How To Use Persist in In A Sentence
Most of them persist in setting strict demands on themselves.
But if it shall be otherwise -- if they stubbornly, sullenly persist in cherishing and manifesting the spirit of treason, making their motto to read, Bound, but not broken, then let the severities of immutable justice be meted out to them: let them die the death.
A Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln
If people persist in baselessly tarring the mainstream American left with the specter of communism, then every reference to communism is going to be interpreted as yet another shot at the mainstream left.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Victims of Communism Day
There was a lot of baffle or difficulties in all this way, I stayed in a dark abysm , but I've seen hope when persist in writing.
What I find both amazing and aggravating is that those who insist on what they euphemistically call “single payer healthcare” refuse to even discuss the propriety of those who have preexisting conditions, or persist in the negative behaviors that lead to diseased conditions, paying higher premiums in exchange for their not being denied coverage.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Putting Lipstick on the Health-Reform Pig:

Today, only a few hundred individuals of the Persian wild ass subpsecies (E.h. onager) persist in Bahram-e-Goor in the Iranian portion of the hotspot, while another subspecies of wild ass, known as the kulan or Turkmenian wild ass (E.h. kulan, CR), survives only in a single population in and around the Badkhyz Nature Reserve in south Turkmenistan, just marginally outside the hotspot.
Biological diversity in the Irano-Anatolian
The hustle and hurry of the job persist in a surreal atmosphere of expectation and denial.
I am not at all frightened by your threats, and I shall know how to deal with you if you persist in interfering with me or persecuting Kilmeny.
Kilmeny of the Orchard
Picture phone users will be asked to hand in their mobiles at reception, and will even be asked to leave if they persist in using the handsets.
It is time we do ask - for so long as we persist in seeing the problem as theirs alone, the solution will elude us.
Most of them persist in setting strict demands on themselves.
If you persist in upsetting her, I will have to punish you.
American students of Spanish often persist in pronouncing words such as "presidente" in the same way as similar English words.
If you want to top your own, they're making all their organic condiments in-house even jarring their own pickles, resulting in hand-ground mustard, slow-roasted tomato not-quite-ketchup, a hot sauce so blistering that making it requires goggles, and roasted garlic mayo, which, assuming you persist in eating dirty water dogs, is the very clinic you'll need treatment from.
Thrillist: Feed Your Hole: A Truck To Make You Truck
Instead, we must persist in the quest for united action to counter both global warming and a weaponized world.
In the time lever, I believe that I can persist in doing it ultimately, up to learn it as well as English what I learned.
Only an emotionally incompetent person would persist in repeating the pass over and over again.
Times, Sunday Times
She was taken aback that they would persist in trying to convince her that she should stay on with them, when she had so many business callings that she could never commit to one single thing.
The little gits persist in playing football outside my flat even in the foulest term-time downpours.
S: And if We show mercy to them and remove the distress they have, they would persist in their inordinacy, blindly wandering on.
Three Translations of The Koran (Al-Qur'an) side by side
The ability of leptospires to persist in mammalian renal tubules reflects a highly evolved form of parasitism.
Your mother will have me do so, that you may be destitute of all defence, if you persist in your pervicacy.
Clarissa Harlowe
I have to warn you, if you persist in one-word answers, I'll gild your home with chrome mannequins and heavy-metal rock posters.
`I have to tell you that the court will appoint a public advocate to represent your son, should he persist in this foolishness.
Whether you're experienced or inexperienced at prayer, just persist in doing it.
Dear Harsnet, he wrote, why do you persist in this rigmarole of refusing even to acknowledge my existence?
Hygiene experts can say all they like about chucking your slap out every three months - but what's a girl to do if cosmetics manufacturers persist in discontinuing, say, ‘Rouge Eclat’ without so much as a by-your-leave?
This conversation has the effect of reviving my old questions not about the war itself — of which I disapproved from the first day, and of which my analysis hasn't varied at all — but about these strange characters whom we in France stubbornly persist in demonizing ( "princes of darkness") or ridiculing with simplistic epithets ( "neo-cons," which can also mean, in French, "neo-dummies"), but who aren't quite as uni-dimensional as they may seem.
