How To Use Personhood In A Sentence
If you suppress the idea of personhood then you suppress the notion of individual culpability.
Until we finally address the depressing state of the American male -- how he has been reduced to an automaton designed to pursue power, money, or fame with scant emphasis on the cultivation of his humanity and personhood -- we will continue to witness men acting out, doing anything they can to feel sexy, desirable, and salve their macerated egos.
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Nor is personhood determined by size or development.
Even minimal awareness would support some criterion of personhood, but I don't think complete absence of awareness does.
The notion of personhood identifies a category of morally considerable beings that is thought to be coextensive with humanity.
While it certainly won't forestall all attacks on my personhood, perhaps some will be defused.
Of course in the United States actionability is based not on personhood but citizenship in a state recognized by the United States.
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According to the Association Against Animal Factories, "personhood" is the only way to make sure that Pan, who previously lived in a now-bankrupt shelter, doesn't end up under nasty ownership outside of Austria.
Boing Boing
What photography mummifies, distorts and murders, among other things, is the sense that the reality of the self resides in the body, the corporeal and temporal boundaries of personhood.
Personhood USA hopes to get proposals on the ballot in nearly half the states by 2012.
Western mental health discourse introduces core components of Western culture, including a theory of human nature, a definition of personhood, a sense of time and memory, and a source of moral authority.
Crazy Like Us
The emergence of post-structuralism in the 1960s had radical implications for humanist thinking and the ideas of personhood.
And to sever ‘human life’ from personhood is the slipperiest of slopes, and should not be countenanced by anyone who doesn't wish to risk ending up on the wrong side of the definition.
Now if you wished to mend this problem, you would rather disestablish "personhood" for corporations and bust them into tiny peices, just like the intelligence services should be.
Dividing America with Hate
Each of us is a Body/Soul together in an intimate relationship that we call personhood--the state of being a person, whole and entire, created in the image and likeness of God.
Moving around at Mass
It is quite clear from the history of the Amendment that its framers did not intend to give Congress the power to determine personhood for due process and equal protection purposes.
In the wake of structuralism and poststructuralism, to write of literary personhood is no simple thing.
This is also why personhood would outlaw all contraceptives that interfere with the implantation of fertilized eggs -- including intrauterine devices IUDs, some forms of the birth control pill, and the "morning-after pill," which YesOn26 proponents call "human pesticide.
Sarika Bansal: Personhood: Why Beginning Life at Conception Carries Risks, Even for Anti-Abortion Activists
From that point on, through the rebuttal and cross-examination, the debate became mainly an argument over the notion of personhood.
Underneath this view is a deeper view of personhood.
Whatever PersonhoodUSA may claim about advances in the "science of fetology," it can't change the fact that each and every one of these women benefits from the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v.
The callousness of the pro-abort side
It's little wonder that Dennett gets described as being a 'kinda-sorta' realist about mental states – it's because he's trying desperately to present a philosophical framing of mind that eliminates subjective experience, but retains a practical personhood, even with the aside that said personhood is just a useful fiction.
Blurring the Line
And once legal personhood is secured for chimpanzees, Wise hopes to cast the net of legal rights wider.
I don't know if yesterday's Supreme Court ruling is really going to lead to the apocalypse predicted by so many, or if the corporate influence on American politics is already at its absolute maximum and this is merely going to alter the number of tools in the fat cats 'political influence toolkit … But I find myself having the same naive reaction to the notion of "corporate personhood" that I've always had when it's come up: If corporations are persons in the eyes of the law, why has no one pursued the argument that we can do to corporations what we routinely do to persons, namely imprison and execute them?
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Doesn’t this comment really kind of cede that it’s all about sex, and not about the personhood of the fetus?
Do they really believe that abortion is murder?
One reason it is important not to equate personality with personhood is so that the former properties can flourish without fear that the latter title will be revoked.
This anthropological synthesis of syncretism and Melanesian partible personhood thus constitutes an extension of the new Melanesian ethnography toward the analysis of recent historical and religious change in the Pacific.
These incentives are created by global rules that protect rights of property and contract but not rights of personhood and labor.
It's simple: some people have some very strange ideas about personhood and personal identity.
Ulrich Neisser, for instance, argued that we are predisposed to recognise a common ‘personhood’ or ‘intersubjectivity’ when we encounter other human beings.
The abuse destroyed my sense of personhood and what little there was of a sense of masculinity.
Clothing signals humanity and incites conceptions of dignity, personhood, and bodily integrity.
