How To Use Peroxidase In A Sentence
Using improved fold recognition software, and a larger database of fold family structures, they have found that in Bacillus sp, some related ORFans are members of the of the alpha/beta hydrolase superfamily, and most likely derive from the haloperoxidases Siew et al., 2005.
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This problem is further complicated because the critical antioxidant enzymes we make called superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase, which helps the body use glutathione to protect you are dependent on essential dietary nutrients to help them work well.
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Activities of unspecific peroxidases were also measured using guaiacol as the substrate (not shown).
As an important leucoprotease, myeloperoxidase (MPO) has many effects in mediating inflammation, regulating immune response and so on, which also takes part in the genesis and development of diseases.
First, peroxidases and oxidases follow a different time-course of induction during wound healing.
The indexes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX) and anti-oxidation capacity (AOC) were measured by Reagent Kit method.
At baseline, serum ferritin and antithyroid peroxidase antibodies were measured and a thyrotrophin releasing hormone test was performed.
The cellular morphology suggested possible erythroid differentiation, however a hemoglobin peroxidase study was negative.
Peroxidases are haem-containing enzymes which mediate oxidation of a variety of molecules using hydrogen peroxide as an electron acceptor.
A peroxidase/phenolics/ascorbate system can scavenge hydrogen peroxide in plants.
Effects of ultraviolet-B on forest vegetation in the Arctic
Glutathione peroxidase is an antioxidant enzyme containing both selenium and glutathione.
To compensate for differences in flow rates during perfusion, the appearance rates of myeloperoxidase and cytokines were calculated.
The activity of the peroxidases was measured in 200 mM sodium acetate buffer pH 5.4 containing 1.4 mM 3,3, '5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine as the reducing substrate, 200 M hydrogen peroxide, 0.3% cetrimide, and 10% dimethylformamide.
The hybridization pattern indicates the genotype of the sample and is visualized using streptavidin-peroxidase and tetramethyl benzidine.
In this regard, it has been proposed that there is participation of a peroxidase in the formation of the peroxide.
Comparison with the peroxidase labelled antibody sandwich method using formalin fixed paraffin embedded material.
Sections were subsequently developed by avidin-biotin peroxidase complex system following manufacturer's instructions (ABC Kit, Vector Labs).
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Before immunostaining, the slides were dewaxed and endogenous peroxidase activity was blocked with 0.45% hydrogen peroxide in 99% ethanol for 15 minutes.
The esterase isozyme in leaf at acicula forming stage and the peroxidase isozyme in peanut leaf at pod producing stage was related to the formation of coarse protein and coarse fattiness of seed.
Glutathione peroxidase in thyroid tissue also controls thyroglobulin iodination.
Most plants possess a large number of peroxidase isoenzymes encoded by multigene families.
The specificity of this antibody towards wood peroxidases was confirmed by immunoblotting.
The components of whey include beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, bovine serum albumin, lactoferrin, immunoglobulins, lactoperoxidase enzymes, glycomacropeptides, lactose, and minerals.
Approximately 70% of the horseradish peroxidase activity was recovered in the crude extract.
The peroxidase catalyzes transfer of electrons between peroxide and another compound.
Labeled proteins were detected using horseradish peroxidase-coupled streptavidin and chemoluminescence.
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We used an alkaline phosphatase anti-alkaline phosphatase staining method, which is generally more sensitive than immunoperoxidase methods.
The morphology of peripheral blood cells of adult Silurus meridionalis has been studied with both electron and light microscope, and, in addition, glycogen and peroxidase in cells were detected.
A cDNA library of mRNA isolated from asparagus spears 24 h post-harvest was screened for peroxidases using homologous and heterologous probes.
The monomorphic loci were: isocitrate-dehydrogenase, diaphorase (E.C.1.6.99.-, loci Dia1 and Dia2), leucine aminopeptidase and peroxidase anodic.
High amounts of malic, citric, tartaric, oxalic and other organic acids combined with the enzymes catalase and peroxidase give honey its renowned antibacterial properties.
Dr. Reese Halter: Giving Thanks for Bees
In addition, the human body produces its own antioxidants that take the form of enzymes, including catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase.
False positive results from vegetable peroxidases and red meats in the diet are less likely than with more sensitive tests, minimising the number of patients undergoing inessential colonoscopy.
Briefly, the sections were dewaxed and then placed in 30% hydrogen peroxide solution to block endogenous peroxidase.
The majority of iron in humans is located in the porphyrin ring of heme that is incorporated into proteins and enzymes such as myoglobin, hemoglobin, cytochromes, catalases, and peroxidases.
Slides were then dewaxed and blocked with endogenous peroxidase.
Peroxidases are present in the crease tissue at this time and it has been suggested that they may have a role in the formation of lignin / suberin in the chalazal cell walls.