In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part IV)
It's like a compelling bad dream whose inscrutable images persist in the traumatised moments after waking.
A patchwork of state regulations persist in his wake, frustrating the efforts of lawyers wishing to shill for themselves on TV.
If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise.
It's like a compelling bad dream whose inscrutable images persist in the traumatised moments after waking.
He will persist in riding that dreadful bicycle.
If you persist in disregarding my advice, I shall wash my hands of the whole business.
No one has done either as yet and until they do I will persist in my conclusion that creative volution is finished, a conclusion I share with both Robert Broom, an anti-Darwinian and Julian Huxley the Darwinian who coined the term the "Modern Synthesis.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Why do you persist in blaming yourself for what happened?
So it was evident that Dan was able to persist in some of his endeavors-but not in his basic academic work.
If the mental process of Herbart's four periods is to come naturally, it would be essential that great interest in the object should exist; it is interest which would keep the mind amused, or, as the famous pedagogist would say, plunged in the idea, and would maintain it in a system nevertheless embracing multilateral ideas; and hence it is necessary that "interest" should be awakened and should persist in all instruction.
Spontaneous Activity in Education
If you persist in calling it Devonshire, all American States will become "shires" e.g. Texasshire, Floridashire, Louisianashire.
Wrong Planet Asperger / Autism Forums
Since most pesticides are not biodegradable, once they enter the food chain they persist in plant or animal bodies.
Mr Straw issued a stern warning to those who persist in violence.
But now, a hundred years on, certain factions persist in taking it at face value.
We persist in decoration and designing of the parlor to be utilizable , economic, durable, artistic, elegant, with special characteristics, so that it can impress deeply on clients at the first sight.
There was Newt Gingrich rallying rabid House Republican foot soldiers, exhorting them to persist in their August doldrum attacks against the Democratic leadership in a virtually empty House chamber.
Gingrich Shows Up on the Hill to Shades of the Past - The Caucus Blog -
Why do film-makers persist in raiding the unfinished work of the greats?
Persist in enforcing the law humanity is the essential requirement of the police organs to cany out" three represents" principles.
Laws of Manu or the Analects does not mean that I "venerate" European high culture; it just means that I know the origins of our regulative political ideals, and I think students should come broadly to know them, too -- and, since you persist in obscuring the point, it means that if emphasis on political correctness and multiculturalism in high school textbooks of history or politics, etc., is interfering with the acquisition of that knowledge, then that emphasis is pernicious. | Top Stories
North Korea will be on the agenda after its missile tests, as will Myanmar, since its generals persist in prosecuting Aung San Suu Kyi, the world's most famous political detainee, on trivial charges.
And yet, despite our earnest desire for happiness, we persist in disregarding the spiritual depths of ourselves.
Pray for the Spirit to move among the 11,350 lost Tai Kao in Yunnan, who have some Scripture portions in their language but persist in idol worship.
If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise.
The desire to persist in interrogation is a valid reason for keeping a suspect in custody for thirty-six hours and indeed beyond.
Two rare and endemic herbivores, mouflon (Ovis aries musimon) and Corsican red deer (Cervus elaphus corsicanus), still persist in the Sardinian forests.
Tyrrhenian-Adriatic sclerophyllous and mixed forests
The desire to persist in interrogation is a valid reason for keeping a suspect in custody for thirty-six hours and indeed beyond.
(Luke and Acts were somehow separated in the textual drift we call the canonical process), which simply does not do enough work in light of the differences in the reception histories of the two texts; such reasons are much harder to come by than is typically thought; (c) Scholars who persist in identifying modern reconstructed readings of Luke-Acts with ancient hermeneutical reading strategies have likely not grasped the way in which the NT authors, early Apologists or Church Fathers actually worked with scripture and have, therefore, distorted hermeneutically the historical worth of their reconstructions.
He retreated to the ground and did not continue to persist in creating hostile assaults.
