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How To Use Perpetual In A Sentence

  • I ejaculated mentally , " you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality.
  • Edward is a perpetual student, it would seem, born in the year of the rooster!
  • Sometime snooker world champion, perpetually in the tabloids for his substance-assisted high jinks, he's the quintessence of Essex wide-boy.
  • Gray-brown stratus clouds in the upper atmosphere flew at high speed as though the planet was racked by a perpetual storm.
  • First, the most obvious example is the Internet bubble where the majority of enterprises have no economic value whatsoever without perpetual financing.
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  • Of those roses classes observed, hybrid teas, grandifloras, hybrid perpetuals, teas and chinas appear to be most affected, while floribundas, rugosas and polyanthas appear to be least affected.
  • And it is the treachery of his appetite which inveigles him into the mischief, which cheats, and abuses, and by deceitful overtures trapans him into a perpetual calamity. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
  • Unleashed, she is a maenad: not crabby but sardonic and perpetually restless, she scrambles over the stage, squaring up to several men at a time; she drinks from a hip flask; she wees; she smokes – and she fumes. The Taming of the Shrew; The Trial of Ubu; Our New Girl – review
  • He dumped the pig of metal on the second desk, where Aletha sat with her perpetual loose-leafed volumes before her. Sand Doom
  • The footwell was perpetually swamped now, my forearms were pumped from choking the oars in a death grip, and dime-size blisters had begun to well up under the calluses on my palms.
  • You can see the natural colours of the green and the perpetual moss growth that shows up from space. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lacedaemonian, which is in fact a generalship, hereditary and perpetual. Politics
  • September 11 th has brought mostly unpleasant changes, including curtailment of civil liberties and threatened perpetual war.
  • She followed the perpetually circular movement of the revolving doors, stepping out onto Kyanka Street.
  • Tracing the growth of the border is a pleasant pastime, a game of history in which amorini, grotesques and nymphs are the personages, and garlands of flowers their perpetual accessories, but first comes the time when there were no borders, the Middle Ages. The Tapestry Book
  • The girl's afore-mentioned burden - a phenomenon - had been perpetually exacerbated by Carl's boorish, bullying behaviour towards her.
  • This statement of world-agreed fervent belief reminds us these values are everlasting and of perpetual beauty and may never be tarnished by any national politicians anywhere at any time.
  • The narcotic rhythms are punctuated with a series of brief freeze-frames, an initially distracting device which lends a woozy, hung-over perspective to a woozy, perpetually hung-over protagonist.
  • No concept can allow us to rise so far: yet the aesthetic experience, which involves a perpetual striving to pass beyond the limits of our point of view, seems to embody what cannot be thought.
  • That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life.
  • With this idea of perpetual motivation, the Internet has become the focal source/medium of the research.
  • This recession/depression/perpetual funk is what I call a realignment recession. The Minority Report -
  • Remus, in close orbit to Romulus, is locked in an odd rotation around its sun, causing half the planet to be in perpetual darkness.
  • If he could not reconvince her of his love, he would be in perpetual fear -- that he might come back and find her gone, fear that she might even do something terrible to herself. Beyond
  • Set in 1912 New York, The Iceman Cometh spotlights the failed lives, empty hopes, and perpetual pipedreams of the stewbums, anarchists, and hookers of Harry Hope's seedy saloon.
  • What's less clear is whether that application growth is itself driven by the falling cost of bulk disk capacity and by the perpetual need to do more for less money.
  • This perpetual postadolescent watches movies on a mini-VCR as he slouches around midtown Manhattan in a knitted hat and a purple funk. 'Alice': Half a Wonderland
  • I also seem to have a perpetual mild toothache, ever since my new dentist, a Romanian who obviously learned her métier under the Ceausescu regime, attempted to fill a molar as if she were loading a mortar.
  • Seeing then to the offensiveness of man's nature one to another, there is added a right of every man to every thing, whereby one man invadeth with right, and another with right resisteth; and men live thereby in perpetual diffidence, and study how to preoccupate each other; the estate of men in this natural liberty is the estate of war. The Elements of Law Natural and Politic
  • Standing in the middle of the vast complex, the industrial drone sounds like an aircraft perpetually coming in to land. Times, Sunday Times
  • Officers and men alike were perpetually cold, wet, filthy, tired and frustrated.
