How To Use Personal business In A Sentence
… Keep in mind that no matter what you get asked, being interviewed is an opportunity to creatively share strategic marketing information about your HoopGirl Workout classes and your personal business. | Blog | How to Hoop on a TV Talk or News Show
Our speaker today, Dr. Norman Z. Alcock, is a Canadian engineer and physicist who, following a brilliant academic career and a similarly successful business career, has set aside his personal business interests in an effort to solve this enigma of man's seeming determination to destroy himself.
Can the Scientist Win the Peace?
`Not only am I concerned about the economy, but I have to be out of town for an undetermined length of time on personal business.
They rather spend more time on their personal business and respective interests in the constituency from where they hail.
Stop questioning me about my personal business!

I feel like it's high school sometimes, how people just pride theirself on personal business.
CNN Transcript Sep 5, 2009