How To Use Person-to-person In A Sentence
person-to-person telephone calls
According to medical specialists, direct person-to-person spread of anthrax is extremely unlikely to occur.
E-mail provides a way of sending person-to-person messages almost instantaneously.
In person-to-person auctions, individual sellers or small businesses offer their items for auction directly to consumers.
For ethical reasons, experimental proof of direct person-to-person transmission is not feasible.
The influenza virus has shown person-to-person transmission in a given locale.
‘Ninety-nine percent of that has gone toward person-to-person canvassing,’ said Joy, who showed me around.
The fact is this is a poorly infectious disease and in our experience in Western Europe, we have not seen any incidents of person-to-person spread.
Animal experiments suggest that a high dose is required, and the fact that there is no person-to-person spread supports this view.
Do they really want data transmission or is it really just they want person-to-person communication at all times?
The influenza virus has shown person-to-person transmission in a given locale.
The Web and retail penetration make a person-to-person approach look antiquated - particularly in the U.S. market.
Several doctors assured me that, following the initial contact, person-to-person transmission of poison ivy is rare.
If you want to build a movement, you do it person-to-person.
What is it they say, something like only 5% of our person-to-person communication is in the actual words we use?
For ethical reasons, experimental proof of direct person-to-person transmission is not feasible.
And when talking person-to-person, making eye contact and nodding at the right times show that you are paying attention.
In a triangle, the three relationships are interdependent; they are not three separate person-to-person dyads.
For example, in this outbreak, person-to-person transmission cannot be traced back to a traveler, or a single closed community such as a school or workplace.
The risk of person-to-person transmission of pulmonary anthrax is minimal.
Technical support is offered on a person-to-person basis.
Because person-to-person transmission does not occur, humans are therefore considered dead-end hosts.
Transmission is through person-to-person contact by direct, even brief, head-to-head contact.
The term, "croon," meaning to sing softly person-to-person, came to describe this new musical style.
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In nearly every arena of political life, group relationships have replaced person-to-person relationships.
Crisis managers who need immediate, person-to-person communications are likely to reach for a telephone or a short-wave radio.
A UCS offers the typical services of a UMS, while adding the capability of person-to-person communication through dynamic call redirection and forwarding.
So, in other words, it's probably not a person-to-person transmission.
I have emphasized that person-to-person communion deepens our connection with God.
The exhibition succeeded in demonstrating various modalities of person-to-person interconnectedness and their aesthetic wake, albeit some more direct and convincing than others.
In most cases infection occurs by close person-to-person contact, but there are several cases now that we cannot explain by this model of transmission.
The influenza virus has shown person-to-person transmission in a given locale.
Visits to a Web site, of course, are not the same as a person-to-person meeting, but as are teleconferences, the activity is a virtual stand-in for direct interpersonal communication.
So far, there has been no evidence of person-to-person transmission.
Betting exchanges allow people to bet against each other person-to-person over the internet.
It's really a great affirmation to get that level of feedback on a person-to-person basis.
And all of a sudden it's person-to-person contact.
Once the epidemic has begun, the main mode of transmission is probably person-to-person.
Technical support is offered on a person-to-person basis.
Combining voice services with broadband gives operators the opportunity to expand their offerings of person-to-person communications.
interviewed her person-to-person
If the virus develops the capacity to spread easily from person-to-person, medical professionals warn that a global influenza pandemic could be set in motion.
Fundamo has a platform that enables the delivery of mobile financial services to unbanked and under-banked customers around the world, including person-to-person payments, airtime top-up, bill payment and branchless banking services.
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The goal should be to establish a person-to-person relationship based on the wants and needs of individuals.
Person-to-person spread of bubonic or septicemic plague does not occur; however, pneumonic plague is highly contagious.
There is no person-to-person transmission, so the skin acts as natural barrier.
For example, in this outbreak, person-to-person transmission cannot be traced back to a traveler, or a single closed community such as a school or workplace.
I just think you need some person-to-person contact in your education.
Technical support is offered on a person-to-person basis.
HAV infection is primarily transmitted by either person-to-person contact or through consumption of contaminated food or water.
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a person-to-person interview