  • And to my silence as to the causes of her claustration, was it not comprehensible that she should correspond with a similar and constant silence as to her perpetual desires, her innumerable memories and hopes? The Sweet Cheat Gone
  • Canbet also offers perpetually reduced vigorish on straight bets and parlays.
  • Fan though I am of his great performances of yore, his perpetual air of sardonic superiority is now getting very grating.
  • The notion of a single cybernetic organism is rejected in favor of a body-without-organs, ‘an imageless, organless body [which is] perpetually reinserted into the process of production’.
  • And one sits and listens to the perpetual roar, and watches the unending procession, and feels tiny and fragile before this tremendous force expressing itself in fury and foam and sound. Excerpt From Cruise of the Snark: Surfing in Hawaii
  • On display was a solid silver bitter dish which was presented to the show society over 100 years ago as the perpetual cup for the best dairy cow of any breed or class.
  • Their bodies continually going up and down upon perpetual fluxion, they never could live if their minds did the same, like the minds of stationary landsmen. Mary Anerley
  • The falseness, the unreality of perpetually putting on a public face and concealing personal suffering have clearly taken their toll.
  • The brain regions called amygdalae are perpetually on guard ... Arlene Goldbard » 2007 » October
  • The next in the series of annual novenas to Our Lady of Perpetual Help will be held in the parish church on the June 9.
  • Harmonization thus becomes not a means in itself, bur another aspect of the ‘perpetual variation’ process of an essentially monophonic melody.
  • With his chinless bobblehead and a voice that sounds like he is perpetually swallowing, Dano isn't someone you want to watch for an entire film. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: The Extra Man
  • She also incarnates expatriate women, like Hooda, living in exile in London and perpetually nursing her Scotch, and the American woman watching CNN in dismay.
  • Was it that blufliing ribband, which is now the perpetual ornament of your perfon? or was it that regiment, wliich you afterwards (a thing unprece - dented among foldiers) fold to Colonel Gifborne? or was it that government, the full pay of which. you arc contented to hold, with the half-pay of an Iri (h Colonel? The genuine letters of Junius
  • What Spitzer observed was a sort of perpetual crystalline rainstorm made of a bright green mineral of a class called olivine, pouring down on the infant star. Top Stories
  • Is a good expectation, but also a perpetual dream - chaser!
  • In these perpetual lines and curves ran the asymptotical negotiation from beginning to end -- and so it might have run for two centuries, without hope of coincidence. The Rise of the Dutch Republic — Complete (1555-84)
  • Who is he whose hair is of the carroty hue? whose eyes, across a snubby bunch of a nose, are perpetually scowling at each other; who has a hump-back and a hideous mouth, surrounded with bristles, and crammed full of jutting yellow odious teeth. A Legend of the Rhine
  • The stars are nuclear furnaces, where the perpetual gravitational infall is exactly balanced by the outflow of energy generated, literally, at the centre of gravity, the core of the star.
  • The hope that irrational people will act rationally is a perpetual delusion of the level-headed.
  • The energy expended on this perpetual urge to explore different locations can also be found in his work. Times, Sunday Times
  • After taking orders in 1782, he became the perpetual curate of Barton-under-Needwood in 1783.
  • They also satisfy his hyposensitivity, providing moving lights, repeated sounds and perpetual motion. Times, Sunday Times
  • I only once saw him without his stiff white detachable collar: at once a symbol of perpetual elegance and expendability.
  • He is in perpetual dispute with Lytvyn’s local advisers, whom he calls the Politburo. FLY FISHING WITH DARTH VADER
  • It is really a sort of sublimated and apotheosized "argot," an "argot" of a kind of platonic archetypal drawing-room; such a drawing-room as has never existed perhaps, but to which all drawing-rooms or salons, if you will, of elegant conversation, perpetually approximate. Suspended Judgments Essays on Books and Sensations
  • In the spray perpetual rainbows are fixed in position as though their unseen feet were nailed to the base of the cleft.
