How To Use Perfectionist In A Sentence

  • Some people are perfectionists, constantly striving for excellence.
  • In recognition of this iconoclast, pioneer, perfectionist and undisputed king of the tailored suit, we present five things you didn't know about Armani -- the man and the empire.
  • Or again, he was an amazingly neat gardener, one might almost say a perfectionist.
  • DJ worked until late Thursday night (well, late for a 9 year old), making a cover for his report, rewording the report three or four times, making the cover over again… it's tough being a perfectionist.
  • She's such a perfectionist that she notices even the tiniest mistakes.
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  • He was a perfectionist: no other hand but his could be put to the tasks of nailing and planing and staining. GALILEE
  • With the help of his friends, he turns to a corporate workaholic perfectionist lawyer.
  • Back when I was perfectionist youngster I would have taken each missed shot as a personal affront.
  • My surgeon had a national reputation and was known as a perfectionist. Roger Ebert: 'I'm happy I don't look worse'
  • Hence, Marxist perfectionists argue, resources in a communist society should be distributed so as to encourage people to achieve self-realization through cooperative production.
  • If Jessica was right, she definitely had Michael pegged as a perfectionist, no doubt that carried over into his career as a choreographer as well.
  • The film's success enabled him to establish his own studio, which attracted many animators keen to embrace Williams' perfectionist approach.
  • Jackson is a noted perfectionist who wants to get every hemidemisemiquaver right, and if the material is strong enough that true emotion gets through the handiwork, all the better.
  • In contrast, adaptive perfectionists strive only to reach their own goals, not the goals set for them by other people.
  • As a gifted mimic and notorious perfectionist, she would later become the most respected female actor of her generation.
  • Cardenas, who bends over to pick up a piece of popcorn off the suite's carpeted floor, is also known as a stickler for cleanliness and a borderline perfectionist. -
  • So often one comes across a passage as perfectly cut and honed as that one, uttered with a certain diffidence and yet — as is frequent with perfectionists — the product of much silent labor, reflection, and, I might add, stoicism. The Immortal
  • Never once do we believe that these are professional, perfectionist killers.
  • None of that was enough for the perfectionist genius.
  • Mumbai, February 17: It seems Imran Khan wants to take over the word perfectionist from his uncle Aamir Khan, sounds wacky! - Articles related to Delhi CM to meet Sibal, discuss private school fee issue
  • The slightly longer answer is to be more decisive, more impetuous and, in some areas, less of a perfectionist.
  • As the only child of a perfectionist mother, I have been presented with some unusual challenges.
  • Your inner perfectionist will tell you that anything less than full, unbridled perfectionism is lazy, unacceptable and just plain wrong. 5 Battle Strategies for Winning the War on Perfectionism | Write to Done
  • Such were Victor Frankenstein's perfectionist obsessions in relation to human anatomy, when he began his investigations into the nature of life.
  • He made relatively few films and gained the reputation of being a fastidious and sometimes ruthless perfectionist.
  • Everything from studio sets to company notepaper and the station's transport fleet will carry the new logo, but perfectionist Ferguson still can't relax.
  • It's far too perfectionistic too: of course, no one can become completely balanced in the center and dish out criticism in precisely balanced portions.
  • She realised that her perfectionist approach to her work had caused a lot of tension in her muscles.
  • Perfectionist pacifists believed that those who, like themselves, adhered to God's laws would achieve Christian perfection and therefore gain immediate entrance to God's millennial kingdom.
  • Nothing much changes here thankfully - the perfectionist standards remain.
  • He was a perfectionist and he could be strict in social intercourse.
  • He was a perfectionist who might spend more than an hour discussing with his staff who might review a book on numismatics. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the discouraged perfectionist reaches a certain point, she can become ultracritical not only of herself but of others.
  • Often when a perfectionist fails to meet a goal - say, running six miles - she'll try to overcompensate by aiming even farther, so the next day she'll try for eight miles.
  • Being the perfectionist that he is, everything is machined to the tightest tolerances and his finishing work is impeccable.
  • Her perfectionist approach makes reading reviews difficult.
  • The perfectionist chef, Luca, made the soup colourful.
  • To reach that level of playing you have to be an absolute perfectionist.
  • As we tour the house, there is no sign of the obsessive perfectionist whose thunderous features can silence a gallery with a single stony glare.