After washing, the HRP (horseradish peroxidase) conjugated polymer complex was visualized by incubation for ~5 min with AEC (3-amino-9-ethylcarbazole) substrate-chromogen; sections were then counterstained with hematoxylin for 30 seconds, washed and mounted.
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Therefore, not all the changes of peroxidase activity during cold storage or the growth season could be attributed to tissue browning and deterioration.
Presently, Peroxidase is employed as indicator for blanching treatments of vegetables.
There is a third natural antioxidant enzyme called glutathione peroxidase which also reduces hydrogen peroxide to water.
The Antioxidant Health Plan
In mammalian peroxidases, the prosthetic group is deeply buried inside the bulk of the protein and is covalently linked to the apoprotein through ester bonds.
High amounts of malic, citric, tartaric, oxalic and other organic acids combined with the enzymes catalase and peroxidase give honey its renowned antibacterial properties.
Dr. Reese Halter: Giving Thanks for Bees
Other biochemical markers for oxidative damage and inflammation, such as DNA, creatine kinase also known as creatine phosphokinase, and myeloperoxidase activity, were also significantly reduced in the astaxanthin-treated exercise group.
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Then peroxidase isoenzyme spectrum analysis of five strains of Aleurites ford ii.
There is no endogenous peroxidase activity or nonspecific binding of the secondary antibody in the paraffin-embedded sections.
This range is broad enough to create a difference between normal tissue glutathione peroxidase and subnormal levels.
Sections were first incubated in buffer containing 3-amino - 9-ethyl carbazole and subsequently for 2 h following the addition of peroxidase and either Put (for DAO) or Spd (for PAO).
Visualization eosinophil chemotactic factor abomasal tissue cattle immunoperoxidase staining Ostertagia ostertagi infection
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Proline (PRO) biosynthesis was stimulated, peroxidase (POD) activities was accelerated and resistivity of soybean plant was enhanced by Cd stress.
In some respects of isozyme zymogram of cytochrome oxidase and peroxidase exist obvious difference.
By mutations that place the histidine in a similar distance to the heme as in the active site of peroxidases, compound I of myoglobin has been observed, probably owing to an increased rate of heterolysis.
However, during infection and damage phenols and oxidases, such as peroxidase and tyrosinase, become decompartmentalized and could oxidize phenolic compounds to form antimicrobial quinones.
Immunohistochemical detection by, for example, alkaline phosphatase or peroxidase has been utilized in some papers.
Many of these enzymes, such as catalase and glutathione peroxidase, are constitutively active and protect the lungs against everyday insults.
These changes were associated with decreased activities of superoxide dismutase and guaiacol peroxidases and contents of ascorbate and glutathione.
They are detoxified by conversion to water via the enzyme peroxidase.
Similarly, the peroxidase activity was assayed from the oxidation of catechol by H 2 O 2 in presence of the extract.
Antioxidant compounds such as vitamins C and E, lipoic acid, ubiquinones, superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glucathione peroxidase can limit oxidative damage.
Surviving crypts were defined as containing 10 or more adjacent chromophilic non-Paneth cells, a Paneth cell and lumen For immunohistochemical staining of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections, endogenous peroxidase activity was blocked for 30 min with methanol containing 0. 3% H
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They are either reduced by glutathione peroxidases to unreactive fatty acid alcohols or they react with metals to produce epoxides, aldehydes, etc.
The cells were fixed and the endogenous peroxidase was quenched as mentioned above.
The ability to degrade azo dyes varied between lignin peroxidase isoenzymes and optimum pH for decolorization differed between dyes.
The morphology of peripheral blood cells of adult Silurus meridionalis has been studied with both electron and light microscope, and, in addition, glycogen and peroxidase in cells were detected.
These included transcripts for an ascorbate peroxidase and two superoxide dismutases.
After incubation, the color was developed with the peroxidase substrate (hydrogen peroxide) and the stable chromogen (diaminobenzidine).
The color is produced through a double enzymatic reaction of glucose oxidase and peroxidase.
Thyroid antibodies were measured by an immunoradiographic procedure using thyroglobulin and purified thyroid peroxidase in 11 subjects.
Endogenous peroxidase and avidin/biotin were blocked using commercial Kits (DAKO).
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They are either reduced by glutathione peroxidases to unreactive fatty acid alcohols or they react with metals to produce epoxides, aldehydes, etc.
For example, zinc, copper, and manganese are needed for the function of one of our own most powerful antioxidant enzymes called SOD, or superoxide dismutase, and selenium is needed for the function of glutathione peroxidase, which helps your glutathione do its job as an antioxidant and detoxifier.
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Peroxidase is probably implicated in lignin and/or suberin formation during the polymerization of monoglinols or aromatic monomers.