How To Use Permic In A Sentence
- If your regular form of birth control is condoms, spermicides, or a diaphragm, you may go back to using it right away after taking emergency birth control pills.
- If use of spermicides and lubricants is contributing to symptoms, alternative contraception choices should be discussed.
- In order to increase its effectiveness, the diaphragm is used together with a spermicidal jelly or cream, which is put inside it and spread around its rim.
- There remains a really troubling question about whether we should be using it as a spermicide on condoms.
- Using spermicides in addition to the male or female condom will make it more effective.
- Women were also excluded if they reported use of diaphragms, douches or spermicides.
- In a 2U space, you have four systems," explains Tau Leng, general manager of marketing and HPC for server manufacturer Supermicro (www. Undefined
- At the four-week and final visits, questionnaires about the acceptability of the spermicide were completed.
- In azoospermic men sperm can be retrieved surgically from the epididymis (percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration) or from the testis itself (testicular sperm aspiration or extraction).
- Some barrier methods are packaged with spermicide already in them.