  • Perfectionists, being drawn to reductiveness, dichotomization and rigidity, love labels. Hillary Rettig: How Labeling and Hyperbole Sabotage Your Writing Productivity
  • He's a perfectionist who pushes himself, often in a cold, dispassionate way.
  • Perfectionists live in a narrowly defined world in which they feel empowered.
  • She's a perfectionist and is analytical about her performances but seems afraid of being perceived as a cold fish.
  • The website for venerable fixer-upper mag This Old House has compiled 10 somewhat clever uses for packing foam peanuts, some of which home and garden perfectionists might find useful (elevating plants inside a vase, anyone?). Use Foam Packing Peanuts To Hold A Nail, Secure A Screw | Lifehacker Australia
  • At the same time, his father was perfectionistic, cold, and unloving. Dr. Jim Taylor: How To Raise Spoiled Brats
  • The editors must have also had a wail of a time charting the decline of the relationship between Wayne and fellow-contestant Jayne, a foody perfectionist who served up a dessert called deconstructed banoffee pie with gold. HX News and Sport
  • As a perfectionist student, I hated being made an example of every time I couldn't complete warm-up exercises in PE class.
  • During the Boston performance, Europe, who was known as a perfectionist and a demanding leader, had told one of his drummers to “put more pep in the sticks.” Savage Peace
  • They are nit-pickers with low emotional intelligence and zero creativity — maladaptive perfectionists, hypercritical passive-aggressives, all-or-nothing thinkers. Times, Sunday Times
  • People who overbook their lives often have trouble saying no, limiting time with people who stress them out, and letting go of perfectionistic standards for both themselves and others. The Life You Want
  • He was a shy, nervous perfectionist.
  • Has this famed perfectionist workaholic chef found a new obsession?
  • Professionally, she is a perfectionist who demands high standards from her work.
  • The knowledge that he was as much of a perfectionist as herself did not stop her looking for mistakes. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • This all-popular group comprises three gifted artistes, Rene, Julot and Lolo, who are not only consummate performers but also perfectionists as acrobats.
  • All agreed he is a true genius and a real perfectionist with timing and sound.
  • What they disagree on is where perfectionist ideals should be invoked.
  • Constant rejection of what is and a desire for what is not is the essence of perfectionistic suffering. Pavel Somov, Ph.D.: Reality At Its Practical (Not Theoretical) Best
  • As a gifted mimic and notorious perfectionist, she would later become the most respected female actor of her generation.
  • Which, judging by the copious accounts of her doings, she was, but Gladys was also a vain perfectionist, obsessed with the “kink” in her nose that kept her from possessing a perfect Grecian profile – an obsession that led to the ruination of her beauty before she was yet forty. An Aristocratic Ménage: Consuelo, Sunny and Gladys | Edwardian Promenade
  • Enough of this predictable, perfectionistic, pooh-hah. French Word-A-Day:
  • With the help of his friends, he turns to Rita Harrison, a corporate workaholic perfectionist lawyer.
  • This has had a permanent and detrimental effect upon British and American Evangelicalism, and has undergirded a whole range of unbiblical holiness and perfectionist teachings ever since Wesley's day.
  • Every object he touched had to live up to his perfectionist standard.
  • In interviews, she manages to coax quotes out of them like "There's no doubt about it, but you can never be sure" and "Baseballically, that was perfectionistic. Taking Fiction Out to the Ballgame
  • He was a perfectionist and when anything came in, however small, he could not rest until it was taken care of. THE SERPENT'S MARK
  • Don't allow perfectionist standards to interfere with progress on your dissertation.
  • Procrastination often comes from unrealistic perfectionist tendencies, self-doubt, or fear of change.
  • Self-acceptance, an acceptance of one's imperfections and weaknesses, is very difficult for perfectionists.
  • Like other perfectionists, she had painted herself into a corner, an impossible situation to get out of.
  • Eventually, the penny drops: film-making is grinding, unspontaneous, perfectionist, weirdly soul-baring work. Times, Sunday Times
  • They believe the world is filled with incompetents, with only a few folks who approach their own perfectionist standards.
  • Boyle's novels are wittily and slyly satiric about the earnest, innocent reforming utopians who questioned social attitudes and proselytised progressive, perfectionist ideals.
