How To Use Perplexed In A Sentence

  • “And now, Sir John de Walton,” he said, “methinks you are a little churlish in not ordering me some breakfast, after I have been all night engaged in your affairs; and a cup of muscadel would, I think, be no bad induction to a full consideration of this perplexed matter.” Castle Dangerous
  • Besides, he had, it seems, a weakness in his voice, a perplexed and indistinct utterance and a shortness of breath, which, by breaking and disjointing his sentences much obscured the sense and meaning of what he spoke. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • He continued to stare at M. Riviere perplexedly, wondering how to tell him that his very superiorities and advantages would be the surest hindrance to success.
  • Perplexed Tribune auditors decided the dromedary was a capital expense and wired O'Reilly: "WHERE IS CAMEL? Sparing no expense: Reimbursements to remember
  • Now the problem which had perplexed Bolyai most in his study of mathematics had been the independence of Euclid's Fifth postulate.
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  • He turned and left the guard, who watched him perplexedly.
  • So why then is a government supposedly devoted to fostering British science still insisting on forcing some of its leading researchers into Dickens's ‘perplexed and troublous valley of the shadow of the law’?
  • I think a more important discussion would be on the word "nonplussed" which sounds like it should mean "meh" but actually means "utterly perplexed. John Hodgman on "meh" -
  • Some former Morgan Stanley executives remain perplexed by Zhu, who they say understood finance and investment banking, but worked odd late hours and appeared to rely too much on his father's political ties. Wall Street's Latest Gold Rush? The Booming China Market
  • As if one were a balloonist high in the air, imperilled by the wind currents, at times becalmed, perplexed. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He wasn't grumpy, just a bit perplexed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alexander wakes with a start, gives a visitor a perplexed, somewhat bleary stare, then melts blissfully back into slumber.
  • I am genuinely perplexed by the fury some express about the so-called "fratricidal" nature of Ed Miliband's victory over his elder brother David. Why treat Ed Miliband as a younger son who should 'know his place'?
  • Being considered as "common illness" or "frequently occurring disease", concrete rifts perplexed bridgework technician for a long time.
  • The student looked at him, perplexed.
  • I didn't say anything to you at the time, I know: I was very confused and perplexed. GRACE
  • Westerner's perplexed by the artificiality of Hangzhou's dredged, diked and manipulated Xihu need only recall their own foundational myths.
  • He is genuinely perplexed that people don't think he has done enough.
  • So the Kitchener weighed it out to him and the good-for-naught entered the shop, whereupon the man set the food before him and he ate till he had gobbled up the whole and licked the saucers and sat perplexed, knowing not how he should do with the Cook concerning the price of that he had eaten, and turning his eyes about upon everything in the shop; and as he looked, behold, he caught sight of an earthen pan lying arsy-versy upon its mouth; so he raised it from the ground and found under it a horse's tail, freshly cut off and the blood oozing from it; whereby he knew that the Cook adulterated his meat with horseflesh. Arabian nights. English
  • He was not happy with the strange inflections of the melodies, with their flattened 7ths and sharpened 6ths, and he was even more perplexed by the words: he had little English to begin with and the rustic archaisms only added to the problem.
  • And the show went on and the private eye finally solved the murder, leaving televiewers a little perplexed.
  • The girl repeated the name sorrowfully, but perplexedly, not grasping its full significance. Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill
  • Arensberg was not the only visitor to be perplexed by a country where, he noted, ‘a puritanical morality’ coexisted with ‘the hilarity of the race meeting.’
  • Another staff member felt perplexed and sad about the fact that one of the campers seemed angry with her all the time, for no explicable reason.
  • This book should be of interest to readers fascinated but perplexed by the current financial crisis, as it is able to navigate the oubliette of Wall Street trading to create searing and intimate drama. Union Atlantic: Summary and book reviews of Union Atlantic by Adam Haslett.
  • And, recollecting it, I am struck with the truth, that far more of our deepest thoughts and feelings pass to us through perplexed combinations of _concrete_ objects, pass to us as _involutes_ (if I may coin that word) in compound experiences incapable of being disentangled, than ever reach us _directly_, and in their own abstract shapes. Autobiographical Sketches
  • By invitation he was there, a perplexed bystander.