Over and above every other characteristic, trust is essential to personhood.
Winnicott, in his work with psychotics, became interested in the early developmental processes that facilitate the emergence of personhood.
Being a pro-choice feminist and a mother, I think that pressuring a woman to have an abortion because she would give birth to a female is a terrible violation of her personhood.
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Personhood in these traditions is more a process than a state or category of being.
Historically, Kant is the most noted defender of personhood as the quality that makes a being valuable and thus morally considerable.
Voters in Mississippi could vote on a personhood amendment to their state Constitution this November, although the ACLU is challenging that initiative in court.
Goods now not only reflected status, but revealed personhood.
Our very social existence depends on the recognition of our personhood and our ability to be recognized and understood by others.
It is central to the notion of personhood and community and is not something from which an individual can easily withdraw.
Thomas Kitwood, a British psychologist who was a pioneer in the field of dementia care, died in 1998, but his books, which emphasize personhood instead of debilitation, remain influential.
We need not imagine that there is a magic moment when an embryo passes over a moral threshold of personhood.
In arguably one of the most conservative states in the nation, Mississippi voters defeated a Personhood measure that would have given a one celled fertilized egg the same rights as a walking, thinking, breathing
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Business: Corporate personhood is the kool-aid served in the boardrooms.
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Furthermore, when one examines the dominant theories offered to justify copyright-from Lockean labor to Hegelian personhood to utilitarian theories-no justification for descendible copyright is found.
Desai on the history of the role of heirs in copyright
Thomas Kitwood, a British psychologist who was a pioneer in the field of dementia care, died in 1998, but his books, which emphasize personhood instead of debilitation, remain influential.
And while Mason of Personhood USA says he doesn't think his proposals would interfere with most forms of birth control, he doesn't deny that some could.
Winnicott, in his work with psychotics, became interested in the early developmental processes that facilitate the emergence of personhood.
But his starting definition of personhood is remarkably similar to Brynn's.
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But the orienting theme throughout the Mosaic canon is life and its blessings, the affirmation of personhood.
With this far-reaching anti-abortion strategy, the proponents of what they call personhood amendments hope to reshape the national debate.
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The Spirit's distinct personhood was no part of Old Testament revelation.
In this paper, I will try to show that these contributions fail to articulate an adequate concept of embodied personhood for anthropology because they presuppose impoverished notions of semiosis and language.
‘Personhood’ is not found in many dictionaries or reference works.
Most bioethicists would agree that the primary issues revolve around matters of dignity and personhood.
finding her own personhood as a campus activist
Fortunately, an ethical countercurrent exists which is actively promoting the concept of personhood in dementia.
Certain images, differing somewhat in form and purpose by ethnic group, stand for various aspects of personhood.
I would choose to read the current exhibition as an attempt to address the dissonance between the personhood of the individual and the institutional tendency of states and corporations to depersonalise the individual into a type.
Such symptoms rob individuals of their dignity, autonomy, and personhood.
As we consider the meaning of this type of suffering and how it relates to personhood, we should not neglect the spiritual dimensions of this disease.
This discussion strikes to the very core of a theology of personhood.
For some eerie reason I am reminded of a passage in the bible where it talks of the Anti-Christ being made into the likeness of man …. perhaps corporate personhood is what this passage really meant?
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Through months of campaigning and 18 debates, the Republican presidential candidates have limned a range of issues -- from taxation and corporate personhood to abortion and gay marriage, even open marriage.
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In so doing, they have, as Janet Halley has observed, "treat [ed] sodomy as a metonym for homosexual personhood," 26 thereby attempting to criminalize homosexuality itself.
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The issue at hand is not the generation of human life, but the protecting of human life, the good of the personhood of neither the parents nor the child is violated with HET and it is completely compatible with the love and respect for every good that is perfective of the human person.
The difficult issue of embryonic adoption
After Mindscan, the biological original who has signed over all rights of personhood is brought to the far side of the moon where Immortex has established New Eden, a lunar paradise where the biologicals can live out their remaining days.
REVIEW: Mindscan by Robert J. Sawyer
Personhood is no doubt an open-ended concept that defies philosophic analysis in unclear cases.
This happens in consumerism, when people are ensnared in a web of false and superficial gratifications rather than being helped to experience their personhood in an authentic and concrete way.
About that social encyclical...
So tempting is this conflation, in fact, that in a later discussion of this very point, Jonah accidentally refers to “life” when he means “personhood.”
So Far, I Have Not Found the Science