  • The Grand Captain was a known perfectionist, and would have driven many of his men to frustration with his fussy attention to details if not for his charisma.
  • As Cal's mind wasn't taxed enough with a diminishing acedemic regimen this year, a girlfriend (Jodi) with more emotional baggage than your favorite angst-ridden perfectionist, buddies with greater aspirations towards sleep, drink, and getting laid than anything else, and growing hostilities with his professors. Archive 2009-10-01
  • The perfectionist endlessly rewrites draft after draft , worriedly seeking that perfect essay , missing the deadline.
  • The problem starts with my perfectionist streak.
  • Not alone was he a perfectionist but he brought a great sense of devotion and fondness to his work.
  • In this respect, blogging has revealed a perfectionist streak in me which I didn't know I had.
  • And when he was telling me we were all too perfectionistic and still too grade-conscious, I said, ‘But Sir, our grades do come out on the transcript… and low marks look terrible, you know.’
  • Anorexics tend to be obsessional and perfectionist.
  • And that makes all the difference to me, not to mention that in this case the perfumer is a perfectionist who has an utter sense of visual and conceptual aesthetics besides her olfactory sensibilities. Balmy Days and Sundays
  • She's such a perfectionist that she notices even the tiniest mistakes.
  • It took me all of two minutes to get working, plus an hour of perfectionist fiddling to get this pretty map.
  • If I were a perfectionist I'd say they are still a tad lean, so we added a bit more fat for the second batch, which used oatmeal for rusk instead of breadcrumbs, and included a load of sage and thyme from the garden.
  • Well-organized, orderly, and fastidious, they try to maintain high standards, but can slip into being critical and perfectionistic.
  • There are, in short, perfectionist reformers as well as religionists, who wait to see the salvation which it is the task of humanity itself to work out, and who look down from a region of ineffable self-complacence on their dusty and toiling brethren who are resolutely doing whatsoever their hands find to do for the removal of the evils around them. The Complete Works of Whittier
  • Sunstein insists there are four categories: majoritarians, perfectionists, minimalists and fundamentalists.
  • My mother was a really exceptional craftswoman, an imaginative perfectionist, particularly in cooking and sewing.
  • In other words, one alternative to anti-perfectionism is restrictions on the choice of means through which perfectionist ideals are pursued.
  • Self-described perfectionists may be adept at getting things done at work, but when it comes to marriage the story is not so picture-perfect.
  • Offers of new material aren't met due to the Yen's perfectionist outlook.
  • A perfectionist graphic designer kept turning his work in late, not appreciating that his timeliness was every bit as important as the quality of his work product.
  • For a band that's lacking in perfectionistic recording tactics, the songs are clean and mean.
  • Workaholics can seem to be inadequate, non-delegating, perfectionistic, friendless control freaks. Times, Sunday Times
  • They create certain perfectionistic expectations: If we aren't perfectly happy with the one we love, for example, might we have chosen wrong? Christine Carter, PhD: Should You Stay or Should You Go?
  • Within specific setting conditions such as sociocultural pressures to be thin and a driven and perfectionist personality, the limbic system imbalance may be triggered by such factors as puberty, dieting, weight loss, and various stressors. Mind Hacks: Influence, anorexia and the body beautiful
  • But, being a total and utter obsessive perfectionist about most things, it has been a good challenge for me to leave it very imperfect.
  • Virginia was a perfectionist. She was just not prepared to settle for anything mediocre.
  • He was paranoid, obsessive, perfectionist, thin-skinned and self-righteous, and his diary is the long story of a man going mad and taking forty years over it.
  • Type-A were considered introverted perfectionists while type-AB were an unpredictable, distant lot.
  • O'Neill (2000) situates the Kantian account of reason against three alternatives, which she labels the instrumental, the communitarian, and the perfectionist. Kant's Account of Reason
  • Before perfectionistic pressure gets a stranglehold on you, alter your outlook.
  • Some people feel huge illegitimacy around their degrees or other credentials or, perhaps more accurately, they feel illegitimate to start with and use credentials as a confirmation of that feeling -- feelings of illegitimacy and fraudulence are rampant among perfectionists -- but a degree by itself is meaningless. Hillary Rettig: Perfectionists Love MacGuffins

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