How To Use Peroration In A Sentence
At the end of his peroration, Bunbury drew a deep breath and picked up his gold propelling pencil.
The peroration was magnificent, though difficult to remember, you know.
Foucault has many perorations about the nature of power.
Indeed, the ironic peroration had even amused some of the writers and they had dispersed in resigned good humour.
He concludes a short peroration on someone's misdemeanor (never mind who; the cause of wrongdoing is universal).

Crondall carried you with him; for he dealt with men and things as he had brothered and known them, before ever he let loose, in a fiery peroration, that abstract idea of Empire patriotism which ruled his life.
The Message
Kimberly finished her peroration, at last, and then folded her arms, promised to try harder in her school work, and sat back in her chair with a smuggish simper on her face.
The latter can really, really stink if you're a minute into your peroration and you realize you're going to have to fake it, because you've already bored yourself.
Tony Blair's epideictic performance at the Labour Party conference last year won admiration even from his foes, but by and large the digital age is cool to rhetoric and, as the enthronement of the blogger suggests, prizes incoherent impulse over the Ciceronian arts of the exordium and the peroration.
First Post Says Blair to Resign on May 9th
At last, it gives this clinic effect and peroration.
Then he concludes with this remarkable peroration.
Instead I found an illtempered, confused set of generalizations about what analytical philosophers believe about history, distortion and misrepresentation of my views, and a peroration on the "wholly denotative" language of science and the "connotative" language of history that should win Hexter some kind of prize for philosophical incompetence.
Letting Go
As the auctioneer started on his peroration those among the crowd who were here for business, and not for idle gaping, turned back towards the catasta.
"Unto Caesar"
In the meantime, expect a lengthy peroration on moving offices.
To a great extent, he hides the ‘academic’ use of counterpoint in his chamber and symphonic music, although he trots it out for special occasions in places like the passacaglia peroration of the Haydn Variations.
Marcel went into his peroration, a rant about the imbecility of objective, reductionist explanations of human consciousness.
But there is also in speaking a sort of concealed singing, not like the peroration of rhetoricians from Phrygia or Caria, which is nearly a chant, but that sort which Demosthenes and Aeschines mean when the one reproaches the other with the affected modulation of his voice.
The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4
George's final chapters amount to an eloquent but protracted peroration, liberally laced with philosophical speculation.
On the television screen the basketballing evangelist had begun his final peroration.
One moment he is in the middle of a peroration about horizons, and the next he is inexplicably talking about beautiful garbage cans.
This will prepare the young editor for the surprise and consequent temptation to profanity which in a few years he may experience when he finds that the name of the Deity in his double-leaded editorial is spelled with a little "g," and the peroration of the article is locked up between a death notice and the advertisement of a patent moustache coaxer, which is to follow pure reading matter every day in the week and occupy the top of column on Sunday tf.
The apotheosis of Scott's reception, however, is reached in this peroration.
And I'm not going to perseverate —or proliferate any programmatic perorations — about the proper spelling of "doughnut.
Drive-by photography — L.A.
This is an elegant explanation, one that leads to Mauser's equally elegant peroration: ‘capacitating students to be competent citizens is our birthright.’
The playing is good enough, and the engineering is better, yet the final peroration does remind me of a rush hour traffic jam in New York City.
I found myself launching into a little peroration.
Most notably, William Jennings Bryan, “The Great Commoner” and the fieriest critic of the new concentrations of wealth and power, fused fundamentalist religious fervor and political radicalism, culminating in his famous “Cross of Gold” peroration at the Democratic National Convention of 1896.36 The phrase “What would Jesus do?” was popularized in a bestselling 1899 novel by Charles Sheldon, a Congregational minister in Topeka, Kansas, as an appeal to overturn economic inequality.
American Grace
In one case we know that he delivered a speech from a script; otherwise only a few important passages, chiefly the exordium and peroration, were written out in extenso beforehand.
After reading it I put it aside, deeply troubled as I was by the haunting resonance of its peroration, which so moved the audience.
I see that you are expecting a peroration, but you are just too foolish if you suppose that after I have poured out a hodgepodge of words like this I can recall anything that I have said.
He brings his peroration to a close at this point, the frogs lingering as an image of the sacred.
However his ringing peroration struck most of those present as being ridiculous, and many laughed aloud.
But his 1972 article was more forthcoming and the peroration at the end claimed that.
Next comes the protracted peroration on the rank of Duke versus the rank of Prince.
I think SF (and a lot of other literature) is about the marriage of reason and passion; in fact Kim Stanley Robinson has a lengthy peroration on the subject in The Years of Rice and Salt - he uses the term samadhi to refer to it.
The Ghetto Within The Ghetto
There are a few pauses in the Allegro moderato and the final movement is quite thrilling in its peroration.
Marcel went into his peroration, a rant about the imbecility of objective, reductionist explanations of human consciousness.
Sometimes there's a climax, or a point of culmination, and usually the coda or peroration that ends the piece decisively.
This able book, as anxious for an effective peroration as any sermon, contains truths unwelcome to Christian readers, but it omits relevant evidence.
At the end of his peroration, Bunbury drew a deep breath and picked up his gold propelling pencil.
he summarized his main points in his peroration
But the full peroration makes clear that this was not the case either.
The triumphant peroration at the end is almost hair-raising in its eminent sense of nationalism.