How To Use perijove In A Sentence
- The craft is due to enter an elongated orbit about Jupiter, taking 11 days to loop within 4,300 km of Jupiter's equatorial cloud-tops at its low-point, or perijove, and a high-point, or apojove, some 2.7 million km further out, beyond the orbit of Callisto which is the farthest of Jupiter's four main moons. Spacewatch: Juno to Jupiter
- Even at perigee -- er, perijove -- it's much too high to be affected by atmospheric drag. 2010 Odyssey Two
- The craft is due to enter an elongated orbit about Jupiter, taking 11 days to loop within 4,300 km of Jupiter's equatorial cloud-tops at its low-point, or perijove, and a high-point, or apojove, some 2.7 million km further out, beyond the orbit of Callisto which is the farthest of Jupiter's four main moons. Spacewatch: Juno to Jupiter
- A successful burn at perijove was all that mattered; they would have plenty of time to study mysterious black spots on the way home. 2010 Odyssey Two