Linguists pooh-pooh the idea that the original meaning of a term can somehow persist in the collective unconscious after it has been lost to individual recall.
The big takeaway: most young adults say they worry about privacy and security, yet many persist in behaviors that make them easy marks for cybercriminals.
Poll shows most young adults engage in risky online behaviors
Churchy is a little too brainless to resist evil at first, though too good-natured to persist in it.
And there can be no doubt of the proper anti-German sentiments of this stout fellow, even though his impetuous passion for _Freya Talberg_, a Delilah in the service of the enemy, did make him store a tiny island with what the translator will persist in calling combustibles, meaning, one supposes, fuel.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 159, August 11, 1920
Should a child persist in opening the belt while the car is in motion, it is advisable to pull over and refasten the buckle.
To persist in the basic state policy of opening to the outside world and to further expand economic and technical exchange and cooperation with foreign countries.
We persist in grasping at neat, simple answers, when we should be questioning everything.
Mr Straw issued a stern warning to those who persist in violence.
Mr Straw issued a stern warning to those who persist in violence.
If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise.
Bioassays with lettuce and cucumber seedlings showed that simazine, a triazine herbicide related to atrazine, can persist in soils and cause subsequent replanting problems.
Dear Harsnet, he wrote, why do you persist in this rigmarole of refusing even to acknowledge my existence?
Study and evaluation of the reform should give priority to the development of students persist, persist in multiple evaluation methods, accuracy and ambiguous expression of unity.
Their preferences for a more decentralized political system have not prevailed, but they persist in articulating it and in doing so have captured highly regionalized bases of support.
The old man enquired why I seemed so much terrified, and my brothers told him that I would persist in calling a screech-owl, a catamount.
The Path of Duty, and Other Stories
Britons persist in treating any pay rise of less than 5% as a slap in the face.
Lieberman and his colleagues found that the three telomeric proteins might help Epstein-Barr virus episomes persist in cells.
If you persist in doing that you will end up in trouble.
Readers accustomed to the gaudiness and inane phraseology of many modern writers, if they persist in reading this book to its conclusion, will perhaps frequently have to struggle with feelings of strangeness and aukwardness: they will look round for poetry, and will be induced to enquire by what species of courtesy these attempts can be permitted to assume that title.
Lyrical Ballads 1798
If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise.
Picture phone users will be asked to hand in their mobiles at reception, and will even be asked to leave if they persist in using the handsets.
They continue to be coddled, which is why Larry and those of his ilk persist in it.
Jason Clarke's meta feed
The upland terraces and mountains of the Guayana Shield are remnants of highly weathered and ancient parent material consisting mostly of quartzitic or sandstone rocks, although granitic rock types persist in some areas.
Guayanan Highlands moist forests
The evidence you offer to show that these are not actually fallacies is the mere fact that many people persist in believing them, which is not at all contradictory to Caplan's theory.
The Myth of the Rational Voter, Sowell Edition, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Why does Dolan persist in five at the back when it clearly doesn't suit York's style of play?
Other phobias that persist intomodern times may have been fixed much more recently than snakes and spiders, say in the late Paleolithic age, about 100, 000 years ago, or even morerecently.
Sermonti therefore argues that neotenic organisms - in which juvenile traits persist into adulthood, e.g. gills in adult salamanders - must be archaic, because their features appear earlier in development.
Why do you persist in blaming yourself for what happened?
if you persist in that course you will surely fail
The desire to persist in interrogation is a valid reason for keeping a suspect in custody for thirty-six hours and indeed beyond.
Beside this beech, there was a pretty little laurel tree, and the arbutus, which one of the sailors, who was from Devonshire, would persist in calling a myrtle bush, although the skipper showed him the berries to convince him to the contrary.
On Board the Esmeralda Martin Leigh's Log - A Sea Story
The issue resolves to whether those who claim to follow J-sus will persist in following the Roman Hellenist-redacted syncretized imitation, J-sus, which has misled them, or turn to follow the Torah--in the Pharisee/Orthodox Jewish community--as the *historical* Pharisee Ribi Yehoshua and the Netzarim taught.
