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How To Use Permissible In A Sentence

  • For example, it would be impermissible for the Society because it did not wish to offer annuities itself to use its discretion as to bonuses to make it more attractive for the policy holder to use another provider.
  • But it's no longer permissible to sit on the sidelines making snide comments.
  • A resistance unit has a temperature fuse between a resistance and a terminal for deactivating a resistance circuit when the motor reaches the permissible maximum temperature.
  • Conduct which is justified is right, or at least permissible, in the circumstances.
  • Another example of a disputed usage is whether it's permissible to use they as a singular pronoun. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Chapter VI. that the use of metallic copper in the construction of acetylene apparatus is not permissible or judicious, because the gas is liable to form therewith an explosive compound known as copper acetylide; it might seem, therefore, that the employment of a copper salt for purification courts accident. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • Is it permissible to wear cufflinks with a precious stone in the daytime, I would call across the office. Times, Sunday Times
  • But in bond-market commentary, the term basis point is permissible. Essential Guide to Business Style and Usage
  • Detention without charge beyond the normal 24 hours is permissible in certain situations.
  • In reaching a conclusion whether the statement can be reconciled with the map, a degree of tolerance is permissible, depending upon the relative particularity and apparent accuracy with which each document is drawn.
  • Is it permissible to wear cufflinks with a precious stone in the daytime, I would call across the office. Times, Sunday Times
  • Domestically, September 11 has sparked debate about the permissible extent of civil rights abridgements in times of national peril.
  • It is therefore perfectly permissible for the owner of a copyright to do nothing with it.
  • Wife beating is not endorsed, although some opportunist clerics interpret that it is permissible.
  • There is no doubt that Hammarskj6ld's northern sense of propriety was deeply shaken by the roughness of the outburst, and ironically, since the Russian code of what is socially permissible comes largely across the Baltic from Sweden, it was precisely this rowdy behavior of Khrushchev's, dubbed Ne-Kulturny (uncultured), which eventually proved his undoing at home. An Autobiography
  • A detailed application must be submitted for the certificat d'urbanisme, which states what developments are permissible on the land. A Buyer's Guide to France
  • What struck me most, after this long passage of time, is what we deem “permissible” on the screen today: We can — with impunity — rape, skewer, torture, vilify, scarify, plunge fangs into carotid arteries, sodomize…women can reveal frontal nudity within a half-inch of genitalia; men can stand frontally nude with only a hand cupped over the thingy…but only frontal. Buzzine » Tushy Tarts, Smelly Farts…
  • He referred to a number of scenarios which would not be permissible under Irish law at present.
  • And what is permissible in the hypercritical eyes of other parents? Times, Sunday Times
  • As a result, brand name activity is no longer permissible whereas corporate is, or at least still goes on.
  • But she knew she had said the impermissible thing, and her mother's mouth closed down like a trap. LOST CHILDREN
  • It is surely permissible to see in these two portraits the hand of a single painter.
  • If consent is impossible or impracticable, it may be permissible to conduct the research in the absence of consent in certain situations.
  • As democracy is, at present, the only permissible political rhetoric, the ruling class duly speaks its language.
  • Note: Very few reels may exceed the maximum permissible deviation listed above.
  • (In fact, the postmark was a requirement -- although such ballots were also permissible if they were signed and dated no later than the date of the election.) Robert Weissman: Joe Lieberman: 2000 and 2006
  • The court rejected the argument that users were engaged in permissible "fair use " or "sampling. Christianity Today
  • They see themselves as emissaries of a national movement for whom everything is permissible.
  • But where the contract does not tell the whole story or is equivocal as to who is supplying what and to whom, it will be permissible to substitute it by, or fill its gaps by reference to, the real deal.
  • The Supreme Court issued a very short per curiam opinion saying without analysis that this was impermissible.
  • Writing about a case in which someone in a lifeboat must choose between saving a stranger and saving his or her spouse, Williams argued that an impartialist morality that would demand that the agent consider whether giving preference to the spouse is permissible gives that agent “one thought too many” (Williams 1981, 18). Moral Reasoning
  • These responses are based on a sentimental view of nature, permissible in prepubescent girls, perhaps, but disturbing in anyone old enough to know better.
