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How To Use Perfusion In A Sentence

  • Batten SJ (1984) Genesis of B lymphocytes in the bone marrow: extravascular and intravascular localization of surface IgM-bearing cells in mouse bone marrow detected by electron-microscope radioautography after in vivo perfusion of 125I anti-IgM antibody. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Batten SJ (1984) Genesis of B lymphocytes in the bone marrow: extravascular and intravascular localization of surface IgM-bearing cells in mouse bone marrow detected by electron-microscope radioautography after in vivo perfusion of 125I anti-IgM antibody. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • AIM:To observe the effect of resveratrol, reactivator of silent information regulator 2 (SIR2), on myocardial cell apoptosis induced by ischemia and reperfusion in rats and SIR2 expression.
  • Figure 3 shows the relation between acid clearance time after acid perfusion and overnight exposure to acid.
  • It is difficult for a human provider to replicate the kind of perfusion CVFD has been seeing with the AutoPulse, especially for prolonged periods of time," Davidson commented. Nachrichten Ticker -
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  • Furthermore, restricting intraluminal sodium concentration in jejunal perfusion does not seem to limit glucose absorption.
  • In addition, the pharmacological inhibition of the complement system appears effective in reducing liver ischemia–reperfusion injury, suggesting its possible role in clinical applications.
  • Directly measured tissue oxygen tension and arterial oxygen tension assess tissue perfusion.
  • Rao H, Wang JJ, Giannetta J, Korczkowski M, Shera D, Avants BB, et al. Altered resting cerebral blood flow in adolescents with in-utero cocaine exposure revealed by perfusion functional magnetic resonance imaging. Recent Neonatal Research Publications
  • We will also pursue further studies delineating immediate early gene/cytokine/chemokine expression in human partial liver grafts utilizing cDNA microarrays on liver biopsies obtained after reperfusion, in both cadaveric and living donor partial grafts. Basic Biliary Atresia Research
  • Corada M, Chimenti S, Cera MR, et al., Junctional adhesion molecule-A-deficient polymorphonuclear cells show reduced diapedesis in peritonitis and heart ischemia-reperfusion injury. Stuck on you, biological Velcro and the evolution of adaptive immunity - The Panda's Thumb
  • RESULTS: Many electron dense toxic granulation and vacuolus in mitochondria were observed in the rat brain of focal cerebral ischemia and reperfusion.
  • We used a perfusion system where segments of the sigmoid colon and rectum were isolated.
  • Objective To study the effect of oxygen stress induced by D-galactose unite with hyperlipoidemia on hemorheology and carotid blood perfusion in rats.
  • A hallux digital pressure is considered normal at 50 mm Hg; values of 30 mm Hg or lower are indicative of a significant decease in peripheral perfusion.
  • Figure 3 shows the relation between acid clearance time after acid perfusion and overnight exposure to acid.
  • Directly measured tissue oxygen tension and arterial oxygen tension assess tissue perfusion.
  • A chest radiograph was normal, but a ventilation-perfusion lung scan showed a matched defect in the right lower lobe.
  • These two pilot studies tested new strategies in reperfusion for MI.
  • Hyperthermic therapy and limb perfusion may be used on extremities.
  • Microvascular vasoconstriction is the underlying process and is precipitated by splanchnic hypoperfusion due to depressed cardiac output or renal or hepatic disease.
  • Conclusions As the terminal artery of the brain, lenticulostriate artery can directly reflect cerebral blood flow perfusion and it is valuable in judging the degree of neonatal hydrocephalus.
  • This is not easy, as too little fluid will cause hypoperfusion whereas too much will lead to oedema that will cause tissue hypoxia.
  • - Disposable perfusion devices (custom perfusion pack and stand-alone: arterial filters, cardioplegia systems, centrifugal blood pumps, hemoconcentrators, oxygenators, reservoirs, mini-bypass circuits, and cannulae) - Capital equipment (cardiopulmonary bypass machines and centrifugal pump controllers) The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • The term “reversed perfusion” is used to describe this scenario because blood enters the acardiac/acephalic twin through reversed flow through its umbilical artery and exits through the umbilical vein, which is opposite to the normal blood supply of the fetus. Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
  • This is more likely following infarction when cardiac output may be reduced and therefore tissue perfusion impaired.
  • Reperfusion markers at primary PCI seen to predict short-term arrhythmic risk
  • After immediate perfusion with cold cardioplegia, full-thickness samples from left ventricular free wall were cleaned rapidly of all epicardial fat and snap frozen into liquid nitrogen for later protein and mRNA analysis. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • Patients with hypotension should be treated more aggressively, with fluids, inotropic agents or vasopressors as indicated to maintain perfusion and prevent extension of the infarct.
  • Objective To explore the neuroprotective role of propylene glycol alginate sodium sulfate(PSS) following cerebral ischemic reperfusion in rats.
