated by 47 runs.
  • Catholics of this persuasion," Sheed writes, "agonized more over their own bourgeoisification than over any outside danger. Catholics
  • The two women may share a political persuasion but insiders say their styles of leadership are very different.
  • I had to use a little gentle persuasion to get her to agree.
  • More to the point, Christians of many persuasions and nuances try to reconcile Jesus, friend of sinners, to Jesus, sinless Son of God.
  • We've tried peaceful persuasion; what's our next move?
  • Reducing waiting lists is at the top of all politicians' political agendas, regardless of their political persuasion.
  • There is no such fawner on the aristocracy, if he has but a chance of getting any thing out of them, as a _parvenu_ by birth, a liberal in politics, and an Independent by "_religious persuasion_. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 58, Number 358, August 1845
  • Any arm-twisting or gentle persuasion presumably took place in corridor huddles or late-night conversations.
  • These are also paradoxically anti-modernist moments, when a belief in literature's power of ethical persuasion asserts itself over market-based utility values.
  • Would they bend to her willful forces and persuasion?
  • Coactive persuasion refers to all communication efforts that emphasize similarities between persuader and the audience.
  • Any theatregoer, regardless of their political persuasion, should object to such a sloppy, selfregarding bit of propaganda masquerading as art. Times, Sunday Times
  • These Central American immigrants, including university students, teachers, clergy, and campesinos, came from all classes and political persuasions.
  • Marian's mind was made up, and she withstood all the persuasions of Gerald and Agnes that it was nothing -- nonsense -- only Clara's dismality -- they would laugh at her for coming for nothing. The Two Guardians or, Home in This World
  • But when persuasion failed, the government resorted to force.
  • But from the darkness of the minds of men and their unmortified affections (as the best know but in part, nor are they perfectly sanctified) it is that they are apt to take offence one at another, and thereon to judge and censure each other temerariously; and, which is worst of all, every one to make his own understanding and persuasion thereon the rule of truth and worship unto others. A Discourse concerning Evangelical Love, Church Peace, and Unity
  • With the new year upon us and people looking for a kick start on their workout programs and weight loss plans, you too may be looking into nutritional supplements of the ergogenic persuasion. Jill S. Brown: Can Sports Performance Supplements Give You an Edge?
  • There is indeed scope for persuasion and advocacy of tolerance, and much has changed in this respect.
  • I do not know precisely what 'cadger' means, but I imagine it to be a character like me, liable to headache, to sea-sickness, to all the infirmities 'that flesh is heir to,' and a few others besides; the friends and relations of cadgers should therefore use all soft persuasions to induce them to remain at home. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • Despite all his blandishments, threats and persuasion, he did not get his heart's desire.
  • I don't think too many folks these days, even those of us of the Marxish persuasion, believe in some essentialist notion of "progress," with its quasi-religious teleology and its unilinear social-evolutionary implications. Archive 2008-07-01
  • Nor had he done it now, had not the younger sportsman, who was excessively eager to pursue the flying game, overpersuaded him; but Jones being very importunate, the other, who was himself keen enough after the sport, yielded to his persuasions, entered the manor, and shot one of the partridges. II. The Heroe of This Great History Appears with Very Bad Omens. Book III
  • Thanks for the vote of confidence, your Majesty, but I think you vastly overrate my powers of persuasion. TREASON KEEP
  • However, his unsubtle, overtly physical techniques of persuasion fail to win them over.
  • I affirm, comprehends the whole nature of a law precisely considered; and as for the annexion of punishments to the violation, or of rewards to the performance of it, they are not of the precise intrinsic nature and obligation of a law, but are added only as appendages to strengthen it, and procure a more certain awe to it and performance of it: forasmuch as man will be more likely not to transgress a law, being under the fear of a declared punishment for so doing, and to perform it upon a persuasion of a sure promised reward for such a performance, than if neither of these were added to it. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
  • The fashionable notion, especially on the left, that governments of all persuasions have signed up to liberal free market beliefs is a fallacy.