  • Since permissible limits in India are as high as to accommodate these pollutants, they cannot be booked under pollution control rules.
  • It is impermissible to take parts of a work and incorporate them into a second work, even if the second work is different and does not appear to be similar in an overall sense.
  • Q. You have given a ruling that insurance is permissible. But the ruling is stated in general terms. Could you please provide evidence from the Qur'an and the Sunnah in support of this view?
  • Religious jewelry such as crosses, crucifixes, stars of David, ichthuses, crescents, etc, are permissible if similar jewelry is permitted in the dresscode.
  • It means that all food goes on the list of what is permissible to eat when hungry. Eating Problems: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Treatment Model
  • But what we shall be saying about it depends largely, I suppose, upon our definition of the term prophetic; also a little upon our feeling with regard to good taste and the permissible in fiction. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, November 14, 1917
  • By refusing to keep her emotional problems to herself and instead parading them in front of the nation, she implied - nay, screamed - that such behaviour was not merely permissible but required.
  • A 2006 Washington Post article reports Baghdad Family Court Judge Salim al-Moussawi labeled divorce “the most despicable ‘hallal,’” meaning the worst thing permissible under Islam. Tug of War: Iraq���s Divorce Rate Up Since Invasion Began
  • It would have been entirely permissible to arrest the hijackers of the four aircraft used as weapons.
  • Allowing genocide undermines regional and international stability, creates militarized refugees, and signals dictators that hate and murder are permissible tools of statecraft.
  • It would seem, therefore that, in the absence at least of any objection from his Ordinary, a Parish Priest might content himself with the fact that the whole House of Bishops has recognized reservation for the sick as permissible under the laws of this Church.
  • Thus the postulation of the Deity is not only permissible, it is unavoidable.
  • However, it is not permissible for such private organizations to spend the zakat money to cover their administration costs.
  • Development plans show future road improvements which may affect development, for example where new access on to an existing road is not permissible.
  • But she knew she had said the impermissible thing, and her mother's mouth closed down like a trap. LOST CHILDREN
  • But (once again), the insurance mandate is permissible even if refusing to buy insurance is not economic activity because the mandate is an essential part of a larger regulatory scheme that would otherwise be undercut. The Volokh Conspiracy » Drawing Lines in the Commerce Clause Debate on Health Care Reform
  • They do not use electricity, but power from gas or hydraulic generators is permissible.
  • In the library it is understood that loud talking is not permissible.
  • Preventing the establishment of a state religion is quite clearly a permissible goal under Locke.
  • In the library it is understood that loud talking is not permissible.
  • Collective or community rights imply permissible inegalitarian ranking of members in the interests of preservation of tradition.
  • Religious practices are permissible under the Constitution.
  • Such tactics may be permissible under certain interpretations of Canadian criminal and constitutional law, but their legality is disputed by the BCCLA. Vancouver 2010 and Civil Liberties : Law is Cool
  • Where previously the pursuit of truth had been conducted through pure deduction—speculating why a stone falls to earth—it was now permissible to roughen one's hands in the mechanics of experiment, measuring precisely how the stone falls. An Engine of Perpetual Revolution
  • This is not permissible," Consul Lingford spluttered. Bunches of Knuckles
  • They also complained that there was no evidence that donors to the clubs had been checked to ensure that they were permissible donors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, with major exceptions for black "mammies" suckling white babies and female house slaves placing their coarse black skin on the food they prepared for white households, whites decided when the touching of white skin to black skin was permissible. The South Continues to "Make" Race: Will the Supreme Court Follow?
  • Another example of a disputed usage is whether it's permissible to use they as a singular pronoun. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why, you’re absolutely correct, SoS, not about the ogle part – Sarahcuda is married, and her religion has certain strictures regarding what is permissible with regard to impure thoughts, etc. Think Progress » Paranoid Beck would embarrass her, Palin focused on googling NYC landmarks right before their interview.
  • Surely city councilmen ought to have better (and more constitutionally permissible) things to do.
  • Therefore, according to Shari'ah, to look, speak, listen, etc. to any Ghayr Mahram except at the time of extreme necessity is haram and impermissible.
  • There are certain topics of conversation that are impermissible in polite society.
