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How To Use Perpetuation In A Sentence

  • The meme for blind faith secures its own perpetuation by the simple unconscious expedient of discouraging rational inquiry.
  • On every hand we hear proclaimed a form of the doctrine of God's omnipresence (usually called the divine "immanence") which not only denies all distinction between the original Creation and the present perpetuation of the world, but a form which practically denies all second causes, and which cannot well be distinguished from pantheism, though it would be a spiritualistic or "idealistic" form of pantheism, or "monism," to use the favorite modern term. Q. E. D., or New Light on the Doctrine of Creation
  • The shifting cultivation cycle has also been reduced from twelve to twenty years to five to eight years, resulting in the perpetuation of a bamboo subclimax that has begun to replace the broadleaf forests. Northern Triangle subtropical forests
  • (c) The court may permit (1) the use of electronic or photographic means for the preservation of evidence or the perpetuation of a record, and (2) the broadcasting, televising, recording, or photographing of investitive, ceremonial, or naturalization proceedings ... Dangerous Intersection
  • The bigger part of the reason was that I was a little more than irritated at Phoreign’s perpetuation of people’s mis-pronunciation of the word pho as “pho,” rhymes with “faux,” and not better as “pho,” rhymes more accurately with “duh.” Phoreign - Rather, Faux-reign
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  • Love creates living life, making possible the perpetuation and improvement of human species. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Artificial methods of propagation, especially those of cuttage and layerage, have the further advantage over propagation by means of seeds, in the perpetuation of desired characters of individual plants, one or more of which may appear in any plantation. Culinary Herbs: Their Cultivation Harvesting Curing and Uses
  • A fire blazing brightly in the fireplace meant warmth and comfort but at a deeper level also meant survival and the perpetuation of life itself.
  • This group has a stake in the perpetuation of racism and will desire and work for it to continue.
  • A genome replete with mechanisms allowing for its expression fulfills a theoretical prerequisite for replication and the perpetuation of life. A Genomic Balancing Act
  • The inevitable chrysanthemum puns on the themes of lastingness and perpetuation reinforced and popularized this symbolism.
  • These arguments may have been used as a rhetorical device to argue for a perpetuation of a United Nations role.
  • The director of the Duties of division of forestry in the department of conservation, in state forester. this chapter called the forester, shall act for the common - wealth in suppressing the gypsy and brown tail moths and tent caterpillars; shall promote the perpetuation, extension and proper management of the public and private forest lands of the commonwealth; shall give such a course of in - struction to the students of the Massachusetts state college on the art and science of forestry as may be arranged by the trustees of the college and the forester; and shall per - form such other duties as may be imposed upon him by the governor and council. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • Within politics, the eventual Truth is axiomatised according to the strategic perpetuation of hegemonic rule.
  • Fate becomes the instrument of perpetuation of the animal Universe obtained through successive palingeneses (Laws 904E FORTUNE, FATE, AND CHANCE
  • This perpetuation of the idea that mental illness is less legitimate than physical illness absolutely infuriates me.
  • This strategy focussed then, as it does today, on the entrenchment and perpetuation of apartheid within South Africa, the colonisation of Namibia and the maintenance of a so-called cordon sanitaire around the borders of the apartheid empire. STATEMENT AT THE 50TH SESSION OF THE OAU COORDINATING COMMITTEE FOR THE LIBERATION OF AFRICA, HARARE, MAY 13, 1988(1)
  • I suppose, is in the neoteric fashion of spending a honeymoon on a railway: apt image, exposition and perpetuation of the state of mania conducting to the institution! Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • The meme for blind faith secures its own perpetuation by the simple unconscious expedient of discouraging rational inquiry.
  • The meme for blind faith secures its own perpetuation by the simple unconscious expedient of discouraging rational inquiry.
  • There are two activities common to human beings and animals - self-preservation and perpetuation of the species.
  • I ` m here because I hope you will agree that an uncoerced, uncoercable press, though at times irritating, is vital to the perpetuation of the freedom and democracy we so often take for granted. Bloggers aren’t real reporters
  • The tribal churinga ensured perpetuation of plant and animal life needed for the support of people.
  • Your only claim can be that it is the best possible artifice for the perpetuation of life, or that it is the only perfect, all-sufficient, and all-satisfying arti - fice that man can devise. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • These arguments may have been used as a rhetorical device to argue for a perpetuation of a United Nations role.
  • The perpetuation of thinking that what we got Election Day is fundamentally better than what John McCain would have been pacifies the masses, keeps the civil unrest significantly depressed, and quells the anger and frustration many are feeling. One Year On, Obama's "Yes We Can" is Now "Incremental Change We Can Believe In"
  • This is the thing which some fools call fickleness; but which is not the death of feeling, but rather its dreadful perpetuation; this shyness is the final seal of strong sentiment; this coldness is an eternal constancy. Appreciations and Criticisms of the Works of Charles Dickens
  • This in short is a highly deflationary Budget, which, far from promoting growth, would only contribute to a perpetuation and accentuation of the prevailing demand constraint.
  • Everything, for the thinking alector must understand that sentience of a lasting nature is rare, and that no price is too high to pay for the perpetuation of a society that enshrines sentience. Soarer's Choice
  • A society must emphasize self-perpetuation and making parenting easier is a necessary and laudable goal. Layard and Happiness, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Druids, are but perpetuations of the grove and temple forms of the ancient astrolatry. Astral Worship
  • These arguments may have been used as a rhetorical device to argue for a perpetuation of a United Nations role.
  • Artificial methods of propagation, especially those of cuttage and layerage, have the further advantage over propagation by means of seeds, in the perpetuation of desired characters of individual plants, one or more of which may appear in any plantation. Culinary Herbs: Their Cultivation Harvesting Curing and Uses
  • For it is hard not to agree with Lucio that the Duke is a ‘seemer’ manipulating the other characters for the perpetuation and exaltation of his own power.
  • In both cases, what has really been accomplished is the birth of a new generation of implacable enemies, and the perpetuation of a state of fear that hard liners on all sides manipulate for their own aggrandizement. And the Winner Is … - The Caucus Blog -
  • Indeed, if the analogy were pursued to its logical conclusion, we might well envision the phenomenon of self-directed humor of the oppressed as contributing to the perpetuation of the oppression.
  • If humankind did not have a consciousness and still lived on the base instinct of perpetuation of the species, we would simply be born, mature, mate and die.
  • His goal is simple, the perpetuation of the sport of skydiving.
  • The perpetuation of nuclear deployments is morally unacceptable.
  • However, she does not accept his theory of class bifurcation as the sole element in the perpetuation of class bifurcation.
  • And in the time to come, when the brain ceases to be the servant of the belly, the head the lackey of the heart, in that time stirpiculture, which is scientific perpetuation, will take the place of romantic love. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • Love creates living life, making possible the perpetuation and improvement of human species. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The perpetuation of this pleasant, comfortable life, therefore, becomes the goal for which writers - gifted and ungifted - are willing to be a producer's ‘lead pencil.’
  • While writing about lace as a key to recent Maltese social history, Azzopardi has actively promoted the tradition's survival by teaching its techniques, combining, like Annemor Sundbø, ingenious research with perpetuation of a manual skill having plausible claims to the status of art. Women Artists Win!

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