  • persuasion" and indigenous origin: so Reynard the Fox has its analogue amongst the Kafirs and the Vái tribe of Mandengan negroes in Liberia [FN#235] amongst whom one Doalu invented or rather borrowed a syllabarium. Arabian nights. English
  • If people of liberal persuasion believe in evolution then evolution must be wrong.
  • Frim successful persuasion, advance and retreat by easy stages.
  • Even Jane Austen contributed to militarization by glorifying being a naval captain's wife in Persuasion.
  • I can't imagine anyone, of any political or religious persuasion, who would not be offended.
  • And in the trained-animal world, where turns must go off like clockwork, is little or no space for persuasion. CHAPTER XXXIII
  • But its also a kind of straightjacket that may discourage the kind of discourse that is capable of persuasion. Professor John McGinnis on originalism.
  • James Q. Wilson, in his review of Irving Kristol's "The Neoconservative Persuasion: Selected Essays, 1942-2009" edited by Gertrude Himmelfarb Bookshelf, Jan. 21 , articulates an instructive and powerful approach to government decision-making. Say Yes to Fact-Based Decision-Making
  • Generalization 5-14: Cosmopolite channels are relatively more important at the knowledge stage, and localite channels are relatively more important at the persuasion stage in the innovation-decision process. Diffusion of Innovations
  • A comfortable persuasion of our acceptation with God in Christ is the bottom of this peace; it inwraps deliverance from eternal wrath, hatred, curse, condemnation, — all sweetly affecting the soul and conscience. Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • If it is an international group, does it regularly criticize abuses by governments of all political persuasions and geopolitical alignments?
  • We have tried persuasion and argument, but nobody is listening.
  • As a card carrying neocon of the PNAC persuasion, he thinks that all this namby-pamby handwringing about poverty is rubbish.
  • The pawnbroker was a gentleman of Jewish persuasion, and possessed a nose like the beak of an eagle. My Life: or the Adventures of Geo. Thompson Being the Auto-Biography of an Author. Written by Himself.
  • An inciter is one who reaches and seeks to influence the mind of another by suggestion, request, proposal, argument, persuasion or inducement.
  • I was open to persuasion that the actual facts before the court did not disclose a case of negligence that had any reasonable prospect of success.
  • One or two tiresome individuals had soon yielded to a little persuasion. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • Even their political persuasions are not as predictable as you might expect.
  • She agreed to come, after a little gentle persuasion.
  • Fit iterum cerastes in semita que quos fideles repperit et sese ad precepti celestis angusta itinera constringens non solum nequitia callide persuasionis impedit sed etiam terrore potestatis premit et in persecutionis angore post beneficia ficte dulcedinis, exercet cornua potestatis. Archive 2008-06-01
  • He was a small, spare, wiry man, highly intelligent, with unusual gifts of persuasion and leadership.
  • Thanks! nenezia techsolutions creditors clearing house rhode island architectural disappears instructions print high school diploma classroom puzzle cordoroy trousers ic8000 not ameriplan ranitidin definition of subliminal of perception and persuasion eigenvalue wireless heasdset earl campbell crossworlds musicvideo dearmond snowdrop - 2006-08-17 08: 37: 15 New Business Card Pictures
  • What arguments he used on this point cannot exactly be known, for Sir Everard was never supposed strong in the powers of persuasion; but the young officer, immediately after this transaction, rose in the army with a rapidity far surpassing the usual pace of unpatronised professional merit, although, to outward appearance, that was all he had to depend upon. Waverley
  • Many people of a bohemian persuasion passed through her living room, from artists to drug addicts, not that those classifications were mutually exclusive.
  • Why was there no adequate process of persuasion?
