How To Use Permafrost In A Sentence
Beyond affecting the humans and wildlife that call the area home, the Arctic's warmer temperatures and decreases in permafrost, snow cover, glaciers and sea ice also have wide-ranging consequences for the physical and biological systems in other parts of the world.
Arctic is warming, NOAA report says
Its first priority is to identify where permafrost is present and where mudslides and rockfalls are likely as it melts under the effect of global warming.
However, there may be water locked in permafrost in some deep polar craters.
The background is the super-exposed town of Shishmaref in Western Alaska, where global warming and the thawing permafrost are collapsing towns in on themselves.
Glaciers, permafrost and polar ice caps are melting, and droughts, floods and more extreme storms are occurring more frequently in many parts of the world.
I am from Alaska where the permafrost is now melting (” perma” frost – it never melts – but wait? huh? never? well the permafrost is melting now!) – something my grandparents (who also lived in Alaska) never saw in there lifetimes.
Think Progress » Global Warming Skeptics Engage In Denial And Spin Over New Academy Report; Gore Responds
All the recent discoveries about extremophiles, and especially those living in ice, raise the possibility that living creatures could remain in an arctic-like permafrost just below the Martian surface, one that changes from frozen to semiliquid with the seasons.
First Contact
For example, it is believed that on top of Saana-fjeld permafrost is up to 100m thick.
Predict future climate change! « Climate Audit
However, there may be water locked in permafrost in some deep polar craters.
Scientists have reconstructed the genome of an ancient human called Inuk from hair preserved in permafrost for 4,000 years ms Rotterdam's 2010 Alaskan Explorer Cruises Highlight Hubbard Glacier - Articles related to Is global warming a myth?
Gas is transported in gigantic tankers and stored in tanks so cold that they create permafrost around them.
The first option is to extract water from subsurface permafrost and use that water directly in a nuclear or solar steam rocket.
But most of it is under tundra permafrost, if not indeed under even more inhospitable terrain.
Most of the remainder comes from wetlands, gas hydrates, permafrost, and termites.
It's the nature of frost that after time it becomes permafrost.
Arctic – nival: continuous permafrost where deep infiltration is impeded by perennially frozen strata, base flow and winter flow are low, and snowmelt is the major hydrologic event.
Terrestrial Water Balance in the Arctic
ESPN never will admit it, but it must be frosted — make that permafrosted — that another giant has elbowed its way into its once-exclusive draft territory. - Aura around draft is blown way out of proportion
Subsea permafrost is losing its ability to be an impermeable cap," Natalia Shakhova, a scientist at the University of Fairbanks, Alaska, said in a statement.
A Confession
Large expanses of boreal forest and tundra are underlain by permafrost, a layer of permanently frozen soil found underneath the active, seasonally thawed soil.
Water is also stored in permanent snowfields and firn (compact, granular snow that is over one year old) fields, perched lakes (lakes that are raised above the local water table by permafrost), and as permafrost itself.
Terrestrial Water Balance in the Arctic
OSLO (Reuters) - Thawing permafrost can release nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, a contributor to climate change that has been largely overlooked in the Arctic, a study showed on Sunday.
New understanding of permafrost melt could soon alter global - climate models.
It's estimated that a quarter to a third of all soil carbon is locked in permafrost.
These hydrogeological conditions are controlled by relative land and sea level, erosion and deposition, the cold climate processes of permafrost and glaciation, and rock stress changes.
The remains of Pleistocene mammals in Alaska and Siberia have been discovered in permafrost, which resulted in the body tissue being preserved through desiccation-induced mummification.
Flooding by hydroelectric reservoirs is especially detrimental to permanently frozen peatlands because the overall permafrost regime is completely altered or obliterated.
Once wet-based ice covered the area, the limited permafrost would have melted as a result of geothermal heating.
In the north soil takes the form of permafrost, where the water in the ground is permanently frozen.
The bearing capacity of piles embedded in permafrost depends on the type of frozen soil (clay, silt, or sand), its temperature, and the length of pile embedment in the permafrost layer.
Infrastructure and climate in the Arctic
Russia's vast permafrost areas may shrink by a third by the middle of the century due to global warming, endangering infrastructure in the Arctic zone, an emergencies ministry official said Friday.
Undulating coastal plains and other ungraded lowlands, underlain by permafrost, in summer form some of the tundra's wettest areas.
