
How To Use Perilous In A Sentence

  • It was a perilous situation. THE GUARDSMEN
  • We came perilously close to a situation in which newspapers would have stopped carrying racecards.
  • We are appalled at the perilous state of the farming and fishing industries.
  • Most English historians were cured of such flatulent emotion by the carnage of the first world war, the desolation of the great slump and the perilously tight margin of victory in the second world war.
  • But when the distances are longer and the borders tougher, the journeys become much more perilous.
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  • Juliet McMaster explores how in juvenilia in general the presence of "sexual knowingness in a child, especially a girl" is usually met with "resistance": "[w] riting and doing it are seen as perilously close, although the same assumption would not apply in the case of subjects less loaded" ( "Virginal Representations" 304-5, close window 'Pleasure is now, and ought to be, your business': Stealing Sexuality in Jane Austen's _Juvenilia_
  • Jack, an outcast and drifter himself, feels a connection with the tinkers and takes the job which, in turn, takes Taylor to perilous places within and without.
  • But failure to create a viable land settlement was politically perilous.
  • Removing from office a volunteer of long standing can be a perilous action. Christianity Today
  • Although fairly common now, the great egret came perilously close to extinction at the hands of the hat trade at the beginning of the twentieth century; egret plumes were deemed a fashion accessory.
  • As they scuffled, a foot struck the lantern, pushing it perilously close to the edge. End of Time
  • He had immediately made the perilous journey - just to see to my funeral!
  • Bohr may be thought to have got perilously close to this when he suggested that complementarity could shed light on the age-old question of determinism and free will in relation to human nature.
  • My hostess is a spry 81-year-old sporting a perilous arrangement of blue-tinted hair which hints at her past as proprietor of a West End salon called Lilian's.
  • Their art treads a perilous tightrope and I think they've just fallen off.
  • A wolf spider treads perilously on the rim of a South American pitcher plant, perhaps looking to prey on insects drawn to the plant's strong nectar scent.
  • A puff of smoke from behind a distant rock, the boom of a jezail, and Desmond fell beside the Boy, stunned by a well-aimed shot on the edge of the cheek-bone, the slug glancing off perilously close to the right eye. Captain Desmond, V.C.
  • It was a perilous undertaking to climb a walnut tree, for the limbs began to grow high up and the trunk was covered with a rough bark, hence the name shagbark; to shin up, and still more to descend, was apt to make patches or a new seat to your trousers your mother's evening work after you had gone to bed. Confessions of Boyhood
  • The sexual revolution has swept up young adults in a perilous tailspin.
  • Now, though I am never a hoarder of my pay, because it doth ill to bear a charge about one in these perilous times, yet I always have (and I would advise you to follow my example) some odd gold chain, or bracelet, or carcanet, that serves for the ornament of my person, and can at need spare Quentin Durward
  • In between the two though there is a perilous journey, for us as much as for the robin. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, of all the alleged verities, putting faith in a trainer's predictions for a chinny fighter whom bookies rate a 9-2 underdog against a 1-8 counter-punching genius is as perilous a challenge to logic and the fates as exists in sport. Floyd Mayweather Jr v Victor Ortiz - as it happened | Steve Busfield
  • California, the world's sixth largest economy and home to booming Silicon Valley, had come perilously close to brown-outs on Thursday.
  • The travel back wasn't nearly as perilous as the travel into the forest.
  • During the perilous expedition through jungle and across high altitudes, the group encounters tribes of headhunters and cannibals, observing and filming their rituals and ceremonies.
  • The journey through the jungle was perilous.
  • The jibes that he was nothing more than a gaffe-prone, tub-thumping populist hurt because they were perilously close to the truth.
  • Such is the importance of first qualifying under the new aggregated system that he was forced to keep pushing, but as the track became increasingly perilous during his out-lap, the car aquaplaned and hit the wall at turn eight.
  • She promised to climb up the perilous peak along with us the next day,but she chickened out at the last moment.
  • A realistic life-sized mouse may be seen in one place, just as if it had run out to inspect the work; and the numbers of little tipsy "putti" who disport themselves in all attitudes, in perilous positions on narrow ledges, are full of merry humour. Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages A Description of Mediaeval Workmanship in Several of the Departments of Applied Art, Together with Some Account of Special Artisans in the Early Renaissance
  • After a while, the trio finally got underway and started their perilous journey.
  • That power brought settlers on perilous journeys, inspired colonies to rebellion, and set our Nation against the tyrannies of the 20th century.
