How To Use Periscope In A Sentence
The driver is equipped with three forward periscopes plus one periscope to the left.
Closer examination revealed a pair of compound eyes mounted on movable stalks, protruding from a burrow and rotating independently, like the periscopes of a submarine.
He also made the submarine commander glare through the periscope with his right eye so that it could be seen more easily.
One idea that remained on paper only was to train seagulls to land on periscopes at sea thus giving away the position of a submarine!
In a series of pictures captured on the periscope's camera, the bear apparently chewed on the rudder, then batted it around.
All morning they made their way southeastwards down the strait between Canada and the United States, taking continuous bearings through the periscope, keeping a running plot at the chart table and altering course many times.
On The Beach
Looks like a mirror only, of course, it's not a mirror, it's a U-boat's periscope reflecting the sun.
The cork floated on the surface, its quill upright like the periscope of a submarine.
The sub was at periscope depth for an estimated two minutes, performing scans at 60-foot and then 58-foot depths.
Another classic application of the field lens is in a periscope or endoscope.
The ice-cold eyes of Ben Adnam somewhere beneath the periscope.
As you descend, your first sight of the submarine will be a selection of masts and periscopes rising from the conning tower.
They rushed at the periscopes in efforts to ram the submarine, and as they raced over the spot where the submarine had been at the rate of twenty-two knots or more an hour, they dropped huge containers, dubbed "ash cans", containing depth charges of trinitrotoluol.
History of the World War An Authentic Narrative of the World's Greatest War
His periscope legs are wrapped in trousers sufficiently tight for any prospective tailors to note that he dresses to the left.
Their compound eyes look like a periscope of a submarine and allow the lobster to see images in a mosaic pattern.
As the vessel dives to the bottom of the ocean, look through the periscope and portholes to see the surrounding seascapes.
Closer examination revealed a pair of compound eyes mounted on movable stalks, protruding from a burrow and rotating independently, like the periscopes of a submarine.
The commander has seven optical periscopes which provide 360° observation and a dedicated sight for weapon aiming.
The system uses a masthead antenna array with omnidirectional and monopulse directional antennae and a separate periscope warning antenna.
The cork floated on the surface, its quill upright like the periscope of a submarine.
But Traveller's expression was grim; he inspected through his periscope the damage his craft had suffered.
It features opening panels, removable arms, 8 pieces of accessories including utility saw, periscope scanner, mechanical gripper and more.
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Since mines don't emit sounds, produce heat, make transient sounds or poke periscopes through the surface of the water to attack their prey, minemen have to look for shapes.
When I started circuit work that periscope, completely forgotten during the flight, made me jump just before touchdown.
The retractable masts viewed from bow to stern are the periscopes, radar antennae, radio and satellite communications and navigation masts.
The CH85 attack periscope incorporates a monocular optical system and an infrared system.
Periscopes are used in submarines to allow you to look above the surface of the water.
Hatches are intact, periscope housings in place, propeller-shafts and control rods stick out of the stern alongside intact hydroplanes and rudder.
Start by attaching the flexible vent from vent-connection kit to the periscope vent, using the band clamps in the kit.
This self-governing Australian external territory juts out, like a green volcanic periscope that has risen in mid-ocean for a look-see, approximately half way between Australia and New Zealand.
The captain of a submarine is shown observing through the periscope a broken-backed merchantman, torpedoed fair amidships and sinking by the bow, with the complacent rhyme.
Looks like a mirror only, of course, it's not a mirror, it's a U-boat 's periscope reflecting the sun.
To see above and below the water, mudskippers pop their movable eyes out of the water and move them up and down like a submarine periscope.
Now he craned back his neck and peered into his periscope.
Primitive periscopes, made from long wooden boxes with mirrors, were arranged so that an observer could look over the rim of the trench without getting hit by a sniper's bullet.
There was the conning tower with the periscope easily identifiable inside; there were the access hatches.
Depending on weather, sea state and our selected altitude, we can ‘see’ a weekend fisherman in his tinnie, a pod of leaping dolphins or a submarine's periscope, far beyond our binocular-assisted visual range.
The principle of the periscope is the same as that of the "busybody," familiar to householders, and which is placed on the sill of an upper window, so that a person inside the house may see who is at the front door.
Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights
The gunner's station is equipped with gunner's main sight, three periscopes and a visual display unit.
Although cramped and uncomfortable, these boats were fine examples of engineering, with most of the features to be found on normal-sized boats, including a periscope.
Beside us, a Forward Air Controller uses a powerful periscope to pinpoint enemy targets over the sandbagged rim of the observation post.
At the outbreak of the war, he had been on another vessel going from London to New York and he recalled the unquiet nights, the days of anxious vigilance, searching the sea and the atmosphere, fearing from one moment to another the appearance of a periscope upon the waters, or the electric warning of a steamer torpedoed by the submarine.
Mare Nostrum (Our Sea) A Novel
The commander has a periscopic day sight, a television monitor displaying the image from the gunner's thermal sight and six unity vision periscopes.
His dad was watching TV, sitting in that periscope stoop of his, crookback, like he might tumble into the rug.
The gun was set to fire automatically and was controlled from the periscope.
The system uses a masthead antenna array with omnidirectional and monopulse directional antennae and a separate periscope warning antenna.
He sees one flowerless stalk periscope up from the plant.
Human lookouts are used to detect submarine periscopes.
When disturbed, they dive headfirst under water, or they sink slowly into the water until only their heads are above water, like submarine periscopes.
The driver's compartment is equipped with three observation periscopes.
But the series has a solid fanbase – and beyond that are no doubt many gamers who like the idea of plodding across America in a massive steel beast, with temperamental cohorts at your side, with enemies to turn to cannon fodder mush, with Kinect controls that let you ram down a periscope or jam a pair of metallic legs into gear.10-15 years ago, this kind of esoteric Japapanese treat was much more common on Western release schedules.
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The submarine is equipped with a Kollmorgen search-and-attack periscope.
Visitors can try out a submariner's bunk, learn how to control the boat as it dives, look through the periscope, detect underwater sounds on a hydrophone, climb into a mock conning tower and operate an escape chamber.