  • RESULTS: Many electron dense toxic granulation and vacuolus in mitochondria were observed in the rat brain of focal cerebral ischemia and reperfusion.
  • Hemolymph flow rates to the mouthparts increased during feeding; perfusion of the foregut and hepatopancreas increased during digestion.
  • Myocardial perfusion has been shown to correlate highly with improved survival.
  • The specimen was cooled externally by perfusion through the superior mesenteric artery with cold University of Wisconsin preservation solution.
  • The rationale of this approach is that overall clinical utility of one pattern versus another depends on overall perfusion effects, which intrinsically depend on both pressurization and relief cycles.
  • Objective: To evaluate the hemodynamic changes during extracorporeal venovenous perfusion-induced systemic hyperthermia (VV-PISH) in patients with advanced malignant tumor.
  • Rao H, Wang JJ, Giannetta J, Korczkowski M, Shera D, Avants BB, et al. Altered resting cerebral blood flow in adolescents with in-utero cocaine exposure revealed by perfusion functional magnetic resonance imaging. Recent Neonatal Research Publications
  • PAOP 14-18mm Hg. This was achieved by a combination of bolus fluid administration, use of frusemide or dobutamine, depending on the perfusion, urine output, measured filling pressures and cardiac output (if Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The use of trasilol is preferable in patients with a large scope of surgical intervention under prolonged hypothermal perfusion.
  • Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy provides complementary data for assessing ischemic burden.
  • In a perfusion chamber the creams were applied to excised human skin.
  • Objective To establish the animal model of isolated lung perfusion.
  • Objective To study the ability of rat liver suffering from warm ischemia in regenerating ATP to assess viability of donor liver by oxygenated hypothermic reperfusion.
  • An altered level of consciousness indicates the need of the patient's oxygenation, ventilation, and perfusion status.
  • Hepatorenal syndrome, defined as oliguric renal failure in a patient with advanced liver disease, is caused by reduced renal perfusion.
  • “Reversed arterial perfusion” is used to describe this condition because blood enters the abnormal twin through the umbilical artery (which usually carries blood away from the fetus back to the placenta) and exits through the umbilical vein, which normally carries blood from the placenta to the fetus. Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
  • Montalto MC, Stahl GL (2001) Inhibition of mannose-binding lectin reduces postischemic myocardial reperfusion injury. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Monoclonal antibody produced by continuous perfusion culture was recovered and purified by expended bed adsorption chromatography.
  • OBJECTIVE To investigate the protective effects of M3 receptor agonist pilocarpine on myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in isolated rat hearts.
  • Tests such as chest x-rays, computed tomography (CAT) scans and ventilation-perfusion scans can help your doctor understand the anatomy and function of your child's lung problems. Special Testing
  • - Strong in vivo skills including orthotopic tumor establishment, IV and subcutaneous injections, blood draws, perfusion and necropsy techniques. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • To investigate this issue, Laffey and coworkers used a splanchnic ischemia-reperfusion injury to produce lung injury in rats.
  • Objective: To explore the protective effect of Naox- ing Instant Granules (NIG) on reperfusion of cerebral ischemia (RCI) in rats.
  • Now there is new evidence that a technique called hypothermic machine perfusion (HMP) may offer an improvement, according to the first-ever study comparing the impact of the two techniques on transplant outcomes. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • The reduced average skin blood perfusion is attributable to blunting of hyperemia when relief pressure is too high.
  • Furthermore, restricting intraluminal sodium concentration in jejunal perfusion does not seem to limit glucose absorption.
  • Coagulation System with VisiTrax® is based on the unique integration of suction, perfusion, and RF energy to ensure the creation of visible, non-conductive, continuous, bi-atrial lesions on the epicardium of a beating heart. The Convergent Procedure for the Treatment of Chronic Atrial Fibrillation Highlighted at EACTS... -- MORRISVILLE, N.C., Sept. 13 /PRNewswire/ --
  • Hemodialysis(HD)or hemoperfusion(HP)was performed on 12 and 17 patients, respectively, with a variety of severe drug overdosage and poisoning.
  • The maintenance of higher aortic perfusion pressure intraoperatively must be emphasized to decrease the likelihood of air embolism.
  • The reduced average skin blood perfusion is attributable to blunting of hyperemia when relief pressure is too high.
  • This, coupled with splanchnic hypoperfusion, necessitates early and aggressive enteral feeding to decrease catabolism and maintain gut integrity.
  • Heart rate, cardiac output, and minute ventilation increase under hyperthermic conditions, while visceral perfusion decreases.
  • OBJECTIVE To investigate the protective effects of M3 receptor agonist pilocarpine on myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in isolated rat hearts.
  • Hypoperfusion and perfusion abnormalities may include, but are not limited to, lactic acidosis, oliguria, or an acute alteration in mental status.