Elsewhere an exhaustion of original ideas has engendered a permafrost of abstruse theorising untempered by experience.
The review by Watson of the periglacial environment in Britain concluded that continuous permafrost was present long enough for widespread formation of features such as ice wedges and pingos.
Hot, dry summers have thawed permafrost layers and shriveled berry crops.
The first chapter focuses on Arctic geology, and the subjects of the remaining five deal with the natural processes affecting the Arctic: glaciology, permafrost, oceanography, upper atmosphere physics, and climate.
Worldwide, particularly in deeply buried permafrost and in high-latitude ocean sediments where pressures are high and temperatures are below freezing, icy deposits called hydrates hold immense amounts of methane (
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On Alaska's northern coast, they met Native Alaskans dealing with melting permafrost and coastal erosion.
In addition, studies at the University of Alaska suggest that a warming of the permafrost by only 3 [degrees] C decreases its load-bearing capacity by up to 70 per cent.
The region is characterized by permafrost, and smectite and kaolinite are the common authigenic clay minerals in the soils.
Climate change and hazard zonation in the circum-Arctic permafrost regions.
Permafrost and infrastructure in the Arctic
Further paleoecological evidence for a lack of permafrost comes from the existence of some animals with small hooves, such as the saiga antelope.
In the early 1990s, 10 to 16% of the subgrade in the permafrost areas of the Baikal – Amur railroad line was deformed because of permafrost thawing; this increased to 46% in 1998.
Infrastructure and climate in the Arctic
Engineers are now telling the town that it could take up to three years for the permafrost under the arena to freeze back so that the thermal siphons can maintain it at that temperature.
Erosion woes in Shishmaref, an Inupiat village perched atop rapidly thawing coastal permafrost in northwestern Alaska, also pose a threat to nearby parkland, Stratton said.
Mudslides, Wildfires & Declining Wildlife Highlight Climate Change In Alaska
In areas of discontinuous permafrost, localized zones of discharge known as ‘taliks’ are present where the ground is unfrozen.
Thawing of permafrost soils can result in subsidence of the surface, thermokarst, and activation of freeze – thaw related processes such as solifluction.
Permafrost and infrastructure in the Arctic
But this dune isn't likely to be active anymore -- erosive processes have made the slip face on its far left side appear ragged, and the long shadowed cracks running along the dune's southern side away from the sun are probably caused by permafrost slowly deforming the dune.
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The “flip-side” of having large amounts of methane gas gradually escape the Arctic’s thawing permafrost is that some of it could eventually be harnessed to generate electricity.
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Important findings were the significance of permafrost in greatly reducing recharge during cold climates, and the development of increased transmissivity of the Chalk aquifer in the post-glacial period.
In permafrost regions, summer thaw produces meltwater, which is typically unable to infiltrate into the ground because of the ice-rich frozen soils found in permafrost.
The harder the material under the permafrost is, the larger the chamber charge required.
In particular, there is a need for intercomparison of permafrost models using the same input parameters and standardized measures for quantifying changes in permafrost boundaries.
Permafrost in the Arctic
The rest of the year what little soil there is on the surface is rock hard above permafrost.
And consideration of the impacts that climate change will have and how we can adapt to these changes requires work on topics such as permafrost stability and groundwater recharge.
Scientists have reconstructed the genome of an ancient human called Inuk from hair preserved in permafrost for 4,000 years - Articles related to Climate science in the spotlight may not be such a bad thing
Much of this zone is underlain by permafrost and is the most southern Subarctic barrens in the world.
The forest grows atop permafrost, a layer of soil that remains frozen year-round.
Temporal variations in the active layer and near-surface permafrost temperatures at the long-term observatories in Northern Alaska.
Arctic climate variability in the twentieth century
Rising average temperatures, for example, threaten to unlock long-frozen stores of carbon dioxide and methane -- at least 20 times as potent a greenhouse gas as CO2 -- from the region's permafrost.
The sub-arctic macroclimate of Hudson Bay with permafrost, salt water, strong winds, and a deep, long lasting snow cover affect the structure and dynamics of its coastal ecosystems more than land uplift, the effects of which are more obvious in the Kvarken Archipelago.
Kvarken Archipelago High Coast, Finland and Sweden
The cryosphere is a prominent feature of the Arctic, present as snow, ice sheets, glaciers, sea ice, and permafrost.