  • Not recognising the deeper motives of those commitments, pinning it all on wonder, is dangerous because it disinclines one to recognise those mechanisms at play in secular - isms like totalitarian ideologies or — most perilously of all, to my mind — scientistic rationalism. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • Karpov, the champion, came perilously close to losing.
  • It hovers perilously close to cheesy at times (think animal prints and acres of marble), but it positively reeks of a bygone era.
  • He would willingly raid into the Scotch lowlands; but his courage failed him at the border, and he regarded England as a perilous, unhomely land. Memories and Portraits
  • Mr Hornby, a bombardier in the Royal Artillery during the Second World War, was ordered on a perilous mission while acting as a dispatch rider in Italy.
  • It can avoid the diseases happening in perilous family by the way of genetic counseling, which can distinguish hereditary disease and imhereditary disease.
  • The northern half of the island is a mountain range covered with jungle, to which a perilous beach road nervously clings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Learning without thought is labour lost; thought without learning is perilous
  • My progress through the foggy night was perilous in the extreme. THE LAST OF THE GENTLEMEN ADVENTURERS: Coming of Age in the Arctic
  • And thus they went so long till that they came to the Siege Perilous, where they found letters newly written of gold which said: Four hundred winters and four and fifty accomplished after the passion of our Lord Jesu Christ ought this siege to be fulfilled. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • A perilous leap to the edge was followed by a difficult scramble over slimy rock faces.
  • There is perilously little room for manoeuvre in the group but the stage is set.
  • The war risked setting off a perilous chain reaction that would endanger the whole world.
  • With Aintree announcing record attendances once again for its Grand National meeting, it seems hard to imagine that the famous steeplechase was perilously close to being axed as recently as the 1970s.
  • After a perilous homeward journey he reached England in 1774, only to encounter serious doubts about the validity of his discoveries.
  • The conflicting images of Francoise warred in me: the sweet face which had become, during our perilous ANTI-ICE
  • On a suburban street where drifts of red and gold leaves line the green lawns, a car is lurching perilously - nearly missing a boy on a bike, sideswiping another car.
  • Within these limits, however, empty spaces were not terra incognita, which is what some scholars have assumed the blanks on colonial maps represented; they were not perilous "margins and thresholds," "reminders of the failure of knowledge and hence the tenuousness of possession. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • I was worried that the wind and water would take me in a south-westerly direction and I would therefore have to pass perilously close to 50 miles of coastline.
  • The house lager was, again, delicious, just a bit on the malty side, and perilously drinkable.
  • There are some perilously funny exchanges about sleeping with other people. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the day grew longer and faded into night, the party continued on their perilous journey, marching through the mist filled forests.
  • Also, if you want to try to relive current UO like it kidna was, why not play on Siege Perilous? Ultima Online R.I.P.
  • Aided by a protective teenage Waterbender named Katara (Nicola Peltz) and her bull-headed brother Sokka, Aang proceeds on a perilous journey to restore balance to their war-torn world. The Last Airbender Movie Trailer #3 | /Film
  • Left to take its chances in the perilous game of Russian roulette. The Sun
  • They were perilously close to the edge of the precipice.
  • For all of his insights into our geopolitical situation and his monitions about the perilous path we're on, when one reads the two books in tandem, the effect is one of moral numbness.
  • That oughtest thou to know and no man better, said the good man, for thou knewest the daughter of king Pelles fleshly, and on her thou begattest Galahad, and that was he that at the feast of Pentecost sat in the Siege Perilous; and therefore make thou it known openly that he is one of thy begetting on King Pelles’ daughter, for that will be your worship and honour, and to all thy kindred. Chapter IV. The Fifteenth Book. How the Hermit Expounded to Sir Launcelot His Vision, and Told Him That Sir Galahad Was His Son
  • For mothers and children, the situation is even more perilous.
  • Despite world pube supplies being at a perilous low, one singular offending hair survived current genital fashions for waxed baldness, provoking inter-landlandy armageddon on Three In A Bed Thu, 8pm, Channel 4. Grace Dent's TV OD: Three In A Bed
  • My position was the more perilous because that very admiral happened to be Chosrew pacha. A Start in Life
  • There are more trusters than doubters, but the gap is perilously close for such a high-risk war plan.
  • These have led to some perilous moments, especially when the public's unmannerly curiosity about the nitty-gritty collides with radio phone-ins.
