[ UK /pˌɜːsɪvˈi‍ə/ ]
[ US /pɝsəˈvɪɹ/ ]
  1. be persistent, refuse to stop
    he persisted to call me every night
    The child persisted and kept asking questions
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How To Use persevere In A Sentence

  • `I'll persevere with anything that might rid me of this pestilence. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • I even dragged my acrophobic mother up mountains in the Auvergne, only to leave her quivering halfway up while I persevered alone to the top.
  • Alfred persevered, first inventing the blasting cap and then discovering that a silicaceous earth, kieselguhr, would stabilize nitroglycerin, thus making dynamite. Nobel, Alfred Bernhard
  • Lear's book of parrots was an immediate success and no doubt had he persevered with his ornithological studies he would have achieved immortality as a new Audubon.
  • Despite a number of setbacks, they persevered in their attempts to fly around the world in a balloon.
  • There seems to be little doubt that work-inhibited students have limited faith in their ability to persevere in academic life.
  • That's what it means to glorify Him as you lie in that bed, sit in that wheelchair, or persevere through that depression. THE STAPLE STREET GANG: MANDY AND THE PURPLE SPOTTED HANKY
  • It can be tricky at first, but persevere.
  • There seems to be little doubt that work-inhibited students have limited faith in their ability to persevere in academic life.
  • Again: if true believers shall live, and continue to the saving of their souls, in opposition to them that fall away to perdition, then they shall certainly persevere in their faith, for these two are but one and the same; but that true believers shall live, and believe to the saving of their souls, in opposition to them that draw back, or subduct themselves, to perdition, is the assertion of the Holy Ghost: ergo. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
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