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  1. of or relating to the fibula or the outer part of the leg below the knee

How To Use peroneal In A Sentence

  • The union between the peroneal communicating and the medial sural cutaneous nerves was seen on 159 sides.
  • The tendon then extends obliquely forward across the lateral side of the calcaneus, below the trochlear process, and the tendon of the Peronæus brevis, and under cover of the inferior peroneal retinaculum. IV. Myology. 8c. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Leg
  • -- The peroneal artery rises from the posterior tibial, about an inch below the popliteus muscle, and terminates upon the outer side of the os-calcis. An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for Field and Hospital.
  • On the lateral aspect of the calcaneus, 20 mm posterior to the peroneal trochlea, the periosteum covering an 8 x 8 mm area was peeled, and two anchors were inserted into the calcaneus at least 8 mm apart.
  • They comprise three ligaments, viz., the transverse crural, the cruciate crural and the laciniate; and the superior and inferior peroneal retinacula. IV. Myology. 8d. The Fasciæ Around the Ankle
  • The common peroneal nerve arises from lumbar 4 and 5 and sacral nerves 1 and 2.
  • The lateral terminal branch of the deep peroneal nerve sends fibers to the extensor digitorum brevis muscle and articular twigs to the tarsal joints.
  • I had a large laceration to the left upper calf that severed the peroneal nerve.
  • The peroneal trochlea of the calcaneus is variable in size and shape and presents a slight groove for the peroneal muscles.
  • The nerve supply of the knee comes from the tibial, common peroneal, femoral, and obturator sources.
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