How To Use Perjury In A Sentence

  • Lord McLuskey says they manufacture false confessions, plant evidence and commit perjury.
  • Stokton, a fishmonger, Thomas Yong, a saddler, and Robert Jakes, a shearman — all of whom had more than once been convicted of perjury, and on that account been struck off inquests — had contrived to get themselves replaced on the panel, and had been the chief movers in the recent actions against the late mayor and other officers of the city. London and the Kingdom - Volume I
  • Congressional Democrats have resisted impeachment considerations, recalling the acrimonious division when a Republican Congress impeached Bill Clinton in 1998 for perjury and obstruction of justice to cover up his affair with Monica Lewinsky. Bush's Disapproval Hits Rare Heights; Only Nixon and Truman Scored Worse
  • Two key witnesses at her trial committed perjury.
  • All three elements of perjury [1). belief in falsity, 2). under oath, affirmation or penalty of perjury, and 3). materiality] are matters for a jury to determine. The Volokh Conspiracy » Not the Best Way to Inspire Confidence
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  • Mental Reservation" Church Doctrine and Freedom of Religion NEVER included sex abuse crimes, failures to report, obstructions of justice, perjury in any way, shape or form and/or free passes for sexual predators employed by religious institutions to roam churches, schools andpublic forums without accountability, andNEVER will! Clergy Sex Abuse-TAKE CORRECTIVE ACTION!
  • Penalty of perjury Applicants are also asked to sign an affidavit attesting to the accuracy of the information under penalty of perjury.
  • We need to determine the timing of the drug test and what was found in his system to understand whether perjury is an issue here. - Palmeiro, baseball won't fight Congress
  • See Mapp and its progeny. (also, the “cruel trilemma” of perjury, self-accusation or contempt of court mentioned in Andreson). Waldo Jaquith - Albemarle’s useless DUI checkpoint.
  • I have evidence of perjury and the perversion of the course of justice and misfeasance in public office.
  • I'm nostalgic for the days when perjury was an impeachable offense.
  • Another antique rule provided that a corporation could not be indicted for a felony like perjury.
  • Mercury rules the animal spirit and is the author of subtlety, tricks, devices, and perjury.
  • Kilpatrick was charged with perjury and other counts for allegedly lying under oath. That's after he denied he and a former aide had an affair.
  • It's true that perjury charges can in some cases amount to ‘gotchas’, prosecutions brought for minor misstatements or possible lapses of memory.
  • She has now withdrawn this claim, leaving her open to possible prosecution for perjury.
  • We are XXX Co. , Ltd. legally represented by Mr. XX with full corporate and responsibility authority under penalty of perjury , confirm to be ready.
  • Christian will be so irreligious, to bring up his son in that course of life, which by all probability and necessity, cogit ad turpia, enforcing to sin, will entangle him in simony and perjury, when as the poet said, Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Gardaí to investigate Sargent letters, O'Dea perjury claim Sargent acted 'honourably' | 24/02/2010 Breaking News
  • Besides, there is no king, be his cause never so spotless, if it come to the arbitrement of swords, can try it out with all unspotted soldiers: some peradventure have on them the guilt of premeditated and contrived murder; some, of beguiling virgins with the broken seals of perjury; some, making the wars their bulwark, that have before gored the gentle bosom of peace with pillage and robbery. The Life of King Henry the Fifth
  • Two key witnesses at her trial committed perjury.
  • He could now be extradited to face perjury charges. The Sun
  • The man was acquitted but the young women were charged with perjury.
  • At present perjury proceedings are difficult and complex in such instances.
  • Perjury, oppression, subornation, fraud, panderism, and the like infirmities, were amongst the most excusable arts they had to mention, and for these I gave, as it was reasonable, great allowance. Gulliver's Travels
  • But Congressional investigations of baseball stars have longer news cycles in Washington than the latest trade-imbalance reports, and perjury is not trivial. Today, we're not talking about ... that guy
  • The DMCA allows copyright owners to file a "takedown notice" with a service provider such as YouTube, provided that the copyright owner swears under penalty of perjury that he or she owns the copyright in question ( "I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner of an exclusive right that is infringed"). Boing Boing
  • Reno's boss, a perjurer, suborner of perjury, obstructor of justice (when is that disbarment hearing?), set the stage for government violence against Elian's relatives. Compassionate Liberalism
  • The threat of indictment for perjury, however, appears to have refreshed his memory.
  • And are formal charges now going to be laid against the officer concerned, or are perjury and attempts to pervert the course of justice only crimes when done without colour of law?
  • I state, under penalty of perjury, that the information contained in this notice is accurate and that i am the copyright and intellectual property owner of the infringed work. The Giant Crystal Caves of Naica
  • He could now be extradited to face perjury charges. The Sun
  • That trial proceeded, I prosecuted, and the jury duly convicted him of perjury.