Bait-and-switch Passover Haggadah? Messianics in the bookstore | RELIGION Blog |
Since most pesticides are not biodegradable, once they enter the food chain they persist in plant or animal bodies.
Now, if you persist in communist apologetics, attempting to characterize it as anything other than the misery and death it has wrought upon the human race, and continue this trolling with this extremist point of view, you are looking at a permaban.
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
Only an ever-dwindling, anti-social minority still persist in drinking and driving.
Britons persist in treating any pay rise of less than 5% as a slap in the face.
It seems, however, from the facts before us that the different zones on the sun, corresponding to what we call the torrid and temperate zones on the earth, persist in rotating with velocities which gradually decrease from the equator towards the poles.
The Story of the Heavens
Since its originated, the practice of "Reeling for Kam, pupate into butterflies" entrepreneurial spirit, persist in reform and innovation, pragmatism carefully.
We are always impressed with artists who persist in making abstract work.
Considering race by itself is not the cure-all for the inequalities that persist in America today.
Affirmative Action Is Still Needed for Racial Equality
The evidence you offer to show that these are not actually fallacies is the mere fact that many people persist in believing them, which is not at all contradictory to Caplan's theory.
The Myth of the Rational Voter, Sowell Edition, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The European Council encouraged both countries to persist in their efforts.
Only an emotionally incompetent person would persist in repeating the pass over and over again.
Times, Sunday Times
Perhaps some such atavistic feelings persist in Britain today about the position of someone who does personal services, such as rinsing people's smalls.
While most of those who have accepted the theory of imitation-they cannot have reread the Idylls and the Song as wholes to persist in such a theory-have contended that Theocritus borrowed from Canticles, Graetz is convinced that the Hebrew poet must have known and imitated the Greek idyllist.
The Book of Delight and Other Papers
By that time the rich "boyars" [1] (as foreigners persist in styling the Russian proprietors of the present day), have arrived from their estates, and the poor peasants, who have long ceased to till the ground, and have not thrashed all the corn, begin to come in from theirs; for, humble and dependent as he may be, each peasant has nevertheless his own patch of land.
Russia As Seen and Described by Famous Writers
Despite the great successes and future promise of automated, commandable, unmanned spacecraft in providing vital human services and scientific advances, the President and Congress persist in giving primary emphasis to the misty-eyed concept that the manifest destiny of mankind is to live and work in space.
Van Allen's Wisdom
And viciously contemning the Church more often than not entails a disdainful sidelong glance at the benighted faithful who persist in allegiance to her.
As long as we persist in reducing any debate about immediacy and complexity to an argument over populism and elitism, though, that debate will continue to degenerate from a discussion of aesthetics to a political struggle between Populists and Elitists, each seeking to impose their view on How Writing Is Done.
Archive 2007-02-01
If you persist in calling it Devonshire, all American States will hence be referred to as "shires" e.g. Texasshire,
Army Rumour Service
Thousands of people persist in doing food combining diets - it doesn't make it any more scientific, does it?
Prior to discovery, the archipelago was covered in Atlantic-type forests that persist in some places, for example at the top of the Santa Bárbara range on Terceira.
Azores temperate mixed forests
If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise.
Remarkably, sperm mitochondria persist in mammalian interspecies crosses as demonstrated for murine and bovine hybrids.
Mr Straw issued a stern warning to those who persist in violence.
The Republicans are headed for the dustheap of history so long as they persist in being the party of the ignorant folks and bigots.
Blackwell: I Could Restrain Homosexual Urges -- If I Had Any, Which I Don't
Should a child persist in opening the belt while the car is in motion, it is advisable to pull over and refasten the buckle.
Some species (for example, the axolotl) display neoteny - that is, the larval features persist into sexual maturity.
Bioassays with lettuce and cucumber seedlings showed that simazine, a triazine herbicide related to atrazine, can persist in soils and cause subsequent replanting problems.
Both anlagen persist in individual exconjugants, their cell mass increasing steadily for many days after conjugation was initiated.