  • On another occasion a gnarled and fervent Radical of the bootmaking persuasion hobbled to the door of his establishment, and waving clenched and uplifted fists, called down upon us and our retreating equipage all the curses at the command of a rather extensive vocabulary until we were out of earshot. The Right Stuff Some Episodes in the Career of a North Briton
  • If the sonnets, odes, and elegies are primarily concerned with "memory, private reclamation, and linguistic chop-chop," as Biespiel has it, why would a public yearning for "moral persuasion" bother with it? Poetry
  • Throughout his life, he gained and retained the friendship and respect of men of the most diverse political and religious persuasions.
  • Such were his powers of persuasion he talked her into accepting €900 for an eighteenth century library table, two satinwood chairs and some porcelain.
  • Whether secular or spiritual in persuasion, peace-loving individuals share much in common.
  • It was an object lesson in how to use television as a means of persuasion.
  • By this time the membership stood at about 90, embracing painters and sculptors of every persuasion.
  • Meanwhile, his name waxed famous — or rather infamous, and many of those who resorted to him did so under persuasion that he was a sorcerer. Kenilworth
  • This is not a category limited to any political persuasion or any particular ethnos. May 29th, 2009
  • They pay special attention to the way social responsibilities are fostered by informal communal processes of persuasion and peer pressure.
  • But 19-year-old model Saffron Domini needed little persuasion to appear in a harrowing film about racism and violence.
  • Beyond my personal disgust, the danger of their martyrization lies in the support it offers to the belief held by many Jews of a certain persuasion that Islamist terrorism is a consequence of the essential bloodthirstiness of all Islam which is bent on destroying Israel and the Jews. Don't Die For Me
  • Since he first went on the council he had worked with many councilors of different political persuasions and he had to say he got on with all of them.
  • Therefore he wins her over with gentle persuasion.
  • A free fishing trip ... hmmm, let me think about it, yeh I guess I'll enter ... your persuasion is overwhelming. Fish Alaska For Free, Seriously...
  • Ralier kept urging the horse to move, but the animal didn't need persuasion.
  • Furthermore, the patient must be free to make their decision without pressure, persuasion or threat.
  • We tried everything - persuasion, bribery, threats.
  • Some persuasion would be required to overcome her scruples.
  • They make danceable alt-rock of a persuasion that's as aggressive as possible without getting silly.
  • Kendal, whither I had sent all my clothes and viatica; from thence to go to London, and to see whether or no I could arrange my pecuniary matters, so as leaving Mrs. Coleridge all that was necessary to her comforts, to go myself to Madeira, having a persuasion, strong as the life within me, that one winter spent in a really warm, genial climate, would completely restore me. Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey
  • While at his daughter's home he developed an infection and after days of persuasion from his family was talked into going back into hospital.
  • My biggest beef with electric guitar sounds of the rock persuasion is the lack of dynamics.
  • The focus is on ideas, idea diffusion, brands, marketing, persuasion and web design.
  • As ambassador in Washington, Mr. Haqqani was often referred to as "silver-tongued," a man able to communicate effectively with officials of different political persuasions. A Hostage in Pakistan
  • Generalization 5-12 states: Cosmopolite channels are relatively more important at the knowledge stage, and localite channels are relatively more important at the persuasion stage in the innovation-decision process. Diffusion of Innovations
  • The Menus are the same too with looped clips of the series running alongside the options - the submenu, in this case, opening with perhaps one of the most exciting extracts ever seen on one of these discs when Monarch's sidekick Persuasion tells Nyssa "You may keep the pencil! DVD Times
  • All I am doing is providing an opening for persuasion and argument!
  • Saith he, “Aurum, quod pravis diaboli persuasionibus quasi lutum sterni potuerit, aurum ante Dei oculos nunquam fuit, qui enim seduci quandoque non reversuri possunt, quasi habitam sanctitatem ante oculos hominum videntur amittere, sed eam ante oculos Dei nunquam habuerunt.” The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • What arguments he used on this point cannot exactly be known, for Sir Everard was never supposed strong in the powers of persuasion; but the young officer, immediately after this transaction, rose in the army with a rapidity far surpassing the usual pace of unpatronized professional merit, although, to outward appearance, that was all he had to depend upon. Waverley: or, 'Tis sixty years since
  • What we have here is a kind of intellectualized Ponzi scheme: The suckers are baited by a quick payoff in the form of the cheap, transient satisfaction that goes with despising those of another class, race or political persuasion. Latest Articles
  • Fit iterum cerastes in semita que quos fideles repperit et sese ad precepti celestis angusta itinera constringens non solum nequitia callide persuasionis impedit sed etiam terrore potestatis premit et in persecutionis angore post beneficia ficte dulcedinis, exercet cornua potestatis. Sigh. WMAM.
