How To Use Permutation In A Sentence

  • I've given you the password to my heart in all its anagrammatic permutations; but you seem to insist this is nothing but a start; so herewith, at last comes the story of my first puppy— Spill
  • It follows from Dirichlet's box principle, that in any permutation of 10 distinct numbers there exists an increasing subsequence of at least 4 numbers or a decreasing subsequence of at least 4 numbers.
  • How does the counter generate the correct permutation of the binary numerals?
  • One example he gives is the number of permutations possible with 59 objects - only slightly more than a deck of cards.
  • Perhaps they're computing permutations of combinations?
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  • Chromosome-wide significance thresholds were determined by permutation as previously described.
  • Some of these parameters change rapidly, others very slowly, and the possible permutations are nearly infinite.
  • Now, since we're considering order, each of these combinations has a number of permutations.
  • If a particle permutation P is applied to any state function for an assembly of particles, then there is no way of distinguishing the resulting permuted state function from the original unpermuted one by means of any observation at any time. Identity and Individuality in Quantum Theory
  • Even without considering the historical tendency he describes, this illustrates the movement of mythoi displacing themselves, or being displaced, away from the original, mythic scene through a series of permutations layering on additional plausibility. Anime Nano!
  • Starting with a pair or triplet of markers, parametric approaches carry out local extension and perform local permutations of consecutive markers to produce the most likely marker order.
  • So there are all sorts of permutations and combinations available to us.
  • He made six separate applications for a total of 39 000 shares, using permutations of his surname and Christian names.
  • Many other permutations of the alternatives presented are certainly possible.
  • Maximum likelihood performs a nonlinear dimensionality reduction, choosing permutations that compact the permuted image vectors into a volumetrically minimal subspace.
  • With this scenario, the fragmented delegate count produces several possible permutations.
  • Don't use ALL: One of the most common mistakes is to grant all-- access to all commands, access to all users, or any other permutation.
  • Herr Carlo Landberg (Proverbes et Dictons du Peuple Arabe, vol.i. of Syria, Leyden, E.J. Brill, 1883) explains layta for rayta (= raayta) by permutation of liquids and argues that the contraction is ancient (p. 42). The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Netto made major steps towards abstract group theory when he combined permutation group results and groups in number theory.
  • It appears in all the canvases and works on paper in different combinations and permutations, linked by linear extensions that form varying kinds of S-curves or semicircles.
  • In this study, tests for associations between insertions as a class and variation in bristle number were assessed using a permutation-based one-tailed test of significance.
  • Rather than trying to understand these as aberrations -- as the half-and-half and not-quite-either of "cross-genre" and "interstitial" -- or as subversions of the form, we might better approach each text as an individual permutation of possible approaches. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Put forward a planner permutation network by using the ergodic and good relativity of Chebyshev-map chaos sequence, and the time complexity and analyzed permutation character of permutation network.
  • That his endless permutations jar the sensibilities of lavishly paid footballers is hardly in itself a cause for complaint. Times, Sunday Times
  • Interesting and well-executed permutations of the flavourful Indian bread abound: chicken naan, keema, and garlic and spinach, my personal favourite.
  • There are 16 different permutations for a possible World Series matchup this season.
  • The possible permutations of the final four are intriguing.
  • Few things have as many permutations as the Grand National form book. Times, Sunday Times
  • The configurational entropy of the human genome is minuscule, and if I had to define it, I would have to count the number of possible DNA base permutations of the human genome (easy) vs. all the permutations that leave a human essentially unchanged (hard). Sewell's Thermodynamic Failure - The Panda's Thumb
  • He studied primitive permutation groups and proved a finiteness theorem.
  • When we see true ‘dictatorship,’ as opposed to yet another permutation of Parliamentary fiascos, we will see it in the eyes of the hysterical, not from their mouths.
  • In his doctoral dissertation of 1934 he considered permutation groups whose elements are determined by the images of three points.
  • The greatest single British contribution to the defeat of the Third Reich, and possibly the greatest British achievement of the past century, is known to us as Bletchley, the unprepossessing country house halfway between Oxford and Cambridge, where an eccentric team of mathematicians, musicians, and classicists broke what the Germans had with good reason believed to be the unbreakable codes of their Enigma machines, and in the process pretty well invented modern computing: the huge creaking and whirring "bombes" of Bletchley, running over endless patterns and permutations, were the forebears of your laptop. Box
  • The statistical significance of the values was estimated by permutation analysis using 1,000 replications.