  • When it has paid its tribute to the royal pile, and visited its gardens and pastures, it flows down the long avenue leading to the city, trinkling in rills, gushing in fountains, and maintaining a perpetual verdure in those groves that embower and beautify the whole hill of the Alhambra. Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 8
  • I ejaculated mentally , " you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality.
  • Nothing seems to dampen his perpetual enthusiasm.
  • War, in its fairest form, implies a perpetual violation of humanity and justice. Edward Gibbon 
  • There is a perpetual shift in the relationship between signifiers and signifieds.
  • I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually. " James Arthur Baldwin.
  • It jettisons the Femme Fatale, and recasts the role as a vulnerable, damaged, perpetually on-edge woman who is never in control.
  • They are like wives midway through marriage therapy designed to reconcile and foster a new beginning with a feckless husband who has perpetually let them down.
  • Even the already infamous trip to Cuba in the movie's final third works in the sense that it's incredibly moving, tapping as it does into the mess of feelings and regret surrounding 9/11 and the perpetually denied dream of universal siblinghood. Gerry Canavan
  • Sitars fade into pianos into strings over languid hip-hop rhythms, lulling you not only into a sense of warmth and comfort, but also a feeling that you're living in the perpetual summer of your dreams.
  • He is on a perpetual search for truth.
  • She was a neat little blonde, five years my senior, and perpetually smelling of eau de cologne and cheap powder.
  • Now he took his anger out on all three of them, including Summer, whose poor grades and frequent partying were perpetual sources of disappointment.
  • The young pilots of Galactica's battleship fleet are perpetually zonked on uppers.
  • The dial has been skeletonised to reveal the perpetual calendar tourbillon calibre 461 in all its mechanical glory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their intention is, to crush all opposition, to their personal, perpetual world rule.
  • ANything in anyone'e plan that addresses hwo to keep pricing down on medical care or is that going to be a perpetual fait accompli? The senator from Blue Cross (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • There is in the penumbra of the USA Patriots Act the rendition of prisoners, the detention of however many anonymous suspects without even the pretense of due process, not to mention legal representation, the perpetual suspension of civil liberty, a new blatancy. Victor Navasky: The Difference Between Being Opinionated (Bad) and Having an Opinion (Good)
  • To do so is to embrace an agonistic romanticism of perpetually unfulfilled longing and desire.
  • A Mazatlan mermaid is captured in perpetual performance for strollers and lovers alike. A Mazatlan mermaid is captured in perpetual performance for strollers and lovers alike. © Gerry Soroka, 2009
  • His perpetual motion, boundless energy and sharp intelligence sum up the extra zip to their game. Times, Sunday Times
  • Entirely staffed by young thrusters and perpetual Peter Pans, television is simply not a grown-up medium.
  • Classical atomists conceived the universe as nothing more than an eternal congeries of material particles of different shapes and sizes perpetually in motion and continually coalescing to form unstable natural bodies.
  • These do not have perpetual obligation, except in the case of civil laws, as general wisdom and equity may demand.
  • If sickness or some of those casualties which are perpetually incident to an active and laborious life, be superadded to these burthens, the distress is yet greater.
  • According to Clark, an unrestricted market with absolute and perpetual land titles is sufficient to allocate land efficiently and distribute rent fairly.
  • This perpetual modernness is the measure of merit in every work of art; since the author of it was not misled by any thing short-lived or local, but abode by real and abiding traits. Representative Men
  • They reminded me of bees and flies, and sometimes with a strong light on them they were like those small polished black and silvery-white beetles (Gyrinus) which we see in companies on the surface of pools and streams, perpetually gliding and whirling about in a sort of complicated dance. Afoot in England
  • I photograph the perpetually gendered in little rural towns outside the city, towns with names like Ash and Beech and Coriander.