If she realizes it," whispered Madame de Monredon, who was sitting beside Madame d'Argy on a 'causeuse' shaped like an S, "why does she persist in dressing her like a child six years old?
The French Immortals Series — Complete
`I have to tell you that the court will appoint a public advocate to represent your son, should he persist in this foolishness.
And how do you finger the recalcitrant citizenry who persist in just slinging it all in the bin rather than diligently sorting it?
We are always impressed with artists who persist in making abstract work.
Myriads of men have failed because they did not make _an earnest, hard effort to discover chances_ to succeed, or because they _did not persist in the exploration_ of their fields of opportunity.
Certain Success
Mr Straw issued a stern warning to those who persist in violence.
Many of the radionuclides will persist in the ecosphere for many decades and will cause chronic human exposure through external radiation, inhalation, and ingestion.
If we persist in demonising young people - portraying them as trouble-makers who need to be kept off our streets - we shouldn't be surprised if some of them, at least, turn out to be demons.
If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise.
If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise.
I have to warn you, if you persist in one-word answers, I'll gild your home with chrome mannequins and heavy-metal rock posters.
It takes a generous mix of humor, bravado, and unflagging optimism for Krauss to persist in the task he's given himself.
Why does the Supreme Court persist in this peculiarity?
Steve If people persist in baselessly tarring the mainstream American left with the specter of communism, then every reference to communism is going to be interpreted as yet another shot at the mainstream left.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Victims of Communism Day
If they persist in carrying on like this, these disputatious divorced dads will lose the sympathy vote.
Most of them persist in setting strict demands on themselves.
These patterns are expected if multiple gene lineages persist in both species since the time of speciation.
Dear Harsnet, he wrote, why do you persist in this rigmarole of refusing even to acknowledge my existence?
In some people, fairly large percentages of fetal hemoglobin persist into adulthood.
Sickle cell disease research at The Children's Hospital
Why does Lee persist in this feudal and backward way of thinking as soon as he turns to talk about China?
If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise.
And yet, despite our earnest desire for happiness, we persist in disregarding the spiritual depths of ourselves.
Trickle down theory does not work, yet some people persist in peddling it.
Think Progress » Fox Cuts Away From Obama-GOP Conversation In Order To Get A Head Start On Attacks: He Was ‘Lecturing’
We must persist in study on for good or for evil.
For the duration of the run unit, WORKING-STORAGE items persist in their last-used state.
This model specifically predicts that individuals with psychopathy will be more likely than nonpsychopathic individuals to persist in a previously rewarded response, even if the rate of punishment for this response increases.
In a word, he judged for himself; and, however much his judgment might run counter to prejudice or tradition, he dared to enounce it and persist in it.
Matthew Arnold
But if one of these women is sensitive enough to know she is beginning to strain in her argument and will lower her voice and persist in keeping it lowered the effect upon herself and the other woman will put the "caterwauling" out of the question.
Nerves and Common Sense
He will persist in riding that dreadful bicycle.
Dear Harsnet, he wrote, why do you persist in this rigmarole of refusing even to acknowledge my existence?
Local authorities have the power to evict people who persist in their life of crime and anti-social behaviour.
While deploying her particular talent for mollification and conciliation, she will persist in pursuit of the German national interest.
If you persist in training your mind to follow positive thought patterns, the cumulative effect is enormous.
M.E. and You - a self-help plan
Huge gaps persist in economic growth and income distribution between the urban and rural population, coastal and inland regions, and among the provinces.
I hope some people will persist in the journey to unravelling this mystery.
Politicians persist in imagining that "the people" warm to their cheesy slogans.
So it was evident that Dan was able to persist in some of his endeavors-but not in his basic academic work.
By focusing on a range of issues - sexual predation, teenage suicide, bullying, sexting, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual trafficking - Boyd has shown, often to the dismay of those in the tech community who believe that the Internet is the ultimate equalizer, that issues of race, class and gender persist in the virtual world just as in the real world.