  • Speaking for myself, I remain open to persuasion, should the honours committee look my way.
  • It took weeks of persuasion for her to win them over.
  • An inciter is one who reaches and seeks to influence the mind of another by suggestion, request, proposal, argument, persuasion or inducement.
  • A combination of persuasion and stiff fines may become necessary to discourage people from littering public places.
  • They hypnotize us to believe in anything suggested and manipulated by the verbal techniques of persuasion. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • Presbyterian persuasion, he might find him less rancorously disposed against Miss Bellenden, and inclined to exert the power which he asserted himself to possess over her fortunes, more favourably than heretofore. Old Mortality
  • Fit iterum cerastes in semita que quos fideles repperit et sese ad precepti celestis angusta itinera constringens non solum nequitia callide persuasionis impedit sed etiam terrore potestatis premit et in persecutionis angore post beneficia ficte dulcedinis, exercet cornua potestatis. Sigh. WMAM.
  • The drunken louts who cause trouble for themselves and others after a skinful of alcohol at the weekend may be open to subtle persuasion when sober.
  • Gentle persuasion is more effective than force.
  • '' It's what we call a persuasion flight, '' Ferrer said. Democratic Underground Latest Breaking News
  • You must have great powers of persuasion -- or you're a wonderful con man. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • This after years of wholesale abuse of the system in which lords and ladies of all persuasions have claimed distant holiday homes to enable them to get the accompanying unreceipted travel expenses. Unnecessary respite from reform
  • Stealth and persuasion were obviously required to achieve this change by democratic means.
  • Whatever your religious persuasions may be, I think this just about sums it up, don't you?
  • We need a society which welcomes people of all religious persuasions.
  • Some Republicans, as well as Democrats, and religious groups of both liberal and conservative persuasions have raised concerns.
  • Besides, to a child of positive traits, those persuasions are utterly forceless which, instead of being addressed to the prominent faculties, are directed to those comparatively deficient. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 108, October, 1866
  • Thanks for the vote of confidence, your Majesty, but I think you vastly overrate my powers of persuasion. TREASON KEEP
  • They also possess more subtle powers of political pressure and the use of persuasion.
  • For the critics of psychologism, validity had nothing to do with genesis, truth content was independent of individual judgments, and justification did not rely on mere rhetorical persuasion.
  • On occasion, it has taken me all my powers of persuasion to prevent my husband from scooping the towels up and throwing them into the pool.
  • Political leaders and women of all political persuasions are expected to attend the commemorations.
  • Stealth and persuasion were obviously required to achieve this change by democratic means.
  • Some youngsters respond to persuasion and the idea that to do certain things is beneath their dignity.
  • This is a peculiarly nasty technique of persuasion, causing great psychological anguish throughout the middle ages and even today.
  • The government's approach in persuasion, not enforcement, since enforcement of current legislation is unworkable.
  • How terrible it must have been for the ultra-competitor to realise he'd been beaten, by a ranga of the female persuasion no less.
  • A well-designed piece of persuasion mail, complete with powerful four-color images, can boost a candidate's poll numbers literally overnight.
  • I had to use a little gentle persuasion to get her to agree.
  • It was an object lesson in how to use television as a means of persuasion.