  • All the physical and chemical laws that are known to play an important part in the life of organisms are of this statistical kind; any other kind of lawfulness and orderliness that one might think of is being perpetually disturbed and made inoperative by the unceasing heat motion of the atoms., reply Harvard Posts The Wolfram Alpha Preview Video — Without A Single Shot Of The Service
  • [Page 156] the poorhouse, the result of centuries of deterrent Poor Law administration, seemed to me not without some justification one summer when I found myself perpetually distressed by the unnecessary idleness and forlornness of the old women in the Cook County Infirmary, many of whom I had known in the years when activity was still a necessity, and when they yet felt bustlingly important. Twenty Years at Hull-House, With Autobiographical Notes
  • Their particular PIBS thus became perpetual subordinated bonds (PSBs).
  • His food was brought to him every day, a mess of grain in the husk, in a truck — a small railway truck, like one of the trucks he was perpetually filling with chalk, and this load he used to char in an old limekiln and then devour. The Food of the Gods and how it came to Earth
  • He seemed too fragile and ancient to battle the biting winds that howled perpetually around the base of the Tower.
  • Old colleagues say his sharp tongue is a perpetual hazard. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seemed to Peter that every time he fell asleep it was to the music of proletariat and surplus value and unearned increment, possibilism and impossibilism, political action, direct action, mass action, and the perpetual circle of Syndicalist-Anarchist, Anarchist-Communist, 100\%: the Story of a Patriot
  • With the holiday period drawing to a close, for many today will be their final 24 hours free from the toils of labour, before a return to work and the seemingly perpetual countdown to the summer holiday.
  • a part of this stream of air, on each side of the edge of the aperture is perpetually stopped by that edge; and thus Note XV
  • He has kept his friends perpetually apologizing for him by the wildness of his errors in dealing with other things of quite as much importance.
  • It is a disconcerting moment, not least because Felix looks very like his father - the same warm eyes, perpetual half-smile and toothy jowliness. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Protestant theologian Paul Tillich talks about our affirmation of life and faith as an act of courage in the perpetual face of "nonbeing. Lynn Casteel Harper: Aging with Courage: The Beginning of a Living Faith
  • Sartre describes human consciousness as a perpetual beginning, an ‘impersonal spontaneity’ with no determinate content or progenitor.
  • The days of the two great immovable blocs of seats held by the major parties alongside a minority of perpetual marginals is long gone.
  • He is known for innovative and fairly dark games and is a perpetual dreamer who has fantastic ideas.
  • If Ground Level was a land of perpetual night, then Top Level was the opposite; a playground of coruscating light.
  • Our Memorial Scheme offers the opportunity to dedicate a woodland site as a Perpetual Memorial to a named individual or group. STAGE FRIGHT
  • His speech is something between a muffle and a mumble, a perpetual whisper beneath the breath.
  • there's a perpetual twinkle in his eyes
  • hell's perpetual fires
  • But issuing open-ended preference shares with fixed coupon rates would be more in the nature of perpetual bonds.
  • Charters was always played by Basil Radford, a heavy-set actor with a moustache and a scar, and Caldicott by Naunton Wayne, a small man with a reedy voice and a perpetually worried expression.
  • Left: the deep-sea anglerfish has sensory studs it uses to detect vibrations - essential to its life in the perpetual dark. Times, Sunday Times
  • The people are dark skinned, their faces pinched, their bodies hunched as though perpetually cold.
  • The result: a perpetual cement famine, official rationing and enormous corruption.
  • It was further matured, and the faith of all the then thirteen States expressly plighted and engaged that it should be perpetual, by the Articles of Confederation in 1778.
  • They imagine a world where no one is in charge and no one necessarily knows what's going on, where identities are in perpetual flux. Christianity Today
  • The result of this imbalance is to frustrate the natural desire of the human psyche, thereby placing the individual in a perpetual state of angst and glowering fury.
  • Planned obsolescence within the fashion industry allows for perpetual consumption of new clothes that lose their value before ever losing practicality.
  • They lived in perpetual fear of being discovered and arrested.