  • Having a premier who controls the media and puts soldiers on the streets while the police are rounding up immigrants and Gypsies is less embarrassing than having to hold a general election once a fortnight; even if that premier loses the immunity from legal prosecution he gave himself and ends up being dragged through the courts and convicted for perjury snd corruption. Archive 2009-10-01
  • Yet neither is every kind of beggary an occasion of theft and perjury, as Solomon seems to add Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • He will have served half of his four year sentence when he is released on parole after being jailed at the Old Bailey two years ago for perjury and perverting the course of justice.
  • Kilpatrick and his former chief of staff, Christine Beatty, are fating perjury charges for allegedly lying in court about an affair. CNN Transcript Mar 24, 2008
  • This could be construed as suborning perjury, a crime.
  • I know that perjury is a threat to the republic bad but torture is ok. Matthew Yglesias » Conservatives’ Unhinged Attacks on Nancy Pelosi
  • They tried to persuade her to commit perjury.
  • The more time one spends with Armstrong, however, the more one suspects that the focus of his fury is not the implication that he tried to suborn Cogut's perjury.
  • Over the prison phone, he'd been coaching his alibi witness to commit perjury, so he had to explain the general setup inside a courtroom.
  • He is being investigated for allegations including perjury and plunder.
  • We find imprecations against people who break laws, defile a sanctuary, commit perjury, or pollute a grave, amongst other things.
  • And I said, the congressman himself who knows this thing is false, is asking you to suborn perjury?
  • On its face, "points to make in an affidavit" is what lawyers call subornation of perjury. Clinton And The Intern
  • It is possible that the prejudice which has always existed against the money-lender may have encouraged Beli-litu to commit her act of dishonesty and perjury. Babylonians and Assyrians, Life and Customs
  • But perjury is not a legitimate tool of their trade.
  • So can I. You didn't suborn perjury because I didn't testify in my own defense. ROUGH JUSTICE
  • _ If it be yet objected, that the members of parliament have, at one time or other, sworn to preserve the laws; and therefore to swear to endeavour the extirpation of prelacy, which is established by law, is to contradict their own oath and run the hazard of perjury: it is easy for any one to observe and answer. The Covenants And The Covenanters Covenants, Sermons, and Documents of the Covenanted Reformation
  • Clark has a long history of accusation of unethical acts from suborning perjury to driving under the influence of marijuana.
  • Responsibility entailed either committing the perjury himself; or suborning the perjury; or permitting the court to act on evidence that he knew to have been perjured even though he had not suborned it.
  • It is a criminal offence of perjury and it is punishable by imprisonment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The noble lord spends most of his time alone and prefers not to talk about the four-year sentence he received for perjury.
  • You have committed embracery, theft, arson, perjury, adultery, murder -- every crime in the calendar and every excess known to the sensual and depraved, including my learned friend, the District Attorney. The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 8 Epigrams, On With the Dance, Negligible Tales
  • And indeed, they could have nailed him on perjury because he did, in fact, perjure himself when asked under oath where he got the bugging equipment. Nixon's Failed Attempts At 'Poisoning The Press'
  • There was no reason to believe Wu would destroy evidence in the case or suborn perjury, the court said.
  • They collude, have unlimited access to finance, and bring witnesses who are coached to commit perjury.
  • I'd note that "Bart" here, after complaining so long and so mightily about the "ad hominem" of Dowd and the lack of specifics, slings around the "perjury! perjury!" cowflop with nary a supporting argument (and even against the weight of undisuted events such as the failure of even the impeachment on the second "perjury" article). Balkinization
  • He is being tried for the nonbailable charge of economic plunder as well as perjury, illegal use of an alias and graft.
  • Soon after his death, propagandists began to construct a myth of Scrope as a latter-day Thomas Becket, martyred for his exposure of Henry IV's perjury, regicide and tyrannical rule.
  • There some posters on Arrse who would find it difficult to put "telluric" on any form withour committing fraud/perjury/whatever. Army Rumour Service
  • Aside from plunder, Estrada has also been charged with illegal use of an alias, perjury and graft and corruption, which are all bailable offenses.
  • The specific charges of fabricating evidence in our criminal law are as follows: crime of perjury, crime of a defender or an agent ad litem fabricating evidence.
  • Also, we hereby state, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that we are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the exclusive rights being infringed as set forth in this notification. MediaSentry operates in Australia: confirmed
  • So the bill legitimises perjury and it legitimises breaches of the Oaths and Declarations Act.
  • It is right that the former butler, pictured, should be extradited to face charges of perjury. The Sun
  • Not only is this perjury, a prosecutable offense, but if MERS was never the title holder, there is nothing to assign. Ellen Brown: Homeowners' Rebellion: Could 62 Million Homes Be Foreclosure-Proof?