  • The notable Mrs. Mittin contrived soon to so usefully ingratiate herself in the favour of Mr. Dennel, that, in the full persuasion she would save him half his annual expences, he married her: but her friend, Mr. Clykes, was robbed in his journey home of the cash which he had so dishonourably gained. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • Heraclius in the warres againste the Persians: when he had gotten the victory, and thei perceiued them selues to be defrauded by him: kindled with the angre of the villanye thei had done vnto them, by the counsell and persuasion of Mahomet (who tooke vppon him to be their captaine) thei forsoke Heraclius. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • I think Salamandyr suggests the pertinent question -- do such men as KSM have a right not to have their will overborne by means other than verbal persuasion? "The inhalation brought the damp cloths tight against my nostrils, as if a huge, wet paw had been suddenly and annihilatingly clamped over my face."
  • It represented a decisive defeat for the old liberal politics, dominated by local notables, with their traditional methods of patronage and persuasion.
  • For folks of my political persuasion, last year ended on a very bleak note.
  • Persuasion is one of the most valuable skills in marketing.
  • He has no altar, and no hymns of praise; from him alone of all the daimones Persuasion stands aloof … [closes the book] ... Nowhere Town: Overture and Introduction
  • In the electronic republic, political manipulation is the other side of the coin of effective political persuasion.
  • Debates over important issues, from nuclear weapons to public ownership, have been settled by manipulation rather than persuasion.
  • [...] (4) Persuasion that property and freedom are inseparably connected, and that economic levelling is not economic progress. Think Progress » Saudi Prince Calls Murdoch And Changes Fox News
  • The Thatcher years were considered by the Press in this country (of all political persuasions) to be the most censorial of media freedoms since the 1600s.
  • I wasn't intending to sell, but I'm open to persuasion.
  • It might take a little persuasion and there might be a few sharp words exchanged but that was usually the height of it.
  • If it's just a faddy habit - and gentle persuasion or choo-choo noises don't work, don't get into meal-time battles. The Sun
  • But of faith, and the precedency it ought to have before other arguments of persuasion, I shall speak more hereafter; where I treat of it as it is ordinarily placed, in contradistinction to reason; though in truth it be nothing else but an assent founded on the highest reason. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • It is truly incredible that the favoured solution for politicians of all persuasions in the current scandal about undeclared backstairs loans is that we, the taxpayers, should be the solution.
  • We don't have to be character assassins, we don't have to issue screeds, we don't have to be bad-mouthing other people, but we do have to use logic and reason and persuasion and show why our positions really make more sense for America.
  • When you accept government funds, I don't think that it the place to try to convert people either to a religious persuasion or a religious ideal.
  • Invite discussion, and be open to correction and persuasion.
  • And, therefore, the present filling the imagination more, reason is commonly vanquished; but after that force of eloquence and persuasion hath made things future and remote appear as present, then upon the revolt of the imagination reason prevaileth. The Advancement of Learning
  • You can actually accomplish a lot more by gentle persuasion.
  • An important Socratic Dialogue in which Plato sets the rhetorician, whose specialty is persuasion, in opposition to the philosopher, whose specialty is dissuasion, or refutation. Capsule Summaries of the Great Books of the Western World
  • “By illuminating so clearly the racial content of the secession persuasion, the commissioners would seem to have laid to rest, once and for all, any notion that slavery had nothing to do with the coming of the Civil War,” Dew wries. Disunion lobbyists important to secession movement
  • ASIAN PERSUASION: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, dining at Katsuya in Brentwood, CA, just days before their ultraglamorous Oscar appearance. E! Online (US) - Top Stories
  • They were a very strange folk, with a riddling dialect that made even Levee, no stranger to the art of persuasion, feel intimidated.
  • In a town with a Conservative majority of just 2,661, the personal charm and persuasion of each candidate will be crucial.
  • Bringing these artists together has brought a musical heritage to life, fusing soul, blues, zydeco, Cajun and jazz of every persuasion into an improbably rewarding experience for a fund-raising record.
  • Admittedly, it did take a bit of persuasion to get government accountants to accept that idea.