  • Dcn Dale on Bishop Wantland is Perplexed: #59 Piedmont, I should have remembered this as a former "Michigander". Stand Firm
  • The passenger is not reassured; he is perplexed.
  • When they come tell you about, act grossed out and perplexed, then go in and pick it up barehanded.
  • It has much to do with the lottery of life and its unforgiving nature - about fate, synchronicity, and whether what was, was supposed to be; of hopes realized and dashed, and possibly about self-delusion and being generally perplexed.
  • I was perplexed when my results were quite different from those reported in the article.
  • Some might feel perplexed by the differences in the psychometric properties of the test in the two university samples.
  • Brand New, DaisyFive kids from Long Island have a many appropriate Modest Mouse manuscript since The Lonesome Crowded West, a sawing, slurring, snarling thing, full of sufficient rootless fretwork as good as perplexed melodies to give Isaac Brock pause. Archive 2009-12-01
  • The men holding the hatch-cover seemed perplexed, puzzled no doubt by the briefness of the ceremony. Chapter 3
  • Of course, in the furrows and stubble of Branagh's pudgily perplexed face, all of this misery was an absolute delight. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • Perplexed by what he sees, he says out loud, "What in tarnation is it?"
  • Also, a great nation having made up its mind that hanging is quite the wholesomest process for its homicides in general, can yet with mercy distinguish between the degrees of guilt in homicides; and does not yelp like a pack of frost-pinched wolf-cubs on the blood-track of an unhappy crazed boy, or gray-haired clodpate Othello, "perplexed i 'the extreme," at the very moment that it is sending a Minister of the Crown to make polite speeches to a man who is bayoneting young girls in their father's sight, and killing noble youths in cool blood, faster than a country butcher kills lambs in spring. Harvard Classics Volume 28 Essays English and American
  • To please all was somewhat difficult, and occasionally some of them were scarcely so polite as they should have been to a perplexed hostess, who could scarcely be expected to remember that Lieutenant A. had bespoken his sangaree an instant before Captain B. and his friends had ordered their claret cup. Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands
  • The children were perplexed by her unexpected good humor, but they admired her good-natured bravery in the face of personal tragedy.
  • Sir, of your valliance you should have held to your good vow, -- quoth the damozel, for now you see me sore perplexed and that you did not your devoir is my affliction. The Amazing Marriage — Volume 1
  • Our failure to look at ourselves in the mirror is the tragedy future historians will be perplexed to read about.
  • perplexed state of the world
  • She was particularly perplexed by geometry; she aroused our hilarity by always calling a parallelogram a parallel-O-gram, with a strong emphasis on the penultimate syllable; and she spent several days repeating over to herself, with a mystified countenance, the famous words, "The square of the hypothenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the two legs. Hawthorne and His Circle
  • Don Quixote, perceiving himself free, and delivered from so many difficulties and brabbles wherewithal as well he as his esquire had been perplexed, held it high time to prosecute his commenced voyage, and bring to an end the great adventure unto which he was called and chosen. The Fourth Book. XIX. In Which Is Finished the Notable Adventure of the Troopers, and the Great Ferocity of Our Knight, Don Quixote, and How He Was Enchanted
  • The question perplexed me.
  • We perplexed everyone around us by walking up the unfrequented road the quarter mile or so to the museum.
  • The ravers danced, the normals tapped their feet and the rockers looked a little perplexed.
  • Being perplexed by the great losses he was continually sustaining through the Portuguese superiority at sea, the sovereign of Calicut made overtures towards an accommodation; and in a treaty of peace gave permission to the governor-general to build a fort in the island of _Chale_, in a river that falls into the sea about three leagues from Calicut, which is navigable by boats all the way to the foot of the _Gaut_ mountains. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 06 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • When you're not perplexed by the existence of the sonic obliterator, an ovoid about three feet high and two feet wide that somehow packs enough destructive might to sink an island, you'll be amazed by the abduction of a helicopter, then an armored car BY helicopter. Screenhead
  • Instead, he reloaded his revolver very carefully, and then sat in the best room of the cottage by the derelict brickfield, looking anxious and perplexed, and listening to talk about Bill and his ways, and thinking, thinking. The War in the Air
  • The professor is never at a nonplus, and never perplexed by a problem.