The Seattle Times
Yet local authorities and other ne'er-do-wells persist in mowing them at the wrong times.
On the Verge
She (to persist in personifying the sensation as female) is a wild and sea-eyed undine, the darling daughter of adventure, the sister of risk, and it is for her rare and always ephemeral embrace, the temporary pressure she exerts on the membrane of ecstasy, that many men leave home.
La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
Symptoms that persist include chronic coughing and wheezing.
The Sun
`I have to tell you that the court will appoint a public advocate to represent your son, should he persist in this foolishness.
If people persist in baselessly tarring the mainstream American left with the specter of communism.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Victims of Communism Day
Why does Wall Street persist in fobbing off really low-intelligence candidates on us?
Matthew Yglesias » Harold Ford Goes Negative . . . on Eleanor Roosevelt
These tend to disappear as we grow older but occasionally persist into adulthood.
We always persist in the principle of " Sincerity, quality, factualism and creativity" to give our customers good design, development, manufacturing, consultation and technology cultivation.
Flowers give way in fall to blackish berries which often persist into winter.
Don’t Monkey Around: It’s time to trim your Monkey Grass « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
We persist in decoration and designing of the parlor to be utilizable , economic, durable, artistic, elegant, with special characteristics, so that it can impress deeply on clients at the first sight.
If you persist in breaking the law you will go to prison.
The fact that superstition, occultism, and vague forms of religious paganism persist into modernity is nothing to shout about.
If you persist in upsetting her[Sentence dictionary], I will have to punish you.
Why be obstinate and persist in planting rice if eventually we don't make any money?
Together they add up to having the means and the mentality to persist in the face of failure, fear, hurt and opposition.
Times, Sunday Times
Credit, creativity, piratical, united; we persist in perfect, in order to bring more high quality, useful products to the customers.
If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise.
So why do people persist in making such an inaccurate comparison?
Given the high heritability of sideroxylonal and its effectiveness as a deterrent against vertebrate and invertebrate herbivores, it is surprising that undefended trees persist in the population.
The hole would persist in freezing up, and thus gave them many
In a Far Country
Pockets of poverty and hardship persist in the town to this day.
We showed that pAPEC-1-cured χ7122 bacteria were attenuated in chickens, caused few lesions of pericarditis and perihepatitis, did not persist in the blood, and poorly colonized the lung, spleen, and liver
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Why do they persist in risking their lives in cramped conditions aboard unseaworthy vessels?
Together they add up to having the means and the mentality to persist in the face of failure, fear, hurt and opposition.
Times, Sunday Times
Mr Straw issued a stern warning to those who persist in violence.
Why do self-oriented intents and deceptive behaviors persist in organizations?
Symptoms that persist include chronic coughing and wheezing.
The Sun
How long shall we travel 'incog.' if you persist in calling me my lord at the top of your voice, Savage?
The Ivory Child
Which leaves me wondering why the majority remains silent; why so few cis women feminists are prepared to vocalise their solidarity with trans women by calling out those cis women who persist in exercising their privilege.
If that’s what a feminist looks like…
Com and I persist in talking about this internecine warfare going on over there because the participants in that electronic brouhaha are so personally involved in the struggle over the question of whether of not the LCS should continue to exist and if so in what new incarnation, that there needs to be a place to discuss this issue unsoiled by partisan chatter.
The Lake Chapala Society
Edison's method was to doggedly persist in searching for an answer to a problem, expressed in his memorable aphorism that invention is ‘ten percent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration.’
They wanted to persist in the belief that the blue chip debtors of yesteryear were still creditworthy.
These perceptions about the faculty have a long lineage and no doubt will persist in some quarters well into the future.
The resultant interactive patterns tend to persist into elementary school and beyond.
The Developing Child (7th edn.)
We persist in grasping at neat, simple answers, when we should be questioning everything.
But without UNSCOM in there at all, we believe that this is -- there is a possibility that over months rather than years, he could reconstitute, which is one of the reasons that we have said that the situation with UNSCOM being out cannot persist indefinitely.
Press Briefing By Joe Lockhart