  • Declaring that person an apostate is impossible and impermissible. The Amman Message
  • I think it's permissible, after working on your favourite virus for over 20 years, to develop some sort of feeling for it.
  • For the extreme Lollards, of whom he was one, looked upon the two political acts which we have learned to call disestablishment and disendowment, as not only permissible, but desirable. The White Rose of Langley A Story of the Olden Time
  • The exercise of that peremptory is not based on any impermissible ground (i.e., race, gender etc.) Should Prosecutors Hire Jury Consultants?
  • This is permissible I suppose, but dishonourable, and remember, they did this after a two-month delay.
  • It allows that it is permissible "to dissimulate" or not tell the truth to pagans, non-Muslims and even backsliding or apostating Muslims this of course depends upon who makes the judgement about who is doing the "backsliding" or "apostasy". Robert Eisenman: Ultimatums Work -- Sarkozy and Cameron Intervene
  • I had to terminate an ectopic pregnancy using methotrexate, which is the lowest risk way to treat the condition but that some misogynist in the Catholic church has declared to be impermissible abortion. The Volokh Conspiracy » Abortion: Murder or Tragedy? Are Those the Only Options?
  • Note "non-injurious": in other words the infliction of pain is permissible so long as there is no lasting damage. The Guardian World News
  • The system was desirable as it would promote access to the courts, although contingency fee agrements should not be permissible in family and criminal law cases, the SALC said in a statement. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Or why it is permissible to slay a minute bird such as a snipe, while a titlark is on no account to be touched. Baboo Jabberjee, B.A.
  • This defines permissible speech according to what somebody thinks the public should know about.
  • It is impermissible to construe the Convention in the light of the changes in civil aviation transport since 1929 and the current domestic law view of mental or psychological injury.
  • Every manner of artistic expression, every experiment, however imaginative, however preposterous or outrageous, was now permissible.
  • Of course, the swordsman would only lose here if he allowed it, and it was a viable option, but risking the spread of his personal curse was impermissible.
  • On the stage these actions are termed soliloquies and have been institutionalized as permissible dramaturgical devices. Behavior in Public Places
  • impermissible behavior
  • It means that all food goes on the list of what is permissible to eat when hungry. Eating Problems: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Treatment Model
  • Finding “that deviation is permissible when, due to circumstances unanticipated by the settlor, modification of an administrative requirement would advance the trust's purpose,” the Court permitted the Church to sell the building it had outgrown. "Equitable Deviation" Applied To Permit Church Sale
  • Catholic practices adiaphorous (indifferent things, neither good nor bad), hence permissible provided that the proper doctrine were maintained and its import made clear to the people. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • We use author and poet rather than authoress and poetess, but until fairly recently it was permissible to distinguish persons who act by gender.
  • His objections to professional film actors and what he considered the impermissible mixing of theater and cinema are renowned.
  • It is permissible to look at the teaching in the specification to see what the patentee has put forward as his technical contribution.
  • All the permissible domesticated or reared quadrupeds can be offered for Qurbani.
  • Just how sinful that is, is a matter for debate; but the real question is whether among EU aspirant countries, such laws are permissible.
  • Close connection: There is, you see, a close connection between today's curriculum wars and the lengthening lists of impermissible thoughts, between the assault on "Eurocentrism" and the assault on free speech. Curdled Politics On Campus
  • When this occurs, the TCP windows throttle back to reduce the data flow permissible to permit the TCP network to discover a new maintainable steady state.
  • In certain sectors, they say, it was permissible to regard everyone, infants and grandparents included, as though they were grenade slingers.
  • That band of criminals masquerading as a presidential administration did incalculable damage by claiming that something which any civilized person finds abhorrent is actually a rational and permissible instrument of state policy. Straight from the top (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • There is a list of the basic licensing conditions which will be entitled to exemption, a white list of other permissible clauses, and a black list of impermissible clauses.
  • Another example of a disputed usage is whether it's permissible to use they as a singular pronoun. Times, Sunday Times
  • You'll never find me worrying about the placement of cutlery or whether it's permissible to address an older woman by her first name instead of her title.
  • Although legally permissible, it is morally wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • When he said things would be declassified soon, was that itself impermissible?
  • It is permissible, where the context so allows, to construe words used in the plural as including the singular.