  • Talmudists, who say that there is so little harm in that manner of searching the truth, that in the anxiety and perplexedness of human wits God oftentimes manifesteth the secret pleasure of his divine will. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Today tourists are equally perplexed. The Sun
  • Having played in the era when replacements first became a prominent part of the game's pattern, he remains equally perplexed. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'd have thought --- ' Norrie pushed the strands of hair into place, looking perplexed. TICKLED PINK
  • How, a perplexed public is asking, did a thirty-nine year old crock manage to swim through the air and prevent what was a certain goal?
  • North Dakotans sees a channel to the Red River as a natural remedy for the problem and are perplexed that Manitoba would object.
  • I arrived perplexed, cold and totally ill-prepared as a young naval officer at Wilhelmshaven that winter.
  • Marion Price said she was perplexed by the crudity of the approach.
  • So I am perplexed by the report in the paper where two Labour councillors are pictured collecting a petition against post office closures and are fulminating against this terrible action by the Labour Government.
  • Steve bolted from the office leaving a perplexed Mrs. Smythe in his wake.
  • Her brows tilted perplexedly, accenting the nuance of diablerie, delicate and fascinating, that they cast upon the flower face. The Moon Pool
  • I went to my room and stretched out on the bed, thoroughly perplexed by the notes, the congrats card, and the gifts. SUMMER OF SECRETS
  • He wasn't grumpy, just a bit perplexed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lovely line of boy shorts, thongs, bra-top camisoles, slips, drawstring pants, and tees will have you delightfully perplexed as to how and where to wear them.
  • That edginess was not helped by the sort of erratic refereeing which caused perplexed reactions in both technical areas.
  • My father sounded perplexed and a little indignant. KANDAHAR COCKNEY: A Tale of Two Worlds
  • At last a copeck rolled upon the ground, and the miserable creature — his mutilated arms, with their sleeves wet through and through, held out before him — stopped perplexed in the roadway and vanished from my sight. Boyhood
  • Critics were perplexed by this seemingly perfect specimen, and swiftly termed her bland and banal.
  • Even as you read these lines (relativistically speaking), some alien eye or eyes, perhaps set in chitinous, horny lids, are perplexedly scanning one of a pair of argyles which you lost last Tuesday. Boing Boing: September 19, 2004 - September 25, 2004 Archives
  • We were perplexed by his failure to answer the letter.
  • Reporting from Reno- The woman slouched on the steps of the rundown motel, her hair mussed, her pinkish outfit rumpled, her expression perplexed. - News
  • The motive of this assiduity was at length revealed to me, by a violent and fervent declaration of love, which astonished and perplexed me. Memoirs of Mary Robinson
  • Imagined Legend weirdo is perplexed fails back on the weak solution. Think Progress » Fox Thinks Winter Chill Disproves Global Warming; Experts Disagree
  • How shall the perplexed navigator steer his course when monitors in office accuse him on the one hand of lax precision throughout, and belaud him on the other for careful observance of detail? Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Almost all find writing slash utterly natural, with some seeming slightly perplexed at being asked why they do it.
  • I spotted my friends at our usual table with perplexed expressions upon their faces.
  • If we habitually looked at calamities as His loving chastisement, intended to draw us to Himself, we should not have to stand perplexed so often at what we call the mysteries of His providence. Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Kings Chapters VIII to End and Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah. Esther, Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes
  • Then he went in sighing, and pondered what had come to pass with him and was perplexed about his case, and his affair became yet more obscure to him when he saw his turband and bag-trousers and when, feeling the pocket, he found the purse containing the thousand gold pieces. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The idea is that with these souped up IQ tests, our perplexed universities, confronted by tides of sixth formers all with A grade A-levels, will be able to winnow out the very bright from the merely sharpish.