  • But discussing its permutations also aids in elaborating the theory I am commending.
  • For autumn they came in many permutations, from basic to highly embellished. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's intended as an idea generator, meant to spark thought through permutation, combination, and juxtaposition; a sort of constrained bibliomancy. Seedy Stories
  • So many permutations and possibilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • We can use any one of the three letters in CAT as the first member of a permutation.
  • Germany now faces weeks in limbo as the main parties indulge in horse-trading over all the possible permutations.
  • So many permutations are possible for either team. Times, Sunday Times
  • Matches to the hypermutation hotspot RGYW and its reverse complement, WRCY, are in lightface type.
  • Where p is a permutation of objects on a domain D, we can define the p-transform function p* as follows: if x is an object in D, p* (x) = Logical Constants
  • The mathematical possibilities, the permutations and combinations, the percentages, all tended to mislead a good number of readers.
  • This procedure was repeated for 10 random permutations of trajectory orders.
  • I have seen the slogan in a hundred different permutations.
  • A simple position permutation was also used to generate random sequences.
  • The figure of the vampire in cinema is no stranger to permutation. THE TWILIGHTIZATION OF THE VAMPIRE | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • And the number of combinations and permutations is so large as to approach infinity. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • However the permutations of what combinations of software and platforms running ACAD is no doubt mind boggling, which is probably why the problem persists to this date. All Discussion Groups: Message List - root
  • Other permutations of the five cards can give different values for the longest increasing subsequence.
  • For this reason, seasoned filmgoers will likely be neither as astonished by its elliptical narrative structure and montage nor as stunned by the beauteous unfolding of sensory and conceptual permutations representing cosmological reality as they might have been three-to-four decades ago. G. Roger Denson: Terrence Malick's Tree of Life Plays Garden of Eden to the Family of Man
  • For this simple example, this means we can get to any of the six permutation matrices in a single swap.
  • Cyclic shift permutation structure is an important part of partial parallel decoder for quasi-cyclic LDPC codes.
  • For each permutation, the probability of the permutated genotypic distribution was estimated.
  • Put forward a planner permutation network by using the ergodic and good relativity of Chebyshev-map chaos sequence, and the time complexity and analyzed permutation character of permutation network.
  • The result is a whole host of different permutations for hundreds of different vehicles which are produced to the same basic design. The Global Marketplace
  • It has the potential for supplying us with more combinations and permutations of things than we can readily imagine. The Constraints of Corporate Tradition
  • Pour me a glass of rum and within the vapors rises a raucous and even romantic history of joy, tragedy and debauchery: tippling houses in Barbados in the early 1600's, where British settlers supped the earliest permutation of rum, which they referred to as "kill-devil"; jug wielding pirates careening through the streets of Port Royal in Jamaica, wildly spending their pieces of eight plundered from the Spanish and British empires; independence-minded American revolutionaries huddled in taverns drinking rum Flips and plotting their resistance against the heavy taxes imposed upon them by the British; Americans fleeing Prohibition downing Daiquiris and Swizzles in the jammed bars of Havana; opulent tiki palaces serving Mai Tais, flaming Scorpion bowls, Hurricanes and Fog Cutters to lei-festooned business-men and June Cleaveresque housewives. Slashfood
  • The order of a permutation is the least common multiple of the lengths in the decomposition into disjoint cycles.
  • He also considered permutation groups of small degree, groups having a small number of conjugacy classes, multiply transitive groups, and characteristic subgroups of finite groups.
  • The possible permutations of ordering the seven stamps determined the need for 42 collages.
  • With the above code, we can list the longest of the well-mixed transposals. antiparticles paternalistic conservatoire overreactions aristotelian retaliations obscurantist subtractions definability identifiably arthroscopes crapshooters colonialists oscillations enumerations mountaineers importunates permutations counterspies persecutions capillarity piratically animadverts maidservant calendering greenlandic grandnieces reascending coordinates decorations peripatetic precipitate crenelation intolerance arthroscope crapshooter peristaltic triplicates excitations intoxicates Wolfram Blog : Word Play with Mathematica
  • By means of analyzing the equivalence relation of reversible gate logic network to permutation group, the reversible gate network cascade was converted into the cycle of symmetric group.