  • "Nay, sir," cries Dowling, "I would not have your worship think I would, on any account, be guilty of subornation of perjury; but there are two ways of delivering evidence."
  • Every person who, by willful perjury or subornation of perjury procures the conviction and execution of any innocent person, is punishable by death or life imprisonment without possibility of parole.
  • But what I find mystifying is why the Attorney General and the people at the Justice Department and the White House risk charges of perjury and contempt of Congress by trying to cover up their political motives behind the firings. Loyal Bushies
  • Therefore, they claim, the "mushier" charges of perjury, falsifying statements, and obstruction are essentially baseless. The GOP on PlameGate: Deny, Rationalize, Change
  • A Los Angeles jury convicted him of forgery, attempted grand theft, and perjury.
  • OK, so then where's the subornation of perjury if somebody handed you an affidavit and said if it's not true, make changes or deletions?
  • Nominees may not perjure themselves, of course, but nothing in Roberts 'testimony along these lines can fairly be characterized as perjury. Rep. Peter DeFazio Investigating Impeachment For Chief Justice John Roberts
  • So can I. You didn't suborn perjury because I didn't testify in my own defense. ROUGH JUSTICE
  • Your Honour, the prosecution witnesses committed perjury throughout the whole trial.
  • Offences included perjury, harassment, theft and indecent exposure. The Sun
  • He has a long history of accusation of unethical acts from suborning perjury to driving under the influence of marijuana.
  • At least three of the 11 counts against Luis Posada Carriles - obstruction of justice in a terrorism investigation, immigration fraud and perjury - accuse him of lying to immigration officials about never having a Guatemalan passport and using the alias Manuel Enrique Castillo Lopez. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Please quote the statement that perjury is not a felony. Matthew Yglesias » Breitbart on Podesta
  • Penalty of perjury Applicants are also asked to sign an affidavit attesting to the accuracy of the information under penalty of perjury.
  • The Progressive Democrats said his comments amounted to a charge of perjury against their leader.
  • It seems to me that we would be looking at the possibility of perjury (Freshwater) and/or subornation of perjury (Hamilton). Freshwater: Verrrry interesting - The Panda's Thumb
  • He can trapan a Jephthah into a vow and solemn oath, and then bind him, under fear of perjury, to perform it by an horrid and unhuman murder. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
  • “Smith, Jones, et al. were indicted for perjury”, then the forms would be et alii, et aliae, and et alia respectively. The Volokh Conspiracy » Latin Phrases Law Students Should Know, But Likely Don’t:
  • But two thirds of the American people say that, if indeed the President of the United States committed perjury, subornation of perjury, tampering with witnesses, and committed a series of sexual indiscretions that it should make no difference because the country is doing so well. Geneva College Commencement Address
  • And that's obstruction of justice, that's suborning perjury, and that's our case in California.
  • However, they still have a statement under the “threat of perjury” that the registrant is a practicing attorney in those countries. 2009 January : Law is Cool
  • He then became a city zoning consultant but was charged with perjury in 1983 although he was acquitted at trial. Times, Sunday Times
  • His perjury has now been completely expiated, and is very unlikely to recur.
  • That the prosecutor knew his witness was committing perjury appeared obvious to Dalzell.
  • Two key witnesses at her trial committed perjury.
  • He worked his passage as a coaler, and was passed at Ellis Island through the perjury of one of the bosses who wring money out of the immigrants in the way of commissions, getting control of them by the criminal act at the very entrance into Aliens or Americans?
  • That trial proceeded, I prosecuted, and the jury duly convicted him of perjury.
  • forswear," they must relate to perjury, and if to perjury, then to a civil oath, or to an oath, where an appeal is made to God by man, as to something relating to himself. A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume 3
  • He got nailed, convicted on all three counts: grand theft, forgery and perjury.
  • The disgraced peer could now face perjury charges. The Sun
  • The system can require an oath in criminal court and enforce penalties for perjury.
  • It wasn't about Tony Page's "cottaging", so much as his conviction for perjury. Janestheone
  • He was found guilty of perjury and perverting the course of justice in relation to this case.
  • The allegations resulting in the perjury trial forced him to quit the candidacy, and he was subsequently expelled from the party for five years.
  • On 2 September 1997 he applied for an order to commit Mr Rabinowicz to prison for ‘perjury, and misleading the court’.
  • She oughtnt to be put in the position of having either to give him away or commit perjury. The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet
  • A lawyer must help his client to put on as strong a case as possible, but a lawyer may not suborn perjury.
  • It was about obstruction of justice, subornation of perjury, witness tampering.
  • The compurgator slides into the witness and the juryman, bringing with him the oath on the Bible and trial for perjury, and the feed champion of the Church into the patron. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 22. October, 1878.