  • The notion often prevails that if there be in the heart this divine witness of God's Spirit, it must needs be perfect, clearly indicating its origin by an exemption from all that besets ordinary human feelings, that it must be a strong, uniform, never flickering, never darkening, and perpetual light, a kind of vestal fire burning always on the altar of the heart! Expositions of Holy Scripture: Romans Corinthians (To II Corinthians, Chap. V)
  • The rower is my nemesis, and my perpetual goal is to get 100 meters in 20 seconds. Web-goddess
  • Your report Voting system will keep us in perpetual coalition, 4 January on electoral reform confirms that the first-past-the-post system is broken. Letters: Partisan battles over electoral reform
  • In spite of the opening and closing of doors, the hasty messengers, the ringing of bells and the perpetual clitter-clack of recording implements, Graham felt isolated, strangely inactive, inoperative. When the Sleeper Wakes
  • If I was in fact standing, the ground beneath me was blackened by the perpetual darkness of this now empty dream.
  • A perpetual trophy depicting the Children of Lir is to be awarded to the winning student each year and will be displayed in their school for the next 12 months.
  • The answer, again, comes in the theory of masochistic self-reproach sparked by the perpetual process of mourning an irreconcilable loss.
  • I have no intention, to display (at this present) what the sacred law of amitie requireth, to be acted by one friend towards another, it shall suffice mee onely to informe you, that the league of friendship (farre stronger then the bond of bloud and kinred) confirmed us in our election of either at the first, to be true, loyall and perpetuall friends; whereas that of kinred, commeth onely by fortune or chance. The Decameron
  • There is however, another enemy (though in some cases my dearest friend) whose power is resistless, and whose visits are perpetually made known by a rising of the stomack, and a redundance of water in the eyes. Letter 75
  • It had been huge, whirling, powerful, unrelenting, with a perpetual fury against anything and everything in the world.
  • Thus, for the translator, there is a perpetual debt to both the original and the translation.
  • People who are envious or jealous seem to be in a perpetual state of suffering and anguish.
  • The winners will receive a perpetual trophy and go forward to compete in the ESB All - Ireland Debating series.
  • These days motorists congregate at petrol stations in a seemingly perpetual hunt for fuel.
  • You would need a perpetual motion machine to do it! Times, Sunday Times
  • She is enfeebled, dropsical, perpetually damp from cooking and cleaning, toothless, and refuses to wear false teeth (Janet remarks that Mother can never find comfortable teeth).
  • I did notice the political incorrectness of that remark (and its inexactness) but overall it was a good article in my opinion and will be welcomed by LOndoners sick of perpetual fear Girls Like Pink ...Fact
  • If the "perpetual feast of nectared sweets" that the "Telemachus" affords, is felt at times to be almost cloying, it is not, as our readers have now seen, for want of occasional contrasts of a bitterness sufficiently mordant and drastic. Classic French Course in English
  • Putting an end to abortion is just one of many reasons why every parish should have perpetual Eucharistic adoration.
  • The use of automatic, "autoloading" and pump shot guns in hunting should be perpetually barred. Our Vanishing Wild Life Its Extermination and Preservation
  • They had run to the edge of the world and back again, many enemies thus in pursuit, an uncountable number of thieves and competitors perpetually on the hunt.
  • The presence of an "invulnerable" nation among nations that are "vulnerable" means inevitable aggression and war, a perpetual menace to civilisation and humanity. Essays in War-Time Further Studies in the Task of Social Hygiene
  • Ironically, the resulting tiredness made me feel perpetually hungover. Times, Sunday Times
  • Specifically, Bank of America priced $6 billion in depositary shares representing an interest in shares of noncumulative perpetual preferred stock. BofA Expects to Raise $12 Billion
  • Perhaps these inconstancies are part of the book's Art - an attempt to discombobulate the audience with extreme contradictions just as the characters live in a state of perpetual untruth and obfuscation.
  • Happiness is the perpetual possession of being well deceived. Jonathan Swift 
  • Would you ask me to abandon that and come to you penniless, compelled thereby to live in perpetual terror in a country where at any moment an enemy might cast at me the word aristocrate, and thereby ruin me? The Trampling of the Lilies
  • No society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law. 