  • Standard genetic operators are not always suitable for task matching and scheduling based on permutation representation.
  • In his doctoral dissertation of 1934 he considered permutation groups whose elements are determined by the images of three points.
  • Reading the headlines is frightening enough for most people these days, but for those in search of stronger, gorier, sillier permutations of fear, Frightfest is the country's favourite worst nightmare. This week's new film events
  • It would have been so much more original and memorable to treat the various lust and love permutations of the characters in a manner that didn't result in stalking, violent obsession and various felonious acts.
  • Male widow" is one example; versions of it can be used as counterexamples to the different versions of the idea of logicality as permutation invariance Logical Truth
  • Ideally, we would list all possible permutations of the ESP matrix.
  • His designs rework colors, patterns and textures in masterly permutations.
  • The first major show of its kind in the U.S., jointly organized by the Walters, the Cleveland Museum of Art and the British Museum, it assembles a fascinating array of objects tracing the evolution and permutations of reliquaries from late antiquity to the Renaissance, via Byzantium, plus a section on postmedieval versions of the impulse to preserve and venerate. Where Revered Relics Repose
  • Ten parties now have MPs and the country was buzzing with possible coalition permutations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Including every possible permutation-as well as specific suggestions on how he might distribute the product.
  • The researchers tested several permutations of the lubricant system: an uncoated AFM tip on an uncoated silicate surface, coated tip on bare surface, bare tip on coated surface, and both surfaces coated.
  • The wind is tremendous, a permutation fugue — howling, seething, silent — haunting in its canonic imitations. Water
  • Mahavira gave special rules for the use of permutations and combinations which was a topic of special interest in Jaina mathematics.
  • Scratch the surface of this troubling story and it has three possible permutations. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the above code, we can list the longest of the well-mixed transposals. antiparticles paternalistic conservatoire overreactions aristotelian retaliations obscurantist subtractions definability identifiably arthroscopes crapshooters colonialists oscillations enumerations mountaineers importunates permutations counterspies persecutions capillarity piratically animadverts maidservant calendering greenlandic grandnieces reascending coordinates decorations peripatetic precipitate crenelation intolerance arthroscope crapshooter peristaltic triplicates excitations intoxicates Wolfram Blog : Word Play with Mathematica
  • If it did not quite atone for their Premiership final defeat to the Tigers last season, this result may well come in handy when the play-off permutations are calculated next May. Leicester turn air blue against Saracens in rage at referee exchange
  • Different scenarios for what might have happened to her are played out, often with alternative permutations: in one, she falls pregnant and absconds to Arizona; in another, she gets into the car of a stranger who wishes her harm; in yet another there's the suggestion of suicide. Debut fiction roundup – reviews
  • How does the counter generate the correct permutation of the binary numerals?
  • * I hope it is clear that wherever I use the word "fuckable" in all its permutations, I do so sarcastically, derisively even. Not "legless": Ten pairs of legs!
  • It started as the theory of permutation groups, but now the general theory of groups does not suppose that elements of groups should be permutations.
  • The original program performed bootstraps, but we developed additional permutation and resampling options to improve statistical testing.
  • But this latest permutation of the Fall's guitar prang, rhythmic swing, wonky electronics and declamatory zeal continues to sound the same, only different to every preceding Fall record, as John Peel once quipped. Your Future Our Clutter by The Fall
  • Sound repetition and permutation, together with various graphic variants, thus governs meaning in Bergvall's poem.
  • One of the hardest parts about doing problems that use permutations and combinations is deciding which formula to use.
  • By means of analyzing the equivalence relation of reversible gate logic network to permutation group, the reversible gate network cascade was converted into the cycle of symmetric group.
  • Because of the permutations it was different. Times, Sunday Times
  • I heard many of them, in various permutations. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, there are six permutations of order of appearance for the three evolutionary splits mentioned above.
  • But its permutations are many and wonderful. Times, Sunday Times
  • The statistical significance of this test is calculated by permutation.