  • Even as you read these lines (relativistically speaking), some alien eye or eyes, perhaps set in chitinous, horny lids, are perplexedly scanning one of a pair of argyles which you lost last Tuesday.
  • The old Sunday-school hymn — "Jesus loves me, yes I know/for the Bible tells me so" — is reassuring as far as it goes, but a lot of believers are more perplexed than enlightened the more they heed Saint Paul's injunction to "think on these things. More a Matter of Mystery than Magic
  • Thus perplexed, "criticism approaches the form of fragment, pensée, or parable: it both soars and stutters as it creates the new text that rises up, prankishly, against a prior text that will surely repossess it" (Hartman, 75, 82). Bringing About the Past
  • Still Doll was thankful for the safe subject, as he went on to mark out what he promised that she should see in the winter -- the swarm of glow-worms, as he called the Pleiades; and 'Our Lady's Rock, 'namely, distaff, the northern name for Orion; and then he talked of the stars that so perplexed him, namely, the planets, that never stayed in their places. The Herd Boy and His Hermit
  • Physicians are often perplexed about how to interpret abnormal results within the panels.
  • In an economy that is still as rocky as the Grand Canyon, many people remain perplexed about what they should do if they find themselves without a job or on the verge of losing one soon. To cope with a lower income, short-term savings take priority
  • He often looks perplexed, as though interrupted from a dream, and you wonder if in the noisy belligerence of the dressing room he does not fade from view like an apparition.
  • The following article makes no attempt to be a 20-minute Chem 101 crash course for the perplexed, but, it is hoped, should at least provide you with counter-ammunition the next time someone corners you at a party and starts dropping terms such as stoichiometry as the temperature of your beer rises slowly but inexorably from cellar to attic. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XXIII No 4
  • The mountaineer is perplexed; an able man, a dead shot, who must undo the puzzle or lose faith in his skill, is a tremendous pursuer, and the mountaineer follows the steinbock ever. Vittoria — Volume 5
  • The little Venuso-Terrestrian bowed himself out, smiling relievedly, leaving the captain to sit scowling perplexedly in a haze of cigar smoke. "Neutral Vessel" by Harl Vincent, part 1
  • This brain-dead effort was also designed and directed by Zeffirelli, who seems totally unconcerned with the opera's ambiguities, ideas that have intrigued and perplexed audiences for more than two centuries.
  • His strange behaviour perplexed her greatly.
  • One has a look of perplexed surprise; the other, a haughty indifference.
  • So when I found myself sitting astride a large horse at 11 am last Saturday I was a little perplexed to say the least.
  • Certainly without enthusiasm, and without much interest, Francis was also mildly perplexed. DARE CALL IT TREASON
  • Alexander wakes with a start, gives a visitor a perplexed, somewhat bleary stare, then melts blissfully back into slumber.
  • He was utterly perplexed with the uproar and romage. A Rough Shaking
  • Will the next age look back on ours, equally perplexed at our desperation for something to blame? Times, Sunday Times
  • Seated on it, against no more romantic object than a blackened chimneystack over which some bumble creeper had been trained, they both pored over one book; both with attentive faces; Jenny with the sharper; Lizzie with the more perplexed. Our Mutual Friend
  • Imagine dozens of wheezing, perplexed pugs romping, sneezing, and peeing on anything immobile.
  • She traced the tip of a finger over the edge of the box, her expression perplexed. One Night in Scotland
  • “People here are perplexed and wondering why Canada is rolling back the clock and depriving women in developing countries from having the same rights to basic health care and access to abortion as women in Canada,” said Keith Martin, a Liberal MP who defected from the Tories in 2004. ProWomanProLife » 2010 » June
  • The chef faced his brother with an expression partly perplexed and partly expectant, as though he might know what was coming. The Chef’s Apprentice
  • I gazed down perplexedly at the top of her glossy, jet-black head.
  • The ravers danced, the normals tapped their feet and the rockers looked a little perplexed.
  • But it left me a little perplexed. The Sun
  • For whensoever we would proceed beyond these simple ideas we have from sensation and reflection, and dive further into the nature of things, we fall presently into darkness and obscurity, perplexedness and difficulties, and can discover nothing further but our own blindness and ignorance. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • At the same time, all this does is alienate liberal supporters who are perplexed by her insane and pointless maneuvring.
