How To Use Personal letter In A Sentence
Doug said he sends his mailings first-class with a personal letter on his stationary.
Handwriting and handwritten documents have become as a result increasingly demotic and spelling and grammar in personal letters appear to be increasingly seen as personal matters.
President Barack Obama has written a personal letter to the North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, apparently urging him to return to nuclear talks.
He stashed away hundreds of Diana-related items, from signed CDs to personal letters to photographs.
When the philosopher read the interview, he fired off an indignant personal letter to the minister.
The Passion of Michel Foucault
I wrote a personal letter directed to him and he would not respond.
I write this in the form of a personal letter from me to you, if for no other reason than to blunder and blur genres further.
He sent a personal letter to my dad saying I had not made it.
The Sun
Juditha Brown sent a personal letter to the judge chastising her for her ruling.
All she did was read out a personal letter written by Dan in which he denied involvement.
In Italy, he has earned the derision of the French press for sending all citizens a personal letter and a free calculator to convert lire to euros, at a cost of 10 million of the latter to the public purse.
John Hollstein kindly provided me with copies of personal letters written to family members by his distinguished granduncle, Frank Crowe.
And each of them sent me a personal letter with drawings and wishes to a fast recovery.
Bob Dechert calls "flirtatious" messages he sent to a journalist with China's state media part of an innocent friendship but among the cache of leaked e-mails that brought this to light is an especially personal letter about an entanglement gone sour - one that raises more questions.
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At least this one looked short; usually he went on for several pages, unburdening his soul to "cher James," in a misspelled quadrilingual patois that at least made it clear he sought no secretarial help for his personal letters.
Dragonfly in Amber
Each individual will receive a personal letter of apology, acknowledging the harm caused by the process.
Each individual will receive a personal letter of apology, acknowledging the harm caused by the process.
Prime Minister Tony Blair spoke of his distress and the Prince of Wales wrote personal letters of condolence to both families.
But time after time, Congressional offices tell us that a personal letter from a constituent is the most powerful form of communication and carries the greatest impact.
Steve Valk: How to Bring Down the Coal and Oil Goliath: A Million Personal Letters
The account of their journey has been pieced together from personal letters and diaries.
In it were all of her personal letters, her journal, and a few treasured childhood trinkets.
As I wrote in a personal letter to His Beatitude last November, we in the Church of England deeply appreciate the way in which he opened the way towards fuller co-operation in the diaconal and missionary work of our churches.
Archbishop's tribute to His Beatitude Archbishop Christodoulos of Athens and All Greece
In a personal letter to voters, the Tory leader has asked them to send application forms to a national party centre in Dartford, Kent.
It took a personal letter from President Lyndon Johnson in late December to win their release.
Some of the more threatening and personal letters were passed on to police.
President Bush sends a rare personal letter to a member of what he called the axis of evil -- North Korea's Kim Jong Il. TOM CASEY, STATE DEPARTMENT SPOKESMAN: This was deemed to be an appropriate moment for there to be a clear communication of the U.S. policy, again, from the highest levels of the government.
CNN Transcript Dec 6, 2007
In the most hurtful insult, the antique bureau bought by his late wife was taken, along with the personal letters it contained, and his daughter's wedding dress and presents were snatched, too.
All she did was read out a personal letter written by Dan in which he denied involvement.
So, we went back to the office and wrote my personal letter of the events, and took it to the police station after their break.
Anyone who thinks that orthographic standards have slipped should read a few personal letters or journal entries from the 1800s.
It(‘)s nothing new « Motivated Grammar
You could also simply make a donation or bring some Christmas cheer by sending a child a personal letter from Father Christmas.
And so much of the writing of the postconquest era — religious texts, relaciones, natural histories, as well as personal letters — reveals an obsession with illness.
Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
The first thing the dice told me to do was raise wages across the board thirty percent and write commending personal letters to everyone.