  • Most of the bupleurum formulas associated with the various permutations of Lesser Yang stage disease include the symptom of tightness and fullness of the chest.
  • Mathematicians of the finest calibre were essential for what then seemed the almost impossible task of breaking a code with astronomical permutations.
  • Two different measures of similarity between permutations were used to evaluate the probe orderings generated from simulated data.
  • As soups are a main staple of the Thai diet, the menu showcases various permutations incorporating veggies, seafood and chicken in tom yum and tom khaa varieties.
  • Indeed, because cardinality is permutation-invariant, every cardinality quantifier is included, including “there are infinitely many”, “there are uncountably many”, and others that are not first-order definable. Logical Constants
  • To present a new application of permutation entropy method for automatic brain consciousness task classification.
  • It will also seriously test the potential of spots in various permutations to sustain an epic show on this scale. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't imagine that this material comprised tame pictures of gartered ladies standing in front of cheese plants; any permutation or peccadillo you can conceive is represented in the work that has survived from the period.
  • the permutations...taking place in the physical world
  • Many of you will have seen some permutation of the mass e-mail joke bouncing around where the narrator is a news photographer, on assignment, having to make a tough call.
  • Here we present evidence that the chromosomal hypermutation is promoted by recombination.
  • All permutations of “Natural Selection”– “survival of the fittest,” “reproductive success,” “mechanisms that contribute to the selection of individuals that reproduce,” “sexual selection,” “gametic selection,” “compatibility selection”–reduce quite readily to “successful reproducers successfully reproduce,” or colloquially, “survivors survive.” The latest from the World of Egnor - The Panda's Thumb
  • The permutations are many, and take away the element of trial and error. Times, Sunday Times
  • With so many different home loan permutations and cost factors to be taken into consideration, it's not surprising that many buyers are bewildered.
  • We will give a proof here, independent of Wilson's theorem, that all permutations are possible.
  • The term conversion by negation has been arbitrarily limited to the exact inferential procedure of permutation followed by simple conversion. Deductive Logic
  • The first is based upon the sestina, the poetic form broadly practiced in the Italian Renaissance, involving the regular permutation of six rhymes.
  • Now there are endless permutations. Christianity Today
  • For all the permutations that produced, the music seemed slightly apologetic.
  • There's a lot on there - for instance, seemingly every possible permutation of Greek staples like souvlaki and gyros.
  • Anything less than a victory and the permutations were endless. Times, Sunday Times
  • They can "rule out" certain permutations because the initial letter, bigram, or trigram is unlikely to begin an English word.
  • In effect, each row is a permutation of four distinct numbers.
  • This paper deals with orthodox semirings whose additive idempotents satisfy permutation identities.
  • This is the definitive examination of the under-utilized, but surprisingly rich field of n-tuple generation and permutation
  • Objective To study the method of the artificial thigh bone permutation perioperatively for advanced age.
  • Usually there'd be a few other permutations of ‘face’ thrown in, with the true adepts raising the whole enterprise to something of an art form.
  • He studied primitive permutation groups and proved a finiteness theorem.
  • Clearly, the possible number of permutations is gigantic.
  • One of the areas which his work took him into was infinite permutation groups.
  • Of all the permutations one can experience, the recommendation is to go with the uncut anamorphic widescreen version.
  • From Monday onwards we will be looking at all the different possibilities and permutations. Times, Sunday Times
  • He thinks, advocate board some parts " can't bear uglily ", he wants to change one's costume or dress advocate board, make the permutation of chip and circuit more beautiful.
  • Four matches remain in the group and the permutations are many. Times, Sunday Times
  • If we will also want ROI out of crossmedia in the end then we had better make huge crossmedia samples affordable, because without huge samples we will not be able to take advantage of crossmedia ROI analysis because the cell sizes of those exposed to various media/creative permutations and the subcell sizes of the different brand purchase behavior change groups within these crossmedia cells will be too small to read with statistical significance. In Terms of ROI: Getting Excited about the Media Research Priorities - Bill Harvey - MediaBizBloggers
  • The only factual effect of the current system or any permutation is creating the illusion of security. Balkinization
  • I read once that there are only seven real plots in the world, and all stories are permutations thereof.