  • Volunteering, visiting schools, traveling to government agencies to help remoralize employees, raising her adorable daughters; she's an incredible asset to Obama at a perilous time. Salon
  • Learning without thought is labour lost; thought without learning is perilous
  • The possession of power, even when greatly restrained, is such a fiery stimulant, that its lodgment in human hands is always perilous. Narrative of Sojourner Truth, a Northern Slave, Emancipated from Bodily Servitude by the State of New York, in 1828
  • European security has not looked as perilous since the early 1980s. Times, Sunday Times
  • Merlin alights from Siege Perilous -- one of the chair from the Round Table -- and is startled to discover he's been asleep for 1500 years. The WritingYA Weblog: Merlin Revisited: The Seventh Chair
  • How did you expect us to proceed on such a perilous expedition,(Sentence dictionary) through unknown terrain.
  • Amid plots and counterplots, tragedy and betrayal, victory and terror, the fate of the Starks, their allies, and their enemies hangs perilously in the balance, as each endeavors to win that deadliest of conflicts: the game of thrones. source: Variety HBO Greenlights Fantasy Television Pilot for George R.R. Martin’s A Game of Thrones | /Film
  • I was worried that the wind and water would take me in a south-westerly direction and I would therefore have to pass perilously close to 50 miles of coastline.
  • The result might well be to alter the balance of the Constitution in unforeseeable and perilous ways. The Runaway Presidency
  • After more than six hours of perilous switchbacks and countless near-misses with overburdened Indian Tata trucks we've arrived at the trekking gateway of Pokhara, a thriving and laidback city on the shores of Phewa Lake.
  • The cannonade which Bonaparte had heard since the morning, and the explosion of a Turkish gunboat, which was blown up by the artillery of the xebec, led him to fear that our situation was really perilous. Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
  • We had come perilously close to an unwanted record. The Sun
  • Unless dealing with a large quantity of cream, an electric mixer can be perilous.
  • In the olden days on St Kilda and at several bleak rocky points east, tenacious hunters would dangle off perilous cliffs to catch their harvest.
  • Suddenly on the third hole, you are forced you to hit a tee shot from one peninsular to another, and the water you were admiring becomes your most perilous obstacle.
  • I got on my high horse, predictably, and said the separation is artificial and even perilous (see the post directly below) Yahoo’s news includes blogs « BuzzMachine
  • The perilous trials observed by all involved in order to organize this event constitute another testament to the enduring appeal of the bard.
  • What waited them at the end of such perilous journey was a life of celibacy, near total isolation from home, and an inimical climate.
  • We battened down the engine room hatch, and the sea rose to it and over it and climbed perilously near to the cabin companionway and skylight. The Joy Of Small-Boat Sailing
  • The war risked setting off a perilous chain reaction that would endanger the whole world.
  • Instead, stocks are running out and will have to be rationed, leaving roads perilous. The Sun
  • Snow is with 50 of the surviving boats that made the original perilous voyage as they return to France. Times, Sunday Times
  • When carriages and horses took the perilous shortcut from Lancaster to Kendal a number came to grief, sucked under the sands, or overtaken by an incoming tide, racing at the speed of a galloping horse.
  • My initial reaction to this was a sense that here aesthetic beauty came perilously close to swamping the work, as if it were too rich for its own good.
  • Who is there to replace that perilously piquant _diseur_ Harry Fragson? Nights in London
  • Of the men who, as I have said, admired her, some felt a peculiar enchantment in what they called her ugliness; others declared her devilish handsome; and some shrank from her as if with an undefined dread of perilous entanglement, if she should but catch them looking her in the face. Mary Marston
  • And the Siege Perilous shows up, and the last time I saw that, Donald Pierce was crushing it so that none of the X-Men could ever come back. What I bought – 14 May 2008 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Davies arrived on stage at the poky Basement Bar like Gulliver, forcing a crouch so his huge arms could reach up to the perilously low ceiling.
  • Every now and then there was a gust and all the lamps guttered perilously.
  • a new power! we feel a vague sympathy with _that_ unknown region which spreads beyond this great net, -- _that limitless beyond_ hath a mystic affinity with a part of our own frame; we unconsciously extend our wings (for the soul to us is as the wings to the fly!); we attempt to rise, -- to soar above this perilous snare, from which we are unable to crawl. Devereux — Complete
  • Always engaged in rough exercises and perilous journeys, they have learned a kind of farriery and a simple system of surgery. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • He overcame the initial seam movement, two perilously close lbw appeals and a few edgy moments before settling down into a dogged mode.