  • This is not easy, as too little fluid will cause hypoperfusion whereas too much will lead to oedema that will cause tissue hypoxia.
  • Objective: study the protective effect of fraction F of Naja naja atra venom on cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury in gerbils.
  • The clinical manifestations of hypertensive encephalopathy are due to increased cerebral perfusion from the loss of blood-brain barrier integrity, resulting in exudation of fluid into the brain.
  • However, successful fibrinolysis probably depends on drug delivery to the clot, and as blood pressure falls, so reperfusion becomes less likely.
  • Compared with more sedentary people, athletes display greater skin perfusion for the same increase in core temperature.
  • The total recovery of perfusion fluid was almost equal to that infused.
  • The solution was allowed to sediment for 24 h and the particles left in suspension were drawn off with a syringe and used for perfusions.
  • Nitroglycerin reduces BP by reducing preload and cardiac output, undesirable effects in patients with compromised cerebral and renal perfusion.
  • Objective:To investigate the influence of Ditan decoction on apoptosis of cerebral ischemic-reperfusion injury in rats.
  • To compensate for differences in flow rates during perfusion, the appearance rates of myeloperoxidase and cytokines were calculated.
  • In the tradition of many,worthwhile and very well done clinical trials from Canada investigating various aspects of thromboembolic disease, we now have a head to head comparison between the venerable ventilation/perfusion (v/q) lung scan and the upstart CT pulmonary angio (CTPA). Randomized Trial comparing lung scan and CT angio
  • Objective Explore the biochemical mechanism of actions of Jiangguiyin capsules against myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury.
  • Brains from wild type (normal phenotype), and SP hyh and RP hyh mice from the same litter (70 day old) were fixed with Bouin solution by vascular perfusion and coronally sectioned at the level of the optic chiasm. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Directly measured tissue oxygen tension and arterial oxygen tension assess tissue perfusion.
  • Hemolymph flow rates to the mouthparts increased during feeding; perfusion of the foregut and hepatopancreas increased during digestion.
  • After a further 15 min of perfusion with isosmolar perfusate, we added back leukocytes to the perfusate before instilling either acid or saline in the airway.
  • Two of the carriers were a cardiothoracic surgeon and a perfusionist.
  • After chloride-free superfusion and after isoproterenol, NPD response for the three groups overlapped significantly.
  • Objective:To study clinical value of radiocystitis therapy with thrombin intra-bladder perfusion.
  • Twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) occurs only in the setting of a monochorionic pregnancy and complicates approximately 1 percent of monochorionic twin gestations, with an incidence of 1 in 35,000 births. Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
  • Augmentation of cerebral blood flow Isovolaemic haemodilution  Increasing cerebral perfusion pressure  (eg, hypervolaemic haemodilution) Both: not been established as useful  Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The term “reversed perfusion” is used to describe this scenario because blood enters the acardiac/acephalic twin through reversed flow through its umbilical artery and exits through the umbilical vein, which is opposite to the normal blood supply of the fetus. Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
  • Postural hypotension has been associated with cerebral hypoperfusion and decreased oxygenation of the frontal lobes and with the presence of white matter lesions corresponding to demyelination and arteriosclerosis.
  • A progressive reduction in tissue perfusion may accompany recurrence of Crohn's disease while at a subclinical stage.
  • Directly measured tissue oxygen tension and arterial oxygen tension assess tissue perfusion.
  • OBJECTIVE:To observe the protection of the effective fraction of Hibiscus Mutabilis L. (MFR) on renal ischemic reperfusion injury in rats to probe into the mechanism of MFR on anti inflammation.
  • AIM:To explore the protective effect of pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate(PDTC) on a cute liver injury(ALI) caused by hepatic ischemia reperfusion(HIR) in rats and i ts mechanism of action.
  • Furthermore, restricting intraluminal sodium concentration in jejunal perfusion does not seem to limit glucose absorption.
  • Methods Subchronic toxicity test was applied. The rats were exposed to arsenic by oral perfusion at gradient doses for 6 weeks respectively.
  • This is more likely following infarction when cardiac output may be reduced and therefore tissue perfusion impaired.
  • Because hypercapnia directly increases splanchnic perfusion through vasodilation, the potential exists for differential effects on multiorgan injury.
  • This keeps patients close to waking, even when extractions or other invasive procedures are needed, thus maximizing cardiac output and tissue perfusion and maintaining blood pressure. Dr. Karen Becker: Trendy Pet Dental Procedure May Do More Harm Than Good
  • The patient's blood is drawn, centrifuged by a specialist called a perfusionist, and injected, all in one visit. Injured? Horsing Around With Stem Cells May Get You Back in the Saddle
  • A liver biopsy specimen taken from our patient shortly after reperfusion of the graft showed neutrophil infiltration.