  • Mrs Wickam put her own construction on Paul's eccentricities; and being confirmed in her low spirits by a perplexed view of chimneys from the room where she was accustomed to sit, and by the noise of the wind, and by the general dulness (gashliness was Mrs Wickam's strong expression) of her present life, deduced the most dismal reflections from the foregoing premises. Dombey and Son
  • Slightly got a dozen for looking perplexed when told to take soundings. Peter Pan
  • She had to explain her behaviour to her perplexed supporters.
  • We are perplexed, but we don't give up and quit.
  • perplexed language
  • asked Pug, genuinely perplexed at Nakor's latest revelation. SHARDS OF A BROKEN CROWN
  • As confused dreams, frightful and perplexed, and such as disturb the sleep, are an evidence of a hurry of business which fills our head, so many words and hasty ones, used in prayer, are an evidence of folly reigning in the heart, ignorance of and unacquaintedness with both God and ourselves, low thoughts of God, and careless thoughts of our own souls. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • In fact, I might have been offended by that implication, but instead I am perplexed.
  • These things, I say, are always to be attended unto, in our whole disquisition into the nature of evangelical justification; for, without a constant respect unto them, we shall quickly wander into curious and perplexed questions, wherein the consciences of guilty sinners are not concerned; and which, therefore, really belong not unto the substance or truth of this doctrine, nor are to be immixed therewith. The Doctrine of Justification by Faith
  • “Ms. Sexton,” he said, his expression perplexed and troubled. Deception Point
  • People then look quizzical and perplexed. Times, Sunday Times
  • They rushed outside to meet with their comrades who were also perplexed by their findings.
  • The 67-year-old director seems perplexed by the question.
  • Audiences, on the other hand, seem perplexed that their response differs so markedly to those reflected in the film's notices.
  • Several more seconds led to several smaller "flump" sounds, and we were eventually left with a pile of warm, steamy Boll bits, and a slightly perplexed material science engineer! CR4 - Recent Forum Threads and Blog Entries
  • The farmer felt the cow, went away, returned, sorely perplexed, always afraid of being cheated.
  • The students looked perplexed, so the teacher tried to explain once again.
  • This world is thick with De Boursy-Williamses, throwing in bromides with a liberal hand, ungrudging of strychnine, happily at home with quinine and cathartics, ready at a case of simple rubeola; hideously, secretly, helplessly perplexed between the false diphtheria and the true; treating internal cancer and fibrous tumours as digestive derangements for happy, profitable years, until the specialist comes by, and dissipates with a brief examination and with half a dozen trenchant words the victim's faith in the quack. The Dop Doctor
  • Cameron watched her perplexedly, feeling slightly queasy.
  • His strange behaviour perplexed her greatly.
  • The perplexed liberal democracies in Central and Western Europe are increasingly egoistical, and are now teetering along an uncertain course.
  • Mrs Wickam put her own construction on Paul’s eccentricities; and being confirmed in her low spirits by a perplexed view of chimneys from the room where she was accustomed to sit, and by the noise of the wind, and by the general dulness (gashliness was Mrs Wickam’s strong expression) of her present life, deduced the most dismal reflections from the foregoing premises. Dombey and Son
  • The man upstairs's painted as a lonely misfit who's as perplexed by his role as everyone else.
  • I understand almost all of the emotion-state adjectives are gradable; 'amused', 'bored', 'confused', 'delighted', 'excited', 'frightened', 'interested', 'perplexed', 'satisfied', 'terrified', 'worried', etc
  • Having played in the era when replacements first became a prominent part of the game's pattern, he remains equally perplexed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lovely line of boy shorts, thongs, bra-top camisoles, slips, drawstring pants, and tees will have you delightfully perplexed as to how and where to wear them.
  • There was an unfairness about it that perplexed Frederick, until he found solace in dwelling upon the failure Tom had made of life. BY THE TURTLES OF TASMAN
  • He was eating Marmite straight from the jar and looking perplexed.