  • With a patricianly beautiful wife whose scholarship matched his own and whose frigidity allowed him to indulge a perilous penchant for undergraduate girls, he couldn’t lose. TOO MANY MURDERS
  • By the end of 1914, the coal-based production of toluol was inadequate, and Britain was perilously close to running out of explosives. The Prize
  • Sons of this Age, to labour in this work, no, not at all: but I shall rather dehort all, and every of the curious Indagators of this Art, that they seriously abstain from this most perilous Arcanum, as from a certain Sanctum The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires
  • He travels out to Africa incognito to re-deliver the feathers personally: a perilous journey of redemption.
  • The driver gave a single safety instruction "Hold on tight, you're going to get wet", then hurtled down a canyon at high speed, leaning the boat perilously—unbelievably, and exhilaratingly—close to the cliff walls. High-Flying Adventure
  • The country will thus be perilously set adrift, possibly towards the war.
  • One passion they don't share is ghyll scrambling; essentially scrabbling down rocky and perilous mountain streams. Times, Sunday Times
  • How many cyclists will now retreat into vehicles, making the roads more perilous for others? Times, Sunday Times
  • All day he maintained his perilous station between the city and the Barbarians: Villehardouin decamped in silence at the dead of night; and his masterly retreat of three days would have deserved the praise of Xenophon and the ten thousand. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • I'm seized by a mighty whirlpool, a perilous eddy of words which sucks me under, deeper and deeper.
  • We also believe the UK – bilaterally and as part of the EU – has an important role to demonstrate to Israel that the threshold of acceptable behaviour has been perilously transgressed. UK: Muslim extremists target Jews
  • If life in politics is precarious, it seems to be particularly perilous for those who are close to him.
  • Sociopaths live completely outside of the social contract, and therefore to include them in relationships or other social arrangements is perilous. An Interview with Martha Stout
  • In urban areas, the loss is owing to gardens that are too neat, an excess of buildings and perilous roads. Times, Sunday Times
  • Â The Siege Perilous doesn't kill a person, but it does wipe their memories and recycle them back into the world. Which is your favorite X-Men Era? | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • During the first two seasons, creators treated even the most perilous situations with a tongue-in-cheek attitude.
  • For she saw in his eyes love, which no woman can mistake, and a thousand tons of regret and remorse, which aroused pity, which is perilously near to love requited.
  • But ten days ago both sides were quite content with the result, both realising that they had come perilously close to losing.
  • We walked across the bridge, admiring its construction, the passing cars and the East River perilously close.
  • We are on a perilous road that may lead to the opening of old sores. Times, Sunday Times
  • After elevenses in the Portaferry Hotel we made the short ferry crossing across the reputedly perilous waters of Strangford Lough at the Narrows, beside open sea.
  • Removing from office a volunteer of long standing can be a perilous action. Christianity Today
  • He was a rock star in a glittering, perilous age, an intellectually curious, athletic charmer who became a uxoricidal, paranoid turkey-leg chomper, pursuing a male heir through six wives.
  • European security has not looked as perilous since the early 1980s. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eddie fell backwards, stumbling over the edge of the trail, but caught on with one hand, perilously hanging over the precipice.
  • The balconies above were perilously crammed with locals. Times, Sunday Times
  • So there were in the country two knights that were brethren, and they were called two perilous knights, the one knight hight Sir Edward of the Red Castle, and the other Sir Hue of the Red Castle; and these two brethren had disherited the Lady of the Rock of a barony of lands by their extortion. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Infiltrating and exfiltrating people into and out of hostile areas are the most perilous applications of this tradecraft.
  • In Indonesia, people have been forced to loot stores as food and water supplies run perilously low.
  • If they did not, the situation may be even more perilous.
  • There is perilously little room for manoeuvre in the group but the stage is set.
  • Coach House Press/Books founder Stan Bevington reiterates this truth in these excerpts from Roy MacSkimming’s ‘Perilous Trade Conversations’ conducted back in 1998, now found in the latest edition of CNQ magazine: Bevington: …I was fascinated by the photo-offset available at the time. 2009 December | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • It was during this perilous time of greed and destruction that a prophecy was made.
  • This, though less hazardous than the rape of Persephone, was perilous enough to satisfy the most ambitious.
  • Then wot I, said the hermit, for he that shall sit there is unborn and ungotten, and this same year he shall be gotten that shall sit there in that Siege Perilous, and he shall win the Sangreal. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • For this purpofe, I JDrpught under review many perilous litu - ations from which I had efcaped in for - mer fbages of my travels. Travels round the world, in the years 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771
  • According to Wratten's article, the Chinook was ‘some 15 seconds from the fogbound lighthouse and perilously close to steeply rising ground that was also shrouded in cloud’.