Introduction to Arctic climate~ Past and Present
Brad Arnold says: • There is an estimated 400 billion tons of methane trapped in permafrost ice. • An estimated 50% of surface permafrost will melt by 2050, and 90% by 2100. • Methane is more than 20 times as strong a greenhouse gas as CO2-the sudden release of just 35 billion tons of methane would be like doubling the CO2 in the air.
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On the Arctic Archipelago and the northern mainland is the tundra, with its mosses and lichen, permafrost, near-year-round snow cover, and ice fields.
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Other schemes: zapping the Martian permafrost with microwaves to extract water, mixing the water with Mars's claylike red dust to make bricks, turning the calcium and sulfur in the soil into gypsum.
The Stars Of Mars
Overall, a warmer climate is very likely to lead to a shift toward a more pluvial runoff regime as a greater proportion of the annual precipitation falls as rain rather than snow; the magnitude of the peak of spring snowmelt declines; thawing permafrost increases near-surface storage and reduces runoff peaks; and a more active groundwater system augments base flows.
Effects of climate change on general hydro-ecology in the Arctic
Permafrost distribution, zonation and stability along the eastern ranges of the Cordillera of North America.
Permafrost and infrastructure in the Arctic
This isn’t so preposterious a senario, because there is an est. 400 billion tons of methane locked up in permafrost ice, and an est. 10,000 billion tons of methane locked up in the ocean bottom.
Think Progress » Ask Obama and Daschle about global warming.
Loss of permafrost increases the potential for many northern shallow lotic systems to dry out from a warmer temperature regime.
Effects of climate change on general hydro-ecology in the Arctic
The hotel is built on an outcrop of bedrock - the only place in the area where the ground is not permafrost.
The dynamics of many of the lotic (river) and lentic (lake) environments in the Arctic are related to permafrost, and freezing can reduce or even halt the flow of rivers.
Arctic freshwater environments
Although not related to Prof Ryskin's "Methane Driven Oceanic Eruption", the clathrate gun hypothesis works on the basis that rises in sea temperatures can trigger the sudden release of methane from methane clathrate compounds buried in seabeds and permafrost.
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In tests in genuine greenhouses (which may of course not be good stand-ins for Siberia or the North Slope) the researchers found that warming things up failed to evince the expected, extra CO2 from a faux-polar but non-permafrosted soil biome.
Knight Science Journalism Tracker
The development and properties of subsea permafrost are largely dependent on the detailed history of postglacial relative sea level.
Permafrost in the Arctic
Such sorting, together with longer term permafrost degradation, movement of soils on slopes, and displacement by moving compacted snow and ice, exerts strong forces on plant roots.
Arctic environments north of the treeline
We are already beginning to see the likely effects of climate change: melting permafrost and the retreat of permanent icepacks.
If the permafrost farm is discovered because of thawing, then it doesn’t count, because it’s no longer permafrosted.
Gore Gored: Monckton replies – Round 2 « Climate Audit
At least one has been found that was permafrosted.
Monbiot v Monckton Round Two « Climate Audit
However, permafrost covered large northern areas and many habitats were fragmented and displaced southward.
These multimillennial thinkers are confident that copper canisters of Scandinavian design, tucked into that bedrock, will isolate the waste in an underground cavern impervious to whatever the future brings: sinking permafrost, rising water, earthquakes, copper-eating microbes, or oblivious land developers in the year 25 000.
Vox Verax
These self-organized patterns result from the effects of freezing and thawing on layers of stone and soil overlying permafrost.
In fact there is no way that Lee will ever admit to any permafrosted farm, because in doing so he would be admitting that there was a MWP, and a LIA.
Gore Gored: Monckton replies – Round 2 « Climate Audit
The ground would be permafrost, impossible to dig; and he couldn't anyway with his arm.
Permafrost, however, exists in (very northern) Finland not only in palsa bogs and peat hummocks (=”pounu” in Finnish) but also on some fjeld top areas (=”paljakka” in Finnish).
Predict future climate change! « Climate Audit
The temperature in the permafrost is rising in Alaska, northwest Canada, Siberia and Northern Europe.
Sea Ice Melting As Arctic Temperature Rises
He said three types of life forms are found in permafrost: active ones that eke out a living, forms in suspended anabiosis until things get better, and the ones that simply gave up and died.