  • Convulsive motions agitate his legs, so that though he wills it ever so much, he cannot by any power of his mind stop their motion, (as in that odd disease called chorea sancti viti), but he is perpetually dancing; he is not at liberty in this action, but under as much necessity of moving, as a stone that falls, or a tennis-ball struck with a racket. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • He is on a perpetual search for truth.
  • This is a reflection of the fact that the 'Ideology of Pakistan', indeed the very rationale for the creation and continued existence of the state of Pakistan, is premised on the notion of undying and perpetual hatred of and opposition to India.
  • We lived for years in a perpetual state of fear.
  • The staircase became treacherous, cast into a state of almost perpetual darkness, and since the tunnel was so steep and so narrow, a slip could prove to be fatal.
  • The Conservative government late yesterday presented its factum in court defending its decision to keep Abousfian Abdelrazik in perpetual exile in Khartoum. Archive 2009-04-01
  • It does not get spoilt by damp, like tobacco and cloth do; indeed, in addition to the amount of moisture supplied by their reeking climate, they superadd a large quantity of river water to the spirit before it leaves their hands, while with the other articles of trade it is one perpetual grind to keep them free from moisture and mildew. Travels in West Africa
  • Ironically, the resulting tiredness made me feel perpetually hungover. Times, Sunday Times
  • Introversion and a tear-stained face had now replaced her outgoing nature and perpetual smile.
  • Adam’s ears were perpetually red-hot, like someone who seems to have just come back from the barbershop, and he was a jiggler; a crossed leg often went flapping like a wing, and if a pencil happened to make its way into his hand, it would soon be put into service tapping out a rhythm that no one in the otherwise silent coffee shop or classroom wanted to hear. Surrender, Dorothy
  • But he could not speak just then, and the faqir dare not; for, as Sita saw, he was a Maunee, and, as such, bound to perpetual silence .... Love and Life Behind the Purdah
  • A final and vital flaw in a market-basket dollar is that Gresham's law would result in perpetual shortages and surpluses of different commodities within the market basket.
  • In like manner if the actions of the stomach, intestines, and various glands, which are perhaps in part at least caused by or catenated with agreeable sensation, and which perpetually exist during our waking hours, were like the voluntary motions suspended in our sleep; the great accumulation of sensorial power, which would necessarily follow, would be liable to excite inflammation in them. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Our sources tell us that Count William restored the Gascons to obedience and that Odalric was banished to perpetual exile.
  • It seemed to Peter that every time he fell asleep it was to the music of proletariat and surplus value and unearned increment, possibilism and impossibilism, political action, direct action, mass action, and the perpetual circle of Syndicalist-Anarchist, Anarchist-Communist, Communist-Socialist and Socialist-Syndicalist. 100% : The Story of a Patriot
  • For permanent beds, the so-called hybrid perpetual or remontant roses, blooming principally in Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)
  • Art, it seems, is the perpetual recidivist, always ducking back into the aesthetic as soon as vigilant life averts its gaze.
  • It keeps up a perpetual fever in my veins; it frets my immedicable wound; it is instinct with poison. The Last Man
  • The woman annoyed her, with her perpetual questions about trivia, and her unspoken assumption that somehow Todd belonged to her. COLDHEART CANYON
  • It was founded more on faith than fact—on incomplete or erratic data, most of it gathered from photoreconnaissance conducted over a part of the world that lay under perpetual cloud cover for great parts of the year. Masters of the Air
  • Bessler attempts to discover perpetual motion, claiming success after 10 years of study and experiments.
  • To those who see in a man a perpetual kinship to that animal kingdom of which he is supreme, there was something undeniably anthropoidal about Abrahm Humoresque A Laugh on Life with a Tear Behind It
  • He had a round, red, sun-seared face that he screwed up in a perpetual squint, as if blinded by his own blondness. Day of Honey
  • Third, interest payments represent a perpetual income transfer from the working public to the bondholders - a kind of regressive tax that makes the rich, richer and the poor, poorer.
  • Fierce competition often provokes a rush to judgement, a sense of perpetual crisis and a frantic chase for stories, sacrificing the process of reflective maturation.
  • The national debt is really perpetual debt, and perpetual debt has characteristics that make it different from normal debt.