  • The permutations and combinations of these molecules are capable of endless elaboration. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • The case studies offered here convey a sense of the range of possible permutations. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In this permutation, the amount of meat is about that of a cull a one claw lobster as opposed to a full pound-and-a-quarter's worth of meat, but it sells for two thirds the price of its closest corrival at Pearl so the portion seems to make fair fiscal sense. Ditch Plains: 921 opentoclozillian stars
  • Old insights are merely recycled in different permutations against a backdrop of current circumstances.
  • There are 120 permutations of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5: for example, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5 or 5, 1, 4, 2, 3.
  • But the film goes on to develop graphic, orifice-stuffing permutations on the theme of you are what you eat.
  • Civic unrest infiltrated every corner of the globe, varying in specific movements but all concerned with uprooting authoritarianism in all its political, social and economic permutations.
  • Cyclic shift permutation structure is an important part of partial parallel decoder for quasi-cyclic LDPC codes.
  • With the above code, we can list the longest of the well-mixed transposals. antiparticles paternalistic conservatoire overreactions aristotelian retaliations obscurantist subtractions definability identifiably arthroscopes crapshooters colonialists oscillations enumerations mountaineers importunates permutations counterspies persecutions capillarity piratically animadverts maidservant calendering greenlandic grandnieces reascending coordinates decorations peripatetic precipitate crenelation intolerance arthroscope crapshooter peristaltic triplicates excitations intoxicates Wolfram Blog : Word Play with Mathematica
  • With the above code, we can list the longest of the well-mixed transposals. antiparticles paternalistic conservatoire overreactions aristotelian retaliations obscurantist subtractions definability identifiably arthroscopes crapshooters colonialists oscillations enumerations mountaineers importunates permutations counterspies persecutions capillarity piratically animadverts maidservant calendering greenlandic grandnieces reascending coordinates decorations peripatetic precipitate crenelation intolerance arthroscope crapshooter peristaltic triplicates excitations intoxicates Wolfram Blog : Word Play with Mathematica
  • This procedure is repeated until all possible permutations of experimental conditions to the data have been calculated.
  • They may of course manifest themselves in a practically infinite number of permutations, and the precritical reader may relish such psychological fiction as that of Dostoevsky or Flaubert for the subtlety and acuteness with which those authors portray the presumably universal and static varieties of affective experience. PKD and Style
  • They rag each other endlessly about race and all its permutations, yet two men couldn't be more bonded together than they are in these mysteries.
  • All significance thresholds were determined empirically by permutation
  • Submit a Comment • Trackback (0) • With so many permutations and mixed motivations, the Palin saga is starting to feel like a Restoration play. Random: DemoCat Wins! - Swampland -
  • Mick, Aston, and Davies may briefly fascinate through weirdness, permutations, and illogic, but their basic, unsatisfying incredibility does not end up standing for much.
  • There are many permutations but this is the situation after the weekend's matches. Times, Sunday Times
  • As there are regularly special offers, vast multipacks and other confusing permutations on display, sometimes the only way to get the best possible deal is to take a calculator.
  • Variation among humans is limited to the possible permutations of our genes.
  • Binah defines what is possible from the unlimited permutation of infinite creativity.
  • Old insights are merely recycled in different permutations against a backdrop of current circumstances.
  • Variation among humans is limited to the possible permutations of our genes.
  • There is no need to descend to Godwottery, or even to know the difference between an aquilegia and an antirrhinum, in order to be enthralled by the ingenious and lovely permutations of shape, colour and texture – to say nothing of scent – which surround you. Try Anything Twice
  • Variation among humans is limited to the possible permutations of our genes.
  • Wasps could go through with as little as a losing bonus point next weekend and there are various other permutations. The Sun
  • I have uninstalled all of my extensions, downgraded to an older version of Firefox, reinstalled it, deleted all cookies, and various other similar permutations and combinations. The Volokh Conspiracy » Westlaw on Windows XP Professional Hanging Firefox
  • The results indicate that the permutation and combination of kerosene and decyl alcohol extracting nickel citrate from wastewater is the best.
  • There are literally tens of thousands of combinations and permutations. Times, Sunday Times

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