  • Test solutions were removed from the perfusion chamber by suction via a vacuum pump.
  • A chest radiograph was normal, but a ventilation-perfusion lung scan showed a matched defect in the right lower lobe.
  • Results: Bone scan and abdominal aortography showed ischemia and reperfusion of femoral head was obvious.
  • At therapeutic plasma concentrations, sumatriptan does not reduce myocardial perfusion in healthy migraineurs.
  • Figure 3 shows the relation between acid clearance time after acid perfusion and overnight exposure to acid.
  • AIM To observe protective effect of hyperoxia balanced saline solution on reperfusion injury caused by bleeding shock.
  • Leusen initiated the modern investigation of central chemoreception in 1950, using perfusion of the cerebral ventricles with artificial cerebrospinal fluid in anesthetized dogs.
  • Furthermore, restricting intraluminal sodium concentration in jejunal perfusion does not seem to limit glucose absorption.
  • It was here that I developed, together with my group, the cascade superfusion bioassay technique for measurement of, dynamically and instantaneously, the release and fate of vasoactive hormones in the circulation or in the perfusion fluid of isolated organs. John R. Vane - Autobiography
  • It is usually initiated when systolic blood pressure falls below 90 and there is evidence of hypoperfusion (eg, mental status changes, oliguria, poor tissue perfusion).
  • The finding of one or more segmental or larger perfusion defects is a sensitive marker of embolic obstruction.
  • Batch, fed batch, and perfusion operations of all cell types may be performed in a presterilized disposable Wavebag. GEN News Highlights
  • However, perfusion is a specialized field working under direct supervision of the surgeon and within well-defined parameters. The State of Oaxaca...
  • The term “reversed perfusion” is used to describe this scenario because blood enters the acardiac/acephalic twin through reversed flow through its umbilical artery and exits through the umbilical vein, which is opposite to the normal blood supply of the fetus. Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
  • Arachidonic acid metabolites such as leukotrienes and thromboxanes have been shown to increase in the lung during ischemia-reperfusion injury in a dog model of warm ischemia.
  • Adequate tissue perfusion seems to be more important than the oxygen - carrying capacity of the blood.
  • The main aim of burns resuscitation is to increase tissue perfusion here and prevent any damage becoming irreversible.
  • Decreased cerebral perfusion may cause impaired consciousness and syncope.
  • Fig. 2 Anoxia reperfusion group without the cerium ions:Myocardial cell appears edema, mitochondria swell, cristae vague.
  • AIM:To explore the protective effect of pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate(PDTC) on a cute liver injury(ALI) caused by hepatic ischemia reperfusion(HIR) in rats and i ts mechanism of action.
  • In the future, advanced diagnostic modalities, such as myocardial perfusion imaging, may have a role in reducing unnecessary hospitalizations.
  • Renal nerve section (RNS) completely abolished the cardioprotection afforded by RIP, though RNS per se did not affect the myocardial infarct size produced by ischemia reperfusion.
  • Recent studies using Doppler sonography and near infrared spectroscopy have shown increased perfusion of the middle cerebral artery in patients with chronic cerebrovascular disease given a single infusion of vinpocetine.
  • In cardiology, perfusion to cardiac tissue can be studied using radioisotopes such as N13 ammonia.
  • In use 14 days, 28 days, using laser Doppler blood flow measurement instrument detection of ischemic hind limb perfusion.
  • Objective:The morphological bases of retrograde coronary sinus perfusion (RCSP) and retrograde right atrium perfusion (RRAP) were studied with pig heart model.
  • Exercise testing performed with myocardial perfusion imaging improves the sensitivity and specificity for the detection of restenosis.
  • In the last six years, we have evaluated more than 35 pregnancies with Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence (TRAP) of which 20 underwent selective bipolar umbilical cord cauterization procedures. Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
  • Control experiments confirmed that no volume change occurred following perfusion of cells with isosmotic media.
  • Methods Subchronic toxicity test was applied. The rats were exposed to arsenic by oral perfusion at gradient doses for 6 weeks respectively.
  • Yamamoto K, Miyagawa JI, Tochino Y, Yamamori K, et al. (1997) Demonstration of two different processes of beta-cell regeneration in a new diabetic mouse model induced by selective perfusion of alloxan. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • They found that lungs flushed with a high perfusate volume given at a high flow rate resulted in significantly better cooling of the lungs and better lung function after reperfusion.
  • Altered skin perfusion, reduced urine output alterations in coagulation parameters, increases D-dimers, low protein C, low antithrombin, increased prothrombin time/activated partial thromboplastin time unexplained alterations in mental status Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • AIM:To observe the effect of resveratrol, reactivator of silent information regulator 2 (SIR2), on myocardial cell apoptosis induced by ischemia and reperfusion in rats and SIR2 expression.

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