  • It is impermissible to subject human beings to differences in treatment that are inconsistent with their unique and congenerous character.
  • permissible behavior in school
  • Since no idol worship was permissible in this faith, letterforms and their elaborate compositions were used in manuscripts as well as architecture, not just as letters but as images of the highest holy order.
  • I don't think it's impermissible for the judge to openly avow that that Constitution is morally praiseworthy, that the United States is morally praiseworthy.
  • Stiffer emission standards are being introduced to reduce permissible levels.
  • It will just be a matter of the device beeping when the degree of flexion exceeds permissible limits.
  • The man in the street may ask why it is permissible for soldiers to be court-martialled for acts they are alleged to have committed while in Iraq, but not be entitled to the protection that the Human Right Act affords all other subjects. Human rights still matter on the battlefield
  • Development plans show future road improvements which may affect development, for example where new access on to an existing road is not permissible.
  • A further question is whether the other parties to the treaty may accept and thus legitimate an impermissible reservation or whether a determination of impermissibility is conclusive. The Volokh Conspiracy » Yet Another Reason Not To Sign the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child:
  • Furthermore, school supervision of the activities is precisely the kind of entanglement that is impermissible under constitutional precedents.
  • I agree with you for the theoretical position that given our current abilities the optimal number of innocents imprisoned is greater than zero, if it were not, the only permissible course of action would be to abolish imprisonment as criminal penalty, since errors are unavoidable. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Sixth Now the “Most Reversed” Circuit?
  • However, the word concupiscence is constantly used for that appetite which exists in fallen man and is an incentive to sin, because it seeks forbidden objects or permissible in an forbidden way. Archive 2009-03-22
  • And if that's so, then these sorts of searches, even based on foreseeably imperfect evidence, are quite permissible.
  • The Supreme Court in 1983 held that the use without a warrant of a "beeper" - like transponder to track five gallons of chemicals carried by a suspect in his car from Minneapolis to a drug lab at a lakeside cabin in Wisconsin was permissible. Appeals court limits use of GPS to track suspects
  • It was in this state of affairs that the police committed excesses which strictly speaking were impermissible in law.
  • Boycotting in Islam is only permissible when it has a beneficial impact of exerting pressure on the person to return to the fold.
  • When melding black threes in the process of going out, it is permissible to meld two black threes and a wild card.
  • It means that all food goes on the list of what is permissible to eat when hungry. Eating Problems: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Treatment Model
  • Religious practices are permissible under the Constitution.
  • He informed her that it was not permissible that a layperson possess such an important relic.
  • Codes of conduct were beginning to emerge and a range of permissible and impermissible subjects was being informally drawn up.
  • Urchin roe is especially prized as a superb and permissible treat during the long Lenten fast. Sea Urchins with Tips on How to Open Them (Αχινός)
  • Whereas before this practice was outlawed, it is now permissible - subject to the requirements imposed by the section.
  • Without exaggeration, it is permissible to conject that its scope extended over twenty-five centuries. Initiation into Literature
  • This method was permissible because the importer, by furnishing proper information, could avoid the penalty tax.
  • Likewise, it is permissible for the nurse to obtain the patient's signature on a previously unsigned consent form and then to witness that consent.
  • While ghosting may be more and more socially permissible, she believes a long-term relationship requires certain standards of decorum.
  • It was, therefore, permissible for the company to bring an action against the directors to recover the profits.
  • It would not be permissible for the police to take the victim of a crime to a suspect who was under arrest to see if he could identify him.
  • Is it permissible to greet a kafir with something other than 'Salam'? Irish Blogs
  • Least of all would it be permissible for this Court to intervene in respect of the initiation of proceedings by a House of Parliament against a federal judge.
  • Their opinions over what was permissible were often highly subjective.
  • Exceptionally, in this form, it becomes impermissible to carry out an activity unless it can be shown that it will not cause unacceptable harm to the environment.
  • Would it be morally permissible for her to become pregnant with the aim of aborting the embryo immediately?
  • *The unibrow is a permissible topic because Kentucky fans Ohio State Buckeyes Jared Sullinger wanted to publicize his weight loss.
  • Although legally permissible, it is morally wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not only will people pointedly fail to attend your rallies there, but your intrusive business activities will receive notice from new jacks-in-office with amazingly narrow-minded views on what is permissible.