  • Not only is it exhausting to be in a state of near-perpetual anger, but it's unhealthy, and it annoys other people.
  • With no definition of victory and no exit strategy, we may be entering a state of perpetual war.
  • I thought her perpetual complaints were going to prove too much for me.
  • The perpetual use of opiates is almost impossible physically.
  • Water constitutes cost-free energy for generating electricity that is perpetually renewable and sustainable.
  • Indeed banks issue perpetual bonds that have no maturity date.
  • It is a condition that is demoralizing in a hundred ways, and is fraught with peril to the republic, peril to society, and peril to all the interests of humanity; and therefore as I would assert, -- and _who would deny_ the supreme right and power of the people to protect the republic from any impending calamity by any just means, _but not by any unjust means_ -- I would claim that it is our right and duty to say that this grand hereditary inequality shall not be perpetual, and that The Arena Volume 4, No. 20, July, 1891
  • His shoulders were round; or else he had a perpetual stoop in them. DISRAELI: A Personal History
  • War, in its fairest form, implies a perpetual violation of humanity and justice. Edward Gibbon 
  • Polly receives $150 for winning the award, while Richmond River High School was presented with the perpetual trophy.
  • For, as _the Psalm saith_, that "the eye of the handmaid looketh perpetually towards the mistress," and yet, _no doubt, many things are left to the discretion of the handmaid_, to discern of the The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
  • The aesthetically perfect world of Los Nubes is perpetually aglow with the warm light of an autumn sunset, or dramatic moonlight.
  • She named an old and perpetually impoverished family of the town. NO BODY
  • The peak of the mountain is perpetually wreathed in cloud.
  • From the prisons and music halls of Edwardian England to Kenneth Williams, American GIs in London, and the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Polari has been used to laugh, bitch, gossip, and cruise. Sonos
  • There was a perpetual rush of ‘machines’, motor-cars and motor-buses — called camiónes — along the one forlorn road coming to Sayula from Guadalajara. The Plumed Serpent
  • Father Brown & remorse beforehand continuous approximation to a perpetual peace a science fiction story about mnemic causation perhaps Borges-like Archive 2005-08-01
  • A perpetual fire of fulminating balls would bang from under the feet of the faithful; odors of impure assafoetida would mingle with the fumes of the incense; and wicked drinking choruses would rise up along with the holy canticles, in hideous dissonance, reminding one of the old orgies under the reign of the The Paris Sketch Book
  • Carlo Boccadoro's Ritratto di musico conjured the perpetual motion of the fifth, with lubricious brass slides and busy timpani work. Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra/Chailly; Castor and Pollux– review
  • The architecture of the modern era aspires to evoke an air of ageless youth and of a perpetual present.
  • Building a perpetual motion machine would have been easier. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was convinced of her own artistic genius and perpetually dissatisfied with the quality of recognition she received.
  • _ Tremor of old age consists of a perpetual trembling of the hands, or of the head, or of other muscles, when they are exerted; and is erroneously called paralytic; and seems owing to the small quantity of animal power residing in the muscular fibres. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Just when this perpetual motion machine will run down is anyone's guess. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were able to fly in unnoticed thanks to the cover of perpetual darkness that was provided by outer space.
  • Assyria, the classic mythologies of graceful Greece and iron Rome, the monstrous shasters of thine Indian Pundits, or the more chaotic clouds of thy German philosophies -- in none of them wilt thou ever find this divine thought, _an end of destructions -- a perpetual end_. Fables of Infidelity and Facts of Faith Being an Examination of the Evidences of Infidelity
  • She was convinced of her own artistic genius and perpetually dissatisfied with the quality of recognition she received.
  • Almost all the streams round the Chesapeake, in spite of their being perpetually "thrashed," and never preserved, abound in small trout; but farther afield, in Northwestern Maryland, where the tributaries of the Potomac and Shenandoah flow down the woody ravines of Border and Bastille
  • He's fantastic as the perpetually peppy Manny Bianco - surely the best character name ever - appearing for all the world to be hopped up on horse steroids and sherbet.

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