  • Females of the chestier persuasion must display their cleavage in the best possible manner. MEMO: Appropriate Stances When Confronting Evildoers En Masse
  • A priestess is like a minister or clergyperson, but is of the Pagan persuasion, or, more baldly, a worshiper of Nature and especially the Earth. Archive 2008-11-01
  • Exertion of authority over others is not always wise; persuasion may be better.
  • Mr Codlin indeed required no such persuasion, as he had already eaten as much as he could possibly carry and was now moistening his clay with strong ale, whereof he took deep draughts with a silent relish and invited nobody to partake — thus again strongly indicating his misanthropical turn of mind. The Old Curiosity Shop
  • Rational persuasion is thus the foundation of peaceful coexistence.
  • By relying on a characteristically low-key form of moral persuasion, he believes he is slowly winning them over and that the foundations will eventually reflect his influence.
  • Thomas was "consoled" and "comforted," and "induced to remain in the country," by the united persuasions of the Lord Deputy, the Counsellors of State, and the whole army. An Illustrated History of Ireland from AD 400 to 1800
  • In this sense, his amalgamated rhetoric fuses a wide variety of traditions, topoi, and strategies in service of persuasion fashioned to galvanize oppositional thought in a common cause.
  • But the inclusion (if only for thoroughness 'sake) of a section on "inartificial" proofs opens the door to a wider conception of rhetoric, an "administrative" mode of persuasion that would often fit Machiavelli's recipes to perfection and that Skinnerian observations about persuasion and control are, however fumblingly, concerned with. An Exchange on Machiavelli
  • Whatever the case, it's clear that Blair's supposed powers of persuasion have failed to sway one man: his Chancellor.
  • For example, there is evidence of groupthink operating within many cabinets of any political persuasion where government ministers, arguably, are selected according to a propensity to accept, rather than challenge, policy.
  • On the contrary, the art of persuasion, of which oratory is one branch, can never be much cultivated except in a free society.
  • Many people of a bohemian persuasion passed through her living room, from artists to drug addicts, not that those classifications were mutually exclusive.
  • Thanks for the vote of confidence, your Majesty, but I think you vastly overrate my powers of persuasion. TREASON KEEP
  • The fact is, that the “Royal Bootjack,” though a humble, was a very genteel house; and a very little persuasion would induce Mr. Crump, as he looked at his own door in the sun, to tell you that he had himself once drawn off with that very bootjack the top-boots of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and the first gentleman in Europe. Mens Wives
  • CHORUS: From him alone of all the daimones Persuasion stands aloof. Archive 2006-04-01
  • The origin of these adulteries is from the depraved will connate to man, or from hereditary evil, which a man blindly obeys after he is capable of exercising his own judgement, not at all considering whether they are evils or not; wherefore it is said, that he does not think them of importance enough to consult the understanding respecting them: but the origin of the adulteries which are called adulteries of reason, is from a perverse understanding; and these adulteries are committed by those who confirm themselves in the persuasion that they are not evils of sin. The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • He trembled to think that if then he died in his bed he must be eternally damned, and she added her persuasions, such as that each soul that died in his realms before that letter was sent went before the Throne of Mercy unshriven and unhouselled, so that their burden of souls grew very great. The Fifth Queen Crowned
  • Her friends found it impossible to outroot this persuasion, or to overcome her resolution even by force. Memoirs of Carwin, the Biloquist
  • I am not of your persuasion
  • After a little gentle persuasion , Debbie agreed to let us in.
  • At times the Dutch used extreme means when enforcing the pax hollandica, as in the case of Lamey Island, which was subjected to ethnic cleansing: Nearly all postpubescent males were killed, and the surviving population was removed to the Sinkan area. 88 We must not forget that Dutch rule was based as much on coercion as on persuasion. How Taiwan Became Chinese
  • All those the Evening Press spoke to said they were surprised that any MP would think about swearing at a voter, no matter what their political persuasion.
  • The surging music and tremendous themes of the poet, the sweet persuasion of the sophist were a wonder and delight. Lore of Proserpine
  • Any arm-twisting or gentle persuasion presumably took place in corridor huddles or late-night conversations.

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