  • He pauses for a second, looking a little perplexed. Times, Sunday Times
  • It contained nothing but sand and encrustation, so I left perplexed.
  • Today tourists are equally perplexed. The Sun
  • The evening started rather well - a mixed audience of both young and old, a full promenade section and a first piece, 20 years old, that both perplexed and encouraged choreographically, musically and aesthetically.
  • Sophie looked up at his perplexed face and started laughing.
  • Here was a dilemma for the monkish student! whose vow of obedience to patristical guidance was thus sorely perplexed; he read and re-read, analyzed passage after passage, interpreted word after word; and yet, poor man, his laborious study was fruitless and unprofitable! Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • In mid-August, a group of mainland Chinese business executives made such a stink at a Chicago hardware fair that most attendants were left perplexed and appalled.
  • And here to the doorstep came the "slavey," very frowzy and very perplexed, to tell me that the missus would let me come back and wait in the kitchen. JOHNNY UPRIGHT
  • Still panting, Ermo slowly removes her babushka and the many layers of her winter clothing, as a perplexed Xiazi looks on passively.
  • God's word repeated as prayer, spoken to one another as encouragement, reflected on when we are perplexed, can still cut through pain, confusion, and lukewarmness.
  • The clockwork appearance of periodical cicadas in late May to mid-June has long fascinated, and perplexed, entomologists.
  • The redhead, wearing a purple tank top and black leather pants underneath her unbelted black trench, dropped into a crouch in front of a crypt, her expression perplexed as she studied the path. Etched in Bone
  • Funny RACQ man, most perplexed by odd Mercedes workings. What a day...
  • Not long after, having told her in plaine and open speeches, that his subjects could not endure her so late borne daughter: he called a trusty servant of his, and having instructed him what he should doe, sent him to Grizelda, and he being alone with her, looking very sadde, and much perplexed in mind, he saide. The Decameron
  • I was too exhausted to pursue for further elaboration and spent the afternoon lying around with an iv, but I'm still, a year later, I'm totally perplexed by that illness. can food poisoning really result in whitish-grey paint poop? Science Question from a Toddler: Why is poop brown? Boing Boing
  • The _cui bono_ of these doctrines may not, it is true, be expressible by arithmetical computations: the subject also is perplexed with obscurities, and probably with manifold delusions; and too often its interpreters with us have been like 'tenebrific stars,' that 'did ray out darkness' on a matter itself sufficiently dark. The Life of Friedrich Schiller Comprehending an Examination of His Works
  • I sat up and looked at him oddly, almost as though the question perplexed me more than anything else.
  • One has a look of perplexed surprise; the other, a haughty indifference.
  • Fearful, perplexed, he stammers incomprehensible excuses under the suspicious stare of the policeman, who does not believe that someone would refuse to accept that kind of change.
  • Callisto was at the same time flattered and perplexed; still more disconcerted when the pseudo-Diana interrupted her girlish chatter with unmaidenly kisses and embraces.
  • He was perplexed by her question and it more than a little baffled him.
  • But what perplexed us most was to think who could be so base as to asperse the character of a family so harmless as ours, too humble to excite envy, and too inoffensive to create disgust. The Vicar of Wakefield
  • The professor is never at a nonplus, and never perplexed by a problem.
  • His face screwed up into a perplexed expression.
  • Curiously, he felt the beginnings of sorrow, which perplexed him, and it required effort to direct his thoughts elsewhere.
  • They sat there with expressions perplexed, paranoid, perturbed, patently unamused.
  • A muscle in his jaw was working as he slightly loosened his cravat and sent her a perplexed glance.
  • This slippage or loss of message also bedevils the great Roman frescoed vaults of Carracci, Reni, Guercino and Baciccio, which, for the delighted but perplexed spectator, have become, essentially, over-the-top entertainments. The Heirloom City
  • These chance explanations may be comforting to the perplexed, but they look like attempts to sidestep the issue. The Times Literary Supplement
  • As a perplexed girl I pictured people in sleeping bags on the floors of large public rest rooms, before learning that Pop meant the bothies, shacks with no separate toilet where immigrant Irish laborers stayed.