  • Chesterton once observed that it was always perilous to talk politics with women because of the imminent danger that they would want to do something about it and not just go on jawing as men do.
  • It seemed to him as if he had gained some favour in the eyes of the chivalrous monarch, who till now had not seemed to distinguish him among the crowds of brave men whom his renown had assembled under his banner, and Sir Kenneth little recked that the display of royal regard consisted in placing him upon a post so perilous. The Talisman
  • How did you expect us to proceed on such a perilous expedition, through unknown terrain.
  • The journey was increasingly perilous, as the formations they were ascending became steeper, and the bridges they crossed narrower. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • Yet the suggestion that Hollywood can be a perilous place for young people is given short shrift. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ways of the image and the emblem are opposed; the final line is not a rhetorical statement of reconciliation but an anguished question; it is our perilous fate not to know if the glimpses of unity which we perceive at times can be made more permanent by natural ways or by the ascesis of renunciation, by images or emblem" (202). History against Historicism, Formal Matters, and the Event of the Text: De Man with Benjamin
  • Behind him all was dark, the faint outline of trees on the horizon swaying perilously below a threatening mass of cloud.
  • Dirty Dozen, caper-movie line-ups, where the mission is so perilous and so audacious that only the scuzziest lowlifes recruited from every waterfront dive have any chance of pulling it off. National Review Online
  • The corkscrew stairway, broken and footworn though it is, seems infinitely less perilous. Cheerful—By Request
  • Instead of rights being secure within the very fabric of society, they were perilously superficial.
  • A wolf spider treads perilously on the rim of a South American pitcher plant, perhaps looking to prey on insects drawn to the plant's strong nectar scent.
  • But on Tuesday that site seemed perilously close, and most joined the mass of dazed refugees streaming north away from the trade center.
  • Cross 13 miles of perilous prehistoric terrain , smashing the classic foes you've come to love and hate with Bonk 's indestructible cranium .
  • Boston, that they entered the inland sea now called Long Island Sound, and without one perilous adventure to give a zest to their irksome voyage. A Peep at the Pilgrims in Sixteen Hundred Thirty-Six
  • Learning without thought is labour lost; thought without learning is perilous
  • Though his teeth each time clipped together perilously close to the man's leg, each time he fell back to earth he had to gather himself together and run at his own top speed in order to overtake the terror-stricken man on the crazy-galloping horse. CHAPTER XXXVI
  • The club's position is increasingly perilous and new investment is needed quickly. The Sun
  • In 2001, an exact replica of Capt. James Cook's famous square-rigger was launched with a modern crew to retrace the most perilous leg of his historic voyage of discovery from Australia to Indonesia.
  • They were a great group, but the workflow proved perilously slow. Times, Sunday Times
  • In urban areas, the loss is owing to gardens that are too neat, an excess of buildings and perilous roads. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the more sensitive patients responded by having the acid levels in their blood go perilously low (and the alkali levels increase), called alkalosis. Milk-Alkali Syndrome
  • A perilous leap to the edge was followed by a difficult scramble over slimy rock faces.
  • Combine the lack of medical supervision with the mind-set of the garden-variety steroid user, and you have a potentially perilous situation.
  • My progress through the foggy night was perilous in the extreme. THE LAST OF THE GENTLEMEN ADVENTURERS: Coming of Age in the Arctic
  • Perilous, found his name miraculously inscribed on it in letters of gold, and was told he alone should occupy that place at the Round The Book of the Epic
  • It led him to give up his business and embark on a series of perilous journeys into the heart of equatorial Africa to find the true source of that mighty river.
  • Most English historians were cured of such flatulent emotion by the carnage of the first world war, the desolation of the great slump and the perilously tight margin of victory in the second world war.
  • How did you expect us to proceed on such a perilous expedition, through unknown terrain.
  • As Martin and Borut work together to create the "Big River Man," their doubled self seems simultaneously clever and perilous, a ricky-tick show and a deeply felt struggle. PopMatters
  • Then wot I, said the hermit, for he that shall sit there is unborn and ungotten, and this same year he shall be gotten that shall sit there in that Siege Perilous, and he shall win the Sangreal. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • As a Royal Navy diver he made perilous plunges to help clear sunken warships which were causing hazardous obstructions and in 1942 he suffered a burst right eardrum as a result.