  • Judges become the arbiters of what speech is permissible, and what is not.
  • Where I think it relevant, helpful and permissible to take into account other material I shall indicate what it is.
  • Instead, it's whether or not the neutral and generally applicable requirement that any RSO not act in an exclusory fashion is permissible. WaPo 'On Faith': Religious Freedom to Exclude
  • It should be permissible, for instance, for intermediary tables to differentiate between smokers and non-smokers.
  • Some are saying that many of the more religiously inclined families won't want their womenfolk voting so it might be permissible for the head of the family to take the women's ID and her ballot and do the voting for her.
  • It will be an incredible precedent if a Canadian court, under some theory or other of human rights, were to declare a practice that I think is antithetically opposed to human rights values to be constitutionally permissible, he said. Polygamy Case Tests Canada's Marriage Laws
  • A system of private property governed by a rule of law sets limits on the permissible form of competition for resources.
  • Uncertainty exists because a municipality may enact a subsequent zoning regulation which renders the proposed use impermissible.
  • Domestically, September 11 has sparked debate about the permissible extent of civil rights abridgements in times of national peril.
  • When the ratio not more than 0.2, CFRP tensile strain can reach or exceed the permissible strain at ultimate capacity state, and therefore CFRP can work efficiently.
  • If however a second chloroformization is carried out a month or so after the first, in conditions as nearly identical with the first as may be permissible, then on the third or the fourth or the fifth day in particular, severe leucocytosis will appear, reaching 220 or 250 leucocytes. Charles Richet - Nobel Lecture
  • Picketing which breaches the criminal law or one of the specific torts such as trespass, nuisance, intimidation, defamation or representation will be impermissible.
  • It exceeds the elastic strength pressure and permissible pressure.
  • a kind of speculation that was permissible in cosmology but inadmissible in medicine
  • This suffices to qualify stress as a permissible concept from the operationalist standpoint.
  • Jeff Norman says: jrose: But (once again), the insurance mandate is permissible even if refusing to buy insurance is not economic activity because the mandate is an essential part of a larger regulatory scheme that would otherwise be undercut. The Volokh Conspiracy » Drawing Lines in the Commerce Clause Debate on Health Care Reform
  • It is permissible to cast this as popular ignorance but more accurate to name it recalcitrance, the hardheaded preference of some colonists for their own common version of what was lawful.
  • Arguably the prime, indeed ultimate, determinant of land value in modern society is its permitted or permissible use.
  • Criminals, especially notorious criminals, should arguably be injured (where permissible by justice) simply because it makes the rest of us happy to see them suffer, even if their victims are The Volokh Conspiracy » Benefits and costs: crime, crime avoidance, crime control
  • In general, all the evaluated parameters are below the permissible limits established by the norm.
  • As a result, brand name activity is no longer permissible whereas corporate is, or at least still goes on.
  • We need urgently to decide what behaviour is permissible in our streets to deter youth crime without penalising innocent play. Times, Sunday Times
  • Motor vehicles used for the transport of goods and of which the permissible maximum weight exceeds 3500kg(7700 lbs). Vehicles in this category may be coupled with a light trailer.
  • This is perfectly permissible under the new regulations.
  • Israel appears to be using WP as an "obscurant" (a chemical used to hide military operations), a permissible use in principle under international humanitarian law (the laws of war). - Bush-Cheney Trials in '09
  • Where to draw the line between permissible detention or taking of property and impermissible detention or taking of property is a hard question.
  • Israel appeared to be using white phosphorus as an "obscurant" (a chemical used to hide military operations), a permissible use in principle under international humanitarian law (the laws of war). - Bush-Cheney Trials in '09
  • It is not permissible to touch the Qur'an without wudu.
  • Pipers wore black shoes, tartan hose, spats, kilt, jacket, full wrap around plaid and glengarry, with hat badge and shoulder brooch, and skeine dhu, permissible.
  • The adjustment of life insurance claims in this state by another insurer is impermissible.
  • Acts which may in themselves be regarded as either perverse or bordering upon perversity may be considered permissible if they produce better reproductive sex between married couples.
  • I find it outrageous that they think it is permissible to canvass for votes in such a way.