Freeze-thaw processes play a key role in the development and maintenance of these peatlands by shaping the surface of the landscape, and the types that are exclusive to the Arctic - most notably polygon mires and palsa mires - are associated with permafrost.
Random graphic of the day: UNEP/GRID-Arendal Maps and Graphics Library
As the permafrost melts, the land loses its capacity to absorb water.
The ground is underlain by permafrost, a layer of soil that remains frozen throughout the year and that may extend deep into the earth (in Siberia, it has been reported at a depth of 4,757 feet).
A talik allows heat to build more quickly in the soil, hastening the long-term thaw of permafrost," says Lawrence.
Forest fires, mining, reindeer herding, and small-scale logging followed by little to no replanting of harvested trees, has caused much of the area to regenerate into pyrogenic tundra landscapes rather than forests due to the underlying permafrost layers.
Northeast Siberian taiga
At the Moscow conference, Anatoli Brouchkov, a permafrost expert at Moscow State University 'said that climate change is eroding the permafrost, the frozen soil layer essential for construction in the Russian Arctic "About 50 percent of the buildings in the Russian Far North are damaged," said Brouchkov.
Russians Take Another Look at Global Warming
The permafrosted ground was bored into with energy beams to a depth of 20 meters and metal uprights of a corresponding length were placed in the holes.
Plasma Monster
Increased snow and ice melt have caused higher rivers while thawing permafrost has wreaked havoc with roads and other infrastructure.
Most of the remainder comes from wetlands, gas hydrates, permafrost, and termites.
The permafrost below the topsoil is frozen all year around, and this prevents roots from penetrating deeply into the ground.
The fact is that the area obviously was farmable during the MWP, whereas until quite recently the farm was buried under permafrosted sand – presumably inoperable because of the permafrost, not the sand.
Gore Gored: Monckton replies – Round 2 « Climate Audit
Beyond affecting the humans and wildlife that call the area home, the Arctic's warmer temperatures and decreases in permafrost, snow cover, glaciers and sea ice also have wide-ranging consequences for the physical and biological systems in other parts of the world," NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco said in a statement.
Sea Ice Melting as Arctic Temperature Rises
The first option is to extract water from subsurface permafrost and use that water directly in a nuclear or solar steam rocket.
Alpine, or plateau, permafrost is found at high elevations in mountain regions throughout the world.
Its first priority is to identify where permafrost is present and where mudslides and rockfalls are likely as it melts under the effect of global warming.
In regions influenced by permafrost, water migrates along the thermal gradient from warm to cold, thereby feeding ice in the frozen core.
Also, special designs of roadbed through wetlands in permafrost terrain are required to protect the thermal regime in the underlying substrates.
Showing an admirable disregard for his personal safety as well as the instructions of police, Mr McGonigle fished the permafrosted pup from the pond.
The total freshwater discharge from the land area into the Arctic Ocean is the sum of river discharge into the ocean, glacier and ice sheet discharge, subsurface water flows (mainly from the freeze – thaw cycle in the active layer of permafrost soils), and groundwater flows.
Freshwater discharge in the Arctic
Russia's vast permafrost areas may shrink by a third by the middle of the century due to global warming, endangering infrastructure in the Arctic zone, an emergencies ministry official said Friday.
In this case, long-term thaw of the permafrost layer can be expected and cost-effective design strategies are currently unavailable.
Infrastructure and climate in the Arctic
The problem is that the winters had to have been cold enough to freeze and mummify the remains, and the summers warm enough to melt the permafrost and produce mudflows to bury the carcasses.
Can you provide some substantive evidence that there are no other ancient farms in currently permafrosted areas?
Monbiot v Monckton Round Two « Climate Audit
In some areas, thawing of permafrost will improve infiltration.
It's springtime in Siberia, where slumbering mammoths are emerging from melting permafrost.
The dynamics of many of the lotic (river) and lentic (lake) environments in the Arctic are related to permafrost, and freezing can reduce or even halt the flow of rivers.
Arctic freshwater environments
A species of bacterium locked in Alaskan permafrost for 32,000 years woke up and started swimming as soon as its medium melted.
In many high mountains regions, permafrost may be present.
These climates introduced permafrost and cold-climate weathering products to river systems.