  • It is right that the former butler, pictured, should be extradited to face charges of perjury. The Sun
  • The bill legalises perjury, and that is something we find to be offensive.
  • Curley and Schultz each face up to seven years and a $15,000 fine if convicted of perjury, a third-degree felony. Child Sex-Abuse Case Rocks Penn State
  • “So you may wish to reconsider your testimony,” Giles told her, “remembering that lying to the court is called perjury and is a crime for which you can be prosecuted.” How to Woo a Reluctant Lady
  • Set aside all the blah-blah about whether he should be indicting people for perjury.
  • The testimony of Captain Shehan was the sheerest perjury, it being proved long afterward that on the night in question he had not only not been in the vicinity of the murder, but that he had been out of the city in a resort on the San Leandro Road. THE ENEMY OF ALL THE WORLD
  • They tried to persuade her to commit perjury.
  • A conviction obtained by fraud or perjury by a witness will be quashed.
  • The basis of this action was forgery, fraud and perjury on the part of IAC.
  • Other panelists then joined in discussing whether, if true, this would suggest a perjury rap for him.
  • He was charged with perjury, pleaded guilty and in 1999 was sentenced to a concurrent term of imprisonment of three years. Times, Sunday Times
  • BTW, actual falsity is not required for a perjury conviction under 18 USC § 1621. The Volokh Conspiracy » Not the Best Way to Inspire Confidence
  • The potential perjury obstruction of justice and suborning a witness is a sideshow?
  • charges of litigiousness and widespread perjury
  • He seems to be echoing one of the latest GOP talking points that Fitzgerald should only indict on the original charge of a possible criminal breach of the 1982 law prohibiting the revealing CIA agents 'identities rather than on the "mushier" kinds of indictments for perjury, obstruction of justice or revealing classified information ... Fantasies of an Honest Opponent Hinder Liberal Response to Republican Machine
  • Perjury is a felony; felons are not only disqualified from holding public office, they can't vote.
  • He previously served two years for perjury and passport fraud. The Sun
  • When the suit collapsed Aitken was charged with perjury, for which he served a seven-month jail term.
  • The duchess's chief failing seems to me an inability even to spell perjury.
  • Aitken was jailed for perjury and perverting the course of justice after his failed libel action against the Guardian and Granada Television.
  • I have evidence of perjury and the perversion of the course of justice and misfeasance in public office.
  • Physicians known to be guilty of gross negligence are allowed to continue to practice. Lawyers who obviously suborn perjury are not disbarred.
  • He was convicted of forgery, attempted theft and perjury and will be sentenced on September 15
  • This witness has committed perjury and no reliance can be placed on her evidence.
  • There was an inquiry, I think, because he was then subsequently convicted of perjury.
  • He should be brought back from America to answer perjury charges in a British court. The Sun
  • On June 27, Estrada was arraigned for the lesser charge of perjury.
  • One of those cases saw him being acquitted of suborning perjury.
  • (That was the time when the juror heard Mr. Saunders say the word perjury and she had to represent to the judge that she could disregard having heard that word ....) Pellicano Trial: A Possible Mistrial As Jury Sent Home
  • He is facing a string of charges ranging from perjury to economic plunder, a crime that carries the death penalty or life in prison.
  • In accordance with California Code of Civil Procedure 2015.5: I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.
  • The defence witnesses were found guilty of perjury.
  • Every person who, by willful perjury or subornation of perjury procures the conviction and execution of any innocent person, is punishable by death or life imprisonment without possibility of parole.
  • They alleged two of the requisite material elements [and elided a bit the difference between false statements and lies], but totally ignored the third mandatory element (for some reason; my suspicion is that they knew that they could not show this third one or even reasonable allege it, and hoped people were either ignorant of perjury law or not paying attention). The Volokh Conspiracy » Jonathan Rauch on David Frum on the Conservative Movement
  • to prove subordination of perjury you must prove the perjury and also prove that the perjured statement was procured by the accused suborner who knew that it would be false
  • They were also routinely involved with much that would later fall within the remit of secular government, through their concern with such issues as the laws of marriage, the administration of wills, and perjury.
  • In any case, I think the lies from above that perjury is not a felony has been demolished. Matthew Yglesias » Breitbart on Podesta
  • All is governed by the plea bargain system, the wholesale extortion and subornation of perjury in exchange for immunity or a reduced sentence. Conrad Black: Time's Fatuous and Egregious Coverage of Wall Street Prosecutor
  • He could now face perjury charges. The Sun
  • That is, he might have felt that not only might he be charged with suborning perjury if he put her on the stand, he might actually be suborning perjury.
  • And he should avoid the word knowingly, which Barry Bonds scattered about in his federal grand jury testimony with the hope — ultimately futile — of skirting a perjury indictment. A Meeting of Aging Lions

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