How To Use Perineum In A Sentence
Necrotising fasciitis can affect any part of the body but the extremities, the perineum, and the truncal areas are the most commonly involved.
As the top of the baby's head begins to appear, pant or blow (do not push), and apply very gentle counterpressure to your perineum to keep the head from popping out suddenly.
In the middle line of the posterior part of the perineum and about 4 cm. in front of the tip of the coccyx is the anal orifice.
XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 9. Surface Anatomy of the Perineum
A perineum on which forceps are used may be thought of more like a mechanical fulcrum than a genital area.
It may radiate along the inguinal ligament, perineum and rectus muscles.

If a patient pass blood and clots in his urine, and have strangury, and if a pain seize the hypogastric region and perineum, the parts about the bladder are affected.
Moreover , obesity can also lead to hyperhidrosis perineum, vulvitis, eczema and dermatitis thigh root of the friction.
We say all the birth words: ‘placenta, meconium, vernix, perineum, bilirubin.’
Orthopaedic liaison nurses swabbed all patients (nose, perineum, and any skin lesions) in the community for MRSA and methicillin sensitive Staphylococcus aureus.
Scrub downward over the vulva and perineum beginning over the pubic area and ending in the anal area; discard the sponge after going over the anus.
The perineal area includes the pubis, vulva, labia, perineum, anus, and adjacent area, including the inner aspects of the upper third of the thighs.
In their descent, the testes may become lodged in the perineum, inguinal canal, or abdomen.
Fistulas commonly extend from the rectal sac to the perineum or genital tract in a female, or to the urinary tract in a male.
The head is at or on the perineum, and the sagittal suture is in the AP plane or rotated up to 45 degrees.
The search revealed that "grundle" can refer to, yes, the perineum (acc. to Wikipedia), a brand of software, a certain Canadian painter, and a British rock band known for "harmony-laden, catchy songs, with an experimental backdrop of breakbeats and jangly guitars.
Month of sundays
-- In children the condition known as imperforate anus may sometimes be remedied by exploratory operations in the perineum, guided by the protrusion caused by the distended intestine.
A Manual of the Operations of Surgery For the Use of Senior Students, House Surgeons, and Junior Practitioners
The diagnosis of imperforate anus is made by inspection of the perineum.
These fasciæ are closely related to one another and to the deep fascia of the perineum, and in addition have special connections with the fibrous coverings of the pelvic viscera; it is customary therefore to describe them together under the term pelvic fascia.
IV. Myology. 6e. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Pelvis
The nurse performs a sterile skin prep extending from the patient's lower back area to his or her sacrum and perineum using povidone iodine scrub and paint.
Although you'll have an anaesthetic when the stitching is done, it can add to the bruising of your vaginal area and perineum.
The perineal area includes the pubis, vulva, labia, perineum, anus, and adjacent area, including the inner aspects of the upper third of the thighs.
This will protect the perineum and assist in extension of the head as the vertex passes the symphysis.
In first-degree uterine prolapse, the cervix is visible when the perineum is depressed.
A retroverted uterus, a lacerated perineum, such minor difficulties as flat feet, such major ones as valvular disease of the heart, are causes of ill health to be ruled out before "nervousness" (or its medical equivalents) is to be diagnosed.
The Nervous Housewife
Women acuteness wet wart in the clitoris, the size of the labia minora and perianal, perineum, vagina, and cervical also can emerge.
Recent research shows that if your midwife takes a ‘hands on’ approach, putting pressure on the baby's head and guarding the perineum, you are slightly more likely to have tears or an episiotomy.
A seat that's too narrow will place your weight on the soft tissue between your sit bones - for men, on the perineum where the penile nerves and blood vessels are located.
Eventually, yogis learn to isolate the perineum, a key area of sexual pleasure for both men and women.
Many people mistakenly believe that the abdominal prep should be done before the perineal prep because the abdomen is considered cleaner than the perineum.
Women who had a planned section (not having had one before) will have less perineal pain (the perineum is the area between your legs) and less risk of vaginal bleeding after the baby is born.
Dr Dillner's health dilemmas: should I have a caesarean section?