  • he looked at his professor perplexedly
  • These chance explanations may be comforting to the perplexed, but they look like attempts to sidestep the issue. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Walker rapped his knuckles against his head, perplexed.
  • Both of them stopped their quarrel suddenly and looked at me perplexedly.
  • How she contrives, with such opinions or no opinions, to keep herself so serene and cheerful, I am perplexed to conceive: is it the old story of the 'cork going safely over the falls of Niagara, where everything weightier would sink?' Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • The translator explained; still there was a look of perplexed unknowingness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Calandrino hearing, that they all agreed in one opinion of him; he beganne verily to perswade himselfe, that some sodaine sicknes, had seised upon him, which they could discerne, although hee felt no anguish at all: and therefore, like a man much perplexed in minde, demanded of them, What he should do? The Decameron
  • As a unique political society, self-defined in deliberate contradistinction to Europe and modern Britain, the United States has perennially baffled, perplexed, and annoyed Eurocentrists.
  • I stared perplexedly for a full minute before I rediscovered my wits and jumped in surprise.
  • I am apt to think that those who were to appear in pomp perplexed themselves more with care about their clothes than Paul, who was to appear as a prisoner, did with care about his cause; for he knew whom he had believed, and who stood by him. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • From the first word Anson winced, grew perplexed, then suffered. A Little Norsk; Or, Ol' Pap's Flaxen
  • Sipping tea before the botanic feast of flowers and trees that surrounds the bowling green, the men and women in white were perplexed by the slurs.
  • As secular identity becomes enervated, incoherent, and perplexed, as we grow tired and unstrung by self-doubt, hating them offers odd comfort.
  • He pauses for a second, looking a little perplexed. Times, Sunday Times
  • These chance explanations may be comforting to the perplexed, but they look like attempts to sidestep the issue. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Will the next age look back on ours, equally perplexed at our desperation for something to blame? Times, Sunday Times
  • True, I have lately suffered myself to be somewhat engaged here and there by a few jovial lads, who assist me in dispelling the anxious thoughts, which my perplexed situation excites. The Coquette, or, The History of Eliza Wharton: A Novel Founded on Fact
  • As well as the tears, I was perplexed by the leniency of the sentence. The Sun
  • Having lived for years in a neighbourhood which has been ignored, local people are naturally perplexed and jealous.
  • My father sounded perplexed and a little indignant. KANDAHAR COCKNEY: A Tale of Two Worlds
  • Passion reignited is the theme, and common sense perplexed. Double-X Films
  • While we remain perplexed about how the microscopic and the macroscopic relate to each other, this extension in the direction of the cosmic is a bold move whose feasibility is not necessarily obvious.
  • She picked little strips of wood from the box, smiling in her perplexedness. Cry, the Beloved Country
  • Googol glanced perplexedly at the door, which was perfectly intact.
  • In a short moment a smile had formed on Seth's once perplexed face.
  • And on the fourth day the Wazir rose and going in to the King, stood between his hands and acquainted him with the object which induced his visit; whereat he was perplexed for an answer inasmuch as his daughter misliked men and disliked marriage. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The farmer felt the cow, went away, returned, sorely perplexed, always afraid of being cheated.
  • But it left me a little perplexed. The Sun
  • Also, a great nation, having made up its mind that hanging is quite the wholesomest process for its homicides in general, can yet with mercy distinguish between the degrees of guilt in homicides; and does not yelp like a pack of frost-pinched wolf-cubs on the blood-track of an unhappy crazed boy, or gray-haired clodpate Othello, “perplexed i’ the extreme, ” at the very moment that it is sending a Minister of the Crown to make polite speeches to a man who is bayoneting young girls in their father’s sight, and killing noble youths in cool blood, faster than a country butcher kills lambs in spring. Sesame and Lilies. Lecture I.-Sesame: Of Kings’ Treasuries
  • Dr. Johnson shunned tonight any discussion of the perplexed question of fate and free will.
  • When we called the pest control company, the manager was perplexed. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post
  • As if one were a balloonist high in the air, imperilled by the wind currents, at times becalmed, perplexed. The Times Literary Supplement

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