How To Use Personnel office In A Sentence
Sure enough, a few days later he heard from the personnel office - they had goofed and sent a rejection letter when he had actually been approved!
The personnel officer did not give a hoot about her typing or shorthand, but liked that she spoke French and had done volunteer work for the British Red Cross.
Afterwards the Personnel Officer who interviewed you will give you some feedback.
This is likely to be the experience of personnel officers especially.
Personnel Management: A New Approach
Job seekers should apply at the personnel office.
The latter had little choice but to give responsibility for labor relations to already overburdened personnel officers, budget officers, or executive assistants.
Human Resource Management in Government
Application forms and further particulars are available from the Personnel Office.
Application forms and further particulars are available from the Personnel Office.
If a high priority is placed on control, personnel officers will emphasize their role as watchdogs.
Human Resource Management in Government
Even policy making responsibilities tended to gravitate to the personnel office over time.
Human Resource Management in Government
We called them downright funny, and we laughed all the way to the personnel office.
The latter had little choice but to give responsibility for labor relations to already overburdened personnel officers, budget officers, or executive assistants.
Human Resource Management in Government
Application forms and further particulars are available from the Personnel Office.
If a high priority is placed on control, personnel officers will emphasize their role as watchdogs.
Human Resource Management in Government
Identify at least four roles that managers and personnel officers are often asked to perform in improving productivity.
Human Resource Management in Government
He worked with the Western and Midland health boards before he was appointed personnel officer with the South Eastern Health Board in 1989.
Not all governments rely on the central personnel office to provide training opportunities.
Human Resource Management in Government
Supervisors and personnel officers will be instructed to tread carefully when dealing with workers.
Job seekers should apply at the personnel office.
If a high priority is placed on control, personnel officers will emphasize their role as watchdogs.
Human Resource Management in Government
I will submit the consent letter to Personnel Office by November 30.
The requests for transfers were channeled through the personnel office.
They work with their personnel offices to update records, fill out promotion-point worksheets and prepare for military-knowledge boards.
Even policy making responsibilities tended to gravitate to the personnel office over time.
Human Resource Management in Government
If a high priority is placed on control, personnel officers will emphasize their role as watchdogs.
Human Resource Management in Government
In his book he traces the shameful collaboration between government personnel officers and the D.C. vice squads that fueled inquisitions, investigations and systematic removals of gay people from federal agencies.
Consultant shall supply to Client's personnel office space and necessary facilities as well as transportation.