  • The third party claim amounts to the guarantors asserting a claim and that is not permissible.
  • Without giving too much away, I think it's permissible to say that by the end, the little girls who vanish throughout this tale turn out to be beribboned and pink-sneakered red herrings in a much more sinister game of retribution. Book review: Hackneyed rules of suspense disappear in Hayder's 'Gone'
  • Touching the Qur'an with either hand after performing wudu is permissible; after all, it is a book and, like any book, it normally takes two hands to handle properly. JAFI Charles Johnson
  • Every theory of justice, therefore, has its own theory of exploitation, since every theory has an account of the ways it is permissible and impermissible to benefit from others.
  • Direct investments on peer-to-peer platforms will also be permissible in Isas. Times, Sunday Times
  • The question remains: why should whatever gave rise to the threat define the class of permissible victims when it is within our power to spread a wider net?
  • Ignore those who would straightjacket permissible thought.
  • There was once a well-known Scotch architect who held that the column and the lintel was the only permissible form of construction, and with this limitation and ill-selected Greek details he produced some fantastically ugly buildings. The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
  • It is unlikely that a sale of dynamite over the counter is permissible without compliance with some further bureaucratic procedures.
  • But punishing the distribution of the movie is punishment of communication, and should be impermissible.
  • The MoD's position has been that it is still legally permissible for security reasons. Times, Sunday Times
  • Delay is not permissible, even for a single day.
  • It sets up a system of permissible interceptions with warrants or authorisations.
  • He and his allies have pointed out that looking abroad for precedents is not new for the Court: in cases from the 1950s through the 1980s (and also during the 1890s) majorities took account of foreign practices in deciding whether a punishment was permissible. What Would Zimbabwe Do?
  • Is it permissible to greet a kafir with something other than 'Salam'? posted in forum Mosque Reform by AHaaj on January 14, 2010 at 3: 57 pm Anti-MPAC. ie website established posted in forum Fiqh Issues, Manhaj Issues, Naseehah by Khadijah on January Irish Blogs
  • The underlying act is wrong, tainted, impermissible and thus benefiting from it is wrong.
  • No unfair advantages in a duel were permissible if a knight was to retain his honor.
  • Certainly, it would be impermissible to say that the American Republic is in any sense better than Albania under its late, unlamented, Stalinist leader, Enver Hoxa.
  • One can say that both are permissible, on democratic grounds; or that both are impermissible, on libertarian grounds.
  • It is, however, permissible for a parent to transfer legal ownership of funds to a child by way of a gift.
  • The outercoat is flat, harsh, strong and shaggy, free from wooliness and curl, although a slight wave is permissible. Undefined
  • Every manner of artistic expression, every experiment, however imaginative, however preposterous or outrageous, was now permissible.
  • The judge then determines whether this reason is bona fide or the underlying intent was to exercise impermissible group discrimination.
  • While the technical distinction between the latria due to God and the dulia permissible to the saints was only beginning to emerge in the patristic epoch, the consistent teaching of the Church, voiced as much by Polycarp’s devotees as by theologians like Augustine and Cyril of Alexandria, was that while the saints and martyrs deserved honor and devotion, only God could be worshiped.
  • They also complained that there was no evidence that donors to the clubs had been checked to ensure that they were permissible donors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Babylonian amora] writing in the name of R. Isaac [one of the earliest known Babylonian tannaim, middle of the second century] who wrote that it was permissible to beat a Canaanite slave woman in one’s possession in order to prevent her from transgressing. Wifebeating in Jewish Tradition.
  • This ensures that the bacterial content of food remains within permissible limits.
  • All told, though, I think a strong case could be made that such inquiries would all involve an impermissible invasion of the couple's privacy.
  • It may be permissible to call them economic conflicts because they concern that sphere of human life which is, in common speech, known as the sphere of economic activities.
  • Is it permissible to wear cufflinks with a precious stone in the daytime, I would call across the office. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus the maximum permissible period of stay on entry was increased from three to six months.
  • This is one meal where excess is permissible. Christianity Today
  • A murmur of much humming rose from half the tables in the room, and some of the more overwrought listeners laid down knife and fork in order to be able to burst in with loud clappings at the earliest permissible moment.

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