  • The prospect of mass destruction made real the perilous state of western civilization.
  • But the time for dithering and half-hearted stop-go reflation is over, particularly given the perilous state of a global economy that still shows no sign of imminent recovery.
  • And once they made it to the frontier of engineering, the trek to a degree would be even more perilous.
  • The isthmus was famous for the canal (3,950 feet in length) which Xerxes had dug across it, in order to avoid the perilous turning of the limestone peak immemorially known as Mount Athos, in which the small peninsula ends, and which rises to a height of some 6,000 feet. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • In the olden days on St Kilda and at several bleak rocky points east, tenacious hunters would dangle off perilous cliffs to catch their harvest.
  • But right now, it's still stupid, having converted barely a percentage point of the mass of the solar system -- it's a mere Magellanic Cloud civilization, infantile and unsubtle and still perilously close to its carbon-chemistry roots. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • Given their perilous position and a lack of goals for three matches, they will need it. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had thought that the two of them might simply enter the termitary, mingle -- perilously, but with at least a margin of safety -- with the blind race it housed, and walk out again whenever they pleased. The Raid on the Termites
  • With such efforts, however, considerable as they were for a boy who passionately loved a "bicker" in the streets and who was famed among his comrades for bravery in climbing the perilous "kittle nine stanes" on Castle Rock, he was not content. Lady of the Lake
  • The most perilous position in the dressing room is not that of the captain but the man with the gloves. Times, Sunday Times
  • His financial state is also said to be increasingly perilous.
  • Yet while each took politically perilous lead roles on controversial issues, both managed to win new four-year terms.
  • Whenever questioned about the perilous financial predicament he always maintained a sense of diplomacy and realism about the situation.
  • Chinese steward deplore as unseamanlike and perilous. CHAPTER XXXIX
  • One of the marvelous things about this sim is that there will be a lot of tunnels, though exploring them will be extremely perilous. Everything begins and ends at exactly the right time and place.
  • Mick edges perilously close to the edge, the rod bends some more and a swallow-tailed, almost luminous fish, flashes in the sunrise.
  • Published in 1967, L' amante Anglaise chronicles the tortuous windings and turnings of a mind perilously close to the edge of reason.
  • Whyever a man would choose to put his life at risk and venture out into the perilous discommodity of a frozen wilderness as an occupation is beyond my understanding.
  • It is a perilous journey into the unknown, with little or no guidance, mental torment and physical pain at every turn, and an uncertain outcome.
  • With 508 stores in the U.S. and 114 in Canada, the company is perilously close to saturating the market.
  • But to dismiss them as exceptions to the rule, rather than products of a systemic, vulturous culture that must be attacked, is to choose a perilous path. David A. Love: Absolute Corruption Is the Rule in America
  • Of every ordre som shrewe is, parde; [547] that, in the education of children, parents should be careful not to treat them too soon as men; if one takes them to merry-makings before time, they become "to sone rype and bold, ... which is ful perilous. A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance
  • He was playing the part of a stranded climber, injured in a fall and dangling perilously off the rock face.
  • He does just that and embarks on the most perilous journey of his life.
  • After luring a great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) with chum diver Andre Hartman ends up perilously close to the premier predator off the coast of Gansbaai South Africa.
  • I am actually perilously close to missing the deadline for submission of this article.
  • Once again, the main building shook perilously.
  • When the meeting point was reached and the winches stopped for the last time, riggers and welders made the perilous trip up the arch and got four steel joists to fit in the abutting edge.
  • To dismiss and to ignore this further issue as an irrelevancy is absolutely perilous.
  • Using found musical reference, in a recognisable form is a tricky and perilous business.
  • Water comes up to the second floor, they are out of gasoline, and food supplies are running perilously low.
  • Meanwhile, the scarred veteran Inman is experiencing his own harrowing, perilous odyssey as the Civil War rages on.
  • A strong desire had Quentin to have belaboured him while the staff of his lance could hold together, but he put a restraint on his passion, recollecting that a brawl with such a character could be creditable at no time or place, and that a quarrel of any kind, on the present occasion, would be a breach of duty, and might involve the most perilous consequences. Quentin Durward
  • As we edge round a series of perilous hairpin bends and teetering boulders, my guide Jani, dressed in ripped denims, a worn leather jacket and battered Stetson, roars with laughter as I explain my search.
  • After demolishing theirs, it became apparent that ours was in a perilous condition and he very